Thanksgiving Pilates with Karina S.
On Thursday, November 23rd at 10am, we’ll be offering a very special Thanksgiving Pilates class with Karina S. You can use Pilates as a cool down or a warm up for your workout. Also, fun fact: as you prepare to stuff yourself with delicious holiday food, Pilates helps with digestion! (Karina would be happy to answer questions about that last part.)
CFSBK members can use a class from their recurring membership or punchcard for Thanksgiving Pilates.
About Karina
Karina completed her Balanced Body certification at Paragon Pilates & Physical Therapy studying under Cari Riis Stemmler, Tiza Wynn Riley, and Roger Gonzalez Hibner. She has completed continuing education in Hands-On Cueing Techniques, Pre- and Post-Natal Pilates, Kathy Grant’s Cats and many other topics. She has experience working with a wide range of spinal conditions as well as many other injuries and limitations. Check out Karina’s Pilates Instagram account for more fun stuff!
Holiday Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule over the next few days. Here are the details…
Wednesday, November 22nd
CrossFit Group Class: 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm
Short Circuit: 9am
Diapers & Dumbbells: 11am
Fit 55+: 11am
AM Open Gym Membership: 6am-1pm
Starting Strength: 6pm, 7pm,
Next Level Weightlifting Club: 6pm (rescheduled from Thursday)
CrossFit Preteens: 4:30pm
Thursday, November 23rd (Thanksgiving)
CrossFit Group Class: 9am, 10am, 11am
Pilates: 10am
AM Open Gym Membership: 9-12pm
Everything else is cancelled.
Friday, November 24th
Short Circuit: 9am
CrossFit Group: 10am, 11am, 12pm
AM Open Gym Membership: 9am-1pm
Fit 55+: 11am
Open Gym: 6-8pm
Diapers & Dumbbells: cancelled
Starting Strength: cancelled
Yesterday’s Results Board: HSPU / DB SS SL RDLS | NFT Work
The Life-Enhancing Qualities of Cemetery Cider Atlas Obscura
The Best Damn Squat Mobility Article. Period. Juggernaut
Wednesday’s Programming
Tempo Back Squat (32X1):
3 x 8
Should be challenging for the last couple of reps on each set but never a grind.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
10 Rounds for Time:
1 Strict Pull-Up + 2 Kipping Pull-Ups + 3 CTB Pull-Ups
8 Push-Ups
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16k
Post time and Rx to comments.
3-4 sets @Z1 effort
30 single unders
50ft High Knees
50ft A-skips
5 wall walks
Double under Practice/101
5-6 sets @ 80-90%SE
3-5 Bar Muscle up
30 double unders
200m row
rest/walk 1:1
7am w/ Jess doing Wednesday
Tempo BSQ: 85#x8x3
Starting the new cycle at a very conservative weight…I think it was the right call as it allowed me to feel out this new tempo. Plenty of room to go up!
WOD in 13:something with lots of scaling. My neck is still bothering me from yesterday, and conveniently, I was able to copy the modifications Jess gave Stella: 6 hard ring rows / half volume push-ups (I actually did 6-8 per round) / RX kb swings.
Happy Thanksgiving, all! xo
Tempo LBBS: 155 x 8, 165 x 8 x 2
Feels right to start – a long time under the bar, but all reps felt pretty good.
WOD: 15:37 Rx
A long slog for me, but definitely worth it to practice volume with pull-ups, especially C2B. Always dropped before C2B and needed to break them up into singles near the end (kipping all were fine). Push-ups switched to 5-3 after the third round.
No need for a pull-up ladder after this.
7 AM squatting with Leo. Just like old times in Strength Cycle! 😀
115 was the perfect weight for these. I noticed I had no trouble staying under tension for so long. For that I owe KHarpz, who’s been making me do 4×20 at light weight in OG the past few weeks. No tempo, but sets of 20 are long AF! So this rep scheme was fine.
Metcon 11:04 scaled AF. All 3 of these movements are ones I have to be cautious about for the time being because of the potential for re-aggravating my neck. So I did rounds of:
6 ring rows
4 push-ups
12 KB swings at 12 kg
this was just about right, though I think I can comfortably swing the 16kg next time. Push-ups, on the other hand, I will continue to limit volume with, since I noticed by the end that my neck was stiffening up as I fatigued. Jess suggested holding a lax ball under my chin while doing them, so as to force myself to keep my neck in a good position. Will definitely try that at home.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
7am, Monday’s work with Lauren
Fitness HSPU deficits. First/second reps are solid, 3-5 I crash a bit at the last inch or two. Those are hard! SO glad we are working on these though, because I’m realizing that I must be routinely crashing down pretty hard when I do several reps of kipping HSPU’s.
RDL’s went well, did 6 reps on each leg with 17.5# DB’s.
NFT work: I actually only got through 1.5 rounds? I promise I was moving! Row done in 1:40, burpees were fast, pistols are a major work in progress. Working hard to go unassisted – it’s going down, not coming up that is a struggle for me!
I think it’s going to be a 2018 goal to get an unassisted pistol squat 🙂 Maybe for both legs!
10am doing Wednesday. So sore today.
Metcon Rx’d in 9:20
All unbroken. Found that pausing at the top of the strict pull up for a moment helped to begin the rhythm on the kipped ones.
So glad to see my perennial Thanksgiving Day turkey stock photo make it all the way to the CFSBK blog! It’s a beautiful bird isn’t it?
Noon class with Keith!
Mix and matched 25lb dumbell seated press and box piked HSPU 6 reps, 5 sets (one ab mat). The HSPU is definitely a range of motion I need a lot of warmup in to feel comfortable (or efficient). Once I did a round with the seated press the tempo on the HSPU seemed possible and I was getting more depth. This is my weakest ROM and I’ll definitely be working on it this cycle!
30lbs for the dumbells on the single leg RDLs. Seemed right, a little light, but we’ll see how sore I am. I have an old hamstring injury (which just apparently will never heal) on my left leg so I think that will be the barometer. Lots of room for squirrely hips here. Focused on not letting my pelvis drift and driving straight forward with my hips while keeping them square, tough.
3 rounds on the NFT because we were chatty Cathys.
Kept the row split around 2:04 with 21s/m, burpees sucked, my conditioning still isn’t back from my vacation, waiting on its visa. I’m glad I wandered back in at the beginning of a cycle. Pistol squats felt pretty good, although cruel to make us do them after the RDL’s! Used a green band on the Rogue rack in 597 at the 20 mark and then 16 mark. I think these are almost there, just need to commit to practicing and build that last bit of strength in the bottom as I have the mobility.
Thought my back tire was flat biking up the hill! But it was just my legs that were ruined 🙂
A) Seated calf raise: accumulate 100 reps w/ 45# plate on knees
lol. I don’t know i just am not really feeling these that much so i just keep going.
B) Upright Rows: 3×8 @ 75#
Pump felt easier than last week.
C) 15-12-9-6-3
Burpee BJO, 30″ box
toes to bar
Completed in 6:34. Did this with Phil! Which was a good push. Had some major near death moments where we tripped over the box and almost pancaked into the dust. Wasted a little bit of time hysterically laughing over the whole matter. Otherwise it was a solid workout for me. Phil crushed it somewhere around 5:40.
Toes to Bar: unbroken except momentarily lost hip power in round of 6 (3/3)
Burpee BJO: fast(ish) minus the technical difficulties. Focus was to go straight into the box jump after landing from burpee, then jump towards opposite edge to “passively fall with control” to the other side. Staying in a low crouch is key for me.
D) TABATA Bicep Curl: up to 30s! feeling the pump. 6x20s on/40s off
Think I ended up somewhere around 62
E) Crossover lat pulldowns: Did a few TABATA rounds and my shoulders were feeling sore. Didn’t seem worth it. Probably did around 42 reps
4:30 w/Jeremy doing Monday
Fitness HSPU deficit 5×2
Then switched seated DB press at 15×5, 17.2x5x2
Deficit on HSPU held up through 2 rounds, but I could sense it would fall apart and didn’t want to start crashing into the mat.
SS SL RDL (?): 20# x 9each then 25# x 7each x 4
This was all sufficiently weird.
NFT work: 5 rounds
Row focused on pushing my heels down and long pulls.
Burpees switched to squat thrusts bc I felt some super icky on the way down into the push up – pain + creak/popping action inside/upper part of my elbow. Not happy about that.
Pistols using a bench. I can do pistols on my right leg but the left is totally useless. Would like to work on these more!