Sometimes it’s good to go back to basics! In this new Ask a Coach video, we provide some tips on a classic CrossFit movement: the Kettlebell Swing!
Ask a Coach
Do you like these little instructional videos we’ve been doing? We’d like to do more stuff like that and need your help. So, from time to time, we’ll be asking you for questions that we can address in short videos. Today is one of those times! Leave a CrossFit-related question that we can address in a short video in today’s comments. One of our illustrious coaches may respond in a future video!
Tuesdays, 4 to 6pm: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Open Mat
Jiu Jitsu Open Mat is a supplemental and informal training session for current students and practitioners with at least a fundamental knowledge of jiu jitsu. This is an opportunity to drill technique and spar with other practitioners on the mat and clarify any questions you may have about your training.
Come and go within the timeframe as you please as there will be no lesson taught. This is not a formal class structure, and does not replace formal classes. Callie will be supervising each open mat and will be available to answer questions and offer suggestions on how and what to practice. If you have a gi/kimono, this is a great chance to get some gi training in. No gi apparel is also welcome.
Open Mat will take place from 4 to 6pm on Tuesdays (starting January 23rd) and is accessible with a specialty class punch card!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Deadlift | Burpees / Pull-Ups
Open Registration is Live CrossFit
What America’s First Cookbook Says About Our Country and Its Cuisine Smithsonian
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat
The first 10 rep set and the 5 rep set should be submaximal efforts. Work up to a heavy single in the middle and go for it on the last 10 rep set. Use spotters, and don’t bail the bar on them! If you’re feeling good then go for a new 1RM today. If not, then aim for 90% and leave it there.
Post loads to comments.
Partner 3K Row
Work with a partner and switch off every 300m.
Post time and partner to comments.
Rope climb practice
5 min@aerobic pace
5-10 push ups
12 box jumps
rest 2 min
5 min @aerobic pace
1 rope climb
14 step walking lunge
rest 2 min
5 min@aerobic pace
3-5 hspu
rest 2 min
5 min@aerobic pace
7am w/Lauren doing Thursday
Press: 73, 78, 83F (greeeedyyy), 80 1RM match – should have felt out 80 first, and then tried for 82. Knew better!
DL: 200, easy. 215, smooth. 225 (current 1RM) did not budge! Lol.
WOD: 3:45 with jumping pull ups from stool.
So over jumping pull ups. Did a handful of kipping pull ups before, but still can only get half way up on a strict attempt. Le sigh.
225#, you beast!! Go Kate!
Would have been way more beast if it had gone up today 😜
6 AM with Jess
Strict Press
75×1, 85×1, Failed 90# 3x – would have been a PR over my 1RM of 88#, which was set right after Thanksgiving and I remember the press feeling amazing that day and today just didn’t budge. Oh well
173×1, 193×1, 203×1, 223×1 – Previous PR was 183# and I’m super happy about this! My deadlift has long been my weakest lift and I have finally arrived at the day when it is heavier than my 1RM BSQ…Many thanks to Jess for her encouragement to bump up 20#! Wouldn’t have tried it on my own.
Metcon – scaled to jumping box pull-ups and done in 6:57. Happy about my effort here even if it wasn’t the fastest – my goal was to keep a steady, sustainable pace and I did just that!
Love lifting heavy first thing in the morning but I’m already feeling those deadlifts…
Also…does anyone ever look at their loaded deadlift bar and think “there are people who snatch this overhead???” Just me? Okay…
Gaby I think this all the time. Like, ok, now imagine continuing up & CLEANING this.
Also, those numbers are awesome. Way to get after that press.
Oh, thank god I’m not the only one…Thank you Kate, I appreciate it!! Your WOD time is killer – by the time you finished, I was still sucking air during the round of 15…
cyclical aerobic morning sweat
5 sets:
1:00 assault bike (59-61 rpm)
1:00 ski erg (2:15-2:25)
1:00 run (ugh… I was a bit all over the place. avg 8:30-9:00 mile pace?)
1:00 row (1:55 avg)
Rest 3 min between sets
cooled down with some pull up bar hangs, wrist mobility, thoracic rotation
Still feel like I have bronchitis from yesterday’s workout.
DO – in keeping with the KB theme, I would be interested in an American Swing How-To video. With a soundtrack by The Human League please.
On second thought “America F*** Yeah” might be a more appropriate accompaniment.
Also, going forward, can we refer to Russian Swings as “Freedom Swings”?
Hadn’t seen mention yet of the following so wanted to share that Dan C won first place in his age division and wow overall best lifter for all masters in the USSF 2018 National Championships this past weekend in Oakland, CA.
Mens portion of the meet, including Dan, is here:
Congrats Dan! Wow!
Noon with Keith
62, 67(PR), 72f
175, 195, 215f, 205(PR), 210f
Happy with both PRs but couldn’t believe how impossible just 5# more felt! Ooof.
WOD in 6:15 with ring rows. I powered through the last 9 burpees which was a huge mental and physical win for me. I really sucked on pacing all other burpees though, which is why I had to do it.
Press: 185#
DL: 540#
Metcon: 5:57rx
Just dropping a casual 540# deadlift comment…
Tomorrow’s 10-5-1-1-1-10 is tough to wrap your head around with all the tempo work we’ve been doing. Are there any percentage guidelines that the coaches could throw out there for the first two sets?
Not really, but don’t over think it. I imagine if you’re a number cruncher you have some previous squat cycles to look back upon for reference, which likely include heavy sets of 5. The opening set of 10 should be less than that. How much less? Make an educated guess and use spotters. After tomorrow you’ll have some new numbers.
I’m sorry wasn’t updated in realtime with any weekend results.
– Bob Iger
*NOTE: this is not anyone associated with mgmt or the blog*
4:30 doing Wednesday
No belt, no sleeves. Felt good. Wasn’t too sure about the sets of 10, definitely could have gone heavier. Heavy enough for today.
3k Row in 11:36
Goal was to go 160#for last single, 165 felt super smooth, prob could pushed a bit more here
Row with Worm was a fun one- forgot to check the clock
Wednesday with Whit
Hbbs: 125 (60%)- 155 (75%)-180-190-200-155
Felt good all around. Hit about 96% of my 1RM. Happy with that.
I’ve done a few wendler cycles since thanksgiving and it’s definitely helping me get my squat strength back up.
3k row with Erica in 12:23.
I went out too conservatively in the first round at 2:03 or so but she inspired me to step it and get down to 1:50. Wasn’t as bad as I expected!