WOD 2.21.18
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
8 Burpees
10 Toes-to-Bars
12 Calories Rowed
The goal is unbroken reps with consistent scores.
Post work to comments.
Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy set of 10.
Post loads to comments.
Congrats to Bethany E. and Amy M. on their huge success at the Murder of Crows Barbell Club Open this past weekend. Bethany squatted 110kg/242 lb for a 5 pound PR. She also PR’d her deadlift at 140kg/308 lb and PR’d her total at 297.5kg/655 lb. Amy squatted 112.5 kg/248 lb (a 3 lb), benched 55 kg/121 lb (a 1 lb PR), and PR’d her total at 295kg/650 lb. Let’s give them some love in the comments!
CFSBK is excited to partner with our friends at beyond the whiteboard to provide digital workout tracking for our affiliate! Members are able to access each day’s workout on the app or desktop site, both of which provide tons of data, gym leaderboards, and a variety of other cool tracking parameters. BTWB is an official CrossFit® app, and it’s run by CFSBKers!
Complete the following steps to register and start tracking your workouts:
- Create a profile by registering at btwb.com.
- Use the gym code CFSBK101 to receive a free membership and link you into the CFSBK group class programming feed.
- Download the app for Apple or Android and sign in!
You read that right: this premium service is completely FREE for CFSBK members. OMG, that’s you! Get on there now and start tracking your workouts!
News and Notes
- Open Workout 18.1 will be announced tomorrow night! There’s still time to sign up and have fun with 150 (!) other CFSBK members. Go here to do that!
- Check out the latest installation in Coach Fox’s Older Fitter series for Beyond the Whiteboard. This one is called “What Does the Open Mean for Me Anyway?” and it’s about why everyone (yes you, too) should do the Open. Read it!
- Holy water bottles! We have a lot of ’em. Check out the results of our latest lost and found dump on our Flickr account!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How to Work Swimming Into a Strength Cycle BarBend
Why Dating Apps Are Full of Guys with Fish Photos NY Mag
6am with Brett and Ro
E3MOM: scaled slightly to 5 burpees and 10 cal to make sure I had at least 1 min of rest each round. Hanging leg raises. Best time: 1:40, worst time 1:52. Pretty steady though. This was a fun one and great to cheer on Gaby, who was a powerhouse.
Front squat volume really limited the weight. 65×10 75×10 80×10. Looking forward to working on front squats not after dying on the erg. And great working with Mary who made much more weight look very easy!
You’re too kind! Your kip was so organized, you were crushin’ it. Awesome partnering with you!
Bethany and Amy! BEASTS!!!!! (And Amy — holy crap, to come so far after injury like you’ve had — I’m in awe.)
HOLY STRONG LADIES. Amazing and so very inspiring. I wanna be you someday!!
7am w/ Brett + Ro
WOD RXed: fastest was the first round at 1:35, slowest was the fourth round at 2:something (maybe 2:12?). Probably should have scaled the volume on the toes to bar, but my ego got in the way! I think I did the first set of 10 unbroken, or mostly unbroken, but in subsequent rounds I got 5 strong ones in, then took a break and promptly lost my ~*flow*~. So then the last 5 were a struggle and it ate up a lot of time. Also, I tweaked something in my upper back doing push jerks on Monday (per Google, I think it might be my rhomboid…?) and though it felt better when I came in today, I think the t2b aggravated it and now it hurts again. The smart thing to do is probably to take tomorrow off so I’m fresh for 18.1 on Saturday…but we’ll see!
FSQ: 75×10, 95×10, 105×10. Fine!
7am with Brett & Ro
Despite the amazing weather, I’ve had better mornings! Craaaaazy cramps made everything tough today, especially ttb & front squats.
WOD: 1:38, 1:33, 1:33, 1:39, 1:33
Scaled to kipping leg raises and dropped to 10c on the rower per round after the first one. Knew I’d just keep losing time on that, happy with this consistency.
FSQ: 75, 95, 105 – wobbly
7am with Brett & Ro
WOD: Fastest in 1:26, slowest 1:44
Should have paced myself better. The first couple of rounds were absolute sprints that felt great, then it all went downhill quickly from there. Kipping leg raises. The row was PAINFUL.
Front Squats:
85×10, 95×10, 105×10. All felt very solid, though on the second set Brett pointed out that my right heel was coming up slightly, so on the 105# I focused on keeping myself grounded. Felt like I could have gone up by 10#, and possibly more if I were coming in fresh!
Great work and thank you for pretending like it was really fun the whole way through for me!
so awesome guys!!!! Those are some serious numbers! Congrats 🙂
A) Diane : 2 mins 59 secs | Rx’d (42sec PR)
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 155 lbs
Handstand Push Up
Sweet! Happy HSPU felt light despite my arms from yesterday. Pushed unbroken even though I was tempted to drop and pick up quickly on deads. Fell asleep in the office IMMEDIATELY after i finished. So funny. I felt sick. and then suddenly exhausted, out like a light!
B) 10 min accidental nap
C) 3×16 front squats @ 120#
so hard to wake up for these after my nap, lol i was smacked! At this point volume is life. my body has adjusted well to squatting these days, super pumped about that. keith has been forcing this stuff down my throad for almost a year now is finally paid off. honestly this is the kind of stuff that my brain thinks about when i squat these days: “theres no chance i’m going to finish this set. well,…..guess i’ve already done 8, my legs are somehow okay…might as well do 4 more…oh. only 4 more to go? might as well just finish the set….” …sloooooow acceptance. haha!
D) 30 strict ring pullups: 7/7/6/5/5
cep pump was strong
All of the water bottles are mine. All of them.
6 AM with Brett and Ro
Coming back from traveling + no sleep last night + dropping in to Crossfit696 in Gardner, MA (run strangely similar to CFSBK) yesterday to do FSQ and rowing metcon = dead today. Partnering with Jen for the Metcon and Kyle for the squatting prevented me from running home!
8 Burpees, 6 HLR’s and 8 Cal. Row
Best time was 1:29 and worst was 1:40
Everything felt like a full out effort today so scaled so that i wasn’t done at 2:59
Did 5×5 yesterday during my drop-ins so safe to say I’m sick of these, despite my love for them
Made some serious grunting noises in the last 2 sets…
Good job, Bethany! I saw you work for that every day we were at open gym together. You earned every pound of it 🙂
What a great job Bethany and Amy!!! I saw Bethany’s lifts on facebook and it was a joy to watch (at least a few times to soak in the awe)!
8 am with Ro
Everyone in the 7 am class looked miserable and that scared me! I had a hard time keeping track of time because I went blind for several seconds after all rounds. I saw one at 1:40 and one at 1:50 and the others were mostly like that. I felt pretty rhythmic doing the hanging knee raises and feel like I really have to get these converted to proper kipping TTB soon somehow.
I really didn’t think I could lift anything for the front squats but somehow Ro sent me over with (very nice!) friends of Jesse’s (John and Ray) who were visiting and looking to lift 90. So, I hit 65-75-85×10. I think I could have done 95.
S H E R O E S ! ! ! Love seeing the continuing progress and success of Bethany and Amy! You work hard and it shows!
Also just started BTWB per the suggestion of the blog and lovin’ it. Data is so cool!
warm up:
4 min bike, then:
clamshell x :30 ea
psoas march x :20 ea x2
monster walk x 12 ea
theraband shoulder sequence x 8-10 ea
hip openers, etc.
FSQ @ 20×1, keep it clean and sharp today!
(45×8, 95×5, 115×4)
135 – 145 – 155 – 160
tempo was somewhere between 2 and 3 counts down i think. wanted to go with lots of control today. felt solid all around.
R wrist feeling sticky and slightly painful?? new and odd. may be related to shoulder/bicep stuff i was feeling earlier this week.
mis-timed things a bit schedule-wise, so spent an extra 20 min on some CARs, recovery movement, etc.
**hour break with client**
5 sets, increase pace per set
Row 400m
10 box jump 20″
20 air squats
10 burpees
50 DU
rest walk 3mins
4:30 (tripped and my rope got snagged in my shoelace! at least :15-:20)
3:47 (one trip)
ROW in the sunshine on the sidewalk!!! glorious and totally worth the extra transition time.
woof. also mis-timed my food today a bit so was on fumes for this one. felt it in the last couple rows for sure. lots of replenishing for the rest of today and tmw!
Congrats to these awesome super strong ladies! And special love to my Upstairs neighbor and good friend Bethany. Allan and Bethany were actually the first people that told me about CFSBK, claiming it was the best gym ever, almost 4 years ago when we first met them (I didn’t join the fun until last year, but that’s a story for another day…).
Congrats Bethany and Amy, two amazing strong women that I’m always in awe of.
Yesterday 6pm AGS
Started off great! Did 3 pull-ups with a 30lb weight (a “3RM”), and was feeling strong. Did 3 HSPUs with a single abmat (another “3RM”), and then tried 3 reps with just 2 thin mats. During this set I felt my left trap lock-up when I was at the bottom and pushing really hard. That muscle then bothered me the whole rest of the day, and I lost a lot of energy being frustrated by it.
Yesterday 7:30pm AG
I finally can say that I can rope climb well! Not fast, and I’m still afraid of going too high, but I have the wrap and step movement well memorized. Workout partnered with Markus (sp?), fresh out of foundations and already doing rope climbs, wallballs, pullups! The 150 total wallballs hurt (and will hurt more today/tomorrow), the 90 DUs were better than expected (had a few sets of 10-15 unbroken), and I scaled the volume of pull-ups because I was afraid of ripping a few days before the open.
Rest day Wed, then Thu I’m off to California for 10 days. Have fun with 18.1 and 18.2 CFSBK!
Nice work, Daniel! Oh man, if I wasn’t late yesterday would have witnessed those pullups!
8burps, 10 TTB (broken up but opted not to scale), then got off the erg at 1:45. 6-9 cals per round.
It’s becoming more and more evident how bad I am at rowing. I will put in some time tomorrow since I’m on break.
Fine. I should push myself more.
8 burps, 7 TTB (all unbroken but last round 4/3), 10 cals
first 4 rounds 1:40 on the $, 5th 1:52 yikes
75×10, 85×10, 97.5×10 – thanks to Allie B and Karina for pushing me here, def needed the verbal encouragement!
I really liked today! However, the weather could have had something to do with it, plus the massive gym door being open. *swoon*
7:30 class with Whitney and Keith
Fastest: 1:48 (round 1), Slowest: 2:04 (round 4)
I scaled these so that I could get enough rest in between.
8 burpees (did not bring chest all the way down)
10 hanging knee raises (these still do a number on my baby hands)
12 cal row
10 @ 53lb, 10 @ 63lb, 10 @ 75lb
Congrats Bethany and Amy! Incredible numbers!
I logged into my BTWB account today after not using it for well over a year. Holy moley there are a lot of awesome changes and new features! Going to try my best to log my workouts there daily.
Scaled to 6 TTB so that I could keep them unbroken each round, burpees and row as prescribed. Wanted to do 7 TTB but was worried I wouldn’t be able to do them unbroken bc my hands are sore after dropping into weightlifting club on Monday and snatching for nearly two hours! Did all TTB unbroken so chose the correct amount (or maybe could have done 7??).
1:36, 1:40, 1:41, 1:42, 1:35
Last round was the fastest because I didn’t chalk up before the TTB 🙂 Maybe I don’t need as much chalk as I think.
FSTs: 100-110-120
Fell back into a lot of my bad habits so used a belt on the second and third round. Back was also fried from doing deadlifts after AGS yesterday.
Nervous/excited for the Open! Last year I was injured so didn’t feel any pressure. I’m pretty much injury free but not back to my pre-injury strength/performance so feeling a little pressure (all from myself obv). Probably going to participate in FNL this week since I’m off of work and will be well rested! Hope to see everyone there. Have a feeling I’ll be WOD-ing with the big dogs. Yikes!