Turkey and Stuffing – Touch-and-Go Power Snatch
Begin at about 60% of your best Power Snatch and work up from there as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Pie – Partner AMRAP 15 Minutes:
3 Hang Power Cleans 115/80
6 Push Jerks
9 Squats
The Squats are unloaded. Partners alternate rounds.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Alona K. just hangin’ out at our 4th Art Show. Check out more photos from the show here!
Thanksgiving Schedule
Happy Thanksgiving from your buds at CSFBK! We are thankful for you, our members, because you’re the best fitness community on the planet. Here’s what our schedule will look like over the next couple of days…
Today, November 23rd
CrossFit Group Class: 9am, 10am, 11am
Pilates with Karina S.: 10am
AM Open Gym Membership: 9-12pm
Everything else is cancelled.
Friday, November 24th
Short Circuit: 9am
CrossFit Group: 10am, 11am, 12pm
AM Open Gym Membership: 9am-1pm
Fit 55+: 11am
Open Gym: 6-8pm
Diapers & Dumbbells: cancelled
Starting Strength: cancelled
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, KB Swings
The Comments We Hear: Sometimes the Smallest Ones… Catalyst Athletics
Exercise May Enhance the Effects of Brain Training NY Times
Stranded on the Eastern shore of Iceland, with 130mph wind storms preventing us from going anywhere. Managed to find a little town gym and dropped in a couple of times.
Strength Cycle
LBBS 255x5x3 – getting super challenging, every fourth and fifth rep is a struggle.
Press 135x5x3 – got real heavy, probably can’t do 140.
Deadlift 325x5x3 – also heavy but worse on the grip, had a hard time holding on to the bar.
Quick metcon 3rds for time
10 burpees
10 DB strict press 15kg
10 DUs
Front Squats 80kgx5 90kgx4 100kgx3
Seated behind the neck press 50kgx5x3
Metcon EMOM for 3 rounds (18min total), alternating:
10 burpees
15 Alt DB snatches 22.5kg
20 sit-ups
20 KB swings (american) 16kg
15 DUs
10 overhead squats 20kg
Managed to get 15 unbroken DUs! Feel like I’ve been making good progress on those for the past few weeks. DB snatches were tough to finish in the last round.
Whoa Daniel! Stay warm!!
9am Thanksgiving super-class with #relationshipgoals Foxes
Touch and go power snatch triple: 53, 63, 73, 78, 83, 88f on 3rd rep, 88f on 2nd rep, 88! Knew it was there 🙂 happy with this as my 1RM is 93.
WOD with super strong Sasha: 20rnds at the buzzer @ 78# (RX lite?)
I had a very fast & patient partner. Thought I was in way over my head at the 8min mark but just pushed through. This weight was hard for me to cycle. Realllly learned to use my legs in the final rounds of push jerks bc I had a fail in there – right elbow wasn’t extending. Anyways, good to practice at this load!
Off to the west coast. Have a beautiful day, everyone!
8am pregame with the wifey
TNG PNSn Triples
Happy with that
Metcon Rx’d
29 + 9
I feel ya, Kate…it’s tough having a partner who moves faster as you move slower 🙂
Really fun morning coaching some large classes. I’m thankful for you all!
Thankful for the Foxes and their #bestdogsever for running some enormous classes this morning!
I haven’t snatched since August (!) so this was pretty much an exercise in refamilarizing myself with the movement. Built up to 65 and per Jess’ tips focused on a straighter bar path. Felt good.
Metcon with Sofia at 63#. I think this was the right weight – cleans moved fast and I could practice actually cycling jerks. We got through 27 rounds, and were able to speed it up a bit at the end. Fun! Always love partner workouts.
Happy Thanksgiving, all 🙂 off to eat my weight in cornbread stuffing.
Thanks to the Foxes for bringing us some Thanksgiving fitness!
Power Snatch TNG Triples: One set at 103, but mainly stayed around 93 and 98 to work technique.
Partner WOD with Morgan: 37 rounds at 83#. Great partner, hard push throughout.
So. Many. Rounds.
Thank you to the Fox’s for having an amazing class this morning.
Thank you to Coach Jess for encouraging me to RX the workout. Was originally gonna do 58lbs. Was able to complete 25+7 with my partner, Joy!!!
A) 3 rounds:
800M row
21 C2B
21 merrican KBS (53#)
Completed in 19:17. This was terrible. And basically Helen on steroids. Was supposed to be a run but I was the only one in the gym at the time and I didn’t want to leave the space unlocked and unattended 🙂 Otherwise RX standards. The row sucked I would’ve much rather run! Hands were constantly pulling on something. A bit grippy! C2B are certainly somewhere else today. Missed a rep from the first round on my C2B and couldn’t coordinate my KBS well, my hip drive is fried. Good burn though.
15 min bike- 112 cal
15 min ski- 125 cal
Sustainable pace throughout, was feeling very low on energy and wanted to save my legs a bit so I could cut a rug on the dance floor. (Went to a wedding last night!)
Beautiful day at the Crossfitorium this morning.
Yesterday (Wednesday)
Tempo backsquats (32×1) 3×8
95lbs, 105lbs, 110lbs
These felt fine, I think 120 will be good for next week. I was a little conservative because I was sore and haven’t squatted in a month but overall these went well and the weight was no problem.
I don’t want to talk about the metcon. I will tell you that I did 50 strict push ups and that’s what I’m taking away from it.
Snatching. Kept the weight low, cause again haven’t snatched in a month, and focused on making everything fast and clean, I have some overactiving pulling of the arms that I’m trying to get rid of, but these felt great. Worked up to 60ish.
Metcon: rounds unknown (a lot)
Meredith was fantastic, we scaled to 52lbs which was great cause we were able to get faster throughout the 15 minutes and I didn’t want to have to potentially needing to break up sets or rest. I was able to quickly cycle the push jerks, and the power cleans were super crisp feeling (didn’t crash on my collarbone!). Got dinged for not fully opening the hip on some of the squats, gotta keep that in mind when I’m trying to be speedy. I liked this more than I thought I would.
I’m thankful that all of you are so rad. Gobble gobble! <3