Coach David recently appeared on CFSBKer Chris Y.’s podcast Giant Korean Head. Watch the trailer above, and listen to the full episode on the GKH website!
CFSBK is excited to partner with our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard to provide digital workout tracking for our affiliate! Members are able to access each day’s workout on the app or desktop site, both of which provide tons of data, gym leaderboards, and a variety of other cool tracking parameters. BTWB is an official CrossFit® app, and it’s run by CFSBKers!
Complete the following steps to register and start tracking your workouts:
- Create a profile by registering at
- Use the gym code CFSBK101 to receive a free membership and link you into the CFSBK group class programming feed.
- Download the app for Apple or Android and sign in!
You read that right: this premium service is completely FREE for CFSBK members. OMG, that’s you!
We’ll be adding a BTWB widget to the blog soon, but get on there now and start tracking your workouts!
News and Notes
The Herondale Farm meat CSA delivery has been delayed a week because of the weather forecast. Pickup will be next Wednesday, the 14th, from 6-8:30. If you are unable to make the pickup on the 14th, try to find a friend or buddy who can pick it up for you. Feel free to post on the blog for help finding this person (hint: offer them a steak). If you absolutely cannot find someone to help, email Michele at mig [at]
- Today’s Jiu Jitsu Open Mat hours are cancelled.
- Intramural team captains: don’t forget to submit your athlete’s 18.2 scores to the spreadsheet today!
- Inka H. will be at CFSBK on Thursday 3/8 and Friday 3/9 offering bodywork sessions from 10am – 2 pm. 1 hour is $100 and 1.5 hours is $140. If you’re curious about how bodywork can help increase range of motion and help you get ready to be in specific positions drop her a line! My sessions include FRC, Myofascial Release and Deep Tissue Sports Massage. You can reach Inka at inka.hodes [at]
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press | Thrusters, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
“She Is Not the Product of Her Circumstances” CrossFit Journal
Controlling Emotion for Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Wednesday’s Programming
Every 3 minutes for 6 sets:
10 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
25 Double-Unders
Every 3 minutes for 6 sets:
10 Wall Balls 14/10, 10/8
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 20/12kg
40 Single-Unders
Post work to comments.
Warm up and work up to a heavy set of 10 touch-and-go deadlifts with perfect form.
Post loads to comments.
5 low ring transitions
15-20 sec ring support
10-15 double unders
10 cal row/bike/run/ski
B. Kipping Ring Muscle up practice
-kip swing
-hips to rings (high/box)
-dynamic transitions
-jumping rmu
B. 15 min w/partner @aerobic pace
2-4 ring muscle ups
15/12 cal row/bike
30 double unders
Aw man, now I have to spend all day deciding if I’m going to do Monday’s workout or AG after AG Strength today…
Practice kipping ring muscle ups or heavy thrusters!?
Life is hard.
Team CFSBK 36th in the North East? That’s pretty nifty guys. Made my morning!
Laughing at myself a little bit because yesterday morning I looked at the blog, thought it was push press instead of bench press, saw that basically the WOD was heavy Fran, and was like “screw it I want more sleep!”
Then I saw it was bench and kicked myself HARD because I was supposed to leave early this morning for a work trip and NOTHING BUT NOTHING keeps me away from benching!
At 10:30 last night I finally got permission from the higher-ups to cancel my trip, because given that I was supposed to return on Wednesday night, the chances of my being stranded were too high to justify a 24-hour trip. WHEE!
So, 7 AM. 105-115-125 on bench. 😀 MY FAVORITE!
And then I didn’t even do the worst part of the WOD (the thrusters)! I swear this isn’t because I was trying to get out of them, but I felt the pinch in my right shoulder again and decided to go for FSQ instead. I did 12-9-6 each of FSQ and chin-over-bar pullups, 3:51. Probably should have gone with a 15-9-6 scheme for the squats at least since when you take the overhead bit out, I can front squat that weight for days. (I guess I also could have upped the weight, but given my relationship with cleans, that could have gone disastrously.)
Afterward, traded some internal rotation stretch partner work with power couple Jess and Koji (Joji?). Wonder whether I’m going to need to ask someone to pop my right shoulder back every time we do overhead work in the gym :/
you inspired me today! fun bench pressing with you and I wouldn’t have made my last few lifts w/o your encouragement!!
At first I thought you asked to cancel the trip so you could go benchpress, which really delighted me.
I mean, I DO love benching more than I love my job…
Still trying to locate my quads after doing 18.2 on Sunday evening.
Huge 7am crew with Lauren doing Monday!
Kept it conservative at 85#. Moved fine, last set was actually the best.
4:16 I think. Lord, thrusters. Did these at 85#, I probably could have / should have done 95# but I was honestly worried my quads would just give up entirely. Subbed jumping CTB, really tried to focus on those last few inches of pull and not use my legs too much.
you read it right, the meat CSA delivery is POSTPONED a full week. if you share your membership with someone else, make sure you both know that the pickup has been pushed to the 14th. if that date is impossible for you and you can’t find someone to grab your share for you, hit me up at mignyc at gmail dot com.
E3MOM: Decided to scaled up to a 20# WB (still to 9′) and 24kg KB for swings. Slowest was first round at 1:09. Fastest was third and last round at 1:03. Difference in time mainly came down to if I tripped on the DUs or not.
Deadlift: 185 x 10, 235 x 10, 265 x 10
4 rounds:
12 cal bike (medium push so I could still kick up right away)
3 HSPU (2-1, 1-1-1, 2-1, 3)
Haven’t looked at the men’s side, but the level of competition for CFSBK for the women is pretty intense for the Open. Holy smokes – impressive work everyone!
This is SO IMPRESSIVE! I dream of being able to do 235×1, let alone x10. Or anything with 265#.
Nice job, Kayleigh! You never cease to amaze me!
I know, right? I’ve done 265×5. Once. In strength cycle. NOT after a bunch of EMOM work designed to get my heart rate up.
*bowing down*
10am doing Monday
Metcon scaled
95# Thrusters and strict CTB
Felt something really weak and unstable in the left shoulder on my last snatch Sunday so took yesterday off and today easy. Happy to be able to train today, and hoping it’s no big deal
8 am with Lauren
This wasn’t so bad! I finally convinced myself to reunite with the 14lb ball for wall balls. I went to 8 feet today because 60 is a lot but stayed unbroken and went right to the KB every time. My double unders are so so lost. I keep changing ropes but I’m having a hard time swinging it around me. I went to singles after the first set to make the workout about how hard I was working rather than how many times I was missing a DU. Ranged from 1:12 (3rd round because I no repped a couple wall balls) to 1:02 on the last set.
115, 125, 130 on the DL. 8, 9 and 10 were heavy at 130 but I touched and goed all the way through.
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday
Bench press: 95×5, 100×5, 105×5. Those last few at 105# were grindy as hell but because I was lifting with Stella I knew I had to rise to the occasion and not miss. Felt lightheaded afterwards and had to ask Christine to go first in the WOD!
WOD: Just under 5 mins with 93# and 9-6-3 kipping c2b pull-ups (because I wanted to practice but if I’d done RX volume I’d still be doing it). Thrusters were HEAVY…but…they were supposed to be! C2b started out ok (Christine said they looked good!) but sort of deteriorated from there…still, good to work the skill. Overall I feel like I worked harder today than I have in a while and it felt great.
Yes, that first set of CTB had some beauties!!! Way to kill it today 💪
Found this interesting. Every open movement to date:
Thank you for sharing something that is both fascinating and looks work-like enough that I can analyze it without shame during a meeting.
So are we taking bets somewhere about what’s on tap for 18.3?
DUs, snatches, thrusters, wall balls, C2B, and some MU variation all are missing. Ugh. Honestly, I’ve been pretty happy with how accessible the Open workouts have been so far, so I’m just ready to be completely crushed by 18.3.
Back in NYC today! Not feeling good enough to go back to CFSBK (yet!).
Yesterday 8:30am session with Thaisa @ Crossfit EMC in Salt Lake City
18.2(a) Rx: 11:25min + 185lbs
I love cleaning and I hate burpees, so I knew this would just be frustrating for me. That plus the SLC altitude and a cold that made my throat super dry and my nose super runny meant this workout really sucked throughout. At some point Thaisa just told me “take your shirt off and just blow your nose on the shirt!”, which was awesome advice. First time doing a workout shirtless! I should have loaded up more than 185lbs, even tired I think I had 205 easily, I just didn’t expect that I’d have literally 30s to find a Clean 1RM. This is a workout that I’ll retest some day in the future, when my body is functioning properly.
p.s. the Crossfit EMC folks were awesome! They literally let us have the whole place to ourselves in a time when they weren’t open – “just close the door when you leave”!
68×5, 73×5, 78×5 – just my edge!
WOD with 85# – debated 75 but glad I pushed it a bit here, wasn’t easy
Thrusters 5/4, 3/3, 3
Kip Pull 5/5/5, 4/4/4, 3/3
push ups from the floor 30, elevated 20.. arms were shot.
6:00am 4 mile run. Currently hitting base mile building so runs will be untimed and just adding distance for the next month or so. It was cold and I saw 3 other people in the park. I also saw two cop cars as well.
5:30 group for Monday’s workout
165, 175, 180
Pretty shocked I got all five on the 180, but I’ve been benching outside of class. I also reached Super Saiyan level 2, so that might be part of it.
Metcon in 5:34 with kipping pull ups. My phone keeps autocorrecting kipping to lipping so now I can officially call them kiss ups.
And looked
awkwardamazing doing it(YAY I GOT OUT OF WORK IN TIME FOR STRONG FIT)
(PS, “awkward” is directed at us as a whole, not at you! Ducks walk with far more dignity than any human does “duck walking”…)
We can fix that by just wearing top hats.
6:30 with KHarpz doing Wednesday’s work
E3MOM: scaled ball to 12# and jump rope to single unders. Fastest time was 1:18 (rounds 3,5,6); slowest 1:28 (round 4)
Deadlifts: 125×10 145×10 150×10 Felt successful to do TNG 10s at bodyweight since I had a much lower benchmark in mind. Working with MK and Megan definitely pushed me!
7:30 group with Keith, Monday’s work
Bench presses, worked up to a successful set of 5 at 78lbs, failed at 83 after the third I think? Got work on staying tight and driving with the heels, still finding myself twisting my back into odd/not good ways.
Wod at 4 min with 35 lbs. should have gone heavier for those thrusters. Always wimp out when the bar goes over head for some reason.
Cash out killed me. Made it to 28 knee push ups before heading home. Gotta work on those!!