Thanks to everyone who came out for our 10th Anniversary Party last night!
All Classes Cancelled Today!
This is a friendly reminder that we’ll be running on a modified schedule today. We’ll be offering Open Gym from 5pm to 8pm, but all other classes (group class, Short Circuit, Kids, AR, AG, Free Intro) are cancelled.
Golden Knights Ace 10,000-Ft. Box Jump CrossFit Journal (video)
Why Curiosity Can Be Both Painful and Pleasurable Nautilus
Hi from Spain. I can’t wait to see all the photos from last night!! Happy tenth, CFSBK!
Fun times, thanks David!!
Today: as many episodes as possible Battlestar Galactica
Best show ever.
Wow… what a great party. Really blown away by the community that has been built.
Last night, about 10:30 or so as the dancing was taking off, I saw Fox, watching the dance floor, taking it all in for a moment (or at least that was my interpretation).
Seeing Fox and the floor made me in turn start to reflect on what an incredible community we have and what a special place CFSBK is. It might be the diversity and inclusion that is most impressive of a lot of positive attributes. Thank you David, coaching team, staff, and fellow athletes.
In awe and with a lot of appreciation,
Thank you David for an epic night! The only thing I’ve managed to do today is move from the bed to the couch and back so clearly I had a great time 🙂
David, never let your dream die!
Sorry to have missed the festivities. It was like 1 AM when I finally got home from the opera and I just didn’t have it in me. But I heart CFSBK just the same.