WOD 1.28.18
In teams of 3, with one partner working at a time, alternate complete rounds of the following for time…
30 Rounds (10ea):
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
7 Thrusters 95/65
Both the kettlebell and barbell should be light-medium and unbroken.
Post time, Rx, and partners to comments.
Crush Week is over! How did it go? What did you learn? Do you like Thrusters now? Tell us in the comments! | Photo by Thomas H.
Today’s Schedule
CFSBK will host the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course in 597 Degraw this weekend. As a result, all classes will meet in either 608 or the Annex, and we’ll be running on a slightly modified today:
8am Short Circuit
9am Crossfit
9am CrossFit Preschool
10am Crossfit Kids
10am CrossFit
10am Starting Strength
11am CrossFit
11am Active Recovery
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
6 -8pm Open Gym
Cancelled: 8am Crossfit, 11am CrossFit Kids
Please note that there will be no Open Gym outside the designated hours and only in 608 Degraw.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner WOD
The Dinner Party That Served Up 50,000-Year-Old Bison Stew Atlas Obscura
10 Questions with CrossFit Immortal CrossFit Journal
A. 3-4 sets for quality with a partner
3 wall walks w/shoulder tap
50ft Wheelbarrow walk
5 squat thrusts w/yoga push up
B. Handstand Walk Practice
C. @aerobic pace:
15 C2B pull ups
50 double unders
50 cal row/bike/ski/run
rest 2 min
x4 rounds
Good by crush week!
Short circuit with Fox which included dumb bell thrusters which I cursed about in my head for a long time knowing group class had a ton of barbell thrusters. Used this class as a very long warm up for group and I think it was helpful. I had no achy joints and my muscles felt like they were back to their usual 14 year old boy strength. With Mike and Gene we managed to get through the deathcon in 27 minutes and promised to never speak about these events again. We parted as friends with a dark secret.
Run of the day
1 mile warm up jog
400m sprints uphill with a 400m jog back down
1a. 1:55
1b. Jog back
2a. 1:58
2b. Jog back
3a. 1:58
3b. Jog back
4a. 1:55
4b. Jog back
Total of 3 miles. Happy with these times. Was expecting 2:00-2:05 because it’s been a while due to injury. Still higher than I would like, but I am impatient.
Will be doing this at an open gym in Michigan today… are the swings American or Russian?
Cluster: Worked up to 138#.
Team WOD: 24:07 Rx with Joy and Jill
Fun one with great teammates!
StrongFit Saturday highlights:
Clean and press with 60 and 80# sandbag, couldn’t quite finish the press with the 100#.
Worked up to a 50’ farmers carry with 155 in both hands.
A nice little stroll around the block with Brad L and a 100# sandbag.
Partnered with Dan L and BK
Finished in 24:29
Fun one!
10am “srsly thrusters after all those wallballs” group class with Fox and Morit (FoMo)
Clusters up to 185#, left more in the tank.
Metcon Rx 27:55min with Chris and Coop. This felt better than yesterday, although rounds 7 and 8 were really tough – recovery time wasn’t enough and the end wasn’t in sight yet. KB swings got grippy, thrusters were OK but always felt heavy by the 6th rep.
Then 11am AR with Fox, my body is a little less broken.
12pm w/Ro & Mo!
Clusters up to 108# – these felt a little awkward and unpracticed as expected, so I think I have another 10# jump left.
Partner WOD w/Erika & ghost partner in ~24:52
I did a pretty good job keeping balanced through this one: challenging myself to not slip too far behind Erika’s pace while also maintaining enough composure to stay unbroken on everything. Slowed down by 10sec or so in the middle rounds, but made up time in the end. Sweaty & fun!
@Stella this might make up for my thruster meltdown last week 🙂
Make up post from yesterday –
Partner WOD w/Allie B.
8ish rounds each set. So many lunges. +1 for partner assist pull ups – these felt so much more effective for building strength than jumping. Basically meant Allie got way less rest though…
9 AM w/Sarah and Courtney, 24:37. This was both better and worse than I thought it would be — the rest felt shorter than I thought it would but the actual work wasn’t so bad.
AG with Ro
I always learn so much here! Handstand practice with Sara G was super helpful (an FYI patient!) as was keeping a ball in the cone on my back while I crawled across the floor.
4 rounds:
5 band-assisted pull ups
10 double under attempts
8 push press
50 cal row
Finished first round in 7:40, rest of rounds around 7. Was making more DUs by end but getting more tired on row.
Fun workout today!
Got to partner with Jessica (who I’ve recently noticed kills it on every workout and does so much extra stuff too!!) and Lynsey!
Cluster:73-83-93 These felt crisp.
Wod: 24:05. Jessica was so fast on thrusters— it was inspiring. Lynsey crushed it too! We did great 🙂
Had every intention of staying for AG… but every. Single. Movement. In the Warm-Up crushed me. My shoulders, forearms, triceps, biceps etc are just dead. I wonder what from— legs are surprisingly okay!
So I went and got a massage instead!! Recovery is important! 😉
A) Squat:
2×10 @155# BSQ
1×10 @ 155# FSQ
Yea this idea sounded great in my head but didn’t work out songreat. The idea was to at least get some volume in with a 4×10, two FSQ/BSQ sets, couldn’t make jumps I wanted to because we had limited plates. So I thought I would be able to hang with 2×10 of FSQ at this weight since the BSQ felt so light. Totally maxed out there was no chance I was going to be able to squat anymore. Whatever! Still a good pump.
B) 100 (16kg)KB snatches for time: 4:24
This is a strongfirst test, goal is not to put the kettlebell down and to go in under 5 min. My coworker bet I couldn’t do it so I had to prove em wrong! It wasn’t bad at all . Just had to stay focused! Sets of 10 split equally between hands before i would switch.
C) sled drag/sled pull: 15 min total
Light and long. Wanted to keep going but we had some sight seeing to do!
Seattle was a blast. our Bespoke office out there is so sick, turf, rogue rack, assault bike, all of the works. Ready to get back on track for the last month of training at home base though. Back tonight!
Skipped group class because my glutes were so sore I could barely do an air squat this morning. haha.
Handstand walking practice
Scaled all movements except the row since Ro wanted each round to take about 5 minutes and he didn’t want us to break up any of the movements. All done at a sustainable pace. I did:
10 unbroken pullups- probably could’ve done 11 or 12 each round
30 double unders- these were only unbroken for one round
5 HSPUs to 2 ab mats- my neck hurt on one round so really had to focus on keeping my head straight during the kip
50 cal row
rounds were: 7:40, ~7:00, ~7:00, 8:00
Variation was due to how double unders went