Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
3 x 8
Start light enough to add weight for a few weeks.
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Exposure 1 of 8
Every Minute on the Minute x 14:
Even Minutes: 3 Thrusters 155/105
Odd Minutes: 3 Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
The Thruster should be heavy. You can Squat Clean Thruster (Cluster) the first rep of each set. Scale the reps on the Muscle-Ups if you can’t do 3 strict in under 30 seconds, or if you done “a few” Muscle-Ups you can choose to do 3 strict Banded Transitions on the low rings instead. Use a false grip and start with straight arms.
Every Minute on the Minute x 14:
Even Minutes: 3 Thrusters 115/80
Odd Minutes: 3 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 3 Burpees
The Thruster should be heavy. You can Squat Clean Thruster (Cluster) the first rep of each set. Scale Pull-Ups to Banded Pull-Ups as needed but be sure to get your chest to the bar.
Post work and Rx to comments.
Kevin Y. looking remarkably poised in that powdered wig at last year’s Fight Gone Bad. Check out more action shots from the day here!
Fight Gone Bad 2017: Register Now!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called “Fight Gone Bad.” Last year, we raised over $30,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grant-making, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
Last year we had over 130 members participate, and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
When is Fight Gone Bad?
Saturday, November 4th, 2017. First heat begins at 9am. While we originally posted a save-the-date for October 21st, we decided to reschedule for a couple weeks later, because we already have a lot happening in late September and early October! This gives teams more time to fundraise, hold practices, and plan-out costumes!
What is Fight Gone Bad?
Three Rounds, as Many Reps as Possible, of:
Wall Balls, 20lb, 10ft / 14lb, 9ft
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, 75/55 pounds
Box Jumps, 20″ box
Push-presses, 75/55 pounds
In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. When the announcer calls “Rotate,” athletes must move to next station immediately. Each of the three rounds is five minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
What does the registration fee cover?
The $30 (plus tax) fee covers the cost of a team t-shirt. You and your team will be able to create a unique team name and decide on t-shirt colors. We also give prizes to the team with the most spirit. Think costumes, props, makeup, and other fun stuff!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities—and we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation because Brooklyn has been exceptionally good to us and we want to help give back to the community that CFSBK is proud to call home. If you’re not familiar with BCF, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re busy, at least check out their list of Grantees; we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you!
Will there be a fundraising minimum?
While encourage everyone to make wholehearted attempts to raise funds, there is no fundraising minimum to participate. As in years past, there will be some sweet prizes awarded to the top individual fundraisers!
Ok, you keep talking about fundraising but how should I do this and when should I begin?
Once our registration deadline ends on September 22nd, we’ll create teams consisting of six athletes. Shortly after, athletes will get an email from us with their team assignments and all of the details to set up their fundraising pages. We’ll be using Crowdrise as our fundraising platform again and participants will have individual fundraising pages that will be super easy to share with friends and family. (Check out last year’s main fundraising page HERE!)
Also, we’re looking for donations to give out as prizes. Contact Danae [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you have something to offer!
Tell me more about the workout. What if I can’t do it Rx’d?
Here’s CrossFit founder Greg Glassman explaining FGB in detail in a delightfully vintage video. And don’t worry! We have scaling options available!
So the day begins at 9am, but how long will it last? When will my team go?
The length of the event depends on how many total athletes/teams we have. We run two teams through the workout simultaneously and new heats start every 20 minutes. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you exactly what time your team will be going until we get closer to the event. Of course, we hope that you plan on spending a few hours with us, not only competing but also supporting your fellow teams. And as usual, we’ll have some tasty adult beverages to enjoy!
What if I can’t attend that Saturday, November 4th?
You can still sign up to be a part of a team to participate in fundraising and get a team t-shirt. Unfortunately, though, we won’t be running a Fight Gone Belated this year as we have in years past. Sign up anyway and select the option to be on Fight Gone Belated, so you can raise funds for BCF!
Ok, I’m sold. Where do I register?
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Case for a Breakfast Feast NY Times
Meet the Oldest CrossFit Games Competitor Athlete Daily
7am with DO and Brett
Tempo HBBS: 165x3x8
Think this was a good place to start. Took the first round to get used to not pausing, but smooth sailing after.
115# Thrusters, Strict C2B Pull-ups and Burpees
This was fun. Thrusters were a bit difficult once we got halfway in.
Tempo backsquats build a temple, amiright? First two sets were at 150 and my knee started heart throbbing and I love it enough that I dropped down to 135. I will name him Rob Lowe.
EMother was fun, but went light to protect Rob.
Ran four miles at lunch but forgot my watch so I don’t know my pace for sure, but I was running at a pace that felt like 8:30per for me. I’m usually able to tell without my watch so let’s just call it that.
One show at the UCB East as my cool down.
7am w/ Brett (welcome back!) and DO
Always a pleasure working out with Shawn! Tempo BSQ at 95#. I do not miss that pause at the bottom, not one bit.
Fitness WOD…we started with 63# on the bar for the thrusters and then added 5#, which seemed like the right weight! Maybe could have pushed it a bit more, but tried 75# and it felt real heavy. Used a red + blue band for the C2Bs (and did my last set of 3 with just the blue band). Fun one!
6am with David
Back squat at 135#. Good start.
Metcon: Thrusters at 105#. C2B with a blue band.
A fun morning!
7am with DO & Brett
BSQ 205x8x3
Same weight I started with last cycle with the three second descend and 1 second at bottom. So this felt great today
EMOM work
2 strict Muscle ups per round
Thrusters Rx
I tried to do the Thursters @135 but Matt was having none of it.
9am with the wife
Haven’t high bar squatted in a while so felt it out. Felt great.
Perf at 155 and 2 MUs.
7 am with Brett and DO
Thank goodness I had Kirby to demonstrate the tempo. Leave it to the dancer! 95# was a good place to start and I’ll make just a 5# jump next week. 8 is many, especially 3 times. The EMOM was fun. Kirby and I tested the 75 and both thought it was heavy but after that first round it seemed we backed down too much. Bumped back up to 68 and might have been able to muster a few more pounds. Sometimes it’s hard to determine the right weight when we’re transitioning quickly. Did the C2B with red and blue, the blue x 3, then red x 2. I weighed myself yesterday. I am my own late summer weighted pull up.
10am with B-Ferg
HBBS 125x8x3 @ 20×1
-solid start, not heavy. 10# jump should be fine.
-ankles felt surprisingly stiff. did a little work on it + calves and felt better over each set. need to pay attention as i come back into things.
-will probably be mad sore tomorrow though since it’s been over a month!
Rds 1 + 2 @ 105#, 1 strict MU. yay!
Rds 3 + 4 @ 95#, 1 strict lightly partner assisted MU
Rds 5-7 @ 95#, 1 low ring MU with minimal toe assist
-was moving the barbell SO SLOWLY at 105#, i decided to not be an idiot and scale down a bit.
-very happy to have squeaked out 2 strict muscle ups after my time off. they weren’t pretty though, so scaled back to work good positions/movement.
cashed out with some stretching and:
200′ single arm farmer carry @ 24kg (each side)
200′ single arm OH carry @ 35# (ea)
my endurance on these is no bueno right now. looking fwd to progressing back up.
6am today, much coffee
BSQ at 105, this felt a little light but a good starting point for the cycle. I also am not missing that pause!
EMOM work was fun. Thrusters at 63, these moved easily but hurt something deep in my shoulders like whoa. I need to attend more AR classes (or maybe just do more thrusters, I seem to have conveniently missed most classes where they’ve been featured lately).
Ahhhh those Hamilton costumes! I remember so many great shots of Kevin and Kurt in those ridiculous wigs, and I can’t believe I got on the erg in a King George cape.
I’m so sad I can’t do FGB this year!
Slight make-up post!
Press @ 38lbs, thought it would be 41, but barbell math is hard. This is probably a good place to start as my pressing strength relative to leg strength is very bad.
Sumo DL at 135lbs this felt light until the last two reps of the last set. Really weird position!
Tuesday (Wednesdays work)
Tempo Back Squat at 125lbs. This felt fine, just super mind melting to do 8 reps. Last couple reps were saucier, at least the breath isn’t as hard with this tempo! Doing these low bar cause my quads are starting to look especially Christmas Ham like right now.
Did 2 sets of thrusters at 80lbs in the WOD, the weird armpit thing started to hurt despite these feeling just fine weight wise, ugh. Switched to 5 front squats. C2B with a red and orange and then red and blue.
Weightlifting club tonight!!!
Double post Bc I posted as a reply
Tempo backsquats build a temple, amiright? First two sets were at 150 and my knee started heart throbbing and I love it enough that I dropped down to 135. I will name him Rob Lowe.
EMother was fun, but went light to protect Rob.
Ran four miles at lunch but forgot my watch so I don’t know my pace for sure, but I was running at a pace that felt like 8:30per for me. I’m usually able to tell without my watch so let’s just call it that.
One show at the UCB East as my cool down.
Hit the 5:30 class today. Definitely going to try and stay consistent with this day because these tempo squats work wonders for me!
Before class
Power Snatch
2(3) @ 110#
Snatch pull
2(3) @ #140
Really focusing on keeping my back tight and locked in the entire lift. It’s amazing the difference I feel with a good lift!
Tempo Back squat
3 * 8 @150#
Got some good tips and really tried to not focus on swaying on to the right hip as my legs were getting tired!
Fitness EMOM
Thrusters #105
Strict C-2-B pull-ups + 3 burpees
Switched to muscle-up transitions in the last four rounds of the workout. Working on this transition in an attempt to reach my lifetime goal!!
Cashout: 3 rounds
12 band pull-aparts (blue band)
:30 hallow hold
7:30pm with Melo and Brett
Warm-up: Worst ever. I mean, backward duck walks… really? Ugh.
Back squats: 215x8x3 – love this tempo relative to the 31×1. Feels much more natural.
EMOM: Thrusters at 155 and 2 muscle ups each round. No misses on the muscle ups, but don’t think I would’ve had 3 each round without a few misses.
Snuck the BSQs in between clients and then jumped into the metcon during the 8:30pm Group Class… Thanks Melo!!
LBBSQ: 205x8x3
Thrusters 155 (did 6/7 sets unbroken. Last set was 2,F then 1)
Strict Muscle-Ups: Did 4 sets at 3 unbroken, then 2 sets of 2 then only got one on the last set and failed the second.. didn’t have the gumption to try again