Snatch Complex
Every other minute on the minute x 10 (5 reps):
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Toes-to-Bars
Post time and Rx to comments.
Fight Gone Bad 2017: Thank You!
By the time the dust settled yesterday, we had raised over $21,500 for Brooklyn Community Foundation. That’s AMAZING. Every dollar of your efforts will help to fund some of the best causes in Brooklyn. Thanks to everyone who competed and/or fundraised, donated, cheered, or helped out in any way. We’ll have the full results from the day up on the blog tomorrow.
Many thanks again to the following sponsors for donating prizes: Herondale Farms, Left Bank, Olivier Bistro, LuluLemon, Afrobrutality, Parklife, Littlefield, and Dinosaur BBQ.
Don’t Choke the Bar to Death Catalyst Athletics
What Can “Drunken Monkeys” Teach Us About Alcohol Addiction? Pacific Standard
2-3 sets for quality
2-3 strict pull ups @1011
3 wall walks
15 hollow rocks
Butterfly pull up practice
5 sets @80-90% SE
4-8 pull ups
8 burpees
12/16 cal row
rest walk 1:1
8am w/Jess
Power snatch + OHS
Warm up 53×2, 63×2, 73
EOMOM 73, 83, 88F, 88, 88F
Pull moved ok, but weak in the catch. Jess said it looked like I was surprised when I got under it, which I definitely was! Powers are weird – I need to be more intentional about where I’m going to land above parallel at different weights. Full snatches make way more sense timing-wise cause I know where I’m going to be & when to punch up. I think I need to keep my eyes up too, Just need practice! Overhead squats felt easy.
WOD: 11:03 w/green KB + 6 T2B
Runs slow, KB unbroken, I wouldn’t exactly say the t2b were unbroken cause I had to swing back to get my kip, but I stayed on the bar straight through except for the very last rep when I lost my grip.
Yesterday FGB w/the Snatchelorettes!
247 reps RX
I scaled last year, so this is progress. Didn’t have a super set goal in mind – was hoping to get closer to 260. Everything was pretty OK except I DIED on the wallballs. I could only manage 10 after the first round!!! Anyways, lots of good fun, and definitely gives me a mark to aim for next year.
Congrats to everyone who competed (and the top 3 athletes who CRUSHED IT)! Thanks as always to CFSBK for all the good community feels.
10 am | JB
Power snatch + OHS
EOMOM: 115, 125, 135, 140, 140
Was a ‘meh’ day for my power snatch. As it got heavy, I started pressing out the bar instead of just catching it lower. Definitely felt like a lack of confidence. Just one of those days… But my OHS felt solid 🙂
WOD: 9:05 RX *Very pleased.
Congrats to everyone who did FGB yesterday!! I had fun looking at all of the videos/photos. Had some pretty serious Fitness FOMO, wish I could’ve been there!
Dropin at Invictus yesterday!
5 rds:
3 min to complete:
500M row
Max wall balls 14#/10ft
*rest three min*
Sooo basically 3 min on/off. This was pretty tough. But I think I executed it well because I was recovering well enough to repeat my wall ball sets and get a few more by the end!
Rows: 1:55-1:58 avg each Round
Wall Balls: 23/20/20/21/22
Fun to check out the space! It’s super clean in there. Didn’t stick around to mingle much but it was a solid dropin!
Also: D Castros announcement!! 2 women/2 men is the new team format. Should be interesting!
Power Snatch + OHS: 93, 98, 103×2, 108
WOD: 11:25 Rx. Practiced some kipping T2B after class, just can’t figure of the rhythm.
Had a great time with A Team Has No Name! Really surprised myself – I think I was just super inspired by all the other ladies who crushed it. My first time four years ago I scored 233, last year 304, and yesterday hit 356. Dove deep into that pain cave. Lots of encouragement from judge Brad L (who crushed it himself) that definitely gave me an extra push and great energy from the crowd.
Whoa, from 304 to 356 in the course of an year is absolutely amazing. Congrats Kayleigh!
FGB was great as usual. 299 which is a 14 rep PR I think (from way back) but 1 rep shy of my goal 😝
Felt heavy and not “great”
Metcon Rxd in 11:33
Not in my wheelhouse but I tried to stay uncomfortable.
I am very sorry to have missed FGB and can’t wait to see all the pictures! The ones I’ve seen so far are pretty great.
If anyone’s looking for something to do tomorrow night, you should come see the concert I was rehearsing for instead of FGB-ing! I have one free ticket if anyone wants it. Details here:
Short Circuit today was fun. Discovered I can do slam balls as long as I keep my chin down, so that’s cool.
Clean and jerk: 103-113-118-123F
Clean felt great on the last. Just barely missed the jerk.
3 rounds:
400m run
1 round DT at 72#.
Finished in 11:34
Strength Cycle
LBBS 205x5x3 (first time low bar back squatting, will take some time to get used to it)
Bench 155x5x3 (fine, lots of room to grow)
Barbell Row 125x5x3 (fine too)
Then did some accessory OHS (triples E2MOM at 105 110 115 120 125), and practiced my LBBS a bit more, before finishing the day in a 500m row (1:45-ish).
Sad that I’ll be missing a bunch of Crossfit for the next few weeks, but I’m happy to be super focused on my basic lifts.