Back Squat
Establish a new 1 or 3RM Back Squat. If you’re newer, then go for the 3RM. No tempo. The movement standards are as follows:
- Begin the lift with both knees and hips fully extended.
- Squat down to full depth, until the hip crease passes below the top of the patella.
- Return to fully standing in one motion (though it may be slow!).
- Feet must remain planted throughout the lift.
- If you fail, STAY WITH YOUR BAR and do not bail it on the spotters. Your spotters will help you stand and guide the bar back into the rack.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
15-12-9-6-3 Burpees
Scale the Dubs to Singles as needed. The goal is a quick metcon with minimal rest.
Post time and Rx to comments.
“Spiderman, Spiderman, / Owns a gym called South Brooklyn.” Check out more Fight Gone Bad action shots by Thomas H. and Robert C. right here. | Photo by Robert C.
Train with an Olympian: Sign Up for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship! Olympian Coach Nick will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 25th, in Boston. The first technique clinic will take place this Saturday, November 11th from 4 to 6pm.
Basic Info
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual
- You don’t have to be a CFSBK member to participate—so tell your non-SBK friends! (If you have any!)
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and three or four races
- Participants will do the workouts on their own
- Nick will provide programming and support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement
Full Payment Up Front:
- Member Rate: $360 with discount code
- Non-Member Rate: $450
Three Monthly Installments:
- Member Rate: $134.40 per installment* ($403.20 total)
- Non-Member Rate: $168 per installment* ($504 total)
(Members, please contact the front desk for the discount code.)
See the CRASH-Bs event page for the full schedule of technique clinics and events!
Weekend Schedule
We’re hosting the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Seminar this weekend, which means we’ll have to cancel a few classes. On Saturday, November 11th the following classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 9am group class, and AG Strength. On Sunday, November 12th, these classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Revealing the World’s Tiniest Wonders Atlas Obscura
Why Barbells Are Better Than Machines Starting Strength
7am w/ Ro and JB
Back squat test: 155×1, 165F, 165F. UGHHH. 165 is my current 1RM and I really wanted to get to 170 today but obviously that just wasn’t happening. It was probably ambitious given this back pain thing I’m dealing with, but I also think I need to seriously work on my squat anxiety. I get straight up SCARED and shaky and nervous and basically self-sabotage the whole thing. Great tip from Ro about doing a heavier walk-out before attempting the actual lift…definitely going to try that next time. Also, think I’m going to stop talking about doing a strength cycle and actually DO one. Thank you to Christine and Kate for being awesome lifting buddies as always and for rescuing me (twice).
WOD in 6:15RX. Double-unders were off today.
Despite all that, great to be back after a few days off…a so-so day in the gym is still better than a day NOT in the gym! 😉
DO IT KIRB. Didn’t you do 140x6x3 last week? You have 165 and then some, promise. Just takes some practice to work through the nerves. And +1 on walkouts, those really help!
Yes do it!!! You were SO close, it’s definitely in there. Strength cycle or no we can start a “listen to angry music and just have friends load the bar without telling us how much weight is on there” squatting club.
Yesterdays workout with Dungeon Master Whit for strict press and DLs.
I noticed that partnering is a bit wonkier when going for 1 rep maxes. I think I need to bring a calculator next time because there was a lot of math going on, and weights calcs don’t automatically come to me yet.
Strict Press I did PR. After warming up, my 1reps were 125, 135, 140 (old PR), 142.5 PR!, 145F! I 100% know the fail was form based and not strength based. I get freaked out with heavier weight and try to push too hard, and I don’t brace enough and end up with the bar too far out. Must go slower young padawan.
DLs I thought I PRed, but ended up tying. This was my mistake with the math. Oh well. 1reps were 265, 285, 295, 325 which I thought was a 5lb pr, but was just a tie with my old one. Either way I was excited to get it off the ground. I’m yanking when the weights get heavier. Again, I just freak out and forget to brace and try to go to fast.
Tabata was great. I felt like I could have done that forever. I was shooting for 6-7 cals per round on the erg. Fun one.
6am with Ro and kind of JB
BSQ – 225×3, 275×2, 315×1, 335(f), 325
Got stuck in the bottom
WOD – 4:08
quick little burner
Shoutout to Pam and Elizabeth for their **awesome** PRs this morning! And for always being such positive and encouraging partners 🙂
7am with Ro and JB
I thought I had learned where the bottom of the squat is over the past two cycles but it alluded me once again. Current PR is 160 so of course wanted 165 today. I lifted 150 and JB said it was shallow but close. I actually argued with her! I hardly ever act like that (well, I used to with McDowell but with him it was just to try to bug him because that was fun). Sorry JB! I did the 150 again and got low enough (enough should be in italics). It felt heavy but not awful, terrible, grindy, or slow. Went for 162 and called for help as soon as i got to the bottom. Kirby – you and I will work on our noggins!
4:25 on the WOD with single unders because these new ropes have thrown me for a loop.
Cash out 3-3-3 pull ups with a min between.
7-7-7 GHD sit ups.
Yesterday at AG
I’m feeling like real grown up kipping TTBs are in my not too distant future.
Had a fun workout team and tried to really push my rows!
Funtime announcements!
There’s a group of us planning to attend Wodapalooza in Miami in January (over the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend – 1/12-15). Talk to me or JB about details and let’s all go root Katie Harpz on! (You can friend me on Facebook to message…)
There was talk of going to the Russian baths in Coney Island on Sunday after working out. Is anyone interested? I’d probably leave from the gym after a 9:00 class and can drive 4 there. It’s $45 for as long as you want to stay. I’m down to go either this coming or the following Sunday.
12pm Class
Made 335 and missed 345.
Metcon in 4:38
Should have moved faster!
9am short circuit
8 strict TTB
8ea single leg RDL
10 prone db rows @ 20#
10 banded snow angel
WOD of death… :40/:20 x 5
burpees, f-rack walking lunges @ 30#, WB (10#, 11′ target), plank walk outs, jump rope.
the lunges into wall balls murdered me. also I forgot to breathe for the first 7 minutes of this.
10am SQUATs with group class
was undecided going in about heavy triple or single. went for single since i haven’t tested it on high bar in a couple years or more.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2
200×1 *PR for high bar!
210×1 *PR
215F – bottomed out big time
215F – much better tension but think I just wore myself out by that point
225 is my low bar bsq 1RM from when I was training during iron maidens. so I guess all in all i’m happy with this. I have hurt my hip twice over the years going heavy on high bar squats, so I am glad I’ve spent time and reps in the lower-mid ranges. feeling much more put together and healthier.
7am with Ro and JB
BSQ up to 175, this moved well. If we’d had more time I think Kate would have been successful in convincing me to make a bigger jump 🙂 I share a lot of the same challenges that Kirby voiced – as I see the weight going up I tend to get super in my head, think way too hard, eventually start to shake, and then everything just kind of unravels from there. Today was probably the calmest I’ve felt squatting heavy-ish in a few years, which was great
WOD – I had an out of body experience and completely forgot my time. I think it was 4:30ish. Subbed singles because I have not been practicing my DUs and hoo boy did it show.
AGS last night, great as always but everything just felt heavy and hard. One of those days. Keep chugging along 🙂
10 AM with Brett
Back squats:
2 failed attempts at 212 (210 is my PR). Was hoping for 215- I think I’m too conservative at the start of tempo cycles and definitely need to get this out of my head.
WOD in 4:58 with 2x single unders.
5:30 with Lauren and Keith
Some things happened tonight!
LBBS: 45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 155×3, 170×1, 175×3*
This all felt great and my super chill bar mates Kate and Jen were being all supportive so…190×1*, 200F
A new PR and feeling way closer to 200 – actually fought under it for a bit rather than turning to mush at the bottom.
WOD: 6:38 with 1/2 DUs
I STRUNG TOGETHER LIKE 10 DUs in a row in the first round. No idea what happened, just sort of got zen and went for it. Never had gotten more than 2 in a row before. Definitely was stamping more than jumping but it’s a start. Stoked about this!
Long loooong night last night en transit. 6 hour delay = red eye from cali. got home at 4 am! woof. Just happy to be back at the gym and get back on track!
A) 3 x 8. 4 second eccentric, 3 second concentric. AHAP
130×8, 140×8, 150×8
Last 4 reps got a bit “deadlift-y” in set 3, but this hasn’t happened in awhile so Im pretty happy about that!
B) 1 arm overhead carry, 45# 1 x 200m each arm.
UNBROKEN. Wow I can’t believe I actually pulled that off. I was definitely scaring children/adults on the sidewalk doing this in the dark with all of the grunting. I forgot to record time which sucks but I do know it was unbroken and relatively fast because I was speed walking
C) Seated calf raise, 3 x 20 reps
D) Upright row, 75# 3 x 6.
E) 3 rounds of: 2 mins 47 secs
10 Deadlifts, 185 lbs
50 Double Unders
Just 9s under my current PR for this one. Unbroken with one trip in last round. No idea how I went faster than this but I am pretty jet lagged and exhausted after a red eye so who knows! Either way, happy with how this felt!
F) “Tabata” – GHD Sit-ups : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 59 reps
G) “Tabata” – Hip Extensions : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 86 reps
H) Cardio: 30 min assault bike, 1 min hard/1 min easy
Calories: 251
Distance 8.7 mi
HR: 127 avg/136 max
A lot of small tasks as open season approaches. Need to get more time efficient so I don’t leave the gym too late.
Catch Up post
Short Circuit yesterday:
I swear all this accessory work is making me a stronger crossfitter! I love the strength circuit
Metcon: :40work/:20rest
db thrusters #35
plank tucks(I don’t like these, Brett)
box jumps 24″
Russian twists with med ball (I don’t like these, Brett)
American KBS #52
reverse bear crawl with plate
this was a tough Metcon. It was honestly the thrusters into the plank tucks that crushed me! Good spirit in class though!
4min AMRAP- three times through with 4 min rest in between each)
27 cal row
21 cleans (95,80,65))
Never once did I complete the AMRAP. The descending cleans slowed me down. Even as the weight decreased, I was moving very slowly . I’m trying to get better at cycling so I stayed with a constant scheme the entire time but this jacked my heart rate very quickly
22 min EMOM
1- 5 unbroken t2b
2- 5 strict HSPU
my hspu are getting way better. I am still going to one abmat, but every strict HSPU today, hit the mat and I felt like I was getting a good press out. Soon I’ll graduated to just a skill Mat! I’m pumped about this!
Rest day tomorrow…and much needed after this week:-) Thanks for the new stretching mats too, DO!!
5:30 with Lauren and Keith
Injuries are humbling. Couldn’t do walking lunges in the warm up and I got scared to attempt the squats. I managed to squeak out some tempo rounds and ended with 3 reps at 85lbs. I might have been able to go above that but my leg was already feeling super sore just from that and I do need to walk tomorrow. I’m also hoping to attempt another run in the morning if my leg isn’t too beat up.
Metcon I was only able to do singles but cruised through them and the burpees in 4:27
That was a fun metcon but wish I could have done doubles for the extra cardio.
Cashing out with watching Stranger Things and eating leftover veggies. Truth is they are left overs because cookies became my main meal last night.
7:30pm tonight and 8:30pm last night…
Press @ 165 (ties PR)
Deadlift @ 435 (10# PR)
Squat @ 415 (5# PR)
I guess tempo lifts were what I needed, because these are the first slow lift PRs I’ve had in literally years.
Tabata Row & Plank… It happened
Double Unders & Burpees in 4:38 with a shitshow round of 40 dubs… should have been faster.
Great start to testing week… looking forward to more!
7:30 with Melo and Keith
Worked up to 195 on the hbbs. Felt like it moved well but didn’t feel confident moving towards 1Rm range since we haven’t been lifting high % lately. Next time! 94% of my PR.
Wod RX in 4:44. Delts on fire!!
Worked up to a heavy 3 since I didn’t squat for a good portion of this cycle. Not near PR territory but didn’t want to push it with my knee.
125×3, 155×3, 175×3
WOD in 6:09
I counted trips. Shouldn’t have bc I got some decent sized sets in today. DUs good most rounds except the round of 40 which took forever. Fun one.
Been in a rut lately with training progress and not being where I want to be, physically so today really felt good!
8:30 with Keith
95×5, 145×3, 170×1, 190×1 (PR match), 200×1 (PR!), 210×1 – failed
205# and 210# were very much possible but fatigue set in, so leaving that for a different day.
Metcon in 6:06, subbing singles. Lately, I’ve been psyching myself out regarding metcons and just blowing up during the first few rounds so my goal here was to pace, and that’s what I did and I felt happy with my time/effort.
Goal of the month/year/life: give myself a break.