Touch-and-Go Power Snatch
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 14 (8 sets):
At Minutes 0, 2: 7 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
At Minutes 4, 6: 5 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
At Minutes 8, 10: 3 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
At Minutes 12, 14: 7 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches
Each set should be heavy for the rep range. These should be true touch-and-go without the need for the barbell to be resting in the hang on the way down. If you’re newer to the lift, then focus more on maintaining good positions and a close bar path than on hanging on to the bar, and do sets of quick bailed singles as needed.
This is a repeat of exposure 4 from this cycle.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
Dumbbell Deadlifts 50/35
Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
Post time and Rx to comments.
Evidence that there was a time not so long ago when it wasn’t below freezing on Degraw Street. We’re open today and mostly running on a normal schedule. Any cancellations will be listed in the News and Notes section below!
The Look, Feel Perform Better Challenge started Monday, but there’s still time to sign up! By participating in the Challenge, you’ll get daily accountability alongside fellow CFSBKers and the support of the coaching staff. Learn how to make nutrition work for you, and maybe also get some abs in time for beach season. Whether you’ve already signed up or plan to sign up, be sure to complete the following steps by January 5th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Sign up for payment ($30 per month for the three-month program) at the front desk or in the online store.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos according to the guidelines on the Look, Feel, Perform Better website. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent. You can access the 2018 LFPB Challenge Entry Form HERE.
- Perform the Test WOD (today!) and record your results.
- Enter points earned daily on the spreadsheet to track how well you’re complying with the guidelines.
- Complete your Post-Challenge submission by 3/28/18 at the end of the challenge.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions on Sundays at 1pm in the Annex at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture followed by a Q&A. (1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, and 3/18).
Save the date for the CFSBK Community Potluck on February 3rd! This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the LFPB Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
News and Notes
- Hey, so we’re very close to 5,000 likes on Facebook and 6,000 followers on Instagram. Smash that like button to help your favorite gym!
- Missing something? Check out the goods from our latest lost and found dump, and be sure to claim your items before we donate them to CHIPS.
- This afternoon’s CrossFit Teens class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Burpee Box Jumps, Bar Muscle-Ups
The Super Bowl of Japanese Wrestling Is Worth Losing Sleep to Watch The Outline
Unfiltered Fervor: The Rush to Get Off the Water Grid NY Times
6am w/Jess & Snickers
PS: 115-125-135-115
Metcon: 5:29 Rx
Deads: nice and light
Thrusters: 15, 8-4, 9, 6, 3
Should have put the DBs down before starting the round of 15 thrusters
Snow day!!! Which still meant 6am, but followed by some bonus fitness (further followed by lots of couch time).
Power Snatch:
83 x 7 x 2
88 x 5, 93 x 5
98 x 3, 103 x 2,1 – needed to pause
88 x 7 x 2
WOD: 4:06 Rx
All thrusters unbroken. Rested before the last deadlift every time to help mentally push through the thrusters.
GHD sit-ups: 15×2
HSPU practice to 1 abmat- was not all to solid today (oh hey DB thrusters). Lots of singles and doubles, then:
3 rounds: 10 cal row, 2 HSPU
10 min on the SkiErg (:30 easy, :30 hard)- continued just beyond the 10 min mark to hit 100 cal
4 rounds:
3 strict pull-ups
30 unbroken DUs
Two rounds got it right away, two rounds took far too long (lots of trips at 25ish)
8am (my school is still on break this week!) :/
52×7, 57×7
Wod: Barbara and I were encouraged to do 35# by the Foxes. So we did it!
Took me 9:??… I think I tried my best, but definitely was thinking negative thoughts instead of being positive and pushing through. Thanks for the push and support from the class!
AGS makeup afterwards was… not easy after that stuff! Arnold press, supinated bent over rows, Russian twists, hanging leg raises, bicep curls and tricep extensions… phew, I am beat up.
Have to make up Jackie tomorrow! I hope I can move…
Allie – I’m so glad you did the 35#. I know it had to be heavy and you stayed single digits on the clock! Woweee!!
Thanks, Shawn!!! I looked at the clock around the 5:00 and thought of you already being done at that point. Lol, I think I was still in the 12s…
Snatches at 8:00 with Fox
7s – 75,75
5s – 85,85
3s – 95,95
7s – 80,80
I went all last year with avoiding snatches after my arm went numb from a lift. This year my goal is to work on form and not stress the weight. Today I felt a couple good lifts in there, and a few not so good. The ones that weren’t good felt like I was trying to get under the bar before fully extending. Fear. Fuck it. Really want to get better at them more than any other lift.
Metcon was 35# and I fear for the women who have to RX that during the open. This was a tough weight. Ugh.
7 am with Jess and Lauren
7s 53#
5s 58# for the first set but I pressed some out and went back down to 53# to stay solid on form.
3s 63#
7s 53# and this felt like the best T&G of the sets.
WOD with #20 in 5:11. I broke up the set of 12 as planned. I broke up the set of 9 briefly but that was more than I wanted. Went right into 6 and 3 though.
Cashed out on the GHD for 3×10 and then a :30sec hallow hold to cap it off.
Last night: CF Santa Monica, take 2!
“Dallas 5”
5 min AMRAP burpees
[rest 1 min]
5 min AMRAP 7 deadlifts 115# / 7 box jumps
[rest 1 min]
5 min AMRAP Turkish get-ups 20#
[rest 1 min]
5 min AMRAP 7 power snatches 55# / 7 push ups
[rest 1 min]
5 min AMRAP row for calories
I got 70 / 5+6 / 15 / 3+1 / 60 RX.
Flight home today got cancelled due to ice bomb tornado…see ya Saturday, CFSBK! Stay safe and warm!
Lol-ice bomb tornado.
We miss you, Kirby!!! Enjoy that weather and all the tapatio packets!!
Miss you Kirbz!
TNG power snatches:
7’s @ 85#
5’s @ 95#
3’s @ 105, 110#
7’s @ 95#
DB DL @ 35#’s
Burpees ((have an thruster EMOM programmed tomorrow))
weighted v-ups cash out (8# medicine ball)
Snow day!! 10am class after a great night of rest.
Took everything light, slow and steady as I’m still easing in after many weeks of being almost completely sedentary. The LFPB test from Tuesday is still killing my legs…I’m sure I’m annoying everyone behind me as I hobble down the subway stairs.
TNG power snatches:
7’s: 43#
5’s: 53#
3’s: 58#
7’s: 53#
GREAT cues from Jess to have the bar up my hips before going overhead. I was releasing way too early!
WOD in 3:15 using 15# weights.
Rested after the second set of thrusters at rep 6 (of 12), then unbroken on everything thereafter.
I definitely should have at least tried 20’s, but even air squats are a struggle for me right now 🙁 I can’t wait to be fully functioning!!!
4:30 class with Whit, got to leave work early. Woop
63×7, 68×7
70×5, 73×5
75×3, 78×3
73×7, 73×7
Forced myself into the wod RX at a slow pace: 7:54
Favorite moment? When I had to redo the last rep because my left arm didn’t lock out. Sighhhhh
Snow bomb = work from home day (which I thought was going to be a “binge watch The Crown and pretend to work from home day” but was actually a work from home day) + choir rehearsal canceled = Thursday afternoon Short Circuit! Yay!
I can’t decide whether I like the ski erg or not.
I thought I had seen you there by the front desk at 6:30pm! I thought you were taking night class (or AR), was surprised to see you around at night 🙂
Didn’t feel like going out in the cold so did a basement workout. Really could have used the energy of CFSBK though.
Row: :30 on, :30 rest, damper set at 5
1. 132 m @1:53.6 500 split
2. 131m @1:54.5
3. 128m @1:57.1
4. 131 @1:54.7
3 rounds of 2 strict pullups and 8 tempo pushups with a pause at the bottom.
I def should have done more than but wasn’t in the mood.
WOD with 30# DBs in 8:00
thrusters: 6-5-4, 4-4-4, 5-4, 6, 3
Really happy with my rack position on the thrusters which is a major weakness and felt solid today. 30# felt great weight-wise but I took LONG breathing breaks in between each set.
Squeezed in a day of exercise: probably the last one I’ll go in with a big effort. Need to taper since I’m a week out!
A) performance care segment:
2 rounds:
10 supinated DL @ 135#
15 hip extensions
1:00 suitcase hold ea hand, perfect form, something light. Chose 44# not crazy light but I maintained good form so whatever
40s bent knee hollow hold, getting easier. Still not even close to comfortable holding a regular hollow hold properly
B) 3 rounds:
12 power snatch @ 65#
6 OHS @ 65#
400M run
Completed in 10:28. Power snatches and OHS unbroken. Went straight from snatch to squat. That was the good part! Oh my goodness am I toasted on that air runner after yesterday. Tried to push it but it was just so rough. I’m not touching that thing until comp day next week that’s for sure. Best efforts! Can’t wait to not exercise tomorrow.
6:30pm with Whit and Lauren
TnG Power Snatch started with 105 worked up to 135, then ended at 115. Felt good.
Metcon 8:42min Rx. I spent the whole day pumping myself up for this metcon, since I really didn’t want to do 50lbs but I knew I could. Decided to not even pick up another weight to warm up, went straight for the 50s. I knew this would hurt and knew I’d be the last to finish (both correct), but I’m happy to have done this at Rx weight.
Then 7:30pm AR, which I had really missed while on Strength Cycle!
Power Snatches
Fine. Maybe babying a(nother) new thigh tat a bit
DB Go Fu%k Yourself WOD
6:33 Rx’d
Not enough muscle stamina to do this one fast.
With barbell 30kg