Bench Press
Warm up and work up to three heavy set of 5 reps. You can build to a top set or perform sets across at the same weight, but all three sets should be “work.” The goal is no misses. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
9 Thrusters 155/105
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters 155/105
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Thrusters 155/105
9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Check out that Lady Fox bar bend, and check out more of Thomas H.’s photos from 18.1 and 18.2!
Register for Active Life Strength
Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! This is a predominantly strength-based class very specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs.
The Active Life methods help athletes of all levels identify the root causes of their pain, injuries, and plateaus, and provide solutions for alleviating and eliminating those limitations through strength training, hands on treatment, corrective movements, and program modification. As the Head Coach at Active Life Athletics, Coach Keith worked closely with the Active Life doctors as they developed the system and led the charge to incorporate it into a gym model. Using those principles, this program will help you identify your individual weaknesses and limitations, guide you through the necessary strength and mobility exercises, and get you moving and lifting more efficiently, with less pain. A pain-free athlete is a confident athlete, and a confident athlete is a dangerous athlete. If your goal is to look better, feel better, and go hard into your 80s, this program will help you set and maintain the foundation.
For more information on The Active Life, check out:
- @activeliferx on Instagram
- The Active Life on YouTube
March 12th, 2018 – May 3rd, 2018
Monday and Thursdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
2x per week for 8 weeks
Cap: 12 athletes
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY state sales tax). The first charge will occur at the time of registration and the second payment of $160 will occur automatically 1 month later. This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
(Please note that you are committing to specific days and times and there be no refunds for any missed classes or late cancellations.)
What happens in class?
We will start with testing your single leg strength relative to your Back Squat, your Deadlift stamina relative to your absolute strength, your 1-arm carry ability, and your upper body pressing and pulling. You will then receive progressive strength work during each class to address your weaknesses based off of your test results.
In addition, we will identify your general movement limitations through mobility and flexibility assessments. Each athlete will receive an individualized “Not for Time” piece to complete as a warm up/cool down for CrossFit group class or during standardized warm-ups to address these limitations through corrective movements, stretches, and holds.
News and Notes
- Don’t forget to submit your 18.2 scores to the CrossFit Open site by 8pm tonight!
- Tomorrow’s Jiu Jitsu Open Mat hours are cancelled.
- How did 18.2 go? Let us know in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch, Plank, Burpees, Toes-to-Bar
Cold Showers Lead to Fewer Sick Days Harvard Business Review
Winning, Losing, and Learning to Be a Better Member of a Team Scientific American
Just checking out the pictures from 18.1 and 18.2…the best parts of all the pictures, are the people in the background cheering!!! Can’t wait for 18.3!
Saturday 18.2
I was excited for this – always love heavy cleans! Finished the first part in 6:37. Failed my first clean at 140 (decided to try to power clean it at the last second, then went back to my original plan). 140, 155, 165, 170. A little sad that I didn’t have time to try for a buzzer beater PR (or an epic fail), but certainly not disappointed. Great to watch people pleasantly surprise themselves with this workout!
Sunday: EMOM work and AG.
Hang snatch doubles at 83, 93 x 2, 98 x 4. Nice to stay there and focus on mechanics. Fun to learn some BMU drills to add to my practice.
Bench: 95×5, 105×5, 110×5, 115×4. Racked before even trying the last rep – regretted immediately after.
WOD: 7:12 (I think) with Rx weight but scaled C2B to 12-9-6.
Happy my hands held up for this. Thrusters as 6-3, 6, 3. Pull-ups started as 3-4, then doubles, then singles.
Rest day! Here’s my weekend recap:
Saturday 8am w/ Melo and Jess
Partnered with Kate Tk (yay!) for 18.2. I finished the first part RXed in 8:59, which means I juuuuust made my goal of 9:00. Those last few rounds were brutal but Kate and Coach Jess really helped me stay calm and focused (and push the pace at the end!). Then I made 4 attempts at the clean: 115×1, 125×1, 135(fx2). 123 is my 1RM squat clean, and I power cleaned it, which suggests I have a heavier squat clean in me! But at that point I just couldn’t make myself get under it…I felt like I’d never be able to stand it up. Kinda wish I’d just gone for it, but I’m still pretty happy with how this went overall.
Did ALL the fitness yesterday…AR followed by group class at noon (worked up to 83# on the snatch), then coffee break with Shawn, then my first AG class in ages. I always think bar muscle ups are within my grasp…and then I try to do them and realize how far off I really am from getting them. Still, fun to practice!
Excited to bench press tomorrow!
7 am with Arturo and Lauren.
I didn’t sit down as per yesterday’s article. This was especially challenging today because I left my coffee on the kitchen counter. I kept my benches at 85 because they were a little grindy. In fact I might have failed my last rep if Ro hadn’t been right there yelling- push with your legs! Whew. 85 felt heavier than I expected but I’m a little fatigued from class + ag yesterday. Did the wod with 63 on the bar. Wish I had added 5 but my journal notes indicate that I usually put 52 on the bar for thrusters in wods so that jumped seemed right in my head. Did kipping pull ups 9-6-3. Last set was shady so i did a couple more attempts to get my chin over without giraffing my neck and forgot to look at the clock. Based on times others wrote I was about 6 mins.
I hope Jaime posts today!
Last week in review before I never post again.
Was trashed from 18.1 (15 weeks no weights in workouts, yuck), strict pressed 55lbs 5×5 then some rowing and pistol squats
Heavy single back squat at 190lbs
3×1 at 170lbs.
All squats fast today felt good, great tips from Whit and her great eye about small adjustments made me feel way more solid. I’d like to re-test 1RM soon.
Cluster up to 108, failed 113 cause I went all inflatable car salesman man in the low back on the press. David had some excellent cues that helped with the clean, I’m protracting a little too much, I think as some over compensation of trying to not lean back. DO also explained why it often looks like people are leaning back but to try to think of it as straight up (having the bar in front of you changes your center of gravity). Basically just want to listen to David explain things all day. Finally got over my fear of standing to handstand vs starting with hands on the ground. The “dive into the pool” is what scares me, but got some success by the end. Thanks Carissa for being an encouraging buddy.
Lured to the gym for 18.2 by Gaby. 9:43 Rx’d, rested a little too much before picking up the dumbells, and no-repped myself several times because the jump spin over the barbell led to some shady sort of step outs, but didn’t really go in with a plan. Failed 103 (lol) and then got it right before time ran out. Idk what I was expecting here, some magical oly prowess? Had to use the comedian trick of allowing yourself to be a baby and complain for 30 minutes after disappointing yourself in front of a bunch of people and then get over it because it doesn’t matter and no one cares.
165lbs 3×5 working on getting a little more depth in the low bar (quads were shot)
95lbs 3×5 fine, less shady barpath
205lbs 1×5
“Had to use the comedian trick of allowing yourself to be a baby and complain for 30 minutes after disappointing yourself in front of a bunch of people and then get over it because it doesn’t matter and no one cares” = me irl.
For 18.2 decided to try Rx, but my body was saying otherwise 🙂
Didn’t make it to the cleans, but cleared 9 rounds which was good for my first try. Still need to roll out my quads days later. But it is good to have a benchmark for next year to work on!
Whirlwind of a morning! Went to sleep with a stomach ache, woke up with a headache, and somehow still made it to 7am. The entire walk over there, and ALL through warm-ups, I struggling to convince myself not to just walk back home and get another hour of sleep. Anyone else felt like this?
But then I paired with Shawn and Jen for bench press, and immediately felt better. Did 75×5, 85×5 and thought I’d stop there, was convinced to do 95×5 by my awesome partners. I was shocked to make this, because I’ve attempted 100×1 several times (as recently as just a month ago!) and never made it. So after our set while I was journaling and not looking, Jen loaded 100# on the bar and told me I was going to do two reps. And I did! And it was the best feeling ever! I think I even had a couple more reps in me. Thanks again for turning my morning around, Shawn and Jen!
WOD scaled to 85# with jumping pull-ups in 3:21. Did everything unbroken, which suggests I scaled a bit too much. Shoulda tried 95#.
Yay! Just yay!
Ow! My legs are sore. Crossfit is stupid. Everything is stupid. I’m hangry.
make up posts!
Saturday: 18.2 / 18.2 A
nice long warm up. 10 min reset lying on the floor in the office. 15 min sweaty/aerobic. mobility. AB sprints. warmed up power clean to 157. (did some squat cleans at 137 and 147 as well). had practiced DB and burpee stuff on Friday, so just hit a few reps of each to make sure I was organized.
18.2 : 5:46 RX’d
I haven’t gone H.A.M. like that since… probably the open last year. totally dark, deep into the pain cave. I got scared in round 8 that I was going off the rails and was going to fall apart. But managed to just breathe and stay steady on squats and keep hob-goblin’ hopping over on those burpees!
stayed on the floor for about 1 minute. sat on a bench about another min. think i went for my first lift around 8-8:15 mark?
18.2A : 157#
147 F
137 power
147 power
157 F
157 power? definitely lower and sloppy
162 F
162 F (last ditch effort)
probably would’ve been smart to start at 137 off the bat. I don’t trust my legs at heavier weights, esp. after a workout like that so decided to commit to power cleans. in hindsight, may have been worthwhile to put lifters on and go for real cleans? not sure! 157 is 95% of my best power clean and 90% of my best all time clean, so I can’t be too upset.
18 min easy assault bike afterwards. think it really helped my legs!!
sunday: fun 10am group class, just moving and grooving
12 min EMOM
a- 10 ghd hip ext
b- 5 banded CTB pull ups @ 20×1 – blue
c- 12 DB OH walking lunges (35#, 6L, 6R)
12 min EMOM
a- 10 GHD sit up
b- 5 CTB pull-ups kipping + :20 jump rope
c- 6 each side suitcase DL 28kg
12 min EMOM
a- :30 assault bike (70rpm)
b- 3 bar muscle ups + :15 hollow hold
c- 10 pistols
more rest than intended between each of these, but good quality work
“hob-goblin’ hopping” is my new favorite visual now and forever.
I haven’t had much to report after I fell so elegantly off the pull up bar 2 weeks ago! I managed two T2B for 18.1 and then continued to rest.
Friday 10am with Whit:
Clusters weren’t really working out for me. My back was painful at the bottom of the squat and when lifting weight from the floor, so I moved on to a rack and worked through sets of 5 on the push press. Handstands seemed to be ok, so I worked on walking forward because i always walk backwards. And I did it, whoop! I see I’ve been knocked off the leaderboard now, so I’ll have to try to get back on there!
18.2 today.
I was sick of being out of action, so I just wanted to go for it. My aim was simply to get through it, but I also secretly wanted to get sub 8 in the first part. It turns out it wasn’t my back that was holding me back – it was my stamina! Given that I haven’t worked out in two weeks, I shouldn’t be surprised! Finished in 9:14.
18.2a was the biggest surprise of the day. Ended up with a new PR for my clean finishing with 147#
Back in the game! Here’s to 18.3!
7:30 with DO
Decided 7:30 is too late for me; I was done with the day and getting hangry. But still productive enough: benchpress- 73×5 78×5 80x4f ugh just lost steam. Metcon in 4:30 using 58# bar and jumping pull ups from the stool. 20% cash out.
Wow Lyns, what a great clean especially after being out of the game for a couple weeks! And Jay, Crossfit sucks, don’t try it. 😉
115, 120 then 125×5 for the bench.
3:45 rx’d on the WOD. All thrusters unbroken. CTB pullups as butterfly and mostly in sets of 4’s and 3’s. Felt pretty good surprisingly! Used my grips…with plenty of chalk!
-worked up to 113 on the Hang snatch but failed my 2nd one out in front. So technically 108 was my heaviest successful lift.
18.2 at FNL
6:45 and 187 (PR by 2#)
-what great energy and so much fun! Great to have MeLo judge me and keep me calm and moving. Honestly so happy with my wod time since I’ve NEVER been fast at burpees. Stoked about hitting that clean too! Had one attempt at 192. Got under it and did my best twerking but didn’t have enough to stand it up.
So impressed by everyone that tackled 18.2! So many fast times in that couplet and so many strong cleans. Great work all. Excited/nervous to what 18.3 is going to be…
Bench: 95-105-110
Felt solid!
WOD Rx’d in 6:50
Thrusters: 3-3-2 (failed third rep)-1, 3-3, 3
C2B: Started with sets of four, went to threes and then doubles in the last round and closing it out with one single.
I was THIS CLOSE to redoing 18.2 because of all my no repped burpees and I think I would have been faster at them if I didn’t have my lifters on. Ultimately decided that it’s not worth my time for maybe :30s-1 minute difference and really wanted to try today’s WOD Rx’d and I’m happy with my choice!
Note: if today’s WOD was Karen, I definitely would have redone 18.2 🙂
You are funny and awesome!
Gave the workout another go, and I’m glad I did because now I know I did my absolute best:
ended with 5:24 on 18.2 and 167# on 18.2a
Same weight, 1s better. Although I will never be disappointed with being able to hit a weight like this under fatigue, I will admit my heart is a little sunken after that hit on the leaderboard in 18.2a, i know it is a major hole of mine right now and it will be something to work on for next year. Oof it hurts my soul a little bit. Just a bad luck of the draw for K HarpZ. All good! Moving forward and really happy with how everything else has turned out so far.