Overhead Squat
Bar is taken off the floor. Work up to a heavy set of 10. If you can’t overhead squat to full depth under load, then spend today’s lifting time working on flexibility in the position.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Bar-Facing Burpees
Overhead Squats 95/65
Bar-Facing Burpees
Overhead Squats 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.

Toni and Katie got the karaoke off to a very Celine start. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Community Potluck last night!
TODAY: LFPB Challenge Lecture and Q&A, “Trigger Foods”
The next Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is this Sunday, February 4th at 12pm in the Annex. In this 3rd lecture of the 2018 Challenge, we’ll discuss “trigger” foods. We’ve all got foods that we like that are also healthy for us, foods that are less than healthy that we can’t resist, and foods that fall in the middle. We’ll use the Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light system to help identify which foods are which, and what to do with that information.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Olympic Big Air Snowboarders Use Physics to Their Advantage Scientific American
Hip Stretch Squat CrossFit Journal (video)
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Olympic Big Air Snowboarders Use Physics to Their Advantage Scientific American
Hip Stretch Squat CrossFit Journal (video)
Happy 2 year Foundations graduation anniversary, Kirby! You continue to inspire me!
Oh my gosh you’re right!! Thank you and same to you!! <3
A great picture!
Im never drinking again.
9am with the Foxes
OHS: 63×10, 73×10, 83×10 and room!
WOD: 7:06 RX, all unbroken.
Burpees were better than expected but still so much excess shuffling. Hung on through 21 OHS by just staring at the wall and counting off two at a time. Spicyyy.
PS – apologies for throwing any pre-potluck karaoke shade. Last night was just what this place is all about 🖤
5 low ring transitions
15-20 sec ring support
10-15 double unders
10 cal row
B. Kipping Ring Muscle up
B. 15 min AMRAP @aerobic pace
500m row
20 double unders
10 BBJO, 24/20
2-4 ring muscle ups
10am with Whitney and Fox
OHS up to 115
Metcon 10:20min Rx
OHS are my worst lift, so I had to drag myself in today to work on them (as I should). I think going Rx was the right call here, because the burpees would have messed me up anyway. OHS were 9, 9/6, 12/5/2/2. I tried for 12/9 on the last set, but repeatedly couldn’t stabilize the bar enough.
Had a ton of fun at the potluck yesterday, karaoke was great.
Forgot to mention – ascending rep schemes really mess me up. Need to figure out how handle these, and avoid that “fuck there’s so much left” dread in the round of 15.
Stellar photo – spectacular karaoke by those two (and many others).
OHS: 73 x 10, 93 x 10, 108 x 7
Elbow gave out on the 8th rep and I bailed. Distracted by my constantly popping right knee and wasn’t paying attention to my upper body as I should.
WOD: 5:27 Rx
All unbroken OHS. Burpees quick – can cycle these pretty well over the bar – need to figure out how to not redline.
Easy 1000m row and 500m skierg to cool down after.
Make up:
Saturday StrongFit! Always fun.
T2B Practice
21-15-9 Wallball (20# to 9 ft), 21-15-9 Box Jumps (24″), 7-5-3 C2B
Saturday WOD on Friday with Joy: Made it to 74 push ups.
Life goalz is posting “can cycle these pretty well” for any type of burpee, let alone burpee-and-jump variations 😉 awesome job Kayleigh.
1pm Class
OHS up to 135
Definitely saved some energy for the metcon here.
Metcon Rx’d in 5:37
First 2 rounds pretty fast, them wound up taking a step in on the burpees before the jump over. All OHS unbroken, which was tough.
2 year free class anniversary- OHS the perfect celebration (seriously) at 9 AM with the Foxes.
worked up to 85#- fatigues for sure at the end.
Metcin in 7:35@75#.
unbroken, 14/1 (pro tip- don’t fail the last rep) and then 3 sets of 7’s.
I made a great decision 2 years ago for sure.
Charles – Your consistent work on the OHS position has really showed up…I was just thinking that today in class an wish I’d made time to say it. Nice job.
Thank you!!
Looks like some legit Kareoke last night!!
OG with Katie and Keith!
25 min amrap
75 aab
75 thrusters
10 rope climbs
75 aab
75 Power snatches
10 rope climbs
75 aab
75 clean and jerks
10 rope climbs
We got 1 rope climb into the last set of climbs. That ended up being brutal especially the clean jerks but having to people to push with made it bearable!
15 amrap
60 dB snatch #75/50
100m air runner
60 front rack lunges
100m air runner
This had a way of sneaking up on me. I think we sustained pretty well especially on the run! It was fun working out on a Sunday, especially since the workouts were partner and fun!
I second this! So glad sarah texted me to do some fitness! Good push today and barbell cycling felt LEGIT. The bruises on my thighs are astonishing. Working on a faster descent but clearly still ironing out the kinks. Good stuff!
A CFSBK heavy weekend this week! Had a fun time trying out yoga and stopping by the potluck. So many delicious foods had to hold myself back a bit.
This afternoon went to the LFPB talk and then 1:00 group. No idea when the last time I did overhead squats was, I tried looking back in my journal and couldn’t find them! Started out at 35lbs and worked up to 55 lbs. For the wod, I went back to 35 and scaled the burpees and finished at 9:25. Slow, but happy I didn’t get dizzy on the burpees, like I often do.
great time at the potluck last night. you guys CRUSHED IT on the food. i was so excited about all the fish and veggie options, and everything I ate was delicious! wow!
karaoke… just. yes. the strong female representation on the impromptu dance floor really made my night.
Today… about to walk out the door after coaching and catching up on a bit of work, then saw a great crew coming in for the 1pm class. got inspired; kicked off my boots and jumped in!
OHS: 10-10-10
(35×5, 65×5)
the power snatch to get 115 overhead was sooooo special. would’ve preferred this out of a rack; snatching that without much specific warm-up was dicey/exciting. but also great to show myself I can power snatch 87% of my max snatch without much prep or over-thinking it. i’m gonna keep breaking down mental barriers this year!
WOD in 4:54 RX’d
was so great to be right next to Jess Fox for this one! I probably would not have kept as hot of a pace on the burpees and may have paused another beat or two before picking up the barbell. never felt out of control though. had to take the last 21 ohs in little chunks with some pauses to re-stabilize. my legs were definitely shakey! Jess’s last 21 sqts were so smooth and quick, she got me at the end 🙂
-all OHS unbroken with full snatch for first rep
-BFB = jump back, jump in, jump over, turn. did one with a step in before jumping over the bar in the round of 21 and it didn’t feel any better than just keeping my momentum going.
Felt sluggish and all around not super strong at the gym today. Hmm.. drinking alcohol ain’t so great!
63×10, 73×10, 83×9– arms and body were shaking.
Wod Rx: 8:04.
Burpees were slow :/ couldn’t find the motivation 😐
9 &15 were unbroken
14-7 on the last round. Bummed I didn’t try harder to push through unbroken. Boo!
OHSx10: 63-73-83
The heavier sets felt better as I became more comfortable with the movement since it’s been a while. Had enough time to do these at 93# but I was really dragging my feet today. Have a cold.
WOD Rx’d in 7:25
Everything unbroken but slow. Probably should have pushed myself to go a bit faster on the burpees but was worried I would be able to do the OHS unbroken. Last 4 reps of the OHS were sooo slow bc my arms started shaking and I did not want to drop the bar!
Fun times last night and fun day at the gym today!
OHS: 83×10, 103×10, 113×10
-Thanks to Whit for deciding to make those jumps! I followed her lead and would have been totally happy ending at 93#. Ouchie wrists and elbows though.
WOD: 4:48
-Whit and I were neck and neck in this one. She’d definitely take the lead on the burpees as my jump in is less efficient and I ended up taking a little step in for the rounds of 15 and 21. Knew I could catch up on the squats and just edged her out in the end. Great to have someone to pace and chase!