Power Clean
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 10 (5 Reps):
Power Clean
Warm up and work up to a heavy single Power Clean. Focus on an aggressive 2nd pull and, even though they’re Powers, pulling under the bar with consistent footwork.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Deadlifts 135/95
9 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar
6 Push Jerks 135/95
Who’s gonna take home this year’s Fight Gone Bad Spirit Award? Could it be Ziggy WODdust and the Squatters from Mars? Or Night of the Living Deadlift? Maybe Ruth Badder Gunsberg? With just a couple days to go until FGB 2017, we’re at $15,437 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Don’t stop now, gang! Every dollar we raise will benefit great local programs. Learn more about the Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done.
Train with an Olympian: Sign Up for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship! Olympian Coach Nick will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 25th, in Boston. The first technique clinic will take place next Saturday, November 11th from 4 to 6pm.
Basic Info
- The events at CRASH-Bs are individual
- You don’t have to be a CFSBK member to participate—so tell your non-SBK friends! (If you have any!)
- The group will get together for three technique clinics (each of which will conclude with a workout) and three or four races
- Participants will do the workouts on their own
- Nick will provide programming and support—including video analysis of your technique—throughout the program
- Anyone can join—there is no minimum performance requirement
Full Payment Up Front:
- Member Rate: $360 with discount code
- Non-Member Rate: $450
Three Monthly Installments:
- Member Rate: $134.40 per installment* ($403.20 total)
- Non-Member Rate: $168 per installment* ($504 total)
(Members, please contact the front desk for the discount code.)
See the CRASH-Bs event page for the full schedule of technique clinics and events!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Light “Fran”
Restorative Modalities for Weightlifters Catalyst Athletics
Getting Out of a Rut + The Myth of Greatness Peak Performance
Prince and the Rowvolution! I personally would have given these guys the costume award last year for sheer creativity. (And the fact that a purple iridescent cutout leotard exists, and KHarpz found it.)
608 was hoppin’ today!
DROMS: Today the chin circles felt pretty good, even in the low chin tuck position which has been a sticking point for me since this whole thing started. 😀
10 min NFR
0:30 bar hang
15 erg pulls, damper 3
10 serratus pushups
All this was fine.
3 supersets
10/side high pull, 17.5#
10 close grip DB bench, 20#
10/side Kroc row, 30#
I can bump up all of these in weight next time.
Then I modified today’s group class WOD as follows:
15 deadlifts 115#
9 squat thrusts over the bar
6 DB strict press 15#
I upped the deadlift weight since I needed to play it safe on the overhead movement. Took me 8:20 and I was FLATTENED! I know full well I haven’t been pushing myself in a metcon capacity nearly as much as I would be if I were in group class, and it shows. I lay on the ground for a good 2 minutes after this was done. :/
6am w/Jess, JB, and some barking dogs
Power cleans: 83, 103, 113, 123F(bad pull), 123F(squat clean)
I didn’t set myself up super well for this, and didn’t have a good strategy – not used to having so few attempts. Should’ve started at at least 93 and built from there. At least I got under the last one.
WOD: 9:09 @ 63#
Should have done 73#, but I kept moving and didn’t get sloppy on the push jerks.
Sorry I couldn’t stay to help break down & cash out, had to get the puppo out of the gym.
Power Clean: 128, 138, 148, 153, 158F
Just couldn’t commit – 153 is my best for a power clean, so I am glad that I’ve been able to clean it up a bit this cycle. Still much to work on.
WOD: 6:56 Rx.
Deadlifts stayed consistent, burpees slowed down after round three, Tried to only rest before starting the push jerks. Broke up the push jerk in the last two rounds 4-2.
7am w/ Jess + Lauren
Power cleans: 93, 113 (f), 113, 118…hmmm, I either missed one or I’m forgetting what I did. Anyway, heaviest was 118; kinda wish I’d gone for 123. These felt better today than last week! Great coaching as always—helped me get my head around it.
WOD: 10:50 @ 73#. Think this was the right weight…the push jerks were tough! I broke up my 5th set of deadlifts and wish I hadn’t; I probably didn’t really NEED to and it slowed me down.
So excited for FGB!!
7am with Jess + Lauren
Power Cleans: 93, 113, 123, 128, 133. 20# PR!
I believe I maintained pretty good form throughout, with the exception of the final rep where I landed with my feet super wide, but still solid and did not lean forward or back.
WOD in 10:40 at 73#. This was tough – burpees really slowed me down! Glad I chose this weight.
Wowwwww Jamie! That’s a lot of weight. Nice work!
Dammit…J-A-I-M-E. I did know how to spell your name, I swear.
Heck yeah, Jaime! Dream of 130+ cleans lol
*I* dream of 130 cleans…
8 am with Fox
I felt yucky today. 3 drinks last night clobbered me somehow. Nothing felt right on the cleans – not even the drills. 83, then 88 the rest of the way through. I missed one, followed by a funky chicken make, and the last one was good; light even.
I put 68# on the bar for the WOD – 10:55. Did burpee step overs because I’m afraid to jump, as in freaked out totally because of the one time I missed. There’s something about falling when you’re already facing down…. I took a break on the deadlifts in the 4th round after 10 but think I went unbroken otherwise. I did 3/3 on the jerks in the 4th and missed my last rep on the jerk in the 5th and had to drop it and clean it back up. That stunk.
I’d say the mental/emotional/stress/recovery part of my training equation has been off lately, and that includes this week.
Joined the circle for 10am class with Brett and Jess, aiming to just be kind to myself today. Lots of laughs during our QOD… and then just decided to rip some weight!
Power Cleans: Worked up to 135# quickly before starting the EOMOM (85×3, 105×2, 115, 125, 125, 135), then:
165 (PR match)
*Both of those I caught as full cleans but really wasn’t ready for that and had no real drive or interest in fighting to stand it up from there. 175 is my clean PR and I’ve only hit 170 and 175 once. I know I can hit that as a power clean; pretty sure I changed my pull after 165.
*BUT: Really happy to work up to that PR weight though without much pomp and circumstance. Now time to do some work in the 155-160 range to really get consistent and then titrate up from there.
WOD in 8:42 RX’d
Strategy was to find a relatively paced, even split and take this at a training level, not pushing into the death zone. I definitely fell off a bit in rounds 3+4, a lot of that felt like I needed more time to be ready for the jerks. Still getting fatigued on those quickly and my elbows start to over-extend and I lose stability. Would be a good one to re-test in a couple months.
Cash Outs…
a.1000m row – just under 5 min, nice and easy
b. 2x: 4:00 assault bike (holding 50 RPM), 1:00 ea side plank
way to hit that heavy percentage Whit!!
10am class
Fine for today, but prob should have done 225 across.
Metcon Rx in 8:55
Broke up the deadlifts in 4 and 5 which was silly. Stuck in 3rd gear today.
@NC Fit in California this week
Today doing Thursday’s programming
Power Cleans E2MOM 185 205 215 225 (PR) 235F 235F 235F
Yes I went beyond the 5 attempts to try to nail that 235, but today wasn’t the day. 225 was a 5# PR. Felt a bit of a tweak on my lower back during one of the fails.
Metcon Rx’ed – DNF. Did 1.5 rounds of this, then felt a sting in my lower back during the 2nd round, so I decided to stop and stretch/mobilize. Was about 3min in, so this was gonna be a looong one (15min+) for me. Hope this goes away before FGB.
Tuesday doing Monday’s programming
Press 120 125 125
Stiff Leg DL 255 255 255
Finally hit 125 on the press, yay. Deadlift is super grippy right now, didn’t really go up in weight, the bar keeps slipping from my hands.
EMOM metcon happened. Got between 14 and 18 calories on the 15 strokes, managed to get all :20 on the ring holds.
Power Cleans 125×1, 135×1 146xF, 146xF, 145xF (Shoulda kept going last week when 141 went up easy and I was strong like bull, smart like ox.)
Blew off the metcon.
10AM with Brett and Jess.
Powah Cleans:
115,125,135,145,155 (pr). Not the smoothest PR, but nonetheless.
Metcon in 9:00 with 95#.
I’m compelled by some higher force to admit that in the 3rd/4th round I went straight from burpees to deadlifts and then went back to do the jerks and did not pay the idiot penalty of redoing the deadlifts I had completed.
Charles, (jack of all trades, master of none)
I do better with emoms and smaller jumps to dial in technique, even with less rest. Hit 118 last week, not sure why I was afraid to get under it today.
Wod: 73# 8:41
Kept each round very consistent. Was slower than most other folks around me in round 1, which was a good strategy. Because I finished before them 😉
Jerks unbroken— perfect challenge
Burpees consistent but not too fast
Deadlifts unbroken but pretty slow.
It was a pleasure to watch Michael A totally destroy this workout. Totally amazing! I wanted to push like him, but I needed a slower pace.
5:30pm group class
Power cleans:
133, 143, 153, 163, 173f
-believe that 173 would have been a power clean PR. Had it plenty high just didn’t commit to it. I dislike power cleans and prefer the squat clean so much better!
7:36 rx’d.
-this was all lungs and had about 3 rounds too many of burpees. 😉
-1st round in 1:12…just couldn’t sustain that pace. All unbroken though.
Jaime!!! Dear god girl that’s a massive PR! Congrats! Your cleans have been looking great this cycle though so I’m not too surprised.