Rope Climbs
5 Rounds Not for Time:
1-2 Rope Climbs, 15′
130m Jog
Learn how to safely and efficiently wrap your feet and climb the rope. Once you can properly secure your feet, climbing the rope is almost as easy as an Air Squat!
Wear long socks or long pants if you have them!
Post work to comments.
“Fight Gone Bad”-Style
5 Rounds for Max Reps:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9, 10/8
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65/35
Box Jumps 24/20/16
Score total reps. Keep one running tally for each round and add them up at the end.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Captain Osorio on 10 great years of steering this ship. As Coach Fox once said, you’re “the wheel and the grease.” Thanks for giving us this life-changing place and for giving so much of yourself in the process. We love you, ya big weirdo
Tonight’s the Night!
The hour is upon us! Our 10th Anniversary Party goes down tonight from 8pm to 1am, and we cannot wait to see all of you there. Here are some notes on the big event:
- You don’t have to bring anything food- or drink-wise! Just bring yourself and your desire to celebrate.
- The dress is “festive attire.” Wear your most festive attire.
- There will be an open bar with beer, wine, and a couple of cocktail options. Our friends at Threes Brewing are providing the beer (mmmmm).
- There will be a make-your-own taco station provided by Park Life (also mmmmm). Food will be available from 8-11pm.
- CFSBKer Jared D. will be your DJ for the evening!
- No kids or dogs, please!
Tomorrow’s Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule for the day after the party. We’ll be offering Open Gym from 5pm to 8pm, but all other classes (group class, Short Circuit, Kids, AR, AG, Free Intro) are cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Lockheed Martin Reveals Plans for Sending Humans to Mars Scientific American
20-Rep Squats Are the Best and Worst Thing Ever BarBend
Will there be open gym Saturday
Yes, Open Gym as normal today.
Can somebody judge me today at open gym for my final WZA qualifier??? I have to redo it because I counted wrong. Need somebody to keep me on track. It will be about a 15 min workout (goal is slightly less than that!) comment below PLZ AND thanks! Forever grateful!
9am class
6 rounds of rope ascents and jogs
Metcon Rxd and pretty much sandbagged
250 (50-50-50-45-55)
Rope climbs were fun!
Dabbled with some legless climbs. Also, great tip from whit about leaning back further to get knees higher!
Wod: 49-50-50-53-56
258 total
Unlike Fox, I was not sandbagging!
45 was my goal, then I switched to 50 per round. Definitely was pacing intentionally. Also made a point of 20 wall balls per round, and only 10 sdlhp. SDLHP were by far the hardest part and wore me down the most.
So excited for tonight!! Bye!
9am Short Circuit
Fun sandbag work, and a nice (and quick) 18min circuit. Sandbag cleans are awesome.
10am with JBrett
Rope climb refresher – I think I have the technique, I just get frazzled by the height.
Metcon Rx 227
Made a huge mental mistake on this, went in thinking we were doing only 3 rounds. When I realized there were 5 rounds my whole strategy went to hell. The 4th round was awful as I adapted and recovered mentally, then the 5th round was OK-ish.
Yesterday 8am class- fun times!
Had a breakthrough on rope climbs thanks to Brett. I had always tried to hold onto the rope by clamping my right foot on top of it instead of trapping the rope with it. Obviously that never worked because physics.
Sometimes it just takes a coach explaining something a teeny bit differently.. ah the wonders of real-time coaching (as opposed to remote coaching, which is what I’ve mostly been working with lately) Makes me think maybe it is time for me to get back to class for a bit.
Plan was to pace myself since that is where I always mess up in FGB. I’m pretty pleased with how this went and how I felt throughout..
I started on SDLHP and messed up the order on the first round- went to the wallballs so that round was a bit of a mess when I realized and stopped and started a few times. Thanks Brett for getting the extra box out for me. I got it together after that.
SDLHP- 23-23-23-23-23
Box Jump- 18-18-19-22-20
Wall Ball- 16-22-20-23-23
Total: 316
Wow!!! 23 sdlhp each round. I am amazed!!! Good job!
So much love to Brett and Whitney and for helping Tulsi manage a tweaked shoulder in Short Circuit this am. Words can not express how much I appreciate the support my family gets from the CFSBK community.