The blog is a bit behind on stuff what with new programs launching and the LFPB Challenge gearing up, but here’s something really cool. It’s CFSBK member and photographer Robert C. giving a TEDx talk called “Is a Robot Standing Between You and Your Next Job?” It’s a very cool and informative video. Congrats, Robert!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Coach KHarpz is in Miami this weekend for Wodapalooza! Here’s a transmission from the Sunshine State:
“Looking forward to throwing down as an Intermediate Individual at this year’s Wodapalooza! Couldn’t be more thankful for all of you and the supportive crew that is coming down to watch! A couple of people have asked, so if you want to spectate from afar, here are the ways you can locate me on the livestream, especially if you want to see what I look like cleaning a sandbag in a swim cap and goggles on Saturday, : 1) Download the WZA phone app. My schedule will be posted under Intermediate individual directed to this link below. There will be a livestream option on the site as well as through the app. 2) You can also access the schedule and livestream from the website. 3) If I know more info I’ll post details about heat times to the blog! STAY WARM FOLKS!”
Kick some ass, Katie! You can follow Katie’s ass kicking on the WZA leaderboard.
2. Save the date: The CFSBK Community Potluck goes down on Saturday, February 3rd! We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. See the event page for details.
4. We also heard from Constance T. this week! See you soon, Constance!
5. We just passed 6,000 followers on Instagram. Thanks for helping us reach this milestone! We still need your help reaching 5,000 followers on Facebook, so smash that “like” button to help your favorite gym out!
6. Our next Brazilian jiu-jitsu cycle with Callie Brennan starts this weekend. There are a limited number of spots in each class, so get on it! Details are in yesterday’s post
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | NFR Work
How to Conquer Your Fear of Trying New Things NY Mag
Handstand Like a Boss Athlete Daily
Saturday’s Programming
For Time:
550m Run, then…
3 Rounds
21 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Toes to Bars
The Deadlifts should be light and completed in 1-2 sets. If you can’t string together sets of 6-10 TTBs then scale to HLRs or HKRs.
550m Run, then…
3 Rounds
15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
9 Chest-to-Bar Pul- Ups
The Hang Power Cleans should be medium heavy and completed in 1-3 sets. If you can’t string together sets of 3-5 CTBs then scale to Chin Over Bar Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups.
550m Run, then…
3 Rounds
9 Overhead Squats 135/95
6 Muscle-Ups
The Overhead Squats should be medium heavy and completed in 1-2 sets If you can’t complete the Ring Muscle-Ups in 1-3 sets then scale to 12 Ring Dips or Burpees.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Already finished events 1 & 2!
They screwed up. Nobody was at a checkpoint to tell us to turn so people at the heat and we ran an extra mile and got passed by a bunch of people behind us. Sucks but apparently they’ll make it right. I definitely did well in the mile wreck bag run! 50# bag on my back. Just dug in and kept going. Super mental! We should get or make some of those that thing is awesome!
Next event is at about 10:32, I’m heat 3, lane 3 at Bayside
3 RFT:
4 muscle ups
12 power cleans @ 80#
15 cal assault bike
Last event for today is at 5:02, I’m heat 28, lane 3 at Tina Hills
For time (8 min cap):
35 wall ball (20#)
25 toes to bar
15 BBJO @ 20″
25 toes to bar
35 wall ball (20#)
Later gators!
Good luck Katie! Kill it dead!
Good luck Katie, and glad they’re going to make such a weird error right and that you powered through anyway!
Keep kicking ass Katie! I’m trying to figure out if/how to livestream it – if anyone has tips let me know…
Looks like you have to stream it through Floelite and it unfortunately isn’t free.
Oh damn. That’s lame they should make my division free for viewing lol!
How did event 3 go?
It went……okay! Katie Hej was there to watch which was so great! I love these events because it’s amazing to see how much I need to learn. When circumstances are different it completely changes the game.
Completed in 10:47. Got to the rings and the straps were probably double the length of our long ones at 597. PLUS they were blowing in the wind. PLUS they were too high to jump to. I had to use a box which I don’t practice so it throws off my kip cause I start swinging side to side. Anyway. Long strap kipping in the wind took some serious focus and control.
muscle ups- First 4 unbroken. Second round, got no repped on third because of a very slight lockout issue with left elbow, then the wind blew so hard I couldn’t reach the rings for what felt like 10 seconds! Then I tried to jump for them and totally missed. Me and my judge were laughing it was pretty funny. Anyway I probably wasted about a minute on that bull crap. Had a super scary fail. Third set went better 2/2.
Snatches: turned out being 65# I was stoked! First set unbroken, second 7/5, third 5/4/3. Wanted to push this and see how I did but severely underestimated the cost of going unbroken. Figured it was worth the risk. Red lined HARD. But this was a good learning experience. Not ready for unbroken yet.
Bike: hit 60+ RPM for round 1 and 3, round 2 I was still recovering from my muscle up drama and my heart rate was through the roof. Probably around 52-58 RPM
Overall this workout was disappointing compared to how I expected to do. But just goes to show you the difference between doing these things in the comfort of your own gym with equipment you know versus not. Need to work on my pacing strategies too. I’m happy I finished! Having a blast!
GO KHARPZ!!! You’re so awesome. Have fun!!!!!
(Also…intermediate!?!?! Wow. You’re on the elite list in my mind!)
Crush it 😛
Them elites are games level dude. V elite. Thank you Allie!!!
Wowwwee that’s a lot of running, KHarpz! Keep crushing it.
7am w/Lauren doing Thursday
Snatches have been so weird and overthought, so wanted to just get to a working weight and stay there so:
78×5 – failed the very first power snatch in this, but reset and hit the complex. Really struggling with all the moving parts right now – trying not to lead up with my butt, putting the brakes on to stay above parallel, forgetting to keep the bar close & punch up when I’m worried about all that other stuff. Ugh. This movement used to feel so fun. All in the process I’m sure.
Carries at 16kg – left side was the limiter. Did two wall walks + 4-6 shoulder taps per round. Blew a buncha blood vessels in my face.
All followed by a really gross & annoying commute to work. Ready for the weekend.
Ugh +1 to the gross commute, like warm wet dog breath and not in the cute way.
Go Katie!!! So badass.
7am with Lauren
Educational day. I initially built up to 72 which strength-wise felt fine, but something got very angry in my left wrist. Went back down in weight for the last few sets, which made my wrist feel better but allowed me to get sloppy with form a few times. Last set was a little smoother. It’s a process 🙂
Surprised myself by doing some shoulder taps, maxed out at 6. Kinda scary but kinda fun. Carries at 16kg.
Cashed out with a 1000m row followed by some stretching / mobility work.
I would now very much like a bagel, happy Friday!
WOD: 33:11 (or was it 31:33, but I think the former)
– First third as Rx. Deadlift unbroken, T2B very broken.
– Second third as Rx for one round, then switched the regular pull-ups for next two. Hang cleans in two sets each time.
– Last third with burpees. OHS as 9, 6-3, 6-F-3.
Definitely a bit more profanity than I have used in a WOD in a while. Never went to a dark place during this one and instead engaged a fair amount of banter, which was nice for a Friday morning. Tough, but fun. I highly recommend holding the deadlifts with your fingertips and loose grip (thanks for that cue a few weeks ago Jess) and if you usually wear wrist wraps, definitely have them for the last part – my wrists were screaming and could have used them.
Excited to hop a plane tonight to cheer on KHarpz with some other strong ladies!!!!!
if you guys want to watch Katie, I have a floelite account.
email me directly and I will share my credentials.
Go Katie!!!
Yay Pierre!!! You rule!
11:30am drop in group class at CrossFit Forte in Nashville.
Great box (thanks Charles for the rec a few days ago); smart cues from the coach Evan (owns the box) and flow to the class and the nicest of people. Also, they’ve seen us featured a bunch on Crossfit things.
SO MUCH SNATCHING. here was the class:
Every minute, for 12 minutes: 3 reps
Starting at a light(ish) load, increase every 4 minutes (3 total loads)
Odd minutes: touch and go
Even minutes: singles
CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.1 and 14.1
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power Snatches (75 / 55)
I did loads of 53, 58, and 63 on the progression, got in some great double under practice (with David’s voice of trickery in my head to do triple unders), but did single unders (x2) for the WOD. Did 4 rounds + 3 power snatches. Frustrated because I wanted to get through at least 5 rounds, but my thumb blister got gross by minute 3. Oh well. Was still a great workout.
7am solo doing Sat
Rx’d in a little under 42 minutes. I was using my phone stopwatch and didn’t check it right away. This was very challenging and I didn’t like it very much in the moment, but loved it almost immediately after. Hardest workout I’ve done in a while.
Fox your muscle ups looked so effortless!
Did tomorrow’s wodfest this afternoon solo.
Did the runs on the assault air runner
Everything rxd except the OHS which I scaled to 95. Was feeling a little unstable on my warm ups so decided to be conservative on that movement.
Really enjoyed this one.
I can’t believe harps had to run an extra mile 😓
GO KHARPZ GOOOOOOO!!!! Stoked for you. Keep learnin’, keep crushin’ it! Representing CFSBK like a champ!
This is a familiar pattern, but I was unmotivated and underfed when it came time to train after today’s coaching. Back has been a bit cranky/fatigued and had some cramps today, too. Just blah. BUT Thanks to some of Charlie’s oatmeal (!!) and the old standby of “just start moving and see what happens” … I got through my workout as written and actually felt great doing it. Success.
A. 8 min:
8 cal bike
8 DB power snatch @ 35#
rest 4 min
B. 8 min
9 cal row
8 DB push press @ 35#
8 box jump over 20″
rest 4 min
C. 8 min
150m ski erg
4 sandbag over shoulder 80#
12 rvrs lunge
A. 4 rounds + 9 reps
B. 4 rounds + 11 reps
C. 4 rounds + 150m
Did part A as a 10 min piece two months ago and scored 4+17, so there is some definite improvement there. Was able to hold 56-58rpm steady on the bike (went 60 in the first round and felt it was not sustainable), take two breaths and go right into BMU unbroken, then pick up the DB and start moving. Played with changing hands on the way down and it was AWESOME. I was scared to do that before, but it felt so much more efficient!
Part B solid. 1050-1150 for the row I think, all within :33-:36. DB push press felt stable and strong, focused on vertical dip and powerful drive. Box jump overs – pivot on box and step down into the next rep.
Part C wasn’t sure how it would go but held around a 2:20-2:30 and 45 s/m I think on the erg? Focused on big full breaths. Sandbag pace was good but I know I was over-extending through my back and not driving my hips enough. Rvrs lunges were active rest.
Cooled down with very light rowing and an easy stretch. Then a big, healthy meal!
The app shows Harpz currently sitting in SIXTH place! CRUSH!
Thanks for the good wishes guys! Yes run turned out well.
WOD 1) 7 (+ extra)K: 7th place, they adjusted my time but sux cause my pace was shot with the extra distance.
WOD 2) wreck bag run: 3rd place, not surprised given my training year! Carries and cardio helped me dig in and not die.
WOD 3) assault triple: 11th place, posted above. Was good to see RX and elite dudes struggling on the rings too! super fun getting to do them on the bay stage though
WOD 4) down up dawg: 20th place, not gonna lie. I was dogggggin this one. I was tired and just wasn’t feeling that 20# wall ball and apparently 10+ target! Gross. Should’ve tried harder but just didn’t want to hurt at the end of a long day. All good! It happens. Ready for that sandbag tomorrow
7k completed in 32:40
Wreck bag(50#) completed in 7:34