Phil S. gets after some rope climbs. Check out more of Thomas H.’s recent photos here!
Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A: “What Do I Eat?”
Are eggs bad for me? I know avocado is a healthy food, so can I have as much as I want? What’s a whole grain? I heard that avoiding carbs is a fast way to lose weight. Should I skip them? What about gluten, lactose, caffeine, nails, etc.?
Whether you’re following Level 1 or Level 2 on the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, we want you to focus on what foods to eat rather than what are “bad” or foods you should try and will yourself to not eat. In the first lecture of the series (this Sunday, January 7th at 12pm in the Annex), we’ll discuss what healthy foods you should be including in your diet, as well as provide some guidelines on how much of them should be on your plate (even if you’re not counting your macros). An open Q&A will follow.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Hey, speaking of the LFPB Challenge, today is the last day to sign up and/or complete all your Pre-challenge stuff! See yesterday’s post for a handy checklist.
2. Coaches KHarpz and Chris Fox recently wrote pieces for our buds at Beyond the Whiteboard. Check out Coach Fox‘s “Older, Fitter: You’re Not as Old as You’re Gonna Be,” the first in a series of posts that will reveal some of his knowledge about training older athletes. Coach KHarpz penned the latest installment in her continuing series detailing her quest to qualify for regionals,“Massing SZN: I Command You to Grow!” They’re both great weekend reads!
3. What’s all the good stuff for sale in the fridge, and how can it help you reach your fitness goals? Everything you need to know is in Wednesday’s post!
4. Save the date for the CFSBK Community Potluck on February 3rd! This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the LFPB Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
5. We’re very close to 5,000 likes on Facebook and 6,000 followers on Instagram. If you already follow us, thank you! If not, smash that like button to help your favorite gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | DB Deadlifts, DB Thrusters
The Catch: Weightlifting’s Most Complicated Movement Breaking Muscle
Exercise Alters Our Microbiome. Is That One Reason It’s So Good for Us? NY Times
Saturday’s Programming
At 0:00
3 Rounds For Time:
20 Calories Rowed
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
At 12:00
3 Rounds For Time:
15 Power Cleans 115/80
15 Burpees
*Edit – was originally 20 PC and 20 BRP
The power clean should be light/medium for you. The burpees happen behind and lateral to the bar, no jump over.
At 24:00
EMOM x 10 (5ea):
Minutes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8: 45 Second Hollow Hold Minutes
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 : 45 Second Reverse Plank
Tuck the Hollow or bend your knees on the Plank as needed to hold for 45 seconds.
Post work to comments.
Make-up post before it gets away from me and I never post again
Was working crazy and then got some disease over Christmas week so only managed the 10 x 250m row sprints and then some really nice tempo squats on Wednesday with Katie E (best bar partner because ya gonna be challenged) @ 165lbs 5×4 (30×1)
This week:
Sunday aka New Years Eve
Squats 175lbs 3×5 not deep enough
Bench 100lbs 3×5 last set 101lbs cause New Years
Deadlift 210lbs 1×5 not bad. Felt a tiny bit of flexion in my spine but this was not reflected in the video footage.
Monday’s work
Tempo dumbbell OHP 25lbs (40×1)
7 reps then 6, 5, 5
ugh will probably never get above the 25lb dumbbells with this
Single leg Romanian split stance deadlifts the third.
45lb dumbbells 4×6 reps KHarpz said everything looked good but I could go a little slower. Definitely helped me feel more sensation cause I was just busting these out. Also said I have long hamstrings, which is nice. They don’t feel long but they’ll take the compliment.
Then CRASH B’s rate matching workout. Not going to bore you with the details but this one was fun and not murderous. Which was nice because my lungs still aren’t 100%
Tempo Squats 6×2 (32×1)
Had fantastic bar partners Zach and Tom. I was not a good bar partner because I zoned out when counting for Zach and kept him at the bottom too long. Was a flurry of activity so not sure if I got the full 6 sets, but I think it went like this
135lbs 155lbs, 165lbs, 175lbs, 175lbs, 175lbs
Wish I could have done all the sets at 175 but we ran out of time so I counted my warmups.
Then CRASH B’s which sucked cause whole back of my legs were borken.
3000m row @ T4 pace (uncomfortable pace)
13:12.3, ave split 2:12.0, R21
Lungs still bad kept on the higher end of T4
3000m row @ T3 (still uncomfortable pace but not as bad)
14.09.6, ave split 2:21.6 R19
Way easier
40 min knee deep snow slog
1 hour sledding + hill sprints
20 min literal sled pulls with 200lb human
1:20 min snow slog
LFPB challenge reflection
Am better much this year at getting enough protein. Still eating too much fat, do not know how to consume carbs, I don’t like them and they make me feel gross. I bought some potatoes so I’ll let you know how that goes.
GIRL I’m with you on fat/carbs. I heart fat.
LOL “I bought some potatoes so I’ll let you know how that goes.”
I envy you! Carbs are my best friend. Lately I’ve been using a tortilla as a protein vehicle, if that helps.
Wrap it around eggs, grilled chicken, deli meat, everything – top it with low fat cheese or some type of sauce (current favorite is Momofuku’s Ssam sauce). You can make anything a taco if you try hard enough.
“You can make anything a taco if you try hard enough.”
Words to live by!
+1 Jaime you may have just coined my new cooking slogan #tacos4ever
Just a voice in support of the mighty potato! I find they make me feel much less bloated and gross than other carb vehicles. There is also SO MUCH you can do with them… though to be fair I am one of those lucky humans who love both carbs AND fat so ymmv 😉
@Christine I’m gonna try the taco everything approach.
“put a taco on it”
fat is god
Beets? Rice? Apples? Pears? Bananas? Oatmeal? Granola?
^ My favorite carbs 🙂
A+ to all of the above other than rice and granola.
I have hella beets right meow.
Karina see we all care about you but even more we care about carbs
thank you Kate. it’s an important conversation
I’m going to try out the juice of apple soon.
lol Karina lemme teach you about all the carbs.
7am w/Lauren doing Thursday
1) I didn’t drink enough water yesterday!
2) TNG snatches are still no fun
Went lighter than last time. After 10000 snatches with Frankie on Wednesday night, and continuing to make the same mistake on 9999 of those reps (leading up with the butt, not fully extending), I was hoping to dial in today. It didn’t really work and I guess I’m just off the snatch game right now.
7s: 58, 58
5s: 63, 68
3s: 73×2 (bailed after the second, form was crap), 73
7s: 53, 53
WOD: 6:29 @ 27.5#
Tried out 30s and probably could have done it, but I know I definitely would not have maintained stability on the thrusters with 35s. Lots to work on with these. JFox you’re a legend.
Cash out: 10 v-ups then 10×2 GHD sit ups
Lol, Kate. I can also be a carb coach for you, Karina.
can i subscribe to a service that texts me a carb recommendation on a regular basis?
Tiny 7am class today with Lauren!
From 52 up to 67. Got some good cues from Lauren about my start position and tried to stay a little lighter and focus on form and pacing. I don’t love these but I think they’re really good practice and I do believe I’m improving and getting more consisten.
5:16 with 25#. I think this weight was right, there were some dicey thrusters in those last few sets. Felt good about the pacing overall, used the DLs to breathe and broke the thrusters up as planned (vs. my sometimes MO of having a plan then forgetting it entirely halfway through the first round).
Cash Out
2 x 10 v-ups
1 x 8 strict hanging knee raises
10am class today – Thursdays workout was soooooo haaaaaaarddddd…my quads are ded.
Power Snatches
Fine. Maybe babying a(nother) new thigh tat a bit
DB Go Fu%k Yourself WOD
6:33 Rx’d
Not enough muscle stamina to do this one fast.
8 am doing Saturday with Brett who was kind enough to go on Erg 911 duty for me
8:40 in the first WOD. Probably. My erg monitor went away in the 2nd round so I tried to keep pace and jumped off more or less with the group. Brett pulled in another for my third round. Did wall balls with the 12# to 8 ft. Stayed unbroken in 1 and 2 and meant to go 10 10 in the third but let one drop cuz it was spinning at me. Still, I was happy with keeping it going.
Oh boy. That second wod I just barely finished under 12. 52# on the bar and chipped away in diminishing chucks each round. Those burpees were worse than I counted on and I rested too much despite going so slowly. So much heartbeat and so out of breath but then directly onto the next!
It was pretty cool to have an EMOM that starts out so winded and within which I had to get breathing under control. I really liked this as a happy ending to a challenging work out. More please! Better than splaying and panting.
Then I walked out of the gym. Sneezed and haven’t stopped. Tomorrow will be a rest day! Fingers crossed that I only need one!
Did Saturday’s workout today. It was awful lol
A: 3RFT: 20 CAL/20 WB
7:17 as Rx’d
Row 1: Over 1000 c/h
Row 2: Over 900 c/h
Row 3: Over 800 c/h
All Wall Balls Unbroken (this was my mini goal for the workout)
B: 3 RFT: 20 PC/20BRP
Started @ 12:00 mark, finished at 26:50 (14:40) as Rx’d
That was awful
Rolled around on the ground for a while then went outside.
Eventually cashed out with
6 Rounds
10 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Kettlebell Curls
Then stretched for 10:00
Need to stay on a tighter sleep/food prep/hydration game on these cold, crazy weather days to keep my energy up… by the time I got done with coaching I just had no oomph, no motivation. After a mini pep talk from Brett, decided to stick with my plan to test my front squat…
FSQ 1RM test (10ish min to establish)
45×8, 95×5, 125×3, 145×3
180 (PR match)
185 F, F
rest 8 min, then
max reps @ 85% (should be 153#, did 155#) @ 30×1 tempo
score = 5 reps
what the hell. 180 is my PR from sometime in 2016; on that day it was quite possibly the slowest lift I’ve ever done in my life… I remember it felt like it took a full 10 seconds to stand up. happy that 180# today was much smoother. so much so that in my head I was like “GREAT! i should be able to hit at least 190. that was no big deal.” but then proceeded to fail 185 twice. don’t think i was out of position or anything. it just felt like my legs stopped working about halfway up. not the first time that’s happened. maybe I just needed to get aggressive and possibly have another human in the gym at the same time to pump me up?? maybe i went faster on the way down and lost some tension? maybe i got in my head? ugh. i’m disappointed but determined to keep getting stronger. more single leg work in my future!
couldn’t do my thruster EMOM b/c i have a blood blister from yesterday’s TNG snatches! so… ground this one out:
3 rounds:
25 cal row (~1:32-1:40)
150′ single arm farmer carry L, @ 32kg
150′ SAFC R @ 32kg
12 pistols (7L, 5R)
10 single arm ring rows (7L, 3R)
:30 front rack standing hold @ 185# — penance for missing the FSQ!
done in 19:45
Given that you recognized a low energy level after a full day of coaching and all the low pressure, frigid weather conditions and that you needed a pep talk just to get started, it seems to me that matching a PR easily is a great feat! Keep up the hard work and when the energy is there too- wow is just ahead!