Partner WOD
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
500m Row
100 Double-Unders
50 Deadlifts 135/95
20 Handstand Push-Ups
Partners break up the reps however desired. Scale Dubs to 2x the Singles, and Handstand Push-Ups to 1/2 Wall Walks. The Deadlifts should be light.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
You may have noticed the shiny new iPad at the front desk. You can now use this handy device to sign into class or buy products from the fridge if our front desk staff is helping another member!
Want to learn more about our upcoming Look Feel Perform Better Challenge? You’re invited to an Info Session and Q&A tomorrow at 12pm (right after Active Recovery) in the Annex. Coach Fox will further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you might have. The dates of the Challenge are from Monday 1/1/18 through Saturday 3/24/18. This is when the CrossFit South Brooklyn community comes together to kickstart healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. See the LFPB Challenge event page for more details and to learn how you can participate!
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle tomorrow starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
News and Notes
- Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- Making holiday fitness plans? Our 2017-18 holiday class schedule is now up on the Schedule page!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How to Survive Rest Days BarBend
Incredible Archival Treasures That Were Digitized This Year Atlas Obscura
Ok team could use some help here – I may be out of the loop but I’ve heard some folks talk about the Instant Pot around class. Thinking about pulling the trigger for my wife for Christmas. Thoughts?
11am class
Partnered with Matty E
5 Rounds + 35 dubs Rx’d
He picked up some more rowing and I picked up some more hspus, dubs 50/50 and deadlifts 15/15/10/10. We basically kept moving pretty consistently throughout.
Good Times!
11am w/Whit and KVW
Partner WOD w/Kirby: 4rnds + 500m row
We split everything evenly except DUs, she probably did 2x or so more each round. BUT I managed to string at least 10 together here & there in each round which is encouraging. Mad dash at the end to finish the row at the buzzer was fun 🙂 Feeling better!
WOD with Kate W
4 rounds + row + 155 reps (that’s 5 HSPUs)
Row: Split the first and last row evenly. I did 300m for the middle three rounds since Kate is a double under ninja (even though she’s also better at rowing!)
DUs: I think I did 25-44 each round. Don’t recall. Decent sized sets for the most part but also had periods with a lot of trip ups.
DLs: We each started with a set of 15 and finished with a set of 10
HSPUs: in sets of 5. Kipped these to one skinny 10# plate and an ab mat. Kate did them strict! I made sure I didn’t crash down (and the way up was easy) and focused on making sure my neck was in a good position at the bottom. I think those few seconds at the bottom while I’m organizing the kip is just too much on my neck bc they hurt. Next time going to use two ab mats and plates under my hands so I have more of a cushion under my head. I’ve said this before but my goal is to do these strict bc the risk of injury is just too high and I think all my shoulder and thumb issues stem from my neck.
Had an amazingly fit partner dropping in from DC—Ellie.
We did 5+130m row. She completely crushed the row: ~350m each round, but she did 2-4 strict hspus, so I did the rest of those 10/6-8.
Everything else was mostly equal. So fun!!
Came back to OG. Decided I need to squat more.
HBBS: 95×5, 115×5, 125×5, 130 5×3
Great tips from whit: feet wider apart, hips lead first.
Did reverse lunges 75#, 8×3 each leg. Great advice from Whit here too- making sure to keep heel grounded and activate glute.
Closed out with 15×3 GHD and a few glute bridges!
I believe today would be what they call a “leg day”. Gotta get my legs to catch up to my arms after AG Strength!!