Bench Press
All work sets should be heavy, ideally heavier than the previous set. If you’re newer to Bench Pressing, then do a few extra moderately challenging sets of 3 instead of the heavy singles. Use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
25 Sit-Ups
15 Ring Rows
Make the Ring Rows challenging, but keep them strict. If you have to throw your hips into it then break the set and/or scale to an easier ring row.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Koji, Grizz, and Jess represented CFSBK at OUTWOD this weekend. Saturday’s event benefitted Trinity Place Shelter. Nice work, all!
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 1/29/18 – Su 3/25/18 (through all 5 weeks of the Open)
Goals: This cycle will run a bit more similar to classic CrossFit (i.e., constantly varied, functional movement executed at appropriately high intensity). While we’ll see consistent exposures to movements on specific days, the load, rep, and set schemes will be varied, sometimes showing up in a dedicated lifting segment and sometimes in the metcon. The main focus of the cycle is to perform well in the Open—to stay fresh for each week’s workout, which we’ll again program for Saturday’s group classes, rather than gearing the cycle towards improvement in specific lifts/movements.
Upper Body Pushing
Olympic Lifting
Metcon Funday
Olympic Lifting
CrossFit Open Workout Dates
18.1 – February 22-26
18.2 – March 1-5
18.3 – March 8-12
18.4 – March 15-19
18.5 – March 22-26
The Open kicks off in less that a month, and we’re aiming to have 200 CFSBKers participate this year. Don’t forget to sign up here!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner WOD
To Scale or Not to Scale CrossFit Games
The Imaginative Powers of a Brain on Autopilot NY Mag
75 x 8, 85 x 8
95 x5, 105 x5
115 x 3, 120 x 3
125 x 1, 130 x 1
This is a PR match from Iron Maidens last year, which really surprises me considering how often I was benching then (and how little since). Exciting little discovery this morning.
WOD: 11:50 Rx.
Had to break up the ring rows into 2-3 sets each time, so I guess I was keeping them challenging.
After: Decided to try the 18.0 WOD I have been seeing floating around social media. 21-15-9 DB snatches and burpees over the DB. Tried to keep with the new standards – legs just died and I even no-repped myself on a burpee. 4:50 – ouch.
Level 1 Seminar/sort of make up post!
Was in quasi-garbage-hibernation the last two weeks so this weekend was nice welcome back!
Overall I though it was great! All the staff are fantastic and it’s really nice to listen to people lecture who are really good at lecturing.
Got to do some movements I’ve never done before (Sumo Deadlift High Pull and Med Ball clean). Really like the med ball clean as a way to teach the rough concept of a clean. The ball is way friendlier than a bar. Got some nice tips on my push jerk and snatch (I’m basically adding too much stuff on in order to make it look and sound rightish and not really getting adequate hip and knee extension) which was great and they made sense of nebulous cues like “jump” and “use your legs” and “be more like Lasha” (not that last one, Lasha was not mentioned).
I’d love for there two be like a 2 week version of this. I wanted to ask more questions on anatomy and generally pick things apart more, but they run a tightly timed ship (which is good). It’s perfect for anyone off the street but as someone who watches people move all day (that sounds creepy) I wanted more depth but again, not what it was geared towards. I think its definitely worth it if you’re interested in getting more on the CF methodology, and there’s a whole big section on the GHD 🙂
Variation of Fran with burpees. Nick told me to ask them to scale volume, got a no, so I scaled to 53lbs also haven’t done a thruster since Flex on the Beach I think lol. Soooo yeah. Finished around the 6 minute mark, but I was sandbagging it in order to save myself forrrrr….
2K row capacity test!
Had Fran lung, shakey triceps and quads, and was by myself at 7pm. Basically a nightmare.
2k in 8:12 (sad)
Average stroke rate was like 26 strokes/minute and split was 2:03. This is around 85% of capacity, but felt like 100%. Just could not keep stroke rate up, it was like drowning. Paused twice because the will to live left me (had I not I could have probably made it under 8 minutes). There’s a really hilarious video of this row where you see me unable to sit up straight or return the handle without it dropping in height. The video cuts off before I finished and tipped off the side of the rower like a sack of potatoes falling off a shelf, I’ll put it on the internet. This was sad, but I did it.
Also I’m working on a metaphor for rowing a 2k in the form of crossing a river.
Ummm and then the 2 times I was at the gym in the last two weeks 275lb deadlift (back rounded little but moved fast), 1RM OHP decreased (sad), had fun with some 35lb dumbbell snatches, got 25 DU’s in a row, tried to snatch after that 275lb DL and ended up pulling a Cartman and leaving.
LFPB Challenge Update:
Was off the rails hiding under blankets and taking up every suggestion to eat ice cream and ice cream accessories. Do not feel bad (I never feel bad though, might be something I should try), it was worth it and ice cream is amazing. Overall have better habits than last year where a nighttime snack was 1-2 glasses of wine and night cheese (chunk of fancy parm), while this year I have no wine and some “night soup”, which for the uninitiated is casein when you put it in a bowl.
Excited to get back to doing stuff, gonna work on my pull-up strength and some ring dip stuff.
Please keep us up to date on how your metaphor training is going. I plateaued for months with my metaphors, so I 100% get it.
Will do. Glad you got over your metaphorical slump.
Great write-up on the seminar. Always so interesting to hear what people who train at CFSBK think of it in general, and moreso interesting that you also teach and think deeply about movement. Definitely a really well run, educational and effective seminar run by a great crew.
7 AM was clearly not as efficient as 6 AM. My group did not finish our sets and I didn’t even get to singles 🙁
75×8, 85×8, 95×5, 105×5, 115×3, 125×2, F3. Really surprised and bummed to fail the third rep there when I’ve benched 125x3x3 many times. I know it’s been a while and also I usually take more rest between sets. But still, womp womp.
WOD in 12:19. I used to run faster when I weighed less, but I don’t mind being musclier than when I was a marathon runner even if I run slow.
The pacing on the bench was HARD. I was only working with one other person, we did a single warmup set, basically bounced back and forth off the bar with very little rest, and still barely got through the singles. So many reps.
Stella – the 6 am class ran late and didn’t get out of our way in time. We were totally efficient and you probably only failed that rep because you were rushing.
I’ll share a little trick to make up for slower running. Look at the wrong clock! According to the clock on the side wall, I finished in 7:47! I felt really good about myself until I went across the street to write on the board and discovered that was way faster than most others so…yeah. It’s sorta hilarious to think about how easily I accepted 7:47 as a fact and didn’t question it from the get go!
7 AM is too early to think about how you’d need to be hitting like a 6:30 mile to get that score 😉
8am today!
65×8, 70×8, 75×5, 80×5, 85×3, 90×3, 95×1, 100×1
I was pumped to bench a little heavier and feel as though my form was solid – I have a tendency to brace my head on the bench instead of my shoulders and this does bad things. Everything today felt a-ok.
11:36 Rx. Hey, running! It’s been a minute. This felt good once my body remembered what running was. Ring rows were in 2 sets for the first two rounds and then my lats and back just left the building – third round in 3 sets with some heavy breathing in between.
After AG yesterday my arms and shoulders are tiiiired. Rest and mobility tomorrow I think.
7 am with Ro and Lauren
This was my first day back in the gym after an 18 day break and boy was it good to be back. I missed all y’all!
60×8, 65×8, 75×5, 80×5, 85×3, 87.5×3, 90×1
A little sticky a couple times but no fails. That last one at 90 was easier than I expected. I’m not sure I love this all over rep scheme. If I had it to do over again, I think I’d start heavier and take smaller jumps. I think.
The WOD was a great, fundamental, back-a-it triplet. My energy is still low and running is always slow. I should have picked up the pace on sit ups sooner. I could have made the ring rows more challenging as directed but I knew I was behind everyone and wanted to keep the margin a little closer. As I noted to Stella’s comment – I checked the wrong clock in the end. I finished well after Stella’s 12:19 – must have been at 13+. And yet, it felt good to do it all.
Hi Kate! What classes have you been taking? Will I see you soon? Do AG tomorrow night!!
Been at 7am and will be back to it on Wednesday 🙂 might be too beat for AG but we will see!
10 AM with Nick “monkey boy” Peterson (he said it, not me).
Bench Press:
1×155/175. 175 is a 10# PR- seems like there’s a lot more room there.
WOD in 8:25 replacing the runs with rows. Those ring rows add up!
10 am with Nick 🙂
3×215/205 (failed 3rd rep at 215… Was a tad overzealous)
We didn’t reach our singles as a group of three. But psyched to be on the bench again.
Wod in 10:15… Left way too much in the tank on the run.
*Make sure you get a whiff of that whole on 3rd ave. It’ll wake you up for sure!
Felt like we were working fast but, alas, we did run out of time.
I did
2 x 8 x 135
2 x 5 x 155
2 x 3 x 165
1 x 1 x 185
13:20 or so on the WOD. Feeling yesterday in a big way.
Side note re the QoD (or at least Question of 10am) of what your worst nickname is/was. I shared that my worst nickname was “Underballs” given to me by my buddy Billy in college. Coach Nick decided to riff and improve, giving me the new suggested name of “Morning Wood”, my last name providing a rich tapestry of options. I will be keeping “Underballs”, thank you.
First time back to regular crossfit after a long run at Short Circuit. If you have not done it, try it. It will certainly up your engine game.
Bench was eh as expected. 115 for 3 was as far as I could get and then kept dropping weight and doing more sets.
WOD was 9:42@RX.
Back from PR and excited to start a new training cycle!
I checked out Rincon Fitness Center over the weekend—small gym in the Stella neighborhood, owner is actually from NJ. They aren’t affiliated yet because she’s trying to keep the costs down and make membership accessible for people in the area. Really cool to see someone bringing life-changing fitness to a community that’s been through a lot. Super inclusive, friendly vibe!
Team WOD in groups of 3:
800m med ball run (14# ball)
60 pwr clean + jerks (55#)
400m med ball run
45 pwr clean + jerks (65#)
200m med ball run
30 pwr clean + jerks (75#)
We traded off the med ball during the first run, then each carried our own for the second and third. My team finished first in 16:47! Now I remember what running in 80-degree heat and high humidity feels like…
Cool! Welcome back! See you soon!!
Semi last minute, or I’d post in Classifieds: The nonprofit I work for needs a videographer to film a two-hour concert with Kronos Quartet next Monday 2/5 at 7:30pm at 129 West 67th Street, right off Broadway. Pay is reasonable. Email me ASAP if you’re interested! katharinereece @ gmail
5:30 with David and Keith
45×8, 50×8, 55×5, 65×5, 75×3, 80*x3, 85*x1, 90*x1, 95f. This was fun because I haven’t bench pressed for months and I got so much stronger! Surprise PR day.
WOD in either 10:25 or 12:10 I couldn’t see the clock and for some reason I thought it was one of these two numbers. I’ll know if other 5:30ers post. Pretty evenly paced across the rounds though.
Fun 4:30 class– got to come early because of a Professional Development Day today!
68×8, 73×8, 83×5, 93×5, 98×3, 103×2, 108×1, 113 (F)
—102.5 was my previous 1rm from Iron Maidens last year. I wanted 113 today– held it for about 3-4 seconds, but couldn’t push it the rest of the way up. Oh well! 108 was still a PR! 🙂
WOD: 9:52 RX
Man, Jessica pushed me again in this workout!! She is so fast.
Ring rows were 8-4-3 every round, so I think my choice in stance was appropriate.
Also– I did FlyWheel in Manhattan at 7:30 this morning. I had the time and I have always wanted to give it a try. Um… IT WAS INSANELY HARD! I have never felt the burn like that before…and I wasn’t even meeting the torque/speed level the coach requested most of the time. I actually felt totally destroyed afterwards– sore all over, kind of nauseous, completely drained.
It reminded me of the interval sprint work Pierre does on the bike, etc. I don’t feel like I have the discipline to push myself to that extreme without a coach telling me to do so– if I got on the assault bike, it’d be so hard to dig that deep on my own in 608. Maybe I should try flywheel more often– dreading that total body devastation that followed, however…
Came to 4:30 because I thought it might revive me. It did– I feel amazing now 🙂
5:30 w/KVW & DO
Benching is weird for:
90×4 (1 fail, lost my brace)
90×3 (grind)
92.5×3 (fine, fast)
Form all over the place. Ran out of time for the last single. 100# went up quick. Never tested my 1RM bench; curious what it is.
WOD in either 10:52 or 11:52 – @Jenbo now I’m confused too. Pushed the run more than I probably ever have in a WOD to try to shake off a shitty day. Died on the last set of ring rows.
You must be 10:52 then and I must be 12:10 because you definitely finished a full minute ahead of me and I definitely was one of my two arbitrary numbers. Solved. You were FAST.
Benched in a globo…felt like David Attenborough should have been commenting.
185×5 (felt heavier than expected for 5)
205×2 (racked it, didn’t feel 100% sure of it)
Hi guys,
so I did strict press:
8 – 8 – 5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1
20 30 32 35 37 40 42 42kg
6 shutle run (10m each)
25 sit ups
15 dips
really cool workout
love from Portugal \m/