AMRAP 30 Minutes:
30/21 Calorie Row
7 Power Cleans 185/125
10 Handstand Push-Ups
The barbell should be on the heavy side of medium for you, allowing for cycling a few reps on the fast end and singles on the slower end. Scale ROM on the Handstand Push-Ups to 1 or 2 AbMats, or scale up to a deficit if 10 is easy for you. Sub Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups or heavy Dumbbell Push Presses if you can’t perform at least 5 unbroken Handstand Push-Ups.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
NEXT SATURDAY: The Subway Series at CFSBK!
Calling All Volunteers
- Judges (we need the most help here)
- Score keepers/score runners (proficiency with spreadsheets preferred)
- Set up/break down
If you’re interested, please contact David at David [at] with the subject line “SS Volunteer” as soon as possible, and let us know what you’d like to help with. No prior judging or volunteering at a CrossFit event experience is required. We’ll make sure you’re 100% prepared. In addition to our gratitude, we’ll provide you with coffee and snacks throughout the day!
News and Notes
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes will feature guest-instructor Sasha S.!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
What 7 Fishmongers Wore to Work at the Fulton Fish Market NY Times
Death, Divorce, and Double-Unders CrossFit Journal (video)
Dropped into open gym CrossFit EO @ Munich Germany
CFSBK Sat Metcon 6 rounds Rx(ish)
80kgs and 5 strict HSPUs to 2 abmats, moved well throughout but maybe could have squeezed another half round. 10 HSPU per round wasn’t happening today. Setup was also a little clunky (not a lot of space), so had to make due with what we had. Nice little place, though, and English spoken.
Zercher squats: Sets of 3, worked up to 20# bar + 59 kg.
Single Arm DB Push Press: Worked up to 50# x 10 on each side.
Sled sprints forwards and backwards that just destroyed my legs
Then to today’s WOD: 5 rounds + 3 power cleans.
Scaled to 7 HSPUs per round with 1 abmat + foam pad. Row was filled with banter, made sure to stay above 1100. Power cleans all as singles. HSPUs went pretty well, ended up doing singles at the end rather than getting frustrated with failing.
10am yesterdsay
6 rounds + 30 cals + 4 pc Rx
Fun one. All pc singles, all hspu unbroken.
8 am
Tried to catch Rachel’s score of 6+1 cal at 103#!
1) 103 was heavyyy! Harder than I expected
2) broke HSPUs up 4-3-3 from beginning.
3) 5 rounds +23 reps
Man, I am amazed by rachel, Erika, Morgan, Sarah, and so many others who got 7/8+ rounds. At rx weight! Just insanely amazing to me.
BTW, loved the quote on the whiteboard the other day, something to the extent of “some day that weight will be your warmup”. Someday my 123 1rm clean will be done for reps in a workout, I hope!!!
Stayed for 9am short circuit, 10 am yoga with Sasha and 11 am AR because I felt like it! I was kind of grumpy for some reason and left feeling great!
Yay! Bye!
Dragged my hungover ass into Open Gym and THANK YOU SO MUCH JENNY for doing this workout with me.
6 rounds plus 8 cals @113#
Just what I needed. I feel much better about life now.
11am today with JB
7 rounds + 12 calories
Ay power cleans, so sad, I am so bad at them. Went super light at 65lbs to maintain some semblance of form. Box piked HSPU with 2 mats (this was too easy as I did all the rounds unbroken), checked my drag factor per previous advice of Nick and found if I put it at my usual damper setting of 8 for rowing for cal the drag factor would be like 178 or something crazy, so had the damper down at 5 which gave me a drag factor of like 130. Maintained between 950-1100 cal/hour with about a calorie a pull when my head was in it. Focused on grounding my heels and staying as long as possible when I started to feel fatigue. Stroke rate was like 22-23, so basically the rowing went well and was my strongest point today.
Forgot the workout was 30min not 20min so had finished 4.5 rounds by the 15 minute mark and got to take the last 15 nice and easy aka sandbagging, recreational breathing, water sipping etc.
AFAP ride bike to East Village
6 rounds and some change
35 lbs on the powercleans, 20 lb dumbells in each hand for the push presses. Rows went pretty well, was pleasantly surprised how quickly they went 🙂 Push presses were pretty challenging towards the end, gotta work on being more explosive with them and use my legs.
7 rounds
-rx’d but alternated between 21 cals erg and 21 cals ski erg.
-thought I might pass out in the 6th round after the ski erg. Had to take a knee and regroup.
-all cleans as 2-2-1-1-1 and all hspu’s kipping and unbroken. Happy about that!
10am with JB
7 rounds plus 4 HSPU with a 400m run instead of the row (it was a huge class and we ran out of ergs). I think running was a little easier than rowing would have been