Clean and Jerk
Begin at about 75% and work up to a heavy single (not a 1RM) for the day. No press-outs. The goal is zero misses, but if you have a missed lift (either straight up or technical), take 5-10% off the bar for your next rep.
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Exposure 8 of 8
Tabata Mash-Up
8 Alternating Tabata Rounds Each of:
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Air Squats
AbMat Sit Ups
Perform 20 seconds of Russian Kettlebell Swings and 10 seconds of rest, followed by 20 seconds of Air Squats and 10 seconds of rest, then 20 seconds of AbMat Sit-Ups and 10 seconds of rest… repeat for a total of 8 rounds. Score combined total number of reps for all 3 movements.
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Striking Workshop at CrossFit Suffolk
On Sunday, February 11th, CrossFit Suffolk will host a CrossFit Striking Workshop, a single-day immersive experience that teaches participants how to increase overall fitness, core strength, rotational speed and power by incorporating striking drills into CrossFit workouts. Strikes are some of the most functional movements because punching and kicking with true power, speed and accuracy require people to utilize their entire body. This is why fighters are some of the most well-conditioned and powerful athletes in the world.
With this in mind, the Striking Workshop is designed to teach participants to incorporate basic mixed-martial-arts, boxing and self-protection striking concepts into workouts. The course also teaches attendees to program these skills into workouts for greater variance. All this is done in a non-contact format that focuses on proper technique by using shadow boxing, focus mitts, kick shields and a heavy bag.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Wodurday
A Brief History of the Stick Nautilus
Lonely No Longer CrossFit Journal
2-3 sets @Z1 effort
3 wall walk
10 band pass throughs
12 glute bridges
kipping HSPU Practice
3 rounds for time @80-90% SE
500m row
25 wall ball
500m row
5-10 HSPU
11:40am at Tina hills for the push pull
3:16pm at Bayside for the clean and jerk complex with surprise death WOD
Holding 10th for now.
individual is exhausting and brutal. Learned a lot so far. Mostly that I don’t know how to fuel for day long competitions. having a blast but happy to be done today!
Go Katie! Pro tip – ask for a bite of everything that everyone is eating. They will be slightly under fueled and you will have sustainable goodness.
8:00 am group class
Felt a lot of personal improvement here. I’ve been working on my cleans during OG a lot. Still riding the bar down a bit, but being able to do the clean in one movement is huge for my brain. Got to 135 and felt good there. Any heavier than that would have been a struggle.
Watched some videos of myself and I’m pulling with my arms way early and doing most of the work. Bibi steps!
Metcon – 314 reps
There were two speed daemons to my left who I tried to keep pace with so that helped.
12:30 Prospect Park
Somehow convinced myself to go run four miles in the park. I’m not timing myself until I get my mileage back up, but it’s nice to just be able to get back to doing some decent runs once in a while. 20 degrees can eat my butt though.
Go Katie! I am living for these updates!
10am with Lauren
I believe 103# is a PR for me. I know we were told strictly NOT to test this but I swear it was a accident. I haven’t done clean & jerks for months, so I was just working up to whatever felt difficult. Then just out of curiosity, I looked back to my last recorded PR and it was 98#, back in June. So I did 103# and still had a bit in the tank! Excited to go through a full cycle of these!
I LOVED the Tabata work today. It was like another round of Short Circuit, which is my jam. Finished with 374 reps. Around 15-16 on the KB swings (yellow KB), 15-18 on the squats and 14-16 on the sit-ups.
Haha aww thanks! Update: I’m running with about 15% left in the tank and I have to hang clean and jerk heavy next. If I finish I’ll be lucky.
Got 21st on my last sled push one. 1 bar MU before I hit the 7 min time cap Did my very best! Just don’t have much left in me at this point!
Fun surprises: sled was casually 330 POUNDS. And there was no traction whatsoever so we had to do the entire workout with it shoes off. And also push the sled back and forth twice between a rig. So if you weren’t accurate you got stopped dead by the rig. A judge also got in my way. But yeah the bottom of me feet are toasted! I screamed at the top of my lungs before every push and that seemed to make it easier 🙂 fun to yell like that to bring up intensity actually, never done that before
Pull-ups/C2B/bar MU- they were somewhere else today. Every year I think I’ve mastered butterfly only to realize that i still don’t quite own the skill. My posterior chain is FRIED from last night and the sled push didn’t help. So kip was all kinds of crazy. Ripped pretty bad but only right at the end.
Overall a really good workout! I have it my all. These girls are just really strong and talented. Once I work out the kinks I will be just like them too. #confidence
Katie! You are so strong & talented – sounds like this has been an awesome challenge & learning experience. We’re so super proud of you! Also 330# omg.
Damn Katie this sounds like an awesome experience, in particular dealing with all the unexpected parts of a multi day competition like that. Super proud of the effort you’re putting in and, I’m sure like other, I’m steadily refreshing the app to see the results.
So inspired and amazed by your effort, Katie!!! You are so awesome and should feel sooooo proud!!!
You’re inspiring and badass. Well done this weekend!
10am class with Fox/Lauren and a BIG crew!
clean and jerk, work up to heavy single over 15 min
85 with 3 jerks
115 with 2 jerks
125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170#
VERY happy with this! my all time best clean is 175# and my best rack jerk is 176. I may have hit 170 before together once, but I can’t remember. so it’s either a PR or a PR match… and the clean felt solid. heavy for sure, but I’m receiving a lot tighter and more ready for the bar at these heavier weights now. the jerk was slightly squirrelly, but not a press out. rad. every lift felt solid today. need to work on not short-stepping my jerks, though.
tabata was fun! used a 16kg bell and treated it as a steady effort piece. did not do the power swing. avg 12 swings, 15-20 squats (picked up the pace when the beatz dropped!) and 12 sit ups.
even: 9 thrusters @ 75#
odd: 5 burpees + 15 DU’s
great! did this for 12 min a couple weeks ago. today felt much smoother. staying more vertical in the squat/thruster, a little faster turnover from OH to back down. worked on doing du’s as fast as possible while still breathing. never felt over the line on this. 16 min next! or maybe 10 thrusters/min…
12nooner with Ro and Lauren
C&J up to 123# which is a 1RM match. Felt smooth & plenty left. Eager to test this after all the cleans in WODs + jerk work.
Tabata: 360 reps. Went out like a maniac on the first 4 rounds. Also had Pierre next to me so, had to try…
“Straight A’s!” – Slater
“Survived!” – Me
1st class back after a looong hiatus, so I had no idea what to expect. Officially off the Disabled List, but already sore…
95, 115, 125*2, 135*2 – paired with Dr. Schneiderman. These felt pretty good, but I had no idea what to expect so I just listened to my body.
297 reps on the tabata metcon with a 16kg KB. I tried to keep things at about 12 reps for everything, once I had my bearings after the first round.
Psyched to be back, and a Dr. Mike sighting, so bonus.
KHarpz- loving the recaps- what a great performance.
10 AM with Fox and Lauren and the masses.
clean and jerks:
3×95/115/2×125/130/2×135/140 (pr)
Might have to drop back down here and get the split jerk- I can do the weight,
but not really nailing the lift- can’t get my front leg out far enough- completely mental.
339 tabata reps with a 32k bell. got into a groove and didn’t let up.
Fun, satisfying Sunday.
Got up to 135 on the C&J and for the first time in the nearly 6 years I’ve been at CFSBK I wasn’t totally embarrassed by my form, and also felt like I had more in the tank for the jerk (which based on my strict press 1 RM I should).
I’ve been back at CF from my first love, Strength Cycle, for about 6-7 months now and I wanted to acknowledge the various teachable moments and queues, especially at the weekday 10am and noon classes, I’ve received received from coaches like Lauren, Ro, Whit, Brett, David, and the Foxes, who have each worked with me on both Olympic lifts (and HT to Melissa for all the help getting my OHS even a thing).
251 on the WOD doing “Rx” (32kg) on the bell partnering with Greg and Evan.
Congrats to KHarpz on the great work. You can do it!
Some lightweight moving in the hotel gym after a day of (icy, icy) skiing.
Bench 170x5x3
Felt heavy (which shouldn’t), and it was a weird rack set up. To 175 next.
4 rounds for quality:
16 (8ea) DB bent over row @ 60lbs
10 calories row
50 single unders
Finished in about 17-19min, moved with purpose but didn’t rush. Tried to do doubles but couldn’t get a single DU today, maybe they’ve left me forever after Annie. Thought about doing the tabata metcon, but decided to jump in the pool instead.
Deadlift: 315×10 T&G
Bench press: 110x12x5 r2:00
Today’s Tabata Metcon
24kg KB: 93 reps
SQT: 129 reps
SU: 92 reps
Fun one. I felt like I could have kept going forever.
Og tonight.
Clean and jerk: worked up to 118 a few times.
Snatch: worked up to 88 and failed 93 twice. Ahhh.
Tabata workout with JB with a 24kg Bell. 360 reps.