Clean and Jerk
Begin at about 75% and work up to a heavy single for the day. Press-outs are missed lifts. If you’re feeling good, then go for a new 1RM. If you’re newer to the lift then work up to a heavy load on the complex of: Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
30 Thrusters 95/65
10 Muscle-Ups
For Time:
500m Row
30 Thrusters 95/65
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
The Thrusters should be light, and done in 1-3 sets.
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Schedule Change: Today’s 2pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled.
Changes to Sunday’s CrossFit Preschool & Kids Classes
As you may have noticed, our Sunday kids classes have grown quite a bit over the past couple months! While we are thrilled about this growth, we realize that a few changes need to be made to ensure that your children receive the best experience possible.
Beginning today, January 21st, we will be moving the Preschool class to 9am and adding a 2nd Kids class at 10am. We will also be requiring parents to RSVP their child for each class. See the CrossFit Kids program page for details on the RSVP process.
Sunday Preschool/Kids schedule change (effective 1/21/18)
9am CrossFit Preschool (in annex) (CAPPED at 10)
10am CrossFit Kids (in 608) (CAPPED at 8)
11am CrossFit Kids (in 608) (CAPPED at 8)
The next Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is today at 12pm in the Annex. This week’s lecture will focus on the question, “How does recovery (or a lack therof) affect my performance and body composition?” We’ll cover stress (both the good and bad kind), cortisol, and how good nutrition and recovery practices can optimize performance and body composition. As always, an open Q&A will follow.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Wodurday
Katrin Davidsdottir on the Next Five Years of CrossFit BarBend
3 Ways to Own Any Workout Athlete Daily
AG is cancelled today. Sorry guys, I’m out with a cold thats kicking my butt..
Feel better! 🤧
Fell better Ro!
aw, hope you feel better fast, ro
Feel better soon, Ro!
10am with Lauren
C&J: 93, 103, 113, 123, 130F x 2 – both SO close, just failed pressing out the last inch on my right arm uuuugh. Lots of wins here though: hitting 123 for the second week in a row with no issues and all the cleans felt relatively easy, even 130 twice. Really curious what my clean max is right now – and thinking that a body weight clean might be a realistic 2018 goal after all. Need to keep working on dropping deeper under jerks in the mean time 🙂
Fitness WOD: 7:06 with jumping CTB from 16” box ….woof
Let Stella down big time on the thrusters lol. She kept telling me to hang on and just couldn’t. Was shaky off the c&j work and just beat from the week. Oh well. Made it up a tiny bit in burpees on the end. Fun week!
Gurl we’ve all been there. Besides, you beat my ass on the C&J!
C&J: 123, 133, 143, 153, 160F, 160*, 163F
I’m calling this a true PR. I have hit it once before, but I have it marked as a press out – this was definitely more solid, albeit still much room needed for improvement. 163 was high enough, but too far in front.
WOD: 9:03 Fitness Rx.
Row – tried to keep around 1:48. Thrusters 18-12. Almost all the time doing C2B.
10min :30on, :30off AB; 95 cal.
StrongFit Yesterday: The duckwalk is the most ridiculous thing I have ever done within the walls of the gym – could not stop laughing as I inched forward. Keg clean and press was a fun new move.
5 rounds NFT:
Strict Pull-ups (5-4-4-4-4)
10 alternating pistols
5 min (:30on, :30off) each of row, ski, and AB.
Kayleigh I seriously can’t wait to see the photos from yesterday’s class. We are all going to look…interesting.
10am with Lauren
Couldn’t believe how great the clean and jerks felt after I could barely move yesterday recovering from the week. I had an 8# PR (woohoo!) at 87# and my fail at 92# was almost certainly because I rushed to get it in and didn’t take enough time to recover after the previous one.
WOD with Lauren M cheering (always so helpful!) and 45# thrusters and jumping (16” box) chest to bar. Finished 8:10. I really cheat sometimes on thrusters by not squatting fully; it’s mostly unintentional but I know it when I do it and feel annoyed by myself. Need to be more conscious of that and stop cheating.
AR and LFPB lecture with Fox after— always great. Going to try Jamie’s brutal-but-logical tip for drinking enough water every day: pound 32oz before lunch.
Feel better Ro!
PR today on the Clean and Jerk at 255, and although there was a slight press out I think I have more room there. I’ll make sure to hit it again cleanly in the near future before attempting something heavier. Attempts were 205-225-235-245-255.
Metcon in 7:31 Rx. Did the muscle ups as 5-2-2-1. Would have shaved 20-30 seconds off it I hadn’t failed the last muscle up in the third set.
1pm class
Happy to get above 90% with no straps, wraps, sleeves, or belt.
Performance Metcon
Rx’d in 7:39
Rowed around 1:55 split. Thrusters 14-10-6. Practied jumping to the rings, which slows me down. 3-3-3-1. Should build more stamina for larger sets when jumping up. Was able to do first rep each set with no false grip, so a small win.
83-93-103-113-123 (93%)
128X4 cleans and no jerks:(
I don’t even know if I can say I failed the jerks bc I didn’t really attempt them. The most I did was bounce and catch the bar from my shoulders one time. No attempt at dropping under or pushing up on the bar :/ but happy I could clean 128 four times without any issues. Also happy I wasn’t afraid to squat clean after dropping a barbell on my knee early this fall. Most I had cleaned since then is 113. Small wins today.
Fitness WOD Rx’d in 7:22
Row: slow
thrusters: 16-14
C2B: in sets of 3 and then a double at the end with good amount of rest in between each set.
Burpees- fast
9 AM with the Foxes.
Best work of the cycle for sure. pressed out the 150 after being faster
and aggressive for the rest of the lifts- especially the PR at 145.
Metcon with 75# thrusters and pull-ups in 7:29.
smashed my chin on the first thruster- pro-tip- don’t do this.
10 AM with Snickers
118 on the C&J complex. Failed 113 with a press out a couple of times before I finally got it and let myself move on.
WOD in 7:11 with chin-over-bar kipping pullups, which I did not exactly have down pat today. Went to singles pretty fast.
Then a delicious hour of AR with lots of mashing and rolling and hilarious discoveries. I guess Fox and Heather are both fond of terrible horror movies, so I now know that movies called GingerDead Man and Zombeavers exist. Basically, I wanted that conversation (“Have you seen [hilariously bad pun title]?” “Yeah! Have you seen [even worse pun]?”) to go on forever.
Thanks for some great tips today on both the jerk and burpees! I wrote them in my journal and now just have to hear them about 999 more times to operationalize 🙂
10am with Lauren
C&J 155-185-205-225f-225f-225(?)
Fought with the jerk at 225 multiple times, and I think I got it on the 3rd attempt, but it was a really wobbly one. Need to be more aggressive in jumping and putting my head under the bar.
Metcon 7:31min with Rx weight and pull-ups
Felt good about this one, in particular that the pull-ups were 12-8. Could go faster if I broke the thrusters less (8-8-7-7), but they would redline me completely. Pretty happy with my effort on this one, not a lot of rest.
Then 11am AR with Fox, and back home to pack for a week in California… (Currently sitting in JFK waiting for a 2h delayed flight)
Also had a lot of fun with Thaisa after the WOD, she was annoyed that she got her plate math wrong and did it at 75lbs (Rx+) instead of the 55lbs (scaled) that she wanted… Anyway, just a #humblebrag for my strong wife 😂
❤️ #powercouple