Partner WOD
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Dumbbell Power Cleans
4e Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
4 Pull-Ups
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Dumbbell Power Cleans
4e Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
4 Toes-to-Bars
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Dumbbell Power Cleans
4e Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
Score total rounds for each part. Partners alternate rounds. Choose dumbbells on the heavyish side for you, around 25-30% of body weight. Hold the dumbbells in the front rack for the Reverse Lunges.
Dumbbell Loads: Rx 50/35, Scaled 35/20, Further Scaled 20/15
Pull-Up Scale: Jumping Pull-Ups
Toes-to-Bar Scale: Hanging Knee Raises
Bar Muscle-Up Scale: Chest-to-Bar or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Post rounds, Rx, and partner to comments.
Today’s Schedule
CFSBK will host the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course in 597 Degraw this weekend. As a result, all classes will meet in either 608 or the Annex, and we’ll be running on a slightly modified schedule. Here’s what today looks like:
8am Short Circuit
8am Strong Fit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
10am Yoga for Athletes
11am CrossFit
11am Active Recovery
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2-4pm Open Gym
Cancelled: 8am CrossFit, 9am CrossFit, 11am AG Strength
As you can see, we’re offering an extra Short Circuit class at 8am today. See the Schedule page to find out what’s happening tomorrow.
Samir C. at the Brooklyn Public Library
Tonight at the Brooklyn Public Library, CFSBK OG Samir C. will present on Nietzsche and Buddhism as part of A Night of Philosophy and Ideas, an all-night marathon of philosophical debate, performances, screenings, readings, and music. Samir’s talk is at 1:30am, and you can catch it in person or on the livestream. You can find the whole schedule for the evening here!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How Much Do Olympic Speed Skaters Squat? BarBend
What You Need to Know to Get Started with Powerlifting Girls Gone Strong
Thanks for posting the deets, Josh! Hope to see some of you owls at my 130AM talk tonight; there will be plenty of coffee and at some point, I will demonstrate how a (simulated) muscle-up brings together Nietzschean doctrines of self-overcoming with a Buddhist denial of metaphysical absolutism.
6 mile run around Prospect Park and down to the gym.
8:00 Strongfit with Fox.
Pressing sandbags is challenging. More fun to watch bc it’s awkward. Farmer carries got real heavy but heavier than my 1 rep Dead lift, so that’s cool.
9:00 Short Circuit with BreWhit.
Went at about 85% bc I was tired by the end
Good luck Samir!
Fun StrongFit this morning! Wasn’t coming in to class today, so did 17.2 (which today’s partner workout is based on) last night at OG.
AMRAP 12 Minutes
2 Rounds
50′ Walking Front Rack DB Lunges 50#
16 Toes To Bars
8 DB Power Cleans 50#
2 Rounds
50′ Walking Front Rack DB Lunges 50#
16 Bar Muscle Ups
8 DB Power Cleans 50#
Got 3 Rounds + 2 BMUs. Last year I only got a few bar muscle ups into the 3rd round so I was pretty stoked to get into the 4th round at all. Those lunges sucked! Still need to be build stamina for TTB…
9am short circuit— didn’t drink any coffee before. Lol I was cranky, but it was a great warm up for the open WOD training.
Partnered with Kate Tk! We both viewed it as a practice training session- pace was slow and steady.
Averaged a little more than 8 rounds per session— RX. It wasn’t the cleans that were has hard as the lunges— core activation!! Woo!
Did a couple bar muscle up attempts. I don’t have the technique— but I’m fairly certain I have the strength. I’ve got to learn the technique that works for me. If only I could afford privates.
Frustrating to feel like you should be able to do something but can’t. However, I’m pretty sure that most people at CFSBK who can do bar muscle ups didn’t do personal training to get them…they just practiced, and tore hands, and practiced, and got frustrated, and still practiced. I was never one of those people, and it bugged me that it was a skill I didn’t possess. I never had even done a bar muscle up until last year’s open, and then only barely so. I still only really do them when they come up in CFSBK group programming but when they do come up in programming, I try to put into practice some of the tips from the below linked video that Arturo shared with me (apologies for the shirtless dude and somewhat bro-ey vibe). After getting my first few, I was able to ‘feel’ what the transition was supposed to be like and can now regularly do them without missing, and am up to a max set of 5. Definitely had to get over an odd fear of them and they still geek me out but…progress!
Happy practicing!
*Current goat is handstands…so I spend a few minutes most days practicing being inverted in some fashion.
Great advice— thank you! That video makes it look so easy—haha! I will definitely have to practice a little bit every day before or after class leading up to the open.
Thanks again! And congrats on getting them consistently!
10am with Melo and DO, partner with Super Karl (who had just finished Short Circuit, the man is a hero)
Had decided to do this Rx at 50lbs since I saw it yesterday, and stuck with it today. I know there will be 50# DBs at the open, so might as well get used to them. The lunges were the challenge, my legs were still screaming from Karen. Every round I’d consider stopping at 6 lunges, then would convince myself to do 2 more.
R1: 9 rounds
R2: 8+12 rounds
R3: 7+2 (?) rounds (chest to bar)
We managed to keep a good pace between us, and I’m proud that my T2B felt good today, and that I did C2B pull-ups for the first time in a metcon (although by the end they were more like Collarbone2Bar). Great working out with Karl, the man is a beast, his butterfly pull-ups were amazing.
Then a very needed and graceful 11am AR with DO. Then walked out to find out our car was towed by the NYPD 😟
Dan! How annoying!
1pm class with Brettney
Working with the beautiful KLove.
Round 1: 11
Round 2: 11
Round 3: 9+9
I did the first two rounds RX. Went with normal pull-ups in round 3 until my hands ripped, so I replaced them with push- ups.
There were some incredible scores up there today guys. Awesome work!
tired! oh well!
8 min warm up on bike (1:00 on/off)
5 sets:
10ea suitcase DL (20kg, 24kg, 32kg x 3)
8 alt. ring row with archer hold (pull, :03 hold, :02 descent)
8 DB Bench @ 30×1 (30#, 35, 40# x 3)
3 rounds for time (ish)
20 alt. db muscle snatch 35#
10 burpee box jump over 20″ (new standard, jump out and in)
= 6:20
terrible. way too fast jumping right from burpee into box jump. unsustainable for longer duration. good test! need to play around with it more.
8 min
10 cal ski
7 burpee box jump 20″
4 sandbag over shoulder 80#
= 3 rounds + 10 cal ski
EMOM X 10 min
even: 15 v-ups
odd: :30 tabletop/rvrs plank
What Lynsey said 🙂
Had planned to front squat and deadlift at OG but wasn’t necessary after all those lunges so just did a hodgepodge of things without any plan.
Practiced kipping hspus with one ab Mat. 5×2 These still hurt my neck and right trap :/
Tempo press: 3×7 @22.5
DB high pulls; 3×8 @ 22.5
Super light full snatch practice @53# just to practice dropping under the bar then practiced dropping under the bar on power cleans since I try to muscle clean everything.
Handstand walking practice: 7-8ft about 4-5 times
10 min aerobic pace on the AB
80 minute massage 🙂
Thank you for the scale options.
Did The wod alone.
4cleans (40k)
4 r longe
4 pull ups
. (45k)
4 k2elbows
. (50k)
4 chest 2bar
Rest 2′ in each round
Love the work out \m/