This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. OUR 4TH ART SHOW IS TOMORROW NIGHT! We’ll have live tattooing, an aerial hoop performance, tons of great art and sweet treats by a record-high number of CFSBKers, and lots more cool stuff. Details are on the event page.
2. Our next Brazilian jiu-jitsu cycle with Callie Brennan starts this weekend. There are a limited number of spots in each class, so register now! You can find all the info in yesterday’s post.
3. CrossFit Journal dropped a couple of new videos from their Inside CrossFit South Brooklyn series this week. The first is about our group class coach expectations, and the second is about our very own Drs. Mike and Judy. Needless to say, they’re awesome and you should watch them!
4. Amanda Mc (who recently redeveloped the CFSBK site) has just recently relaunched her own site,, with a new video on what you need to know to make sure your website is ready for 2018. Check it out here.
5. Greg C. stars in The VelociPastor, which has been playing at film festivals across the country. Check out this review from the Portland Film Festival, which calls The VelociPastor “the single greatest achievement in the entire history of cinema.” (Don’t tell anyone, but we’ll be screening VelociPastor at an upcoming movie night. Shhhh.)
6. Only 608 will be available for Open Gym this Saturday, since we’ll be setting up for the Art Show in 597.
7. This Sunday’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Burpees, Front Squats, Pull-Ups
To Maintain Muscle and Lose Fat as You Age, Add Weights NY Times
Road to Success: Josh Bridges MotivationCrew
Saturday’s Programming
Partner “Morrison”
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time complete the following for time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Box Jumps 24/20″
Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Partition the work however desired.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
7am with Lauren doing partner Morrison
Worked with Emily, who was a terrific partner, and we finished in 34:42. We stayed pretty well-paced throughout and divided everything evenly.
Rep schemes:
100: 20/20/20/20/10/10
80: 20/20/15/15/5/5
60: 15/15/15/15
40: 10/10/10/10
20: 10/10
Scales: 10# Ball, 12kg kettlebell, 12” soft box (Emily did 20”)
Cash out breakfast with Kate at Union Street Cafe, which I always walk by but never go to…it’s a perfect little diner.
Oh yes best cash out!!
7am with Lauren
I think this is my favorite workout!
Partner Morrison with Shawn: 36:50
I did this RX – I think we set a sustainable pace and split up the work well. Tried bounding on the box jumps in the last 3 rounds which was an exciting new development. Really nice working with Shawn – felt calm & steady throughout.
Sad to miss the last of crush week but heading out of town. 4/5 ain’t bad.
Anyone want to do Double Morrison @ OG with me?
I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. As for Molly, no guarantees
I know a guy who works in the primate enclosure at the zoo. I’ll see if I can organize a rabid silverback to come and do the workout with you.
You manimal.
Brad, I’ll do that
Yessssss. What time you getting to the gym, I’m open to whenever
I thought we were going to do this together tomorrow. Thomas is a homewrecker.
* shots fired *
I thought you guys weren’t talking.
@bl 6p start wod at 6:40?
JB – 9 AM Morrison party, and you’re invited.
8am with Brett & Whit
Partner Morrison with Leila and Betty. Leila and I worked together, and switched off with Betty which REALLY helped! My desire to not have someone wait on me is greater than my perceived endurance, I find.
Finished in 37:17, broke up everything into 10’s. Did RX weight for wall balls and KB, but opted for the 8 ft target.
Excited for the art show tomorrow!!
7am w/ Brett doing Thursday
WOD in 16:43 with 93#
When we did this in June, I was recovering from a sprained ankle and had to step over the bar instead of jump, but otherwise everything else was the same. So I’d like to know where the heck those 3 extra minutes went today?!?! Thought I was going at a really good pace because I did the first two sets of squats unbroken (note to self: go heavier next time). I guess it was the pull-ups that slowed me down? Who knows…it’s a crush week mystery. Fighting a minor cold this week so perhaps that had something to do with it. Got a good workout anyway!
Excited for partner Morrison! Looks fun 🙂 Agree with Kate; this is one of my favorites.
whoops, forgot to include my time from June…13:5something.
Partner Morrison with master fundraiser Charles S., or, as we might aspirationally call it, “Charleses in Charge.”
35:39, which is about three mins slower than my solo time but faster than my last Partner Morrison! Charles nailed the transitions, whereas I was a little slower to the bell and the ball than I’d like to be. Still, I think we broke up the work well enough:
100: 1×20 each, then 3×10 each
80: 1×20 each, then 2×10 each (except box jumps, which were 4×10 each)
60: 2×15 each
40: 2×10 each
20: 1×10 each
Might’ve had the energy to gut through sets of 20 for the round of 40 there? Swings would’ve been tough — my hands were sweaty as all get out. YMMV.
what he said. Charles did all the work.
7 am with Lauren doing Morrison with Kate Tk 36:50.
I used the 12# ball, which I regret. I planned to go for the 9 ft target but wanted to keep our pace and let 8 ft take over. When I did Morrison solo I used the 14 to 8. Of all the bad relationships I’ve had with Crossfit movements (burpees, over the bar burpees, burpee box jumps, running) wall balls remain the only single movement for which I still reserve the word hate. Box jumped in the 18″ pylo because it’s soft (not because its 18″ – I wish we had 20# pylos). And I did KB swings 16kg but Russian.
How does this work though? My time solo time in June was 30:20. How did two people do this in just under 7 mins more? Chas was only 3 mins slower with a partner. Does this mean we work twice as fast with 1:1 work: rest?
I didn’t do it in June, but I totally buy into your theory. Having a partner to pace me and hold me accountable for resting but not too much resting was the best. On my own, I would have almost certainly been much slower.
We were talking about this theory a bit after class! I’ve done Morrison 5 times now, twice with partners and three times alone (data points!). I think Jen’s right on — it’s not that we’re doubly efficient together, it’s just that our and our partner’s rest time is more strictly regimented.
We may not feel that way while it’s happening, but most of us mere mortals rest a lot in regular Morrison. (I have fond memories of sitting on a box and staring at the kettlebell during the round of 30 like “this is something I do voluntarily, believe it or not.”) You and your partner are basically doing Morrison alone and clocking each other’s rest time. For some people, this will better their solo score because their partner will push them to a level and rep scheme they didn’t know they were capable of. For others, the amount of rest as they watch their partner complete work is more than what they’d usually give themselves in Morrison — not that their partner is slowing them down, necessarily! Charles and I both have faster solo times than our time together today, because both of us would probably rest a little less between sets than we had to while watching the other complete their portion of the work.
(Or, in my case, on my own I would’ve probably blown up trying to string too many reps together in the round of 40 and staggered to the finish a little bit faster and a lot dumber.)
I was worried working with Kate Tk because I knew she’d be faster and I wouldn’t have 1:1 rest but I think we weren’t drastically far and her extra rest might have made for extra fast sets.
I was exactly a minute slower solo in June and felt waaaaaayy worse. I never dreaded getting right back on the bar- the obligation is a strong motivator, but it seems equal rest period are way better than 30 secs here, 10 there, 45 there. Also helps to commit to a rep scheme.
and this:
Thursday night Strength Cycle
LBBS 245x5x3 – starting to get medium/heavy, as made explicit by all the sweating after each set.
Press 130x5x3 – still moving well.
Deadlift 315x5x3 – I still quite hate heavy deadlifts and how they make my head spin once I’m done.
500m row cash-out while waiting for Thaisa.
Friday morning Short Circuit
Partnered with Paul, we alternated on the 35lb dumbbells for a hellish complex. Short Circuit is always a lot of fun, wish I could come more often.
Now off to a week in Iceland! Bringing my lifters so I can keep my Strength Cycle progression going…
Noon with Whit today!
Hooray for being back!!! I’ve missed you guys and plan on hugging all the non-sick of you.
Did Thursdays work. Went ridiculously light cause my legs and butt are still asleep, got up to 95lbs. Whit pointed out I was dropping my butt a bit when I lifted my chest for the set-up. A habit to get rid of because I’m pretty sure I’ve been doing this consistently.
Metcon in 11:48. I did the “jetlagged, recently food poisoned, and subsisting on a diet of beer, noodles, and oreos for 25 days” scale, which is:
burpees Rxed
front squats at 65lbs
ring rows
The front squat was definitely too light cause I did all the rounds without putting the bar down and a bit of rest standing at the top, but if it was any heavier I would have blown the f up and probably thrown up in the chalk bucket. Felt good to sit down at the end. Hope to get back online soon and not feel weird and dizzy all the time.
Did a pullup afterwards to make sure I still could. I can!
Ok, love you bye!
hahah, great to have you back Karina!
To all the comments today… yes. I think partner workouts like that are great at demonstrating how keeping your sets shorter and having intentional, measured rest can be a very smart and often faster-in-the-long run way to approach a workout. Esp. a longer duration one. It sometimes feels good to crush big sets of something at the outset, but I know I’m really bad at sticking to that whole “just a short break” before I start again thing. the 1:1 of a partner workout, if broken up well, is a great way to feel how you can actually create a similar feeling on your own! (EMOMs are also great for that)
Now for my notes: Afternoon solo session today was good! Took an extra rest day yesterday because I started feeling sick Wed night. An extra nap and a combo platter of medicinal/healing strategies seemed to be a good approach because I didn’t feel as bad today! Still, kept away from heavy conditioning.
WU: movement flow + 3x: 5 push ups, 10 cossack, 10 dead bug
work up to a few heavy singles:
3-position snatch @ 65, 85, then… 95, 105, 105, 115 x 1 x 3 (86%)
EMOM x 12
2 snatches (TNG), adding weight every 2 min:
85 x2, 90 x2, 95×2, 100×2, 105×4 (did singles on the last 2 min)
-focus: tension off the floor, not laying back, speed under
4 sets:
10L / 8R deficit bb rvrs lunge (4″, 45#x1, then 65#x3)
3 ring dip negatives (:05 descent)
5 min cooldown row (60 cal)
Hbbs: 140×3, 160×3, 180×4 for the rep out
Thursday wod with JB!
Scaled to 93# and regular pull ups. Finished in 10:59.
Cash out: watched other people ab roll