You asked for a GHD how-to video, and we delivered! Here’s Coach David (with special guest stars Molly and Tucker Fox) showing you how can develop your glutes, hams, and several other important body parts!
Ask a Coach
Do you like these little instructional videos we’ve been doing? We’d like to do more stuff like that and need your help. So, from time to time, we’ll be asking you for questions that we can address in short videos. Today is one of those times! Leave a CrossFit-related question that we can address in a short video in today’s comments. One of our illustrious coaches may respond in a future video!
Special Shop Night for CFSBK Members at Lululemon
On Thursday, December 7th, lululemon’s Smith Street location is offering a special shop night for CFSBK and Brooklyn Boulder’s members only! Here are the details:
- Open to all CFSBK & BKB members (must show key card for entrance)
- Members get 25% off all lululemon gear for one night only
- You can shop for yourself, friends, and family
- Shop night is open from 8pm to 9:30pm
If you plan to attend, please register through the Eventbrite link below. And don’t forget to bring your CFSBK key card!
Yesterday’s Results Board: HSPUs / DBSSSLRDL | Burpee Box Jump Overs, Rowing
How to Be a Little Bit Better at Remembering Things NY Mag
Watch Weightlifter Gabriel Sincraian Try CrossFit for the First Time BarBend
Wednesday’s Programming
Tempo Back Squat (32X1):
3 x 6
Heavier than Week 1, around the same as last week. Should be challenging for the last couple of reps on each set but never a grind.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
400m Run
20 Air Squats
20 AbMat Sit Ups
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
6am with Lauren doing Wednesday’s work
Tempo BSQ (32×1) – 75×6, 80x2x6. These mostly moved well.
AMRAP – completed 4 rounds plus the run. Moved consistently. Broke air squats into 8/7/5 which helped.
To the question of a video we’d like to see: this is probably more helpful for newer people and tentative people like me, but I’m still not comfortable bailing the bar. This would be a useful video (and also probably fun too).
That’s a great suggestion! I remember doing a whole bar-dropping programming with Thaisa, with a progression from deadlift drop to shoulders drop to overhead drop (which she’s still not super comfortable with).
This would be awesome, yessss. I’ve never “successfully” bailed a bar because it makes me nervous and uncomfortable and thus it limits the amount I’m willing to try and lift. Also slows down my metcons because I’m always taking time to put the bar down carefully. or as Coach Ro said once, “gracefully”
Daniel, that progression sounds like exactly what I need!! And Jenny, yupppp I’m “graceful” too.
7am w/Lauren doing Monday
Tempo seated DB press: 25x6x2; 22.5x6x2 – low back was tight & left arm got wobbly, so dropped down after 2nd set. Kicked up to the wall after each.
DBSSSLRDLIDK: 30x10ex4 – only got through 4 rounds, but these moved fast, so going to bump up again next week.
BBJO 9-10-10
Last one was sketch, I was ON the box, not over it at time, so I guess that should just be 9. More efficient footwork + more vertical/lighter jump might’ve gotten me to the extra rep. SO fun. Reminded me of libero drills from the ol’ volleyball days. Hit the deck!!
Row 11-9-9
Crazy how a moment’s hesitation or loss of power can cost a cal or two. Need to keep focused on driving through my heels.
Also thanks for the GHD video!! I have yet to clamber up on that thing, but will give it a go. Seems like Molly & Tucker are just part of a the movement standard 🙂
Totally. If you don’t get your face licked, that’s a scaled version.
2-3 sets for quality
2-3 strict pull ups @1011
3 wall walks
15 hollow rocks
Butterfly pull up practice
-low bar rythm
-high bar small to big swing
5 sets @80-90% SE
8 pull ups
10 box jumps
20 double unders
rest walk 1:1
Molly and Tucker are part of the GHD experience – it’s so appropriate how they are featured in the video.
Tempo LBBS: 175 x 6, 180 x 6 x 2
Repeated last week’s weight to feel it out, then decided to go up just a bit. First four reps always feel solid, last two are where struggle sets in.
WOD: 6 rounds + 130m run
Had a little extra time this morning, so…
EMOM @ 103#
6 Hang Cleans + 2 Push Jerks
5 Hang Cleans + 3 Push Jerks
4 Hang Cleans + 4 Push Jerks
3 Hang Cleans + 5 Push Jerks
2 Hang Cleans + 6 Push Jerks
Then four more sets of 2 Hang Cleans + 6 Push Jerks E2MOM focused on cycling jerks.
Approaching the GHD is 80% fun MollyTucker time and 20% fitness. We have Diapers and Dumbells, is there room for Puppies and Powercleans?
Tempo Back Squat: 100-110-110# Thanks Shawn for encouraging me to get to that 110!
WOD: 5 rounds exactly, then with 30s left Jess casually suggested I run to 3rd Ave and back.
As for video requests: I would love a refresher on how to set up your first breath on some of the lifts- specifically deadlifts, bench press and snatches. Are you supposed to take a big breath and brace (like we do for heavy squats) before EVERY lift, or is it different with each movement?
A video would be great for this but I can almost promise a strength cycle would be better 😉
(Shhh – it’s only cuz I’m a lazy plate changer. More importantly, it seemed like a fine weight for you. Thanks for being a good sport.)
Loving all the Molly and Tucker love! Not sure DO felt the same while shooting though .I
Great suggestion for a bailing vid!
10am class doing Wednesday
BSQ @205
5 Rounds + 400m on the Metcon
GHD actually stands for Good, Happy Dogs. Thanks for all the outstanding suggestions, guys! Keep ’em coming.
7 am with Jess
Tempo LBBS 110#. This was 10#+ week one/same as last week. I probably only held a one count pause at the bottom on my first set. I have to count more numbers than the actual tempo because I’m such a good counter that I count too fast.
I finished the 5th run for the WOD a little after the clock expired but figured since I did the hardest part (for me- the run) I might as well finish the round so ended up with 5 rounds in 22 mins.
Cash out – 10 wallballs 12# to 8 ft (well 11 because I no repped one). 3/2/1/ pull ups with 45 secs between.
Also – last night I dropped in on the weighlifting club. I was out of my element but Frank was very welcoming and helpful. I snatched from the hang for about an hour (oooph) and made some progress on loosening my arms and using my legs (i.e. doing it right); then about 40 mins of hang cleans and jerks, also worked on arms and getting my foot out in front and staying upright on the jerk. Then a few (light) sets of front squats then I called it a night so I wouldn’t be too burnt this morning. My hands are dog meat.
Great GHD video and I’d tune in to a bail video too! Or, the proper way to land on your butt when you don’t make your clean (always excellent video viewing).
My first time with Frank (last week!) was also about 1:30h of Power Snatches and Cleans while he repeated “more legs” “relax your arms” and “more snappy” 🙂 It actually helps, the only way I’ll ever get better at these Oly lifts is by doing them a million times… That workout yesterday though, ooof, no way anyone could finish that in 2h…
That was just your 2nd time there? You looked right at home!