Tempo Press / Tempo Stiff-Legged Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (31×1) Press:
3 x 6
Heavier than last week.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Stiff-Legged Deadlift:
3 x 6
Heavier than last exposure.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Presses, followed by a set of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
Every minute on the minute x 18 (6 each)
1) 15 Strokes for Max Cals on the C2 Erg
2) 20 Second Ring Support
3) 30 Second Hollow Hold
Play with damper setting and stroke rating on the erg to see what works best for you. Focus on a mature shoulder and elbow position on the rings. If you can’t hold for 20 seconds straight break it up into 2 sets of 10 seconds with a 5-10 second rest, or modify the support to feet elevated or to support on paralletes as needed.
Post work to comments.
Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through four weeks of gymnastics strength training starting in one week! This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Specifically, each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (muscle ups, levers etc), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on for the next four weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Class Outline:
Inverted Hangs
Back Levers
Ring Routine
When: 3 Sundays in November from 6-7:30pm (11/5, 11/12 and 11/19)
Cost: $60 for 3 weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended rings class or 1 pull-up for ladies or 3 for gents
More About Ken
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update (T-6 Days!)
With less than a week to go until Fight Gone Bad 2017, we’re currently at $11,692 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 47% of our $25,000 goal. Can we crack 50% by the end of the day?!
Did you know that we have been hosting our annual “Fight Gone Bad” charity event since 2008? Our fundraising efforts have benefitted a wide variety of charitable organizations in Brooklyn, with our total amount raised to date close to $400,000. Let your friends and family know that you’ll be sweating for one of the best causes around!
Don’t forget that our top individual fundraisers will receive prizes from our generous sponsors: Herondale Farms, Left Bank, Olivier Bistro, LuluLemon, Afrobrutality, ParkLife, Littlefield, and Dino BBQ.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions:
Top Five Teams:
- Ziggy WODdust and the Squatters from Mars: $2,334
- Superheroes Gone Bad: $2,088
- Foam Roller Derby: $1,725
- WOD Happened: $1,025
- Hallowed By Thy Gainz: $825
Top Five Individuals:
- Charles S.: $1,725
- Scott M.:$1,170
- Lizzie D.: $1,089
- Patrick S.:$825
- Allie C.: $1,025
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Bar Muscle-Ups, Handstand Push-Ups, Squats
The Role the Brain Plays in Muscle Fatigue A Health Blog
John Carpenter Is Extremely My Shit The Outline (video)
Yesterday 10am with CFox
Snatch up to 135, trying to make sure every rep is steady and good. This might have been a hang snatch PR.
Metcon around 5 rounds with jumping BMU. The HSPUs were a bigger struggle than I expected. Need to keep practicing.
Then 11am AR, and then…
6pm OG doing a FGB test run with a few people. 265 reps (PR). It was a good reminder of how sucky this workout is, and that I should try to come in with a specific strategy (lots of push presses and wallballs, medium SDLHP and box jumps, low on rowing).
Now off to a week in California, hopefully with a few drop-ins to keep the programming going.
Tempo Press: 70 x 6 x 3
Tempo SLDL: 193 x 6 x 3
EMOM of 15 hard pulls erg (12 cal each), ring support (20 sec), hollow holds (30 sec) happened
Playing catch-up…
Saturday Strongfit!
Slowly got better at holding the yoke overhead (made it about 10 sec).
Suitcase deadlifts – worked up to 135 x 5 per side, I think (axel is 25#?).
Long walk around the block with Roose, a 80# sandbag, and two 24kg KBs.
10 min AB: 20 sec on, 40 sec rest – 91 cal.
3 RFT: just over 6 min
21 Air Squats
12 cal Row
12 Alt. DB Snatches (35#)
Sunday Snatch!
Hang Power Snatch: Started at 83, spent most of the time at 103, a few at 108 that involved far too much star-fishing.
WOD was pretty relaxed pace to focus on skills: 2 JBMU (at least on fail each round) from 22″, 5 HSPU (1 ambat), 12 squats. Made it through about 4 rounds.
7am w/Lauren and Whit
Tempo press: 58# – only have had one exposure to this, made a 3# jump which felt perfect. Last rep of each set was a struggle but went up.
Tempo SLDL: 120# – grip is just a crazy limiter! I think I have a 20-30+ jump left if I switch to a yellow bar, but not sure if the some of the point of this is grip strength?
Ring support – I had a red band on the rings which I never really leveraged since every time I jumped up to the top there was a bunch of slack. Whit cued me to tighten my butt on the 3rd round or so and I realized, HUH, have NO idea if/how/where my lower body iss involved in this movement – the next round I pointed my toes and that got the legs + glutes into it and, of course, made a big difference.
Hollow holds happened.
Row – it took me 50secs each round, and the sloowest recovery, but got to 10-11 cals.
Wow y’all FGB is SOON!
7am with Whit and Lauren
Press @ 53# – This seemed appropriate. Last rep or two in the third set moved slowly but otherwise all good.
SLDL @ 95# – +1 to Kate’s comment about grip, wowza. I’ve done these only once, and am definitely still figuring out the movement. My tendency is to bend my knees too much so I focused on really moving correctly. Thx to Whit for the good tips!
EMOM – this was fun! I opted for the parallettes, still a good workout. Hollow holds are hollow holds. Rows nice and steady, did a quick start and then just powered through 15 strokes – 2 at 9 calories, 4 at 10 calories. Really wanted to get to 11 but it wasn’t happening today.
7am w/ Whit + Lauren
Tempo Press: 53#. Last ~2 reps of each set were griiiiindy but I guess that’s normal for week 8!
Tempo SLDL: 125#. Mostly fine, but I really don’t love these.
WOD: Max 8 cals on the row…kept trying to match Kate Tk’s 11 but I just couldn’t! Used a red band on the ring supports…these actually got better throughout the rounds and my last one was my best! Hollow holds were fine.
Make-up post from Saturday: 10am w/ KHarpz + Melo
Partner WOD with Molly! I hit the 15:00 cap with like 3 more push presses to go in my 7th round. Used 30# DBs but kept the 25s nearby just in case…glad I stuck with the 30s even though it was hard! Doubles felt great; all unbroken and didn’t trip once, thank you very much 🙂
The second workout took us 15:00 exactly. Nothing much to say about this. Then I took AR with Whit and it was aamaaaaaazing. The end!
I’m playing hooky today so…Short Circuit! Felt great — my shoulders got a good toasty workout while keeping things safe.
I am jealous of everyone who was doing chinups, but on the plus side, ring rows didn’t hurt at all, even with a 3-second down. I had some discomfort with them a couple of weeks ago, so this is progress.
Also, THANK YOU MGMT for the Cafe Grumpy fridge! I promise that even if no one else buys that stuff, I will buy enough to make it worth your while to have that thing.
Thats the spirit, stella 🙂
First of all – soooorrryyyy! I left a white board out today. I’ll put away extra things tomorrow. Promise.
7 am with Whitney and Lauren who provided lots of feedback on a few different movements today – PRing the coaching – thanks!
Tempo press 58#. Lauren gave me the cue to track my elbows out front more on the way down and this helped a lot. No fails and only the last in my 3rd set was a real struggle.
SLDL 120#. This was a 25# jump from last time but I wanted to keep up with the Kates. Whitney pointed out that I have to keep my ribs down and engage my core more. A work in progress…
8 cals on my first row and 7 thereafter. Set the damper in a few different spots for the same cals. Hmmm.
Held hallowly then on rings with a real focus on keeping my arms turned.
With Fox at 10 am if I recall correctly.
Mid-hang power snatches at 58 then moved to 63 but they were bad because Fox said I wasn’t finishing the pull, so then back down to work that out and then back up for 4 really good feeling ones at 63# which is 90% of my 1rm.
WOD was fun – 4 jumping bar muscle ups (I wish I had set this up better. I did them from 24 -too high. I should have had 20″ + a plate). Did 5 sets plus 6 HSPUs into the 6th set. First three sets were with 1 abmat and the last (almost 3) I used 2. I no-rep crashed 2 and came down with elbows cocked on two so yeah…these died fast! I squatted hella fast to make up for time.
10am class
Finally made all 18 reps here…
Ham man, hams…
EMOM was fun. Felt stronger at ring supports and hollows.
10am with Brett and Lauren…who rightly both asked where I’ve been! Next cycle I definitely need to be more consistent, because I’m feeling bummed by little progress and less time at CF this one.
55# on tempo press went ok in the first set, but I only got 4 in my second and third sets. Just was feeling weird. This was sad.
125# on stiff legged DL went totally fine though, which is less sad.
EMOM x 18: erg pulls (8cal all but one round), scaled holds on the paralettes (I will try on rings with a band next time), hollow holds (happened)
Thank you for the new bands+jump ropes and organization of said band/ropes in 608! looking good Louis!
10 AM with Brett and Lauren-
Press: 5×110, 6×105, 5×105. Just couldn’t make the 6th rep in the 1st or third set. Ugh, but way up from where I started this cycle (75#).
Stiff legged deadlift 3×145#.
Emoms: 13/13/14/13/13/14 cal rows- holds and holds happened-
cashed out with curlz.
12pm with Fox:
Press: 75x6x3 @ 31×1
-woooooowee that was exciting! pretty disgusting last rep of the last set. but otherwise better this week at keeping the bar closer in the first half and maintaining more neutral spine
-L side lagging a bit. gotta keep up with my DB work
SLDL: 155x6x3 @ 31×1
EMOM got spicy, as expected!
-Rowing mostly in the 1050-1250 range (10-11 cal per 15 strokes)
-Ring support felt solid; love that I can really access my lats now and not be stuck in a shrug. Fox encouraged me to start taking my hands away from my body a bit since the position is there. good push to the next level!
-Hollow — got tough in the 4th round, brought my arms a bit higher for 5+6
2 x 10 Bicep curls @ 2121 @ 15#
then some elbow flexion PNF
4:30 with Jess
110# felt good and probably my max without getting shaky.
135# I’d never done these before, felt like I should be able to go higher but also felt like I need to work on them to avoid injury.
Rowing felt awesome, it was fun to play around with how to work the erg to maintain a high calorie rate. Got into a good groove. 13/16/16/15/15/15
10am group
Tempo Press
-moved fairly well. Will not miss the tempo work on these though!
Tempo stiff legged deadlift:
-also moved fine. Stayed pretty conservative on these this cycle and I’m not disappointed with that decision.
Only did 3 rounds of the metcon. Hadn’t eaten anything, had too much coffee, major headache and just felt lightheaded and off. Felt much better after holding babies (ala Diapers and Dumbbells class) and eating!
Press:65×5, 65×5, 65×4
Would have dropped down on the second set… but my bar mates encouraged me to give it another try. 2.5# was too big of a jump this week.
Stiff legged dl: 125
Nice 🙂
Hollows were hard, played with some Lsit holds on rings- I have good stability here, 8 cals per round
— how do I get some more power in my legs!? Even at 8 cals, still felt that lactic acid all built up when walking to the rings. I’ve gotta row more? Is that the answer??
Gym day was draggginngggg on today. Got in late to begin with so woof.
A) 1k Row for time : 3 mins 41 secs (3 sec PR)
Wanted to get sub 3:40 but got mentally distracted at the last minute (my mom called me twice on my headphones so I was worried something was wrong lol!). Dang! I think it’s there for sure. Ended with 3:41.7 if I’m being precise.
B) WU: calf eccentrics, lateral box step up, goblet squat
Tempo BSQ: 3×8 4s down/3s up, build AHAP
125×8, 135×8, 145×8
Not bad! Was conservative but i didn’t know what to expect. Honestly i’ve been tortured by this tempo for so long now i dont even notice how long it takes. Which is definitely not the worst thing. No leg fatigue a little tiny back stiffness in final two reps which went away pretty quickly after my hip windup stretch.
C) “3/4 Tabata” 6 x 20 secs work/10 secs rest: 289 reps | 63 + 57 + 72 + 97 | Rx’d (29 reps PR)
Tabata Pull-up | 18,15,10,7,7,6
Tabata Push-up | 13,11,10,8,8,7
Tabata AbMat Sit-up | 12,13,12,12,12,11
Tabata Air Squat | 18,16,16,16,16,15
Alright! Pullups went pretty well. Push-ups are a big difference compared to when I was first starting out with my programming. I’m really happy with this. It’s cool to see how terrible a simple crossfit WOD can really be! This was harder on my lungs this time around because I had the muscular endurance to push more. And for me, that’s a big deal! Good stuff.
D) “Tabata” – GHD Sit-ups : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 55 reps
Torture. Sheer torture. I need to just get used to these again. Headache didn’t set in until 5th round
E)”Tabata” – Hip Extensions : 7 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 70 reps
F) Cardio: 30 minutes ski erg, 1 min hard/1 min easy
283 cals
HR 132 avg/139 max
Finally figuring out how to maintain intensity! Started to die towards the end but i’m definitely getting a feel for the machine.
G) Breakfast for dinner. ALLLL of the calories. I had to eat two snacks to get through all of the crap tonight. Geeez. Looking forward to giving this RP stuff a go when I get back from vacation. I need more energy.
This volume of work looks insane! Dang. I’m sure RP will be amazing for you and your workout energy will get even better because you’ll have just the right makeup of nutrition precisely timed!
I can’t believe you did all that exercise in one day. Impressive!
Press @65#
Failed the last rep of the last set. This was a 5# jump from the last time I pressed on a Monday which was weeks ago (but doing AG strength).
SLDL: 125#
Felt easy. Haven’t made many jumps bc I missed so many Mondays and bc of my knee. Probably should have been more ambitious here.
9-11 cals on the row. Kept it over 1000cal/hour for all but the first couple of pulls.
Ring holds with the red band. Focused on external rotation.
Hollow holds were surprisingly ok.
Perfect workout for a Monday!