The Countdown to the Open Begins
We’re now less than 30 days away from the start of the 2018 CrossFit Open! 2017 was a big year for the gym, and we want to keep the good vibes rolling in 2018. That’s why we’re aiming to have 200 CFSBKers register for the Open this year! Rory McKernan explains what the Open is in the video above, but here are 5 really good reasons why you should participate:
1. As in years past, there will be both Rx’d and Scaled versions of each workout. So don’t fret if you don’t have those Pull-Ups or Muscle-Ups or What-Have-Yous yet.
2. We’ll be running the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition again this year, and you’ll have to be officially registered for Open to take part. This competition aims to promote a healthy community rivalry and provide motivation for all Open competitors to perform their best each week. There will be t-shirts!
3. FRIDAY. NIGHT. LIGHTS. Each Open Intramural team will send a male and a female competitor to this super-fun throw down that we’ll host all 5 weeks of the Open. Check out the photos from last year here and here!
4. Competition is fun, even if you’re not the competitive type! Last week, we reposted Coach Fox’s “Why Compete?” and that about sums it up.
5. The Open best expresses the fundamentally democratic spirit of CrossFit. It’s easy to forget about that when you watch incredible athletes doing incredible things in the Games. But in the Open, everyone has a chance to prove something to themselves, and at CFSBK, we’re lucky to be able to do that in an environment in which your fellow athletes will cheer you on, whether you’re a veteran, a rookie, or somewhere in between. If you’re thinking about doing it, do it!
Yesterday’s Results Board: “Diane”
Outing Death NY Times
Get Strong Where You Need to Be Strong Catalyst Athletics
Wednesday’s Programming
Open Workout 13.3
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
150 Wall Balls 20/14
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-Ups
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
I’ve been derelict in my posting lately – trying to get back on that.
Diane in 4:24 – 34 second PR!
Monday’s work with Lauren (+ encouragement from Jess!)
Felt tired, exceptionally hungry, generally “off” this morning. I think I ate too much chocolate last night – I couldn’t sleep until about 2-3 hours after I tried going to bed. #JaimeProblems
It took A LOT of convincing to do Diane at Rx weight, but I’m so happy I did! Finished in 6:33.
DL’s in 10/11, 9/6, 9. This would have been A LOT more broken up if Stella wasn’t my partner. “I’m good at yelling at people,” she says. It’s true! Was going to attempt 12-9-6 HSPU’s with 2 ab mats, but Jess convinced me to remove an ab mat and do 9-6-3. I’m proud I got through it, all in sets of 3’s! This was the perfect scale for me.
Make up post for Sunday –
Reached a new 1RM for Clean and Jerk, 123# for a 20# PR!
Forgot my WOD time, but I kept a “good” (for me) pace on the rower around 2:15, thrusters at Rx weight in 10-10-5-5, jumping pull-ups from the stool (how tall is that?) and moved as fast as possible to finish out the burpees.
Yaaas Jaime!
I AM good at yelling at people. I’ve been singing in choirs my entire life and it has given me Teacher Voice.
You did awesome! I was super impressed with you for doing that last seat of DLs unbroken.
You looked super strong!!!
Thanks, guys! And thanks again, Stella!!
sign up for the open!!!!!! do an intramural team!!!! its good ol fashioned fun. No matter what level you are at or how long you’ve been doing CrossFit, it’s worth the experience. Plus, sometimes teams make tshirts, and tshirts are always worth it. DOOO IT!
7 AM doing Monday’s work:
It became quite obvious during our HSPU 101 session that three months away from this movement has caused my reptile brain to come out again. I can kick up into the handstand just fine, but the second I start the downward motion, unreasoning terror takes over and I fall out of the handstand screaming like a small child. At least I know exposure therapy helps with this.
Diane in 5:28 with 35# DB push press. Last time I did Diane it was with 30-pounders in 4:11. I’m glad I made myself pick up the nasty 35s. I’m not planning to do the Open this year* but it’s good to know that 35s won’t break me. They suck though!
* Don’t kill me! We’ve got a new product launch coming up at my job and I’m pretty much clearing my plate of commitments that have a defined time and place between now and when that happens. Working a weekend is bad enough without feeling guilt about missing an Open WOD because I did 😛
the open….gulp! If you’re on the fence….do it! There’s something about the atmosphere during these workouts, that make people do things they never thought possible!!
7am doing Monday with Lauren
Heavily scaled Diane in I believe 5:16. Haven’t done this in many years so don’t have much to compare it to. The deadlifts on Friday nearly crippled me and made me realize I was getting sloppy / doing something wrong so I asked Lauren to help tweak my form today – really helped! Scaled to 125#, which is the same weight from Friday, but moved SO much better and today I can walk (yay!). Small changes made a huge difference! Presses instead of HSPU at 27.5# – I didn’t realize how grippy this thing would get.
2-3 sets for quality
20 single unders
5 lateral box step ups
Double under Practice/101
10 min @aerobic pace
5-8 pull ups
10 alt burpee step ups
25 double unders
rest 2 min
10 min @aerobic pace
rest 2 min
10 min @aerobic pace
25 double unders
10 alt burpee step ups
5-8 pull ups
LOVED this workout! Thanks Arturo
10 AM with Jess.
Front Squats-
moved fine.
Saw this and decided to take the opportunity to PR my Karen time and to take a tabata approach- 10 reps followed by 10 secs rest. Finished the 150 in 8:36- previously had done it in 10:01.
Couldn’t jump for a while after that! slogged 180 singles and then did 17 more wallballs = 347 total reps.
Very happy with that result.
The Open is fun…Do it! I recommend setting a few levels of goals depending on where you’re at to keep your motivation up…for example:
1) Doable Goal, Likely Attainable – completing all 5 workouts
2) Stretch Goal, Marginally Attainable – completing all 5 workouts Rx’d, or trying to best your favorite whiteboard rival(s)
3) Long Shot Goal, Unlikely Attainable But Would Be Awesome – placing top 10/100/whatever in the gym/state/region/world…etc…
My goals: Do all 5 workouts Rx’d, Beat David O and Noah A, and place top in the top 10 men in the gym…
Solo today doing Wednesday
FSQ Triples
No belt/sleeves/etc…felt pretty good.
CF Open 13.3
150 WB
90 DUB
30 MU
248 Reps
Finished Karen as sets of 15 in around 8 min. Dubs in 35/35/20. MUs in 3/3/2. Time starts to go so fast! I think this is a PR for this workout.
metcon Rx
Karen in 10:05, sets of 10
50 dubs
Legs dead.
5:30 with Whit and someone named Diane who don’t like very much.
Goal is to start doing RX in places that I can even if I know I’ll be very slow.
Total time was 10:30 but did the RX weight for the DLs and used 50# for the push press. Broke them up where I could but my breaks between them were very long. Normally I’m very good at pushing myself down the ice cream isle at the store, so it’s nice to push hard somewhere else.
Oops forgot to add a three mile run at lunch.
Strongfit for the first time tonight with Keith. Did deadlifts on the fat bar for the first time (110#, best attempt was 18 reps in one minute), overhead db work, and sandbag lunges+ carries. Conditioning piece with assault bike and empty sled push was HARD. Thanks Pierre and Francesca for encouragement and tips and so much patience. This will all get added to the long list of things to get more comfortable with.
Open goals per Fox’s suggestion:
Do all 5 workouts; do at least 2 at the scale prescribed (don’t scale them further); push harder than I usually push through mental failure.