Touch-and-Go Power Snatch
Each set should be heavy for the rep range. These should be true touch-and-go without the need for the barbell to be resting in the hang on the way down. If you’re newer to the lift, then focus more on maintaining good positions and a close bar path than on hanging on to the bar, and do sets of quick bailed singes as needed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
For Time:
15 Deadlifts 275/185
50 Double-Unders
12 Deadlifts
40 Double-Unders
9 Deadlifts
30 Double-Unders
6 Deadlifts
20 Double-Unders
3 Deadlifts
10 Double-Unders
The barbell weight should be medium-heavy for you, and challenging to perform the reps unbroken. Scale the Dubs to 2x Singles or perform about half the attempts as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
“Professional, inclusive, effect.” Those are CFSBK’s guiding principles, and Captain Osorio elaborates on them in yet another great video in the Inside CrossFit South Brooklyn series!
Catching Up with Inside CFSBK
CrossFit HQ has released some awesome videos about our humble gym over the past month. Afraid you missed one? Fret not. Let’s recap!
- Diapers and Dumbells
- The Docs
- Variety
- Fit 55+
- CFSBK’s Group Class Coaching Expectations: Part 1
- CFSBK’s Group Class Coaching Expectations: Part 2
- CFSBK’s Group Class Coaching Expectations: Part 3
- CFSBK’s Group Class Coaching Expectations: Part 4
- Guiding Principles
You can always find these and lots of other great content on our Articles & Media page, which was just updated!
The 2018 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. Both the desk calendar and wall calendar are available for a sliding scale cash donation of $30-60 or more. A limited number of calendars are on their way to the gym but they are sure to run out quick. Never fear, you can place your order by filling out this online form, or sign up at the front desk. Pre-paying at the front desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until Christmas day. Email Bree P. at breebree [at]
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Run, Air Squats, Sit-Ups
Training Exercise vs. Novelty Catalyst Athletics
How Stupid Things Become Smart Together Kurzgesagt
TNG Power Snatch: 98×3, 88×5, 83×10, 88×5, 98×3
A little conservative on the 3s and 5s, aggressive on the 10s. Really helpful cue from Lauren to get my hips lower between snatches – definitely helped me use my legs more and get through that set of 10.
WOD: 3:49 Rx
Deadlifts unbroken. Tripped six times during the set of 50 – super frustrating, but it got better from there with doubles (40 in 3 sets, 30 in 2, and 20-10 unbroken).
wowwww that is freakin fast!
Kayleigh you amaze me EVERY time! Great job!
That’s awesome! Way to crush that!
Woke up with the beginning of what I hope will NOT become a full blown cold.
7am w/Jess & Lauren
TNG power snatch: warm up 53×3, 63×3 then 83×3, 63×5, 53×10, 63×5, 83×3
A touch press-y on the 83; 2nd set of 63×5 might’ve been the best, dropped under and kept my footing throughout. Still not finding much joy in these but c’est la vie.
WOD: 8:15 at 143# and 1/2 DUs (not counting attempts)
Lost most of my time trying to stay composed for the DUs. Still stamping/kicking my heels back rather than jumping vertically off my toes. More practice.
DLs in 5-5-5, 4-4-4, 4-3, 6, 3. Heavy but not too heavy. Must have been biasing to my right side because my right hip flexor felt pretty overused by the end. AR & rest day, please.
First day back in the gym after a really bad bout with food poisoning. Ugh. I lost 5# in 3 days and I feel pretty dang weak.
Came to OG because I wanted to make up yesterday’s squats, which I did at 135 (same weight as last week). Man, this was a grind. I’m sure if I’d been eating normally it would have been fine, and I plan to go up next week.
WOD: 5 rounds + 50m give or take. Really didn’t feel like gunning it, just felt good to move.
TNG power snatch: 72×3, 72×5, 52×10, 72×5, 72×3.
72×5 were definitely the hardest and I might have been guilty of some presses there. Made me nervous for the set of 10 so went down drastically to 53# and they moved FAST and easy.
WOD: 6:43 with 142# and 2x volume single unders.
First set of DL’s were 10-5, unbroken thereafter.
Forgot to change out of my lifters for this WOD and my feet felt crazy sore afterwards, likely from jumping 300x in them.
I love Kurzgesagt
Also, I feel really redundant in a lot of these videos. FYI I’ll be in Califorina next week as the guest for the CF Podcast!! I’ll try not to embarrass everyone.
David, these videos make me SO PROUD to be a part of this community. I’ve felt so included and encouraged by all of our coaches (and members!) from day one. I’m so proud to rep our gym!
Third. I love these videos.
DITTO!!! <3
Yesterday: squad deep with Kate E and Toni!
A) PCRX a la KVW: 1 rd
8 SLDL (45# ea hand)
15 hip extensions
30# ea hand 40M OH DB walk
5s eccentric squat pressout (15#)
30s bent knee hollow hold
*was supposed to do two, but i just didn’t feel like dodging traffic with the carries today and my L tricep is LIT. honestly i’ve never felt anything like it. Woke me up in the middle of the night and i couldnt straighten my elbow all day! Wild. Think I’m still feeling the effects from DeathWOD Monday.
B) Sham : 8 mins 9 secs
7 rounds of:
11 Deadlifts, 1x bodyweight
Run, 100 m
Deadlifts at 135# (BW 134 gainzzzz!!!) Sprints on NEW ASSAULT AIR RUNNER! feels weird and sort of slower. But fun to get to try new equipment and lit up my hammies!
C) 30 min cardio: Assault bike for distance (130-135 bpm)
9.6 miles (15,368M), 228 cal
HR: 104 avg/135 max
Legs are ded. stood for most of this. Toni produces more RPMs with just her arms than I can at a steady pace. lol.
10am power hour
145-135-115-135-155(F 3rd rep, full squat)
Metcon Rxd in 6:31
DL: 8/5/2, 8/4, 6/3, 6, 4
Dubs unbroken
You held that last rep full squat position for at least 3 seconds — time enough to say something I think. Incredible.
Bruh, you seem to have done an extra DL in the last round. Baller.
10am group class today. Very sore from yesterday’s FSQ/EMOM’s. Have had really bad headaches on and off with motion/movement, both Sunday night into monday and then last night into today. Kind of freaked out by it.
TNG power snatches
(wu: 65×3, 75×3, 85×3, 95×3)
left it there
this was spicy. took a lot of jumps in the warm up so didn’t have a lot of time in my work sets.
My sole focus right now is just on full hip extension on every rep, which I learned over the weekend I am frequently missing. So that was successful and made 105#x3 feel pretty sharp!
WOD in 6:42 @ 175#
this felt like the right thing for today. I think I got a better stimulus by scaling a touch on this one.
DL: 8-7, 7-5, 6-3, 6, 3
DU’s unbroken except for a couple trips.
I actually think I may have gone a bit faster overall if I had just done 5-5-5 to start and maybe even 5-4-3 in the 12’s. I suck at heavy DL’s and even though it felt good to bang out the 8 to start, I think it caught up with me later on.
cool-down/recovery movement for about 40 min:
:60 clamshell holds
:30 hip march holds
glute bridging
jefferson curl 8kg x 3 SLOW
cow/cat, thoracic rotation
gemini occipital ridge and upper neck
Good tip for later, regarding breaking up deadlifts!!!
On the 10 am listening tour with Brett and Jess
3×83, 5×73, 10×63, 5×73, 3×83.
breathing heavy. Need to get my knees out. Really like this work.
Metcon in 5:00 with singles @183.
A heavy dl for me.
Can feel the difference from the “other” deadlifts we’ve been doing on Mondays- lats got fatigued but my hamstrings didn’t.
I thirdly love the videos. Way to stick with it.
I’m going to comment again because I feel that strongly about the message of the video: professional, inclusive, and effective is truly a beautiful educational model. The CFSBK educators, including myself, strive for these standards in our classrooms on a daily basis, and it is always such an incredible experience to be on the student side during group classes. I have reflected on these parallel between my gym experience and my pedagogy many times. Being a member of the gym has without a doubt strengthen my craft as a teacher. Thanks David and the rest of the staff for making this possible.
Completely agree!!!
Nice video drop…it’s refreshing to hear Such a great attitude towards helping other people feel special in such a scary, at times, environment!!
73×3, 63×5, 53×10, 63×5, 73×3
Got better as these went. Gotta connect my drop under to the jump and not donkey kick!
Wod: 155#, 9:35 (because I’d done this in a partner workout with thaisa, and that’s the weight she was doing today!) Was afraid not to have as much rest as the partner workout… took it slow and safely.
I am just in awe of the strength and power some folks have.
Lots of fitness this week, but not going to get into each workout. Just some realizations.
During tempo squats, I start to hate the person who is counting for me. They feel like they are the executioner and they are using a dull axe on purpose.
With double unders, it takes me a few dozen before I can start stringing them together consistently. Guess warming them up is important before getting into the workouts.
I can’t watch Alex lift heavy things because I get jealous and sloppy with my lifts because mine aren’t as snappy as his.
WOAH! Any one got a spare back?