At 0:00…
For Time:
30 Power Snatches 135/95
8 minute cap
At 15:00…
For Time:
30 Power Clean and Jerks
8 minute cap
At 30:00…
For Time:
AbMat Sit-Ups
10 minute cap
Erica D. hoops it up last night. Thanks to everyone who came out to our 4th CFSBK Art Show last night, and thanks especially to all our artists and to Kate R. for organizing such a wonderful evening!
Thanksgiving Pilates with Karina S.
On Thursday, November 23rd at 10am, we’ll be offering a very special Thanksgiving Pilates class with Karina S. You can use Pilates as a cool down or a warm up for your workout. Also, fun fact: as you prepare to stuff yourself with delicious holiday food, Pilates helps with digestion! (Karina would be happy to answer questions about that last part.)
CFSBK members can use a class from their recurring membership or punchcard for Thanksgiving Pilates.
About Karina
Coming from a background of aerial arts and competitive cross country skiing, Karina saw the benefits of a regular Pilates practice immediately and signed up for teacher training after her first session. She believes Pilates allows us to regain the freedom of movement we enjoyed as children and that transforming fitness into a form of play is essential to creating a life-long practice. Her classes are full of laughter and creative cueing.
Karina completed her Balanced Body certification at Paragon Pilates & Physical Therapy studying under Cari Riis Stemmler, Tiza Wynn Riley, and Roger Gonzalez Hibner. She has completed continuing education in Hands-On Cueing Techniques, Pre- and Post-Natal Pilates, Kathy Grant’s Cats and many other topics. She has experience working with a wide range of spinal conditions as well as many other injuries and limitations. Check out Karina’s Pilates Instagram account for more fun stuff!
News and Notes
- Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- How did your Crush Week go? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner Double “Morrison”
How to Give Mars an Atmosphere, Maybe Nautilus
The Clean Turnover: Spin the Bar Catalyst Athletics
A. 3-5 sets @Z1 effort
5 strict knee/leg raises @2111
5 squat thrusts + 5 yoga push ups
5 BW squats @3212
B. Handstand Walk Practice
C. 20 min Partner AMRAP:
10 T2B
15 burpees
Short Circuit metcon was like a CF group class WOD today!
Partnered with Jennifer on a 16 minute AMRAP of:
40 cal row
20 burpee box jump-overs
40 weighted sit-ups (10#)
2 rounds + 40 cal, on the nose. Was pretty pleased with my ability to maintain 1250-1400 cal/hr while rowing — I’ve only recently graduated to having the damper anywhere I want and I was so used to like 900 cal/hr or less with it on low.
also: MUCHAS GRACIAS DO for putting the ’80s Super Hits station on during Short Circuit today! Tina f’ing Turner, you guys.
So fun, and basically I just tried to emulate your strong rowing!
Weekend Fitness:
*adjusting to new diet so its been tough. I’ve been running out of energy and red lining at weird moments. Interesting experiment! Will be tweaking things over the next few weeks to see how I feel. Either way I think a diet intervention is necessary, lol! Shout out for @sarah costigan for being super helpful with this RP stuff, thanks again!
A) 1RM Jerk:
123×3,145×2, 165×1, 175×1, 185×1, 195 (F), 200, 210 (F)
I’ll take it, havent been working heavy jerks much this year! Gave 210 a go about 5 times haha. Which I think is there. Arms were stabilizing but my footwork was SO BAD. Kind of rare. I was feeling shaky so I actually was catching in a full lockout and failing because I was collapsing into a lunge. It happened twice so I suppose I’m feeling off from my new diet. Happy I was able to hit a high percentage of my 1RM regardless!
B) “Tabata” – Push-ups : 8 x 20 secs / 10 secs : 64 reps
did not feel well doing this, ran out of energy, tried to squat but failed my warmup set so i cut my workout off early so i could rest
A)4 RFT: 14 mins 55 secs | Rx’d
4 rounds of:
7 Muscle-ups
12 Deadlifts, 225 lbs
Muscle ups felt good today! 4/3, 3/3/1, 3/2/2, 2/2/1/1/1
Deads: all singles with a DILIGENT focus on back position. Heavy deads are a danger zone For me. No back problems whatsoever with the extra focus! Sounds obvious but a huge booster for my mental confidence. Feeling better today!
B) BSQ 3×5 @ 195#
Need to remember to hold a little less tension. (Stop tempo squatting everything). So much easier in my last set when I was tired, cause I wasn’t going as slow
C) Strict Press 3×10 @ 75#
Last rep of the third set was stressful, otherwise doable but wouldnt be able to go up much more than this in volume
D) Cardio:
20 min Ski (1 min hard/1 min easy) 195 cal
20 min Bike (1 min hard/1 min easy) 160.7 cal
DED. That was a lot, but overall felt like a really effective training day!
Drop in @ CrossFit Reyjkavik
What I did:
Strength Cycle
LBBS 249.7x5x3 – definitely grinding the 5th rep.
Bench 170.5x5x3 – still moving well.
Chin-ups – EMOM for 8min, 2 chin-ups and max double unders.
Grace Rx at 135lbs: 4:34min. Happy with the time, have maybe another 20s I could shave off but not much more than that. Started with 3s then moved to quick singles.
Some observations from CFRvk:
1) Got to see Annie Thorisdottir! She was coaching someone right behind my workout area, it was pretty cool to see. Didn’t get to watch her do any crazy stuff though.
2) It’s a really impressive space, with 3 full group class spaces (easily 25 ppl each) plus a bunch more racks and lifting space, plus a mobility space, plus an extra space for small classes (eg Oly).
3) Their metcon was something a bit crazy, a for time with 9 rounds where every round had 3 movements, and the movements and reps and weights kept shifting every few rounds. Time cap 45min and a good chunk of the class I saw didn’t finish. Pretty different from our programming, where such super long wods are rare…
4) Probably because we put a lot more attention in coaching each individual class. They had a single coach running 3 classes, each with 25 ppl. The coach would come in, lead a 10min DROM and a 10min warmup, explain the metcon, then leave and do the same with the next class, and so forth. There was *no one* coaching during the actual metcon. Definitely not the same standard that I’m used to at CFSBK and made me happy with my decision to just do Open Gym instead of group class.
5) I keep going into these “famous” gyms and expecting everyone to be super fit, but it wasn’t the case here. A nice average-performing crowd, doesn’t make you feel intimidated to be there.
Hope to drop in again there on Friday!
ONE coach running classes for SEVENTY-FIVE people? The mind boggles.
Super weird. 9 movements in the metcon and no demos of the movements. Kick-off the metcon and walk away to coach the next class while people are spending 45min working out. We are really pampered at CFSBK 😉
Very different to when Kayleigh and I were there. There were about 15 people in our class and the sane again in the following class but one coach for each. And coaching throughout. Maybe they were short-staffed?
That surely could be the case, I’ll try to drop in again Friday and get a second opinion. Today definitely looked chaotic, though. I also remember your post from a few months back, and the programming was similar, except no partner wods today, just a really long single metcon.
11am with matchy matchy coach-ies Snickers and Ro.
Isabel @83#
Grace Rx
CrossFit is fun, guys!
First of all, congrats to the art show participants! Sorry to miss out, but judging by all the pictures/social media stuff, it was a beautiful night!
Managed to haul myself in at 1 p.m. w/Lauren & Ro.
Isabel: 3:28 @ 115# (+5# & -1:20 from 12/16/2016)
Grace: 4:18 Rx (- 0:41 from 12/16/2016)
Annie: DNF
Happy with the progress on Isabel, a little disappointed with Grace — think I could do better there if I opened with it rather than the snatches. According to my records, I drop 40 seconds off my Grace time every time I try it, though, so at this rate you should expect to see me at the top of the leaderboard somewhere around 2022.
I cramp up on Annie under the best of circumstances but after two tough metcons my abs locked up around sit-up 35, so I spent the rest of class working leisurely and off the clock once things settled down. Core strength continues to be important.
10 AM class.
Isabel 3:20 @85#. Had previously done 2:28 @75#, so some progress I guess?
Grace 2:22 @85#. Previously did 4:35 @95#. Hard to know if that’s progress.
Was disappointed to have to keep the same weight on the bar- would have preferred to get a better benchmark comparison.
Annie in 8:20 with 2x singles. Previously did 7:07 with 1x singles. Everything unbroken- need to improve my core muscle endurance to make this faster.
Loved the art show last night- such a wide range of talents.
11am with Ro and Lauren
Isabel: 4:20-something @ 73#
Grace: 7:52 Rx. Single bells, single bells, singles all the way.
Annie: 7:50-something. Really frustrated with myself after Grace, ripped both hands, knew double under attempts were not in the cards today. Doubled the volume with singles. Glad to get some ab work in!
Cash out coffee date with Kirby afterwards, at Abbotsford Road on Sackett that just opened last week! SUPER nice owner, great coffee, and a slice of pie on the house. Check it out!
Heck yeah, Grace RX, Jaime!!!
Single bells… love it!
Wow! I’m so impressed by all the times people were posting today! Go Charlie! Go kayleigh!
I have done every crush week workout this week, but was staying away from the blog because I wasn’t feeling 100%. Just happy I made it in and tried my best.
Tommy Mac: 20:10?, 53#. Did this in 26:xx at 63# last time. Just felt like moving today.
75×10, 75×10, 75×10, 77×10, 80×10. Could have pushed it more but I was afraid of missing a rep.
Rows: killed myself trying, did my best…which seems to be the gym’s worst, according to the whiteboard
Best: 2:17
I really did give it everything I had each time. :*\
Thursday: hm. Can’t remember what it was! I think it was fun?
Saturday: partnered with suzanne. 34:xx. 12# ball, otherwise rx. We were consistent but had more in the tank.
Isabelle: 4:17 at 63# PR
Grace: 4:18 at 83# PR
Annie: 7:14 RX PR
Also prd max unbroken DUs at 46.
46-4/40/30/20/10!!! Almost all unbroken! Sit-ups were harder than I expected. Guess I gotta do more GHDs!!!
AG was fun! Kelly and I did 6 rounds+10 reps.
Im running a turkey trot in prospect park on Thursday, so I promised my boyfriend I’d run with him this evening. We did somewhere between 3-4 miles…
I also committed to doing aerial hoop practice with Erica at OG tonight.
This day could not be more filled with fitness. I think I might have overassigned myself : X whoops!
Great job to all the artists and performers last night – I am always blown away by your talent.
Isabel: 3:36
A 31 second PR. 3-2-1-1-1….
Grace: 2:17
A 12 second PR. Started with a big set of 10 (did 6 in the past), then sets got smaller until singles starting at 22.
Annie: 6:20.
26 seconds slower than my best. All DUs unbroken, just didn’t have it with the sit-ups today.
2/3 PRs – pretty exciting.
!!!! dang girl nice work!
Isabel in 3:33 @68#
Would have gone heavier but limited by my crappy form.
Grace Rx’d in 4:27
(PR is 3:43)
Power cleans were not smooth today. I only went to about three Thursdays this cycle though so I’m a bit out of practice with cleaning. Wasn’t dropping under the bar and didn’t get elbows around fast enough. Push jerks were the easier part thanks to AG strength!
Annie Rx’d in 8:45
Originally didn’t think this was a PR until I read my notes more closely. The only time I did it, I did half the amount of double unders in 8:35 so this is a huge improvement! Was only able to do the set of 10 DUs unbroken but overall did much larger sets than usual and didn’t have consecutive trip-ups. Situps were hard!
PR’d my handstand walk at 16ft!
Fun WOD. Allie and I scaled the burpees from 15 to 10 because we were tired. Good HSPU and T2B practice. T2B felt great! Again, I think it’s due to AG strength!
And Morrison yesterday with Griselle in 34:50
We started off with sets of 5 on the wall balls and box jumps and 10s on the swings but did larger sets once we got to the round of 80. She picked up a lot of my slack on the wall balls (my least favorite movement) and I wasn’t able to do more than 10 consecutive swings because they bothered my thumb. I did more box jumps because Griselle is having some knee issues. We moved consistently throughout.