Mush! Mush! Check out Thomas H.’s photoset from last weekend’s Strong Fit class. Strong Fit meets Saturdays at 8am. Check it out if you want to do fun stuff like this!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. With just 10 days to go until the main event, we’re currently at just over $10,000 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 42% of our $25,000 goal. Yesterday we provided a template for a last-minute email you can send to your friends, family, and coworkers. Can we get to 50% by the end of the day? Let’s do it!
2. The 4th and final event of this year’s Subway Series goes down tomorrow at CrossFit Virtuosity. See our event page for details, and if you’re looking for something fun to do, head up to Williamsburg and cheer for our CFSBK athletes!
3. Want to learn from the best and train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship? Olympian Coach Nick (whose boat just won the men’s 40+ at the Head of the Charles!) will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 25th, in Boston. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting at 12:15 this Sunday, October 29th in the Annex. This meeting is open and free to anyone who’s “erg-curious” and wants to learn more about what’s involved. There will not be a workout.
4. Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our fourth Art Show will be Saturday, November 18th, and we need to know by Wednesday, November 1st whether you want to participate. See Tuesday’s post for details!
5. As we’ve mentioned on the blog in the past, Coach KHarpz is writing a series for our friends at beyond the whiteboard on her training for next year’s Northeast Regionals. Check out her 3rd and most recent installment, “Swole Searching: How Bad Do I Want It?”
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | SDHPs, Burpees, Thursters
Unplug from Technology for the Bigger Lifts BarBend
In the Wake of Harvey CrossFit Journal (video)
Saturday’s Programming
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time…
7 Rounds (each) for Time:
21 Double Unders
7 Dumbbell Power Cleans
7 Dumbbell Push Presses
Scale the dubs to 50 singles or 7 attempts. Choose dumbbells that are challenging but allow for at least a few unbroken rounds, or about 50% of your body weight between both dumbbells as Rx’d.
Rest 10 minutes, then…
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time…
For Time:
100 Calorie Row
50 Burpees
50 Calorie Row
25 Burpees
Break up the cals/reps however desired.
Post times, Rx, and partner to comments.
Saturday’s WOD with Joy!
WOD 1: 12 min
I used 35# DB. All DU unbroken expect for first set where I tripped. Started unbroken with the dumbbell, then switched to 6-1 cleans for round four onward.
WOD 2: Didn’t catch the time at all, was too distracted by Joy just busting out all the burpees in the last set (crushed it). We played this to our strengths…
Row 15J – 35K – 15J – 35K
Burpees: 30J – 20K
Row: 15J – 35K
Burpees: 25J
Shlomo talked me into joining him for a quick workout after:
Every 2 min for 6 sets:
10 wallbals
10 pushups (these died quickly)
20 lunges
Rumors have it, a CFSBK hates Fleetwood Mac.
First, who says that? Second, what is wrong with you?
Must not have 2 ears and a heart.
No ears? That’s not right Stevie, the lad in question played three of my songs
How come nobody is sticking up from me? I was totally dismissed in the 7 am.
I just wanna dance with somebody who loves me
Yesterday 6:30pm with DO, Whit and coach T-Bone
Power Cleans – 185, 195, 205, 210, 215, then 3 or 4 reps @ 220
These felt good, had a couple fails and a couple makes at 220. When the weight gets very heavy I tend to look down, and thus the bar slips off my shoulders in the catch.
Metcon 10:10min Rx
I was traumatized by the front squat workout, so spent a bunch of time pacing this one. Did the thrusters in sets of 5 and high pulls in sets of 10.
Then 7:30pm AR with Whit
7am (!) with Brett doing Thursday
Power cleans: 83×2, 93×2, 103, 113×3, 123×4, 128F, 113×2
I get the weirdsies about powers and finding the right place between above parallel and…not dropping at all. On the first couple Brett said it looked like I was just “casually drinking tea” – guess taking the first pull slow led to everything being slow? LOL. I don’t drink tea. Finally got into it towards the end, and my best was the second to last at 113. 128 is totally there, pull was fine, just gotta jump! Collarbones are nicely bruised.
WOD: 9:38rx
This was a good time for me; watched the clock on breaks and didn’t take more than 15sec. SDLHP 10-6-6-8; thrusters 6-6-6-6-6; SDLHP 6-6-8-10. Burpees started slow, but picked up though each set. Low back is all kindsa tight. Ready for a little AR.
7am with Brett doin’ Thursday. Was gratified to hear during warmups that I am not the only person who has tried to fall in love with drinking tea and failed.
Power Cleans:
Started at 63, worked my way up to 113 which is a 10# PR since re-starting CF. This was heavy enough to force me to think about getting more under vs. doing some weird high pull variation, which is what my body always wants to do when power cleaning. Thanks to Brett for some good tips and pushing me to inch up the weight and focus on moving more quickly once I got the bar to my knees.
8:30 scaled to 52#. I hadn’t done a high pull in maybe 5 years, and thrusters are always limited by my shoulders so I think this was the right scale. SDLHP all in sets of 10, thrusters in 5s. Burpees I just tried to keep moving, that second set was more like 5-5-5 if I’m being honest about the amount of heavy breathing I threw in there.
My very dear friend Andy (also a CrossFitter at CF Kingsboro) has an office space in south slope/greenwood heights that she is subletting. Link here for anyone who might be able to make use of this, or know someone who could!
7 am with Brett
73, 78, 83 x a few then 93 fail x 2. Brett reminded me that if I wanted to do that weight I had to really commit and get under. The next attempt went up to my shoulders and surprised me enough that I yelled, “Look!”. Did 3 more at 93 – elbows slower each time but made them all. It’s not a PR (that’s 98) but it’s more reps at a heavier weight than before so I am calling it progress!
WOD in 10:09 with 52#.
I’m not sure if I locked out on all those thrusters – arms just got rubbery. The high pulls are so sensitive – hands have to be just so on the bar or it wobbles. Plus I don’t think they’re very fun. I think I don’t like a dynamic lift that ends up back on the floor. So much more glory standing something up or getting it overhead.
Hips quite sore from yesterday’s sled push / carry / step up combo. yeehaw!
1pm post-coaching sesh:
10 min intuitive movement flow to warm up and mobilize stiff legs, hips, ankles, shoulders.
a1. db bench press @ 30×1
(20, 25, 30# all x 8)
a2. single leg bb good morning @ 21×1
33#x8L/5R x4
did this barefoot to focus on foot/ankle mechanics
b. 4 sets:
8 single arm ring rows (L side)
120′ s.a. OH carry R – 45#
120′ s.a. OH carry L – 45#
10 v-ups @ 11×0
did an extra set of v-ups to make it an even 50.
Open Gym with inner daemons
Dumb bell bench press 45lbs
Pull ups
Matador dips
DB snatches @ 35lbs
Overall this was a good way to warm up. Pull ups turned to chin ups because my left elbow was giving me some aches. I blame that on me pulling too hard on the cleans on Thursday. I was able to jump on my burpees today which excited me that my right leg was able to do more.
Wanted to check my 3 rep max for deadlifts and barbell rows
DL – 135, 185, 215, 235, 245 could have gone up a few more lbs but 245 was tough.
BR – 75, 95, 105, 125 moved really slow so I capped it there.
Push Press @ 75
Dips using benches
push ups
Push ups had me smoked by the 3rd round and moved to knees down. Sore coming in so that wasn’t a shock.
A) BSQ: 3×12 @ 95# 41×1
That was tough today. I’m beat though. Knees feel money
B) 5 rds:
1:00 max effort toes to bar
1:00 max effort push-ups
1:00 rest
222 total reps
Toes to bar: 30/25/21/20/20
Push-ups: 28/22/20/19/17
Hollllly moly. ThAt was a lot of toes to bar! Never done that many before but they felt great! 116 total I think. I’m afraid for my lat feels tomorrow morning. Push-ups didn’t feel as exhausting as they normally do but I know I was getting kind of broken in the middle.
C) seated legless rope climb: 10 min EMOM. About 4-5 total reps.
My grip was shot and it’s really hard to pull from seated position! Turned it into an EOMOM. I just couldn’t hold on after that workout. Good to practice though!
D) overhead yoke walk practice with Toni s! She was a beast walking it all around like it was nothing I’m not quite there yet. Overhead stability isn’t my strongest suit but it’s getting much better since I’ve been focusing on it the past 10 weeks! Can get it overhead just fine but it’s hard to control the swing. These have been showing up once a week so maybe I’ll be able to get more than 5 steps next week? We’ll see!
E) Cardio: too tired. Tomorrow.
Og tonight
Power clean emom. Worked up to 123 three times. PR is 125.
Then did a fgb style workout:
5 rounds: 1 min wall balls, 1 min box jumps, 1 min push press at 53, 1 min rest.
I essentially did 45 seconds of work each minute-
Wall balls: 20-18-18-17-18
Box jumps: 18-18-19-18-20
Push presses: 19-18-19-19-20