Partner WOD
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
40 AbMat Sit-Ups
30 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 315/225
Partners break up the reps however desired. The Deadlift stimulus is intended to be heavy but something you could do in sets of 5 when fresh.
Post rounds, reps, Rx and partner to comments.
Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! Registration for Active Life Strength with Coach Keith, a predominantly strength based class programmed specifically to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs, is now open!
2017-18 Holiday Schedule
Happy holidays from CFSBK! We will be running on a modified schedule over the next few days. Here’s what you can expect…
Sunday, 12/24 (Christmas Eve)
Class Schedule:
8am CF
8am Short Circuit
9am CF
10am CF
11am CF
11am AR
12pm CF
1pm CF
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
10am CrossFit PreSchool
11am CrossFit Kids
Open Gym
Monday, 12/25 (Christmas)
Class Schedule:
9am Short Circuit
10am CF
11am CF
Open Gym Membership: 9am-12pm
All other CF group classes
11am Fit 55+
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
4:30pm CrossFit Pre-teens
You can find our full schedule for next week here!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Spending Time in Sticky Positions CrossFit Journal
Why Sitting May Be Bad for Your Heart NY Times
9am class
Partnered with Ryan
7 Rounds + 46 rep as Rx’d
Sit Ups: 20-20
WB: 15-15
BRPS: 5-5-5-5
DL: 3-3-2-2
First round was our slowest, then we picked up some speed on burpees and transitions.
G00D TlME$
Strong Fit + Short Circuit = alllllll the sled pushes. Lots of burpees too! I totally sandbagged the burpees in SC. Between the partner WOD yesterday and the burpee-assault bike sprint in Strong Fit I was so very, very over burpees.
Feels good to know that I can push the sled with no neck stiffness though!
10am with Melo & Keith
Partner WOD with Kirby: 7rnds + 79reps @ 155#
Sit ups 20/20, wallballs 10/10/5/5 (last two rounds 15/15), burpees in 5, DLs in some sort of 4/4/2 or 3/4/3 config. FUN. Loved partnering w/Kirby on this (ps girl you were flying on those burpees). We really pushed the last two rounds. Probably could have gone heavier on the DLs, but position felt super solid and that’s most important anyways. Wallball transitions were a fun adventure 🙂
11am AR after – DO voodoo wrapped my elbow after & I feel like I have a new arm!
8am Partner Murph with Thaisa @ Box Prime Natal Brazil
Ugh. Went into this with a “best effort” approach, not trying to do anything too crazy, but get a good workout. We wanted to do the runs together then split the middle of the workout evenly. We ended up doing:
Run 1200m together
Split 20 rounds of Cindy (10 each), alternating rounds
Run 800m together
Time: 43min
We gave up on the 1600m runs because it was so goddamn hot and uncomfortable. On the second run I was also pissed because I have a big tear in my right hand. The middle part of the work happened, but it was a bit miserable – too hot, not enough air circulating, I was gassed immediately (I guess no CF for 2 months has something to do with it).
A good reminder of how terrible of a workout this is, even only half of it.
11am AR was a perfect way to start my day!!
12pm partnered with kristin c.
So fun!! We did a great job and kept it super consistent!
7 rounds+ 74 reps
I did 165#, and 14#( to an 8ft target because… I am lazy? It felt right.)
Came back to OG
Did 3 sets of 5 HBBS at 135.
A few reps not low enough. Will probably stay here next week and make sure every rep is solid. :/ Tryyyying to make my legs stronger.
Glute bridges 4 sets of 8 reps at 95#.
Also, signed up for LFPB- and once I can remember my login I will pay for it. So many amazing abs in 12pm class. I’m going to try to win some abs… and maybe my $90 back 😛
Drop in at Old Line CF! Hands are so raw today.
A) 2 rounds:
8 sumo inchworm
5 kossacks
10 hanging hip taps
10 light one arm high pull ea (18#)
B) DB external rotation:
3×8 @7.5#
Noticeably more difficult on left side, could be why my shoulder bone has been more angry at me recently. Hoping this will sort it out!
C) 5 Rounds:
15 toes to bar
20 front rack walking lunges (35# ea hand)
24 ft handstand walk (if you do not make it 12 ft unbroken, reset to beginning, same rule for the 12-24 ft)
Rd 1- 3:19
Rd 2- 2:33
Rd 3- 2:43
Rd 4- 2:26
Rd 5- 3:00
Total: 14:01
Cool workout! I stopped practicing handstand walks this year because I wanted to focus on the basics. This will motivate me to throw them back in my warmups and cool downs. Just a skill I need to practice. I like that I have to really earn the 12 feet and go back. This was my biggest issue, kept falling a foot shy so walked a good extra distance in this one! Anyway I think this would’ve gone better if my hand wasn’t so messed up, couldn’t keep my palm flat on the floor so my hand balance was really bad. Couldn’t feel the floor the way I normally do. It made that front rack MURDER. It was making me tear up a bit but I fought through it.
Toes to bar and lunges unbroken! Kip felt organized today. Held on with the ends of my fingertips to avoid rip. Ripped in fingers. Ouch help!