Clean Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 12:
1-4: 2 Tall Cleans
5-8: 2 Hip Cleans
9-12: 2 Mid-Hang Cleans
Start light and work up to a heavy load. Focus on speed under the bar.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Burpees
20 Toes-to-Bars
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
TBT: A recently unearthed photo of CFSBK’s early days in The Lyceum (which is now a Blink Fitness)! As Coach David explains, “This was before we moved upstairs. What you see is the extent of the equipment we had. I would get there early and set up all the mats and lay out the equipment before class, then have to break it all down afterwards. Coach Jeremy is wearing the blue shirt. Shane W. is coaching with me. Simpler times!” You can see more of these photos here!
This Saturday: CFSBK’s 10th Anniversary Party!
Hey, those photos were taken around 10 years ago. Maybe we should have a party or something to celebrate. Oh yeah, wait… we are! Our 10th Anniversary Party goes down this Saturday from 8pm to 1am. The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum, but we don’t want your recyclables. We just want you to show up, drink some drinks, get down with your gym buds, and help us celebrate 10 years of making Brooklyn a better, fitter borough! Get stoked!
Shout Out to Christmas City CrossFit
We recently got a really great email from Jimmy H., the head coach at Christmas City CrossFit in Bethlehem, PA. Here’s what he told us:
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Double-Unders, Push Jerks
Leukemia Survivor Finds CrossFit, Community CrossFit (video)
Is Being Lean Really Worth It? Girls Gone Strong
So cool to see that a pic of our own “fledgling” gym & then read that story from the box in Bethlehem! You’ve really made it happen, DO!!
Strength cycle
Paused LBBS: 137.5x4x3 – phew
Press: 70x3x3 – Jeremy pointed out I could only do doubles at 70# last cycle, and these were pretty quick & painless! Cool.
Chins: Not really happening today, 4 singles & then orange&blue band 5×2
Walk to the gym and back with my new puppo!!!
must meet new doggo
Tall Cleans: 93-103
Hip Cleans: 113-123
Mid-Hang Cleans: 133-153
Really liking this process of working backwards through the clean.
WOD: 14:04 Rx. No rep-ed myself on a few times, keeping myself honest and and suffering through all 60 genuine T2Bs. That was rough.
6am (!!) with Jess
Tall cleans: 63 – 78
Hip clean: 83 – 93
Mid-hang clean: 93 – 113
WOD: 10:22, did sit-ups to save my hands for a climbing session. 90 burpees is a mental game! Definitely helped me to think 10-10-10 (or 10-5-10-5 on the last round)
Yesterday @ a Marriot in Connecticut
Back Squat 175 175 185 – using a Smith machine, which was terrible since it forced a weirdly straight bar path.
Modified Metcon
120 SU
15 Burpees
15 DB Push Press @ 45lbs
100 SU / 12 / 12
80 SU / 9 / 9
8:44min. Fun little one, managed to do the singles mostly unbroken and played with speed of singles. Push press was 11/4 9/3 9.
Excited for NLWL free sesh tonight!
STOKED about my FGB team, and that I got to pet the new doggo today.
10am class
Clean EMOMs
Started at 95 on the TC, up through 195 on the MH. Caught a few forward, didn’t really settle in on these at all today, and never really felt fast.
Metcon Rx in 11:05
God damned toes to bars.
Tall clean: 63-68-73
Hip cleans: 78-83-83
Mid hang cleans: 93-103-108
Whit said last rep looked good! Yayyy!
Wod: 11:44 rx
Man, was pumped after an amazing 1:1 work rest workout at AG recently: 6 ttb 10 burpees. Crushed that one!
Today, not so much. Doing many, many singles in the last set. Burpees were slow and consistent, tried not to jack heart rate.
Disappointing— my goal was much lower. TTB are hard in big sets!
A great AR after. I feel awesome and relaxed now.
Thanks for the shoutout! Follow us @Christmascitycrossfit or @jimjom4
Thank you for inspiring!