Clean Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 15:
1-7: 2 Tall Cleans
8-15: 2 Hip Cleans
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Half “Jerry”
For Time:
800m Run
1000m Row
800m Row
Try to stay uncomfortable on this one today.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Throwback Thursday: Team CFSBK, uh, flexing at last year’s Flex on the Beach. A bunch more CFSBKers will be competing at Flex on the beach 2017 this weekend in Long Beach. Need an excuse to go to the beach this weekend? Now you have one!
CFSBK’s 10th Anniversary Party
2017 marks CFSBK’s 10th year worth of TBTs. Woohoo! This shindig goes down the evening of Saturday, September 30th from 8pm to 1am. The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum, but we don’t want your recyclables. We just want you to show up, drink some drinks, get down with your gym buds, and help us celebrate 10 years of making Brooklyn a better, fitter borough! Get stoked!
Ada Lace on the Case & Ada Lace Sees Red
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Thrusters, Muscle-Ups
In Defense of the Hip Thrust Eric Cressey
What We Know about the Climate Change-Hurricane Connection Scientific American
6am with Jess and Lauren
52# on all cleans with real focus on the movements, which felt especially awkward. Great to work on pulling under the bar quickly. Hoping to repeat this in a few weeks.
Half Jerry was not fun. Finished in 14:41 and definitely took some breaks on the row due to legs that wanted to die and a weak mind. Having said that, would like to try this again after more sleep and with less stress!
6 AM ’cause my clients are really making me earn my vacation. (I CANNOT WAIT!)
83 on the tall cleans, 93×2, 83×2, 93×2, 98×2 on the hip cleans. These were surprisingly awkward so I had to dial back on the weight to stop jumping forward. Getting under the bar quickly is a goat of mine, so it’ll be good to have these in the cycle.
Half Jerry in 13:32. I knew among the 6 AM superstars that I was going to be one of the slowest people. I swear, I did make myself uncomfortable although I probably could’ve pushed the row a bit more.
Strength cycle
Paused LBBS: 130x4x3
I feel like these were the longest pauses of all time.
Press: 67.5×5, 4×2
Low back was all lit up on the first two sets – maybe from DLs Tuesday night?
Chins: bw 2-1-1-1-1, orange & blue 7, 6
Almost had the triple on the first set. Rest of the singles were pretty quick, 30-40secs in between.
[Not] Ready for Flex!!! I can learn KB snatches between now & Saturday morning, right?
7am with Lady Fox and Snickers
Tall Clean: 135-155#
Hip Clean: 165-185#
Really enjoyed the emom work today
Half Jerry: 9:49Rx
Yesterday 5:30pm @ Kendall Square Crossfit (Cambridge, MA)
Dumbbell Z press 7-7-7 (bilateral) 11-11 (unilateral) up to 45lbs.
Snatch Deadlift up to 225lbs – learned that a snatch deadlift and a snatch grip deadlift are not the same thing.
Metcon “floating Fran”
21-15-9 row (calories) & 95lb thrusters
7:24min Rx
Didn’t go all out on this, took ~15s breaks between thruster sets (8/7/6 8/7 9) and didn’t go too crazy on the row (~900 cal/hr avg).
Unfortunately I found the coaching to be super poor – confused & confusing, and I was glad I knew all the movements and how to pace the workout. His advice for this Fran-like workout was “go all out on the rower”, which led people to completely blow up on the first 21 cal and spend the rest of their time mostly looking at a barbell. One of his cues for the deadlift was “you should be feeling it on your lower back”.
Excited for cleans tonight!
I hate that feeling of going to an affiliate and thinking, “I wouldn’t be safe if I actually lived and trained here.” Sorry that happened to you!
+1 also that feeling of looking at the new(ish) people in class and seeing their confused face is pretty disheartening. I wanted to tell them “no! it can be so much better than this!”.
Oh my goodness. Their poor backs. 🙁
I missed AGS (and our AGS crew!) too, didn’t get my Arnold Presses in, and now my shoulders are tiny and weak :p
I missed AGS this cycle and now all my AGS has gone away. And so has my turnover on my muscle up. I’m coming back!!!
Gotta get that shoulder pump back, Allie! 😉 Did you get your strict MU? You were so close last time I saw it!
WOW! Wtf!! “feel it in your lower back!?!?!?” As a “you should” statement!?!?! Jesus. So, if I believed in that coach’s knowledge, I would actively try to feel discomfort/’action’ in my low back. That’s astounding. If I were dropping in that class, I probably would have been more confrontational than you, Daniel!! Haha!
I heard a quote from Greg Glassman in an interview about his libertarian perspective for the crossfit business model posted on the blog recently– something like, “the bad gyms will weed themselves out”.
Let’s hope this will sort itself out for those poor people of cambridge!
Tall cleans: 93 – 103
Hip cleans: 103 – 118
Much needed skill work for me.
Half Jerry in 12:10.
Looking forward to Flex – great crew last year and great crew heading out there this year!
Tall Cleans: 63 – 88
Hip Cleans: 88 – 93
Took me longer than it should have to get the concept of a hip clean. I was treating it like a.. quarter-hang? for a bit.
Jerry is my nightmare workout. Half Jerry was…ok. Done in 13:12.
Actually, scratch that. Reverse-full-Jerry (Row-Run-Row) would be my ultimate nightmare workout!
3 RFT: 17 mins 13 secs | Rx’d
3 rounds of:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
20 Ring Push-ups
Run, 800 m
Best effort I had, Happy with it! Unbroken swings. I tried to run harder so I wouldnt be able to but my hamstrings are still LIT from Friday RDLs so stride feels short and choppy! Heavy deads in performance care Monday didn’t help. Tough workout! Push-ups 10/5/5
Wall Ball : 100 Reps for Time : 5 mins 47 secs | Rx’d (14 lb/9′)
Previous unbroken is 75 so went into this planning to go unbroken. Was at about 40 then something crazy happened. Whole body started feeling shaky and I couldn’t do more than 2-3 at a time. I wasn’t even out of breath or fatigued. I just couldn’t do it. Think I’m neurologically capped for the next 24 hours. Have a lot of work stress this week so I suppose that’s carrying over. High spirits regardless. Just a sign I needed a day off.
Giving a WZA qualifier a go today! It will be intermediate individuals for me. I feel like an awkward teen again trying to figure out which division I belong in with this comp. But given the athletes I would be up against in RX I think this is 100% where I belong. The standards for RX are doable but really brutal. Should be fun to see where I stand as an individual! Fingers crossed.
10am with Brett + Jess
Tall Cleans all @ 65#.
I think this movement is easy to do incorrectly in a variety of ways. At first I was pulling up with my arms way too much. Focused on moving my feet with aggressive pull into the squat and on wrapping elbows around and that really changed it for me.
Hip Cleans: 85, 95×2, 105×2, 115×2, 125# (about 70%)
These felt awesome. Happy with my speed. Hardest part was standing them up — gotta build up these legs again!
Half Jerry: 13:35
just getting through it at this point. low expectations 🙂 ran the first 800m with penny, which was fun (4:20). was holding around 2:00 for the first 400m or so on the row and then started to tank (also about 4:20). with transition times, headed out for the second run at 9:20. I’d like to repeat this in about 6 weeks as a re-test for my general fitness.
Noon class
TC 95 up to 135
HC 135 up to 185
Half Jerry
12pm group class
Tall Cleans: 93-123
Hip Cleans: 133-148
-I love this stuff. Definitely requires more thinking to not dip forward on the tall cleans but these felt good. The challenge became the shorter rest…oh and all those squats!
Half Jerry:
-so humid and sweaty! Wanted to keep a 2:05 split but let it creep up to 2:10 a few times.
Tempo HBBS: 165x8x3
-all good, will make 10# jump next week.
EMOM x 14mins
3 thrusters at 105#
3 banded muscle up transitions (+1 strict dip)
-both felt pretty darn good.
3x: 15 band pull aparts/:45 hollow hold
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS
OHS so hard for me. Ugh.
Snatch Balance
3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
73, 83, 88
These are also so hard for me.
AMRAP in 8 min, 85% effort
5 burpees
10 GHD Sit-ups
15 wallball, 14#, 9′
4 Rounds plus 15 reps
4 sets, 90% effort
20 cal AB
rest walk 2 min
1:09, 1:20, 1:26, 1:26
A) Clean pull + power clean and jerk.
Worked up to 125# just to prove to myself I haven’t forgotten how to do this.
B) 30-40 minutes
8 cal AB
100′ FC, moderate
8 cal row
40 sec FLR on low rings
130m jog
10 hollow rocks
Did 5 rounds in about 30 mins with the 24kg kb.
Tall cleans:
53-63-68-73 (failed a rep)– advice from whit about not pulling up with my arms- just dropping under!!
Hip cleans:
83-88-93-98-103(90% 1 RM)
Half jerry: 12:30 on the dot
First run 3:30, second run a little faster.
Row was 5:00 on the dot as well. lol maintaining a 2:30 split was my goal… creeped up to 2:44 at a couple points :/
I’m so amazed by Toni!!! Such a speed demon.
Cleans – these were… strange! I worked up to 73 on the hip cleans, felt easy but my forearms were lighting up weirdly and this was great technique practice.
Half Jerry was fun! 12:26 and I probably definitely could have pushed it more on the last run. Row was steady at 2:00 – 2:04, which is great since I have a tendency to start rows thinking I’m 18 again and then finish like a 96 year old. I agree with Whit, would be fun to do this every 6 months or so as a little fitness test!
7:30 PM AR with Whit
Great recovery session. Needed some work on my left rotator cuff (feeling a bit of pain when overhead at a heavy-ish load). Been feeling it since Holleyman on Sunday.
8:30 PM Group Class with Brett
Tall Clean and Hip Clean
Worked up to 115. This was plenty challenging even at a lighter load. Still some areas that can improve on.
Half Jerry – 11:19
I did much better than I thought I would. I felt supper sluggish earlier and it probably wasn’t the best idea to have a large meal a few hours before. I felt like dying at the start of the second run with the heat. I don’t ever want to do Full Jerry.
Looking forward to Flex, but still feel like I’m nowhere near ready.
After three weeks of extreme exhaustion (made testing and crush week kind of a let down), I’m finally feeling more myself. I have been leaving work by 5 every day, doing little to no work at home, eating better, and making sure I go to sleep at a time that’s reasonable for me (75% of the time). Feeling MUCH better.
Have not posted in a week bc I’ve been avoiding the computer at night so this will be a long one, starting with today and working backwards.
Tall clean: worked up to 88# but didn’t get second rep- didn’t turn elbows fast enough. Awkward fail.
Hip clean: Worked up to 118. These felt great and def could have attempted more.
LOVEDDDDDD both of these. Felt great today. Took so long to change plates because of the humidity. That was a workout in itself.
Half Jerry in 13:00
Run: just under 4
Row: 4:23
Run: ~4:30
Happy with this because I’m a slow runner!!
Tempo back squat @120.
Room to add weight but man I don’t like being under the bar for that long.
Thrusters at 83 felt great.
C2B: was able to stick with blue band for the entire EMOM with only a few reps not to my chest. Improvement.
Tempo press at 55#
The last few reps were tough and failed a couple so will stay at this weight next week.
Sumo Deadlift @145
Possibly my new favorite way to deadlift? Felt great with lots of room for growth. Whit said my stance should be wider though. Not sure if that will make it easier or more difficult next week.
press: 20-22.5-22.5 a couple failed reps with my left arm
DB Row: 30-35-40
Holleyman: 27 rounds with box piked HSPUs at 103#
Did this with pushups two years ago at 103# (~26min) so knew it would take longer doing box piked HSPUs because they take forever to set up. Disappointed I could only clean at 103. Weight was not a problem, but don’t have good technique with any movement in the power position. I either starfish or don’t drop under the bar. Wall balls were great most rounds, but still had to no rep myself a few times. My left trap cramped up half way through which made the second half miserable. I think it was the combo of looking directly up during wall balls, then quickly going into the HSPUs. Added one ab mat which provided a tiny bit of relief but there just wasn’t enough rest time to get it to relax. Anyway, I was exhausted before this workout and had no drive to finish out the last three rounds.
Skipped Saturday because I had two consecutive nights of 3-4 hours of sleep. (I swear I’m sleeping more though)
OHSx3 worked up to 103. Felt great. Would have liked to have had more time to see where this can go. My 1rm is 117.5. Would like to try to match that.
Partner metcon in 26:04
Did it with the 100# sand bag. Once Keith gave me feedback on my form, had no trouble picking it up. Walking with it was a different story. How does one breathe with that thing on their chest? Tip: Don’t drink water right before walking with it.
5:30pm w/ Whitsky
Tall Cleans were truly difficult. Whit said it… it’s very easy to do these incorrectly. Many of them I did. Some I did not. And the Hip Cleans made me appreciate my hamstrings and being able to use my legs to get the bar to my shoulders. Need to get my elbows around faster on both.
Half Jerry: 10:14
I was aiming to go sub 10… probably needed to move a little faster on the earlier part of the row. It really helped to have Jamal A. in front of me as someone to try to catch. He was MOVING!