Clean and Jerk
Heavy Single
85-95% x 1 x 3-5
The pull from the floor should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid foot. Same for the dip/drive on the Jerk, don’t let your dip pull you forward. Aim to make 3-5 reps between 85-95%. This is not necessarily a testing day, but if you’re making all your reps and feeling good, then go for it. If not, then get a few heavy reps in and live to clean and jerk another day.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
25 Squats
20 Sit-Ups
15 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
Rest 1 Minutes between rounds. Score total time.
Be mindful to move through full range of motion and with virtuosity on these simple gymnastics movements. Make your last rep of each movement mirror the first. Scale Push-Ups to knees and Pull-Ups to bands or Ring Rows as needed.
Post total time and Rx to comments.
Amanda M. at the catch. Want to get better at Olympic lifting? Read on! | Photo by Thomas H.
Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK
Next Level Weightlifting Club offers Olympic lifting (the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk) with strength training and mobility all in one. Weightlifting classes will be held in two-hour windows and taught by Coach Frank Murray. While there will be a start to every class, you are allowed to show up at any time during the two-hour training session to lift. Those involved will receive the week’s programming which they can either do during the training session or on their own times during Open Gym hours. If you are unable to participate in class on a regular basis, you also have access to Coach Frank via email and can submit videos to be evaluated and critiqued. Think of him as your personal coach. Prerequisites: NONE
Pricing View Calendar
Days & Times
Mondays: 7-9pm
Wednesdays: 7-9pm
Thursdays: 6:30-8:30pm
While there are universal weekly workouts, they can and likely will change from person to person depending on each individual’s needs. All people are different and therefore require different things to be successful. At Next Level Weightlifting Club, we take that into account and make adjustments as needed to optimize progress.
More Info
About the Coach: Frank Murray has competed in weightlifting for many years. During that time, he has medaled at five separate National Championships, most recently a Silver at last year’s Nationals. His all-time best lifts in competition include a 151kg (333lb) Snatch and a 182kg (400lb) Clean and Jerk at a body weight under 200lbs. He has worked with many athletes, from multiple CrossFits, including: CF Garden City, CF Queens, CF Great Neck, CF 516, CF King of Island Park, RADD CF, CF Greenpoint, CF Manhasset, CF L.I.C, among others. Coached by Arthur Drechsler, former world record holder, chairman of the board of USAWeightlifting, and author of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia, Frank has learned from the many years of experience that Artie has had over his coaching career.
Frank is a USAW Level II Advanced Sports Performance Coach and has a B.A. in Physical Education.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Saturday Fun Day
Professional Rock Climber Alex Honnold’s Vegetarian Diet Munchies
How to Squat 405 in 12 Weeks Starting Strength
I love this pic so much. Amanda is the BEST and her snatch technique is to die for. She also loves my Maisie like she’s her own (Juniper) so…..♥️😍♥️😍♥️
2-3 sets @Z1 Effort
12 step KB FR walking lunge
5 ring rows @4012
3 wall walks
Pistol practice
EVEN: 12 alternating Pistols
ODD: 5-10 C2B pull ups
4-5 sets @85% SH effort
10 burpees over the erg
150m row
rest walk 1:3
Clean & Jerk up to 225, with a couple of misses at 235. Everything felt extra heavy today for some reason.,
Metcon in 12:26 Rx. Chris A and I were neck and neck for most of it, but I just could not keep pace on the sit-ups. Something to work on…
Thank you Charlie xoxoxo!
My two cents about the program: It’s been such a benefit to me, I love it! Over time, Frankie’s program has gotten my classic lifts so efficient (meaning I can lift a high percentage of my backsquat) that there’s nowhere to go except leg strength so for the past three months we have tweaked the program for me to focus there. We test 1RMs in small increments but last time I did a back squat rep out at 90% I got 9!! I do need lots of strength work so continuing with an approach that deprioritizes the classic lifts a little (sob!) but enjoying the program immensely, and especially that it is customizable for different needs, goals and backgrounds. I so enjoy the chance to learn from a lifter as accomplished as Frankie and a coach with such a great technical grasp of the sport — and can’t wait until to shift focus a little more to the snatch and clean and jerk hopefully this fall! For anyone hoping to develop their potential in these lifts I hope you will come by and drop in, we’re very welcoming!
Up to 225 with a missed jerk at 240. Bar felt real heavy today…
Metcon in 12:57
Fun week at CFSBK!
Dropped in twice at NLWC for the first time and totally second everything Amanda said. In like 2 hours Frankie fixed a multitude of problems in my lifts and wrecked me for the next day (help hamstrings). Monday was lots of high volume snatching (10 sets of 3 hang snatch then OHS), some jerks, back squat and then 30 pullups 🙁 I don’t remember what happened Wednesday but I do know I did like 40 cleans and am now much better at cleans.
Did Saturday’s partner workout with Gabby on Friday and created what we call “conversational crossfit” where you shit talk while holding barbells. Averaged about 10 rounds for each workout. Really revealed the imbalance of my lower body strength to my upper body. Rx’ed Deadlifts were pie, push presses Rx’ed had to be scaled in volume slightly, and then had to do the 35lb OHS cause I need to work on them.
AG today with Nick!
Massive imbalance R leg to L leg in the pistols. I think Brett is on to something with the “years of playing soccer and grounding with one leg and then kicking with the other causes some differences in stability” theory. Did some banded ones and raised box ones. Have never done burpees over the erg and they are terrifying, need to get used to jumping sideways. Got some great rowing tips from Mr. Olympics himself, my drive is ok but need to work on letting the arms come back before my back, also underscored the need to feel the heels driving in the whole time. I’ll be doing some rowing without straps in the future to practice this.
Overall I just want to double down on the great coaching we have at CFSBK! It’s one thing to be elite in your field, but yet another to be able to impart your knowledge to a variety of populations with different bodies and learning styles. I think that’s something we do really well at the gym and mad respect to all the coaches! Everyone come to NLWC tomorrow with me!
C&j: jerks were really off today. 83-93-108-113×4
Wod: 13:20 rx
Push-ups and pull-ups were hard today! I’ve gotta work on butterfly if I want to get any faster.
AG: pistol practice, a few strict c2b, and a fun workout with burpees and rowing. Normally, I wouldn’t have been a fan, but it was great to have Nick coach the class and give us some great rowing tips!
The only time I feel confident on an erg, is when it’s a straight up short sprint… and there is rest right after. Any distance longer than 250m or where pacing is required, I struggle so bad!
Anyway, good times!
OG after a nice weekend away.
Clean and jerk- worked up to 123 which felt great, so I went for 128 for a 3# pr. Last time I hit anything close to my old PR was last summer so this was exciting!
Did the wod but did 10 push-ups and 5 pull ups. 12:57. Probably should have done the full rep scheme but was hoping to move through unbroken.
Coming in late to post AG fun:
Is a pistol still a pistol if you’ve got your non-working leg bent at almost 90 degrees? 😛 I mean, I can get to the bottom but it takes some serious contortionism. It’s like those old Looney Tunes cartoons where Bugs Bunny ties Elmer Fudd’s rifle in knots.
Did the EMOM work with full volume pistols/Elmer Fudd guns, and 6 strict chinups per round. The chinups went away embarrassingly fast!
Best round on WOD was 1:11, worst was 1:16. How is everyone else so fast at burpees?!
I saw your pistols…they look WAY harder and more painful 😉
128- cleaned but didn’t attempt the jerk. Bar crashed on me during the clean so took a lot of energy to stand it up, otherwise, everything moved well today.
WOD: 16:07!!!
(minus extra time during the rest it took me to get my water from the other gym)
Pushups were s…l…o…w. Didn’t realize how sore I was- broke them up from the beginning but still went to doubles in the first round! Situps were slower than normal too because my ab mat was like a pancake. Did ring rows because of a tear.
Pistol and C2B EMOM. Can do a pistol with my right leg but cramp up when I do them with my left leg. Need to work on mobility and flexibility.
WOD: 1:13, 1:13, 1:08, 1:06
Got faster because….Nick. When he yells at you when you’re on the erg, you row your heart out!
Saturday seriously beat me up and I almost took Sunday off, but made a game time decision to come to 11am with Nick + Lauren.
Worked up to 108# on the C+J which is basically 95% of my 1RM. Felt good!
WOD in 14:something. Had to scale a lot of stuff—including doing the push-ups from my knees, which I haven’t done in ages—but I knew I’d be there aaaaalllll day if I didn’t. Also did ring rows instead of pull-ups to take care of my ripped hands. Put my ego aside and still had a great workout! 🙂