Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
3 x 8
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
For Time:
60 Double Unders
15 Push Jerks 135/95
50 Double-Unders
12 Push Jerks
40 Double-Unders
9 Push Jerks
*8 minute cap
This should be a sprint today, unbroken at best. Get warmed up and hit the ground running. If you don’t have Double-Unders, then scale to Singles or 20/15/10 attempts. Scale the load accordingly so that you can perform each set quickly.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Subway Series Winner Morgan N.!
Teamed with her sister who trains at CrossFit Dynamix in in Astoria, CFSBKer Morgan N. took 1st place at the 1st Subway Series event of the year at CrossFit Gantry. Huge congrats, Morgan! You can see more photos from their victory here. And hey, don’t forget to sign up for this weekend’s competition at CrossFit Queens and for the 3rd event, which we’re hosting on October 14th! We have 10 folks signed up so far, and we’d love to see more of you compete! Why compete? We’re glad you asked…
This Sunday’s Schedule
Our 10th Anniversary Party is this Saturday, September 30th. It starts at 8pm, and we can’t wait to see you there! The next day, Sunday, October 1st, we’ll be running on a modified schedule. That day we’re offering Open Gym from 5pm to 8pm, but all other classes are cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Manhattan’s God of Insects Nautilus
This CrossFit Team Series Pair Is 138 Years Strong BarBend
6am with DO and Ro
Squats @ 245#. Doesn’t feel grindy yet, but I definitely do feel a little bit of a lactic acid burn or fatigue toward the end of sets 2&3. Will keep going up but am expecting it to get tough soon.
Metcon in 5:20 Rx
First round 60, 5/5/5. Second round 30/20, 12. Last round 40, 5/4.
10am class
A little underfed coming in, I think. These were tough today. Was still feeling it by the start of the metcon.
Metcon Rx’d in 6:35
First set of dubs and last set of jerks unbroken. Everything else was misery.
6am with DoRo
BSQ 225x8x3
These are still moving pretty well.
WOD – 5:54 Rx
Dubs: one trip first round. Then 35-15, 30-10
Push Jerks were broken into two sets for each. 10-5, 7-5, 5-4
10AM with Brett and a gaggle of kettlebells.
BSQ 130x8x3. Up from 115 at the start of the cycle- happy with that.
Metcon with single unders and 95# in 3:33.
jerks: 9/6, 6/6, unbroken.
10am w/ Brett
HBBS: 145x8x3
-feeling good. focusing on rock solid brace on the way down and driving through left side. not sure if it should be a 5# or 10# jump next week…
-grow legs, grow!!
WOD — RX’d but DNF
round of 60 du’s was an intentional 40-20 to stay chill.
jerks 9-6 … felt a small neck twinge on rep 5 or 6 of that second set.
did the next du’s 30-20.
put down my rope and realized my neck was definitely tweaking and there was no way I should pick up the barbell again.
was happy with my pacing to that point. really really frustrated and bummed out by this, as always. haven’t had a neck tweak since the open, about 7 months. my hope is that stopping right away and doing some slow/light soft tissue work afterward will speed the recovery process. i really don’t want to take 5 days off — but I suppose that gives me lots of time to hit some box step ups!
Not enough targeted warm up for me on this today, esp. after adding back in volume with snatches, BMU’s, pressing, etc and a couple days of not enough sleep. Need to be smarter about that.
Thought I wasn’t going to make it cause I had a submission due and was sad cause I would miss squats, but then I got done early!
12pm class with Ro
Wasn’t sure if I should make full 10lb jump. But Runit and I went in on a suicide pact of doing 145 and it worked out good for both of us. 🙂 Not pausing at the bottom is hard!
Scaled the dubs to 40, 30, 20 and the barbell to 75lbs. Almost went the first round of dubs unbroken! Then considered doing the Rx numbers and then went nah. This was a good choice because the push jerks flippin’ killed me. I have very poor cycling technique and I think the bar was going to far forward. I’ll probably have bruises on my clavicle. Broke the first round up 8,7, then the second round 4, 4, 4 and then 3, 3, 3. This was hard, but my weird armpit thing didn’t hurt so I’ll take it.
So fun to do the curls as the cash out. I couldn’t stop laughing cause everyone was making globo gym noises X)
Metcon time was 6:55. Good thing I didn’t Rx the dubs cause I would have gotten time capped probably.
Also congrats Morgan!!!!
Congrats, Morgan! Awesome!!!
7am today with DO and Ro
First class back after giving myself a concussion while tripping getting out of bed last Friday (I should definitely make up a more badass injury story). So happy to be in the gym again.
3×8 @ 125 – 10# jump from last week. The last set was a liiiiiittle grind-y, but I believe I have room to go up next week.
Metcon in 5:10, scaled rather heavily. Double-unders were hit and miss so I switched to attempts, and I kept the push jerks @ 63# to avoid going overboard. Felt like the right decision today.
“than” heavier than last week.
Congrats Morgan and sister!
A1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
@20X1; 3 x 8/leg; rest 1 min
A2) Bent Over Dumbbell Row
@20X1; 3 x 8-10/side; rest 1 min
B) EMOM for 12 min
1 – 10 WB
2- 40 DU
3- 5 pull-ups + 5 burpees
C) Turkish Get Up
10/side; slow and controlled;
I was supposed to do16kg but had to scale here to12kg. Basically had to learn this from scratch because I have always avoided this movement because it makes me feel stupid and weak and uncoordinated. No avoiding it today!!! Thank you Fox for helping me!! I think I have it figured out now for next time. 😳
A1) Romanian Deadlift
@4040; 3 x 4-6 reps; rest 1 min
135 x 6, 145 x 6, 150 x 6
A2) Dual Seated DB Press
@20X20; 3 x 6-8 reps; rest 1 min
25 x 8, 30 x 8, 30 x 6
A1) Romanian Deadlift
@4040; 3 x 4-6 reps; rest 1 min
A2) Dual Dumbbell Seated Press
@20X20; 3 x 6-8 reps; rest 1 min
B1) Weighted GHD Hip Extension
@2022; 3 x 6-8 reps; rest 1 min
15 x 8, 25 x 8 x 3
B2)Double Unders
3 x 40 reps; rest 1 min
C) AMRAP in 12 min
8 cal AB
5 push-ups
8 Rounds plus 5 TTB – did an extra 4 push-ups in second round cause I spaced out. All TTB unbroken except very last one.
5:30 with Keith and RO!
Tempo Back Squat
#165 across….
Feeling stronger here….still swaying to the right when things get heavy but I’m really trying to focus on that while maintaining this tempo. Got some good accessory work idea from Keith today that I’m going to start incorporating!
Metcon: 4:03 RX
That was brutal…I did the first 15 jerks unbroken and then broke it up 7/5 and 5/4. I just felt the bad form coming out so I had to reset. That slowed me down slightly. Good DU though! Smoked my forearms though! I think I may try a speed rope soon…the turnover is faster and it seems lighter in the hands!
After with Jason!
10 min EMOM
6 butterfly pull-ups
maintained this and got better as it went on. I’m going to start attempting chest to bar on this next week!!
Now, my legs are dead, I can barely walk, and my arms are shaking…time for a day off!
Hobbs: 120 8×3
Wod: 83# in 7:30
Dubs were good!
Push jerks were so much harder than I expected!!
Man… I am weaker here than I anticipated.
Curlz: 20/17.5/17.5
Lateral raises: 10 across
6:00am (Prospect Park) was a 4 mile run at an 8:30 per mile pace. Excited to be getting my speed back up to where it was a few years ago. I’m hoping to be back up to consistently hitting around 7:30 per mile by next summer.
5:30pm class with The MetRo and Keith
Sticking to lighter weights to work on form since I keep tweaking my knee and pulling my head up to high, so I did all sets at 125#. With sets of 8, that is still a challenge for me. I’m not as scared to go to the bottom of the hold though, and I’m not craning my head up to compensate. Gotta keep that core tight and put the CORE in Corey!
Metcon was fast an fun, and even though I was gassed AF at the end, I feel like I could have done a few more rounds if the gods demanded it.