Clean Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 10:
1-5: 2 Tall Cleans
6-10: 2 Hip Cleans
Focus on speed under the bar on these drills today.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
3 Rounds:
40 Double-Unders
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds. Score total time.
Post total time to comments.
Coach Frank discusses footwork with Natalie
Next Thursday: Free Next Level Weightlifting Club Clinic with Coach Frank
Want to get better at Olympic lifting? Next Thursday, September 28th, we’ll be offering a free Next Level Weightlifting Club class from 6:30 to 8:30pm! This is your chance to get a taste of the program and pick up some tips from Coach Frank. The session will focus on the Snatch. Due to space constraints, we’re capping this clinic at 10 people, so sign up now!
This class filled up fast! But you can email Coach Jess at info [at] with “NLWC” in the subject line to get on the waitlist! If you signed up and can no longer attend, please email Jess to give your spot to the next person on the waitlist.
About the Coach: Frank Murray has competed in weightlifting for many years. During that time, he has medaled at five separate National Championships, most recently a Silver at last year’s Nationals. His all-time best lifts in competition include a 151kg (333lb) Snatch and a 182kg (400lb) Clean and Jerk at a body weight under 200lbs. He has worked with many athletes, from multiple CrossFits, including: CF Garden City, CF Queens, CF Great Neck, CF 516, CF King of Island Park, RADD CF, CF Greenpoint, CF Manhasset, CF L.I.C, among others. Coached by Arthur Drechsler, former world record holder, chairman of the board of USAWeightlifting, and author of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia, Frank has learned from the many years of experience that Artie has had over his coaching career. Frank is a USAW Level II Advanced Sports Performance Coach and has a B.A. in Physical Education.
Bodywork with Inka H.
Inka H. is back in Brooklyn for a hot minute and available to do some bodywork at CFSBK. Many members can attest to her magic! She’ll be offering at the gym on Friday. Please email her directly for times and to set up appointments: inka.hodes [at] gmail [dot] com. Both 1 hour ($100) and 1.5 hour ($140) sessions are available.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | L-Sit, Row
Active Listening: Music To Move Your Body To The Outline
Downey Declines Diabetes CrossFit Journal
Do You Remember the 21st Night of September?
Whether you can get to the clinic or just drop in to NLWC class on Monday or Wednesday, take advantage of Coach Frankie’s knowledge! I was just looking through some old notebooks to see how I’d progressed through the program, and was happy to see I’d moved from 68>108 on the snatch, and 98>136 on the clean and jerk, with more to come soon after a squat-intensive cycle. It’s also just nice to have the time to work on learning to do the lifts safely, efficiently, and with a coach who brings a broad knowledge of the sport and how to maximize your performance in competitions. If you know you could move more weight on these lifts with your technique dialed in, this class is a must!
HI INKA!!! Frankie is cool too!!!
Tall Cleans: 93 to 113
Hip Cleans: 113 to 128
Both 10# more than last week.
WOD: Finished 11:28. Pretty consistent (1:50, 1:48, 1:50). Pull ups 7-5-3 for first two rounds, then 6-4-3-2 for the last. Good tips from Whit to be more efficient.
Pull-ups: 2 reps EMOM for 6 min.
Made Sunday’s WOD (four rounds instead of five):
20 DUs
10 KB Snatches (40#)
Finished 2 + 28 every time. Happy with the consistency. Really tried to break three even, but just wasn’t happening today.
DB snatches, not KB
6am (Getting used to it) with Jess and Whitney
Tall Clean: 105
Hip Clean: 125
These felt much better today. Increased the weight by 10# compared to last week. I was able to get under the bar faster while keeping my form.
3 Rounds (Scaled):
80 Singles
8 Strict chin over bar pull-ups
10 Burpees
Total: 4:19
R1 – 1:35 | R2 – 1:26 | R3 – 1:18
This was pretty fun. I still don’t have doubles :(, but my pull-ups are getting better.
Oops. I calculated my time wrong. I finished at 10:20 .
I’ve been thinking of Signing up for NLWC since last week, but wanted to try one first. I instantly signed up for this intro . Looking forward to it!
8am with Fox!
Tall clean: 83#
Hip clean: 103#.
Stayed consistent with the tall clean, increased by 10# on the hip clean. These felt great!
Scaled the WOD:
40 singles
15 Jumping pull-ups with 16-inch box
10 Burpees
I probably should have done 80 singles?
R1) 1:03
R2) 1:01
R3) 1:01
Signed up for the NLWC intro! Very very excited for this.
Strength cycle
Paused LBBS: 135x4x3
Press: 67.5x5x3 – squeaked out the last rep w/these bitty baby arms
Chins: bw 2-1-1-1-1 (tried for 30sec in between, failed 1); blue & orange 7, 5
Thoroughly enjoyed watching Andrew casually do NINE weighted chin ups at 55#. LULLLZZZZZ
A FREE workshop with Frankie? dang! Frank knows his stuff and is the first coach who every taught me the tall/”dead hang” clean and how hard it is to actually execute correctly! need to get myself to NLWC one of these nights.
Also… INKA rocks. go see her if you can!
10AM group class today with lady fox and b-ferg:
2 tall clean: 1 @ 65#, 4 @ 75#
2 hip clean: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
-felt really sharp on these. again… staying tight in the catch and standing them up is the hardest part, but I can feel my legs coming back.
WOD was a bit of a mishmash. shooting for strict but it didn’t work out so well…
rd 1 with 5 strict(ish) CTB in 1:15
rd 1 with 10 kipping CTB in 1:40 (wasn’t getting chest to touch on strict)
rd 3 with 10 kipping CTB in 1:33
total = 10:28
my upper body strength/gymnastics endurance has a ways to go, so cashed out with …
5 x 3 strict banded ctb pullups @ 21×3 with about 1:30-2:00 rest between
and: 1.7 mile slow and sunny run home with penny the pup!
Noon class
Tall Cleans 115 through 145
Hip Cleans 155 through 195
10:24 Rx
Excited to see WL clinic with Coach Frank sell out so fast!!! Also excited to see Inks back in the house.
“Only” had an hour between clients, so did my tempo squats at 205x8x3. These felt really light and fast, which is always great when it comes to squats. Afterwards snuck in some quick 3x15s on the Reverse hyper.
One of the best things about CF group classes is how efficient they are! Left to my own devices, I take FOREVER to get up and running and an hour seems like nothing.
WOD 2 qualifier!
Been dreading this one. “DEATH BY” as follows:
every 2 min perform the following:
8 burpee box step overs (20″)
8 hang power snatches (65#)
8 thrusters (65#)
*rest for remainder of 2 min* repeat every 2 min until you cannot complete round within 2 min time slot. If you complete 12 rounds, your workout is over.
Initially did this one wrong. Got a feel for how terrible it was, and then had a reallly good idea of what to expect. I ended up with 10 rounds + 16 reps!
So 6 reps shy of making it to the last round. This is about 2 rounds better than what I expected, so I’m really really excited with how this went. All of my focus went into breathing during the stepovers, resting at the top of the power snatches, and not dropping the bar in the transition to the thruster. Just tucked it in my hip, adjusted grip, took a few breaths, then all unbroken thrusters. Had to drop the bar for 6/2 on the power snatches to keep my heart from bounding out of my chest in last 2 rounds, otherwise all movements unbroken. My box stepovers in the last round are COMICAL. So janky, my legs were Ded.
Anyway, these movements have traditionally been major goat WODs for me, I’m really happy with my progress since I shifted gears I upping my engine on simple movements these past couple of months. Can’t hide behind gymnastics for forever. Yay! Thanks @Foxes @keith @kateE @jakeL @Ro @whoever else was yelling at me during this. It was insanely helpful
10 AM with Brett and Jess.
Pizza Tag! best warmup ever.
(slipping your hand into the abmat is frowned upon).
-tall cleans @95#
-hip cleans @115#
working on driving the hips down- finally felt like I got it on that 10th rep, natch.
WOD in 9:47 with single unders and 10 pullups.