WOD 3.4.18
EMOM 35min (7ea):
1) 2 Mid-Hang Snatches
2) 30-Second Plank
3) 10 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
4) 5 Strict Toes-to-Bars
5) Rest
Post work to comments.
Photos from Friday Night Lights 18.2, like this one of James W., are now up on Flickr!
Today: Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Info Session: “What Even Is a Carb?”
The 5th Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is today at 12pm in the Annex. In “What Even Is a Carb?” we’ll learn a bit more about what macronutrients are, which foods contain which, and some simple guidelines to help us choose foods that are better for us along a spectrum of Healthy to Less Healthy to Unhealthy. As always, there’s an open Q&A afterwards where you can air out whatever you like.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Open Workout 18.2
Don’t Sit Down During Your Workout Catalyst Athletics
The March Challenge zen habits
A. 2x
5 yoga push ups
10 ring rows @3012
10 hanging knee raises
20 double unders
B.Bar muscle up practice
C.For time @aer
10 box jumps, 24/20
550m run
8 box jumps
400m run
6 box jumps
270m run
4 box jumps
130m run
That “Don’t Sit Down During Your Workout” article points to an underrated aspect of cultivating a strong mental game, which I’m glad has been a focus of the blog lately. The article also reminded me how I used to get yelled at by Coach Joe for the following things: sitting, chatting and looking at my phone between sets. Among the many aspects of his coaching I was grateful for, this one had a subtle but profound effect. All those things are huge focus killers, and giving them up has a huge impact on performance. “Don’t sit down during your workout” is another way of saying “remember why you here and stay present.” Good reminder!
Sad I can’t make the last LFPB info session 🙁
EMOM today was exactly what I needed- my quads are super sore!
Worked up to 83# mid hang snatch. 63-63-73-73-83-83-83. Failed a couple, though :/
Last three rounds I tried alternating single arm planks. And I couldn’t quite get strict TTB, but got pretty darn close on a few rounds.
Plan was to run to the gym for 8:00, but I woke up very late, so I had to break up the run.
1 mile (very sore) run before class.
2 mile run (less sore) after class.
The EMOM was interesting. I’ll break it up into parts.
Mid hang snatch feels like a complicated relationship. We don’t see each other often enough to feel comfortable around one another, but on a rare occasion everything is just perfect and I can’t wait to see her again. But when things go to shit, I avoid her and make things worse. I should also quit worrying about weight so much.
Got a few decent snatches in there, and a lot of garbage ones. My squats are terrible, but meh, I’m just trying to get the form down for now. 95# was my highest.
The rest of the workout didn’t get my heart rate super jacked or anything until Jess taught us how to do rebounding box jumps. By the 7th round I was able to do ten solid ones in a row! From never having done them to feeling pretty comfortable doing them was a kick in the positive butt. Great way to get the heart rate going though!
Never stop commenting on the blog, and never stop making deadly serious faces while doing farmer holds in Strong Fit. These things make everyone’s life better. Please and thank you.
They are called FHRBF
Farmer hold resting b**** face
Is anyone looking to do 18.2 tomorrow (Monday) during OG or will anyone be available to judge me during that time? Thanks! 🤗
Fun day of fitness starting with active recovery. I would love for that to fit in my schedule more often. I did a group class following. Stuck to a 63 snatch and it got better every round. Tried leg lifting on the plank but that felt glutey so i added a plate to challenge abs more. I did the 20″ box and liked my pace.
AG was a lot of fun but I can’t organize myself on the direction of the swing or timing of movements for muscle ups. Yet. The workout was a good one – ran the runs, more box jumps- moved to the 24″ for the last 4. Missed 2 but dug in with Kayleigh’s encouragement! Did kipping pull ups and these felt better than usual.
Here’s something I don’t understand. I took a look at the leaderboard – women 50-54. There are a quite a few who scaled but got a 135# clean. Is there an explanation other than they should have rxed?
maybe they wouldn’t have made it to the clean if they didn’t scale?
Yes- i lived that. 101 reps. Argh! But even one rep at rx places them higher and I dont see anyone with a score of 2.
For me at least (and I’m not one of those women cleaning like a badass!), I did it scaled bc even though I thought of trying Rx, I’m not doing it for the score this year, and I thought I’d feel better getting through the workout with a plan and pace right for me rather than just slogging through something I wasn’t quite geared up for. Better for my mental game in the long run. Not sure about others’ reasons for scaling but just my two cents.
Some might have mobility issues and can’t hit depth on squat? And then they power clean?
What a bad ass shot. Too bad I missed that clean with a few seconds left :\
9 AM with the Foxes.
Love this EMOM work after the Open days.
snatches were mediocre at best, except for the second to last one, which was about as good as I can do, then failed the last one-
all at 95#.
box jumps all between 17-19 secs.
Food lecture with Fox at noon (excellent and helpful, as always) then 1pm with Ro and Lauren. Really enjoyed the EMOM work and went up to 68#; they got better each time. Still on 16” box but going to try getting to class early to maybe try 20”—I’m almost ready. AG after with Ro; can’t tell if the bar muscle up days help me or not since I still can’t really do other bar things well, but it’s always fun and useful to go through progressions. Then more box jumps.