Overhead Squat
Not a true max-effort day. Just find a challenging triple.
Post loads to comments.
Partner Metcon
3 Rounds for Time:
800m Run
100m Sandbag Carry
80 Air Squats
In teams of 2, complete the work for time. Do the runs together and partition the other work however desired. Carry the sandbag in front of the body (i.e., bear hug style). Choose a load that is challenging for both of you to carry and trade off as needed.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
TBT to when Jay R. had the most team spirit at last year’s Fight Gone Bad. Heyyyy, speaking of TBT, help us celebrate 10 whole years worth of throwback at our 10th Anniversary Party on September 30th!
New Article Up on Inside the Affiliate
“A gym is not something you build and walk away from. In its best iteration, a gym is a dynamic, vibrant, and inclusive community that improves peoples’ lives and the world around it.” That’s Coach David in “10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Owning a CrossFit Gym,” the latest transmission from Inside the Affiliate! Here Captain Osorio gets in depth about the knowledge he’s accumulated over the 10 wonderful years of CFSBK’s existence. If you’ve experienced this week’s My Little Pony invasion, you’ll understand #6, “Don’t be afraid to get weird.” Here’s to many more years of getting weird with you weirdos!
News and Notes
- And heyyy, speaking of Fight Gone Bad, check the blog tomorrow for FGB 2017 registration info!
- CFSBK will be hosting an Own Your Eating Seminar on Monday, September 11th from 6 to 8pm. Own Your Eating’s mission is to educate as many people as possible about flexible eating and give them the tools they need to set them up for long term success with their nutrition. See the event page for more info!
- As we mentioned yesterday, CFSBKer Moe N. of beyond the whiteboard generously offered to give free merch to 3 randomly chosen people who posted their Helen for Houston Results. Those people are: Daniel Rocha, Brad Larson, and Jen Bokoff. Don’t forget to claim your treasures at the desk! In addition, the top men’s and women’s times posted will receive prizes. Those times are James A. and Coach JB. Congrats, all!
Yesterday’s Results Board: 2015 Regionals Workout #6
Trick Yourself Into Feeling Wide Awake After a Bad Night’s Sleep NY Mag
“My Name Is Daniel J., and I’m a CrossFit Kids Coach” CrossFit
omg Christoph Waltz did FGB @ CFSBK?!?!?
I hope you guys didn’t throw away your eclipse glasses because you will need them to read the blog today!
bwaaaaaaaahahahahahaha amazing
lookin’ gooooood Jay!!
I went completely blind creating this content, but you know what…. it was worth it.
ahahahhahaha eclipse glasses @jay star
A) max effort muscle clean, choose load, slower down faster up (so basically TnG): 105# x 6 (Fx7 would’ve had to bend knees just a bit)
B) max effort BSQ, slower down faster up tempo: 190# x6, would’ve lost tempo so i racked it
C) BSQ @ 50% x 20: 120×20, passed my tension test, thanks again @keith VW!!! Feeling super calm/strong with volume squats these days.
D) Row 30 min for distance: 6530M i believe, HR 127. I was gasping for air in the solace basement. Felt shaky day. Wish I could’ve pushed harder
6am with Jess and Lauren
OHS work up to 52# with focus on form since I don’t do this enough. Added pause at bottom to keep working on getting a little lower.
Did the metcon with a ghost partner, so thanks to the morning crew for added encouragement! Finished in 23:31 using an 80# sandbag. First sandbag carries ever, so that was fun. (Makes lifting luggage later feel totally easy.) rounds 1 and 2 unbroken runs, carries 25/25, squats 20/20. Last round walked a tiny bit and squats were 20/10/10.
Really great article DO. Excellent points and lessons applicable across many types of businesses. Kudos!
And I didn’t pick up merch this morning because I was dead at the end and forgot; traveling this weekend but will do next week. Thanks again for that.
So many excellent wigs in this pic.
Strength cycle
Paused LBBS: 125x4x3
Press: 65x5x3
Chins: bw emom 1-1-1-1-1, orange&blue 7, 6
I gave Jeremy a noisy “why’d I get put on paused squats!” this morning. Because I’m getting to the weight were my knees start to wander in again aaaand I know he’s right. Credit to good coaching and, uuuuugh, trusting the process. Ok ok ok. I’ll get strong some day.
1mile run after because I needed to do something or I would have hopped into 8am group class which I didn’t really have time for. Might have come in just under 9min which is pretty alright for me.
Loved this workout! Not sure I’ve ever said that about a Crush Week WOD before.
Did this with Kirby and a 100# sandbag in 23:36. My hip flexors are toast. Counting the hours until Saturday AR!
Oh right…93 on the OHS. Think I could’ve done more. I don’t think I’ve tested this movement in my 6 years at SBK so I really had no idea of where to go with it!
7am w/ Jess + Lauren
Worked up to 68# on the OH squat. I’m scared of these and usually stick around 50-something when they pop up in workouts. Need to work on getting looooow. I feel like I improved in terms of depth across the sets of 3, which is good!
This wasn’t too bad, especially for crush week! Awesome partnering with Stella because I wouldn’t have gone for that 100# sandbag otherwise (but it was totally fine…at least, once I managed to pick it up). Slow run, fast squats. Rest day tomorrow!
8am with Chris
This is the highest I’ve gone for 3 reps on the OHS. The last set was challenging, but still moved well.
Partner Metcon:
This was a super fun workout. I partnered with Andrew and went for the 100# sandbag. Finished in 22:49.
Great ITA article. #1 is reason #1 that I’ve been able to stay happy and fulfilled working at CFSBK while maintaining enthusiasm for coaching movement and always learning to be better at it (and the fact that I can work in flip flops). Also importantly, because “Management” takes this approach, I’m proud to have made a career here.
10am class
185 for a conservative triple overhead squat
Metcon with Steven at 160# in 22:24. Hammies are LIT. Last run was really a trot.
That’s a top ten list with some heft. Aren’t those just supposed to be click-bait? You actually have to *read* this one. The weirdness (#6) is definitely a big part of what lured me back, and #10 (You’re never done) is a good reminder for everyone about everything. Wise, wise words. Congratulations on 10 years.