Bench Press
Warm up and establish a 1RM or 3RM for the day. All of your attempts should be heavy—heavier than last week’s 4s. And, good news…no tempo. If you’ve been consistently benching for a while and feel comfortable testing a 1RM, then go that route. If not, then perform a heavy triple instead. Use spotters on all work sets. Remember that on strict upper body pressing movements, small increases in weight can make a big difference. Don’t be this guy.
Get through your lighter warm ups quickly and drop volume as you approach your opener. Sample warm ups and attempts below:
Opening at 95 for 1 rep:
45 x 5
65 x 5
75 x 2-3
85 x 1
95 x 1, 100 x 1, 105 x 1, 107.5 x 1, 110F
Opening at 245 for a triple:
45 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 3, 255 x 3, 265 x 3, 275 x 2F, 275 x 3
Post loads to comments.
30 Minutes Not for Rounds:
10 Max Effort Strokes on the C2 (score your highest calorie split)
270m Jog
10 Shoot Throughs
Use parallettes and /or boxes for the shoot throughs. Aim to keep moving the whole time. Push hard on the row and recover on the 270m jogs. Play around with Push-Ups and Dips on the shoot throughs.
Post work to comments.
Better Know a Member: Roosevelt Marthel
As summer draws to a close, we’re excited to continue bringing you a blog favorite, Better Know a Member! You all love Underneath the Hoodie and Behind the Desk, and, in a similar vein, we’ll continue to profile members from across the CFSBK community. Last time, we talked to Charles S. Today, let’s get to know Roose M. a little better!
Name (and any nicknames):
Roosevelt Marthel. Most people call me Roose. I’ve gotten several nicknames over the years including Prez, President, and Theodore (Teddy)
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I’ve been doing CrossFit for 4 years now. I did my Foundations course with Jess Fox in August 2013 and started group classes right after in September.I barely did any physical activity growing up and had a serious weight issue until CrossFit. At my heaviest I weighted 270. When I graduated from college in 2012, I ended up getting hired by my current company. Many of them had recently started CrossFit and offered to pay for my membership. I tried another NYC affiliate in September 2012 but didn’t continue after Foundations. I had a lot of confidence issues at the time and didn’t feel comfortable. I didn’t try another gym for a year. I ended up finding CFSBK because of two of my colleagues (and former CFSBK members) Crystal and Todd. They loved the gym and knew I would too. I had a much better experience in Foundations and decided to stick around. It’s changed my life, and I’ve lost close to 100 pounds since. The best decision I’ve ever made.
Program your nightmare workout:
This was a tough one. I’ve had quite a few workouts that I’ve labeled as nightmares.
Do you have any unusual rituals/superstitions or habits related to life or CrossFit?
- I take my pre-workout shake in thirds in 15 minute intervals. Example times: 7:15, 7:30, and 7:45. If I don’t do it, I feel like I’m more likely to have a bad workout.
- The shirt that I wear to the gym usually determines how I feel and does affect my performance. My favorite shirt is from the Spartan race I did last year. I’ll wear it usually on Squat and Clean and Jerk days.
- I have three songs I listen on repeat on my way into the gym. It’s been the same for a month (in order): “Blue Sky” by Common, “Hello/Goodbye” by Lupe Fiasco, and “Stronger” by Kanye West (yeah, it’s a bit cheesy).
If you had to switch careers today, what would you choose to do?
Favorite and least favorite lift:
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
Why People Put Off Learning Self-Defense CrossFit Journal
Do Dogs Know Themselves? Scientific American
Roose! He’s been a lean mean fighting machine for so long that I had completely forgotten what he used to look like before he lost, like, a FIFTH GRADER. Amazing!
Also: 315/275 as an Rx for deadlift is just mean, Roose. Usually when y’all are doing 315 we are doing 225 😛
Today’s WOD couldn’t have been better designed to get me out of bed. Bench 1RM test followed by NFT stuff? Sign me right up.
Bench 135, 145, 150, 155F, 152.5F. My PR is 155 but I knew this might happen — when I hit 155 it was after several months of benching twice a week with strength-focused programming. Staying within 5# of that is pretty good, although I’m bummed that I can no longer quiiiiiite say I can bench bodyweight.
Thank goodness for the higher parallettes. I can do forward shoot throughs on the low ones but going backward continues to elude me.
Roose! Always a friendly face to see in class and so dedicated (esp. on those Saturday 2-3 class marathon days). Looking forward to teaming up for Flex on the Beach with you!!!
Strength cycle
LBBS: 140x5x3
Bench: 87.5x5x3
DL: 185×5
Drama free. A+ dog-watching though.
6am with Ro and Lauren
Bench – 205, 225, 235, 245
Bench moved about how I expected. Felt much better sans tempo.
Good work Roose!! 100# is insane
Loved learning more about Roose, especially those pre-gym rituals…I really relate to that sort of thinking 🙂
Took a much-needed rest day today but really looking forward to testing this week!! Excited to see how all this tempo work has paid off (and to find out WTF a shoot through is).
Roose is the man! Love seeing him in the gym and chatting–such a great member and athlete.
Also, 100#? That’s insane–you’re an inspiration!
Roooooooose! Heck yeah buddy. Keep on trucking. I’ll join you for a workout again some day.
Roose, Living legend!!! So happy you found us and the progress you’ve made over the past few years is nothing short of incredible. A true inspiration to your fellow CFSBKers and myself.
Was already super impressed by Roose’s diligence at the gym, great getting to read up more about his story.
Bench: 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 120×3
Bench days have been very inconsistent for me with lots of travel, so I decided to work for a heavy three. Happy to land at here (PR for a single is 130) given the lack of focus.
NFT: Row was 8-9 cal each round. Jog happened. Shoot though are probably something I could incorporate a bit more into post-class work.
Made up some C&J work after…
C&J: Worked up to 3 reps at 143#.
AMRAP 7 min:
3 Cleans (123#, squat cleans)
5 Box Jumps (24″)
Finished with 8 rounds + 1 clean. The Rx for this is supposed to be 155# for women – would like to try this again a few times slowly inching up the weight.
Roose is the man. I really enjoy our Sunday’s together 😍…Super impressed with his dedication to improving himself.
Hit 2883 on the erg. Shoot thoroughs are fun! Running, is not.
Roose! Yay! Love this interview, especially the superstitions. So great! We all have our quirks!
I remember when you first started- i think we were partners for some mashing during AR. What incredible dedication and progress. Very inspiring.
2 rounds
200m run
15 GHD sit-ups
30 sec HS hold
5 chin-ups
10 OHS
A) 1 clean + 1 thruster + 1 front squat + 1 shoulder to overhead
-build to something heavy in 10 min
115, 125, 130
B1) HBBS- 3,3,3- rest 90 secs
200 x 3, 205 x 3, 210 x 3
B2) Strict pull-up- 3 x max- rest 90 secs
C)For time, tough pace
50 KBS, 20kg
40 Box jumps, 20″
30 TTB
20 Cal AB
Everything fast and unbroken except for TTB which were a big disaster today. Tired from a great weekend, so not complaining!
Thank you everyone! Happy to be featured on the blog. It’s been a great journey so far with more to come.
Also, I’d like to give a big thank you to all the coaches’ for their motivation and support over the years.
8am with Lauren
A slow start to the morning for me (Case of the Mondays). Started getting into the groove of things after the warm-up.
Bench: 135, 145, 155, 165 (PR)
I ran out of time and didn’t get a chance to try my last rep. It moved well enough at 165 though. My old PR was 145 for 3 and it was a slow grind. I’ve never tried benching higher than that, so this felt great.
NFT Metcon
This was fun. Push myself on the run and rows. Shoot throughs are new to me. I stuck with the higher parallettes most of the WOD, but I managed to get a few on the lower ones.
I knew Roosevelt has an amazing work ethic, is Haitian and has sisters (not named after Presidents) but I didn’t know about his weight loss journey! Makes me admire the guy even more than I already did!
Bench: 83-93-103- 108-110.5
Took me three tries to get 108–kept rushing the descent then pushing bar path out of the way. Helpful advice from Ro about controlling down like a push-up, and picking a spot on the ceiling.
Anyway, Iron Maidens I PR’d at 102.5, so this is an 8# PR. At first, I was a little disappointed it was not more. Then MeLo helped me remember that this is all for fun, so if PRing isn’t good enough, then what’s the point!?
NFT was fun. I like shoot throughs- was happy to have Ken in my class to get a cool way to make them spicy.
So sore! Bye!
An 8# PR in 6 months is incredible!! Congrats!
Wow Roose! Congrats and thanks for sharing your health journey! Super inspiring stuff 🙂
I’ve been slacking on commenting the past few weeks, but gunna try to get back in the swing of things.
Hit 90lbs on my bench press today 🙂 Pretty sure that’s a pr! And I think I probably could have done more, but ran out of time.
Shoot throughs were tough stuff! Don’t remember doing those before I don’t think. Hit 9 cal total for my first 10 strokes! But rest were all downhill from there, hitting about 6. I continue to hate jogging/running but I made it 🙂
6:30pm with Ro and Melo
Bench Press Testing!!!:
245 (prior PR)
255 (PR!)
255 was sticky but it never stopped moving. 260 would have been really pushing the envelope, so I’d say this is a true 1RM.
NFT work was surpringly difficult. I was pushing the pace on the run and the row, and I can tell now sitting on the sofa typing this that I got a pretty good workout in despite the NFT aspect.
Ready for some big squatz tomorrow morning!
PS-definitely drop in to Frank’s weightlifting club!!! It was my first time tonight & I PR’d my snatch (90# from the hang). Got my sights on 100#…
PPS-congrats on all these PRs today (and those to come testing this week!). Ok bye!
Ya RooSE!! Roose Rules.
Last week was tough for me. Think I was fighting something all week. Slept almost all day yesterday. No joke. Almost the entire day. I think I was awake for a total of 6 or 7 hours. Felt amazing this afternoon lol!
A) Dunn : 10 rounds + 3 Muscle-ups + 10 yd | Rx’d
19:00 AMRAP:
3 Muscle-ups
Shuttle Sprint, 60 yd (5yd-10yd-15yd there and back)
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 20 in (must jump completely over box- no contact)
HUGE breakthrough with muscle ups today. Had a lot of energy today so my kip felt powerful and transitions were faster. Almost landed in full elbow extension with a few reps! First set unbroken then all 2/1. No misses. Unicorn day. -shuttle sprints: double triple checked I did these right after last weeks mishap. I checked some videos to be sure lol. Touched ground at turn around. Moderate pace- tried not to kill myself Burpee BJO- never tried jumping completely over box in workout. It worked Out fine! Just super careful to tuck knees to chest and cleared the box no problem. These untied my shoes twice though! Cool workout. Tough one. Extremely stoked that I hit 33 MU in a workout with more energy in the tank. Definitely a MU volume PR, never hit more than 30 in a workout and that was just 30 for time with nothing else!
B1) 10x100M row sprints: 20.9/20.3/20.6/20.5/20.4/20.0/20.3/19.9/20.3
Happy to get a sub 20 towards the end there! Playing with damper a bit. Lower has been a little better with my later splits (somewhere on the high 5 as opposed to mid 6).
B2) Bowling with david!!!! this was a blast. 3 tries to hit 100M exactly. If you go over you lose. Closest to 100 wins. So also sort of like the price is right. Got 97/99/98 I FREAKIN RULE AT THIS GAME. swept DO 3/3.
C) GHD Sit-ups : 5 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 45 reps
Tabata GHD Sit-up | 9,9,9,9,9
Okay slight decrease in headache. I tried to breathe inbetween reps. Think this helped. Slow improvement
D)Hip Extensions : 5 x 20 secs / 40 secs : 63 reps
Tabata Hip Extension | 13,13,12,13,12
I finally get it! Quads weren’t sore today so I was able to go fast. Hooray
7:30 with DO
Worked up to 112 on the bench press, which I thought was a PR match, but is actually a 2 lb PR. 🙂
Wod happened, felt good to sweat. Shoot throughs got spicy!
125 which is a 2.5 PR. 120 moved slowly but decided to make the 5# jump with some encouragement from MeLo and my bar mates Johanna and Erica. 125 was a grind but it happened!
NFT was the perfect prescription for my first day back to work.
Congrats on losing all that weight, Roose! Super inspiring and great learning about you!
Hi all, long time creeper, first time commenter here.
Left foundations in May, and this is my first ever bench cycle. Started out the first day of the cycle with 42lbs and ended today with 55-60-65-70-75 in sets of 3s. Have only ever done these with a tempo, so they were actually kind of wacky feeling without it. Otherwise felt pretty good.
Spent the weekend being sick AF, so NFT stuff was a welcome ease into the rest of the week.
Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say how cool it is to have upper body strength for something other than lifting chips to my face for probably the first time in my life. My inner monologue during most of the WODs is still basically a torrent of foul expletives and I literally had a nightmare about burpees the other day, but I loooooove this gym. Excited to start coming more often!
Roose is the man!! Congrats on the weight loss dude that’s awesome!!
Bench Press (1RM):
45×5, 75×3, 95×1, 100×1, 105×1, 115×1, 120F
115# is a new PR! Up from 105# in June.
Forward shoot throughs seem fine…backwards is a different story
Highest cal. split was 1371
Jog (actually a run because my body either sprints or walks, no in-between) felt good today!