Barbell Overhead and Bar Gymnastics Work
With a running clock…
EMOM x 10
Even Minutes: 5 Strict Presses
Odd Minutes: 5 Strict Toes-to-Bars
Rest 2 minutes, then…
EMOM x 10
Even Minutes: 5 Push Presses
Odd Minutes: 5 Kipping Toes-to-Bars
Rest 2 minutes, then…
EMOM x 10
Even Minutes: 5 Push Jerks
Odd Minutes: 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
The barbell comes off the floor and all sets should be heavy but unbroken. You may go up in weight each set as appropriate, or choose to perform sets across. Scale the Toes-to-Bars as needed to Hanging Knee Raises, and the Bar Muscle-Ups to either Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (jumping if needed) or Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups. Scaling volume by cutting a rep or two on the gymnastics movements is also an option.
Post work to comments.
Meredith and Keith get ready to compete at one of last year’s Friday Night Lights events
The CrossFit Open: Where Grassroots Meet Greatness
By the time this post goes up, we’ll be just 16 days away from the announcement of Open Workout 18.1. So far 91 of you have signed for the Open. That’s awesome. We’re almost halfway to our goal of 200 CFSBKers registered. Can we make it to 100 by the end of the day? We can! Go here to register!
There are so many good reasons to register, and we’ve tried to convey some of those reasons on the blog over the past couple of weeks. But today we thought we’d throw it over to you guys to help us recruit more competitors. So…
Have you participated in the Open in the past, or do you plan to this year? Tell everyone about your experience! Why did you do it, and what did you learn? Why did you sign up this year?
News and Notes
- Schedule Change: Tuesday’s Jiu Jitsu Open Mat is cancelled. Callie is out of town this week.
- Don’t forget that we’re offering a new Strong Fit class on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm. Check it out tomorrow!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Overhead Squat | Burpees, Overhead Squats
Is Butter a Carb? Popular Science
4 Benefits of Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups BarBend
6am class for me today!
Press: 73, 73, 75.5, 78, 80.5
Push Press: 93, 103, 108, 113, 118
Push Jerk: 123, 123, 128, 128, 128
Scaled bar muscle-ups to 2 for the first 3 rounds. Failed one in the 3rd round. Felt good and did 3 in the 4th round. Wanted 3 also for the last round but only did 2 then failed twice.
3 muscle-up attempts today. just wasn’t pulling hard enough today. shoulders are tired. π
Sign up for The Open, it’s fun. And go to Strong Fit…it’s funner!
7am class
Press: 95-105-115-125-135
Push Press: 135-145-155-165-170
Push Jerk: 175-185-185-185-185
Those jerks at 185 were harder than I expected, especially after the bar muscle ups. Did the bar muscle ups unbroken on all rounds, which is a heyooge win for me π
arms = dead
I kinda wish I’d added about 10# to everything I did today. Then again, I dragged my butt in while recovering from a cold and having a bad night of sleep, so I’m just going to put this one in the W column for showing up.
All presses at 53# — based this on having done 60x5x3 last week and finding that it felt surprisingly heavy, and I knew there would be more reps and less rest this time around. But once this actually got started it wasn’t so bad.
Push presses at 73#, caught myself push jerking once. Kipping HKR instead of T2B.
Push jerks at 93#. 3 kipping pullups per round.
I really want a nap now. And all the hand lotion.
Press: 63, 68×2, 73×2
Push Press: 93×2, 103×3
Push Jerk: 113×3, 123×2
Didn’t have to play the “What would Jess Fox do?” game today with weights since she graced 6am with her presence π Just tried to stay within ten pounds. Scaled to C2B for the first two rounds of the last EMOM, then regular pull-ups – hands were fried.
7am w/ Ro + Lauren
Strict press: 53# across (I think?)
Push press: worked up to 73#
Push jerk: worked up to 83#
Probably could have gone heavier on the push press and jerk, but I kept thinking I had one more round to go when in fact I was done! Both strict and kipping T2B felt great today. For the third EMOM, did 3 strict pull-ups in lieu of c2b/bmu stuff.
Sign up for the Open!!!! It’s so much fun (this is a lot coming from me, a person who dislikes games, has zero experience with team sports and is not particularly competitive). And you’ll surprise yourself with what you’re capable of when there’s that little extra bit of pressure π
Make up post
Wednesday NLWC
2×10 Strict Press at 60%, so 45lbs..:(
2×2 pause in dip then split jerk 63, 73lbs
2×2 at 78lb
3×1 at 83lbs
Dip, dip, jerk
4 sets @ 73
2 sets at 78
2 sets 88
then got my weird armpit pain and stopped.
My goal was to make it through the jerks without wanting to cry. That went ok, the double dip jerks felt way less snappy. Got to pause snatch -> full snatch with an EMPTY barbell and then fell over at the bottom. So sad and pitiful. While falling to the ground and crumpling like a paper bag I heard every coach ever yelling “don’t drop an empty barbell”, so what did I do? Let it fall on top of me. Didn’t get hurt or anything, but got some shade from Frankie for bailing like an idiot. This is when I teared up like a big baby and then did like 5 more snatches at 52 and then stormed off to row. Working on letting frustration occur but not necessarily actively participating in it.
-first 1000 at T3
-T4 at 1000M mark
-Race pace at last 500m
I did the first one wrong and did T3 until 1500m, but was so hopped up on rage that I was in T4 from the start anyway. Got my starts down to 1:31/500m which is exciting. I’d be interested to see if I could keep that average past 10 strokes, this is also good cause it buys me a bigger buffer later in the 2k.
2500m, 10:56.7, 2:11.3 24s/m
2500m, 11:17.5, 2:15.5 22s/m
Need to work on getting that s/m up…to like 28s/m ahahahahaha, the downside of having christmas ham legs amirite?
5min x 2 at 85% of race pace
1175m 2:07.6 26s/m
1183m 2:06.7 26s/m
Had to run to class in the city so couldn’t do more, nice to move around. Def needed rest days cause stuff wasn’t moving right.
Gonna try and catch up on the OHS after front desking and then try to hit up group class before I gotta go to the city!!
Also did we vote on best of potluck foods?
Lynsey’s Yorkshire puddings + stew (from what I understand from Great British Bake Off these were like perfect) and the pineapple slaw were my fav. Also the ceviche!!
7am with Lauren & Ro
Wow, last night was a TERRIBLE night to have a pumice stone extravaganza in the shower. Got to the gym, did a single hanging knee raise in the warm-up and my hands were on FIRE. Completely raw. And of course, 100% of today’s work was barbell/bar gymnastics ππ
Strict press: 53#
Leg raises, scaled volume until my hands couldn’t take it anymore..usually 4-5
Push press: worked up to 73#
Kipping leg raises, scaled volume around 3-4, last few rounds only managed 2-3
Push jerk: worked up to 78#
Jumping bar MU’s from that single modular bar that Ro attached to the side of the rack…Never seen it before, glad to know it exists! I actually prefer this to jumping BMU’s from a box. These I did 5 each round, and didn’t feel it in my hands at all. Great way to end the workout and end my frustration.
Sidenote: Though I got a little frustrated with myself today, seeing Lynsey’s new Ewokian pup made my ENTIRE week. Lynsey, if you ever need someone to look after Biscuit…you know I’m right down the hall!!
Praise to the CFSBK dogs! When I was frustrated on Wednesday I pet the other Biscuit (long dog greyhound) and Penny got jealous and it fixed everything.
“Ewokian” is the PERFECT description of Miss Biscuit. LUV HUH.
Hey everyone, someone mistakenly took my black Nike funnel neck zip zip up today between 11:30 and 1:30 pm. Please return to the gym if you did. Thank you.
8 am with Lauren
This was all wristy after yesterday!
53# and the strict ttb felt pretty good. My very last press was a fight and I probably took a bit of the swing on the last one or two in the last one or two sets, I really liked the ttb cue from Lauren to think of it as a V up and close the space. This helped me push down on the bar.
63# started shaky because I didn’t feel locked out in the first set. Got more dynamic in the dip thereafter and that helped. Of course it did. I did some weird kipping knee/leg raises with ttb sprinkles, which ended up feeling better than my usual. Progress or just different?
68# push jerks felt good except for bringing the bar back down. I focused on the clean up to the front rack at the beginning of each of these sets and felt some really good ones happen. Jumping BMU on the skinny bar affixed the the rogue rack. I think I had it lower than usual but these were off today. Scaled to 3. Got a belly burn but they got better as I went.
Stayed for Short Circuit with Brett
It felt good to keep moving but no matter what – doing wall balls after rowing is just so hard! I mixed up my rows and took a couple slowly and scaled to a 10lb ball to 8 ft and still did not go 40 seconds without letting the ball drop. In better news – the bear plank move the kb movement was new and interesting and even better when Brett corrected the direction in which I was attempting to move the kb.
Sign up for the open. I said so.
oh hey! Who made the spaghetti squash? I want the recipe. That was yummy.
YES that spaghetti squash carbonara was aces.
That was me! Shawn and Stella, I’ll send you the recipe!
Monday has been a rest day since starting AGS but since I didn’t double up on classes on Saturday and Sunday like I normally do, so decided to come in today.
-Did my first EVER strict T2B and I did all of them unbroken! I used to only be able to get my legs at 90 degrees and sometimes slightly higher.
-T2B unbroken
At 83# DO noticed I was bringing the bar too low on the recovery so instead of cycling, paused at the shoulders in between each rep and focused on keeping tension. It helped.
– C2B unbroken. I felt really strong and got really high on some of these. Maybe I can get a BMU again!
Failed the last rep of the last set. Was really tired and pushed the bar way out in front of me.
Everything felt great today and I think my upper body strength is almost back to where it was pre-injury a year ago!!
Great notes in the blog comments today!! Love reading about people’s qualitative experiences π
Morning cyclical aerobic work:
5 sets:
1:00 assault bike @ 62-63 RPM
1:00 ski erg @ 800-900 cal
1:00 assault runner @ …? 9.5-10.5 speed
1:00 row @ 1:55-1:57
3:00 rest
then 1.7 mile walk home with Penny in the SUNSHIIIIIIIINE.
5:30pm class tonight with “Dav-eith” and an all-star crew…
strict TTB: felt awesome. kept eyes fwd.
press: 65×3, 70, 75… did not want to push the weight on this
kip TTB: did straight leg version today. like a dream after the strict.
push press: 85, 95, 105, 115, 120
BMU: all sets of 5 unbroken!
push jerk: 125, 130, 135, 135, 125 (went back down b/c second set at 135 started to get a bit gnarly)
I don’t think I’ve ever done a set of 5 unbroken BMU, so hitting all of these while obviously fatigued was SO RAD. three things in play on that:
1. have adjusted my kip a bit (more “knees up” and then patient re-dip on the way down) and it’s making a big difference.
2. coach fox proudly told me earlier that he did his 5×5 unbroken too and I was inspired by his success!
3. group class rocks. I end up performing a lot better on stuff like this when i’m around other people and the energy is flowing… just get out of my head and have FUN!
Today was tough:
A) performance care:
Skipped squats becAuse of today’s WOD. Good choice. Will do later in the week. Like. 5 days from now.
30 strict pull-ups in as few sets as possible: 11/5/5/4/3/2
Tried to rest less than 30s between sets. Didn’t completely max out any sets so I could get it done quicker.
B) 20:00 AMRAP:
25 Burpees
15 backsquats @ BW (135#)
Weighed in at 135#!!! Stoked about that, been trying to gain a few lbs for awhile now.
All squats unbroken at 135#
Burpees were steady but pushed the pace when I felt like I could. Almost failed a burpee and fell forward on my face before jumping Lol
Last year this workout would have smooshed my soul. Been working some major squat weaknesses this year with my keith. feel like I could’ve gone all day! It was all mental. Just sort of turned my brain off for this one. Wish I could do that more often. Felt strong and focused. Super happy with how this turned out! Only let out about three tribal screams which is definitely a PR. But holy bajeezus. 90 squats at 135#?! This is HUGE for me. I feel like it’s. 500% improvement compared to last year. Mehhh so what If I always tank my 1RM backsquat, my squat is going places in a different way. bring on the open! π
C) a whole lot of assault bike recovery, stretching, core focused work. Nervous about this DOMs. Then
–TABATA GHD sit-ups 7x20s (51 reps)
D) 30 min row:
1 min hard
2 min easy
*pushed it pretty hard towards the end. Lungs felt great.*
301 calories total
5696 meters
Time to eat all of the food and take an epsom salt bath
Oh. I forgot to post my score for the AMRAP. 6 rounds + 13 Burpees.
6:30pm with David Lauren and about π― other people
Press 95-105-115-125-135
PP 135-145-155-165-175
Jerk 175-180-185-175-175 (+ “C2B” instead of BMU)
Some reps weren’t super pretty and it got hard to cycle these. I couldn’t properly cycle the 175 push press nor the 180+ jerks, had to rerack and pay attention to the movement. I might have pressed on some of the 185 reps. Happy with these weights, that the kipping T2B felt good and easy and to consistently finish all rounds in under 30s.
Whit, you totally crushed it today! So fun and inspiring to work out with you!!!
Press: 63×2, 65×3
Push press: 73×1,78×3, 83×1
Jerk: 93- all as singles. Cycling this weight was too intense.
Kipping TTB felt incredible after the strict. Did chest to barsβ did the sets of 5 all kipping which is new for meβ have only done 2-3 most times. Getting better. Next up, bar muscle ups.
And yes! Do the open- youβre going to do the workouts on Saturday anyway! And the Friday night lights thing makes it even more fun!!
6:30 group! Presses at 45, push presses at 53, jerk at 53. David reminded to cycle my push presses which made things feel less awkward.
Did HLR and jumping pull ups. Keep trying to get a little kip going with the HLR but it wasnβt really there. I think I must be missing some vital shoulder muscles or something. π