Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 8 Reps:
Snatch High Pull + Snatch
The pull from the floor on the Snatch High Pull should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid-foot. Replicate that same pull on the full Snatch. Aim to make a rep or two at/above 85-90%.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
Calories Rowed
Short one today, but that doesn’t mean easy. Go hard, no pacing. Make this one hurt a bit.
Post time and Rx to comments.
TBT: This week(ish) 5 years ago, Barbara K. scaled a wall consisting of some mats plus Coaches Noah and McDowell. Want to help us celebrate 10 years of making you do silly stuff in the name of fitness? Read on!
2017 marks CFSBK’s 10th anniversary. Woohoo! This shindig goes down the evening of Saturday, September 30th (exact time TBD). The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum, but we don’t want your recyclables. We just want you to show up, drink some drinks, get down with your gym buds, and help us celebrate 10 years of making Brooklyn a better, fitter borough! Get stoked!
News and Notes
- Due to plumbing issues there is no water at 608. Showers and bathrooms are out of service at 608 ONLY until further notice.
- CFSBK is in the process of updating our member waivers and integrating them with Zen Planner! Active members will soon (tomorrow) have an alert added to their account saying that they have an “Unsigned Document.” While it won’t prevent you from checking into class, the alert won’t go away until you complete the waiver. To speed the process, we’re asking members to sign into their Zen Planner accounts from home to complete the waiver. If you’re having a hard time signing in, get in touch with the front desk and/or plan on arriving early/staying late to complete it in house. Thanks so much, gang!
- Tonight’s 7:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
- Today’s 4:30pm CrossFit Teens class is cancelled. All Tuesday and Thursday CrossFit Teens classes will be cancelled for the next two weeks. Class will resume on Tuesday, August 29th!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / Front Squat | Run, Single-Unders, Handstand Hold
Why We Fell for Clean Eating The Guardian
What Happens If We Throw an Elephant from a Skyscraper? Kurzgesagt
Good Morning everyone. Unfortunately the water supply in 608 has been cut off, so our showers and bathrooms in this building are currently out of use. There aren’t any problems in 597. We will update you with any changes. CFSBK
Just a heads up that the 10th anniversary party is scheduled for Yom Kippur.
Is there an alternate date? Weekend before or after maybe?
7 AM snatchin’ with Jess and Snickers
Worked to 88 on the complex, though the last one was definitely a power snatch. (Hell, it was almost a muscle snatch.) Memo to self: drop under the bar.
WOD in 4:36. I felt like I was going to lie on the ground afterward for almost as long as the workout itself took!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CFSBK! I still miss you!
Snatch: most at 105#. Felt good. Feeling better week over week about keeping the bar close on the way up.
Metcon: 4:41. Yeah, this was rough. A fun one.
8am with Chris
Snatch Complex:
127×1 (Current PR)
I was feeling good today so decided to go for it. I did feel like I could have dropped under the bar a bit faster, but I’ll take it. We’ll see how it goes next week.
This was intense, but I thought it went well. The row was pretty fast for me. My limiter was the Burpees. Tried moving fast, but my legs were pretty baked by the end of round 12. Slow on the last 9.
Worked up to 72# on the snatch complex, which is 5# heavier than the last few weeks.
WOD: 4:28. Could I have gone faster? Maybe a teeeeeny bit on the row. Feel pretty ok about this!
Makeup from yesterday…
Tempo BSQ 120#
Tempo FSQ 105#
Did 3-ish rounds of the workout and got some awesome tips from Ro on handstand stuff.
…Followed by 9AM Short Circuit w/ DO. Fun!! Worked on pistols during the warm-up and oh boy I am feeling it today.
Debating whether to come in tomorrow AM for one more pre-bachelorette weekend workout. We’ll see!
8am with Fox
Snatch up to 135# with an extra OHS added to the complex. Focused on catching stable by punching up with the arms (instead of wobbly shoulders), but that translated to slowing down a bit on the pull. Happy to be working on the OHS.
Metcon in 3:53min. Gave it almost all I had, except I slowed down a bit on the round of 12 burpees and in the transitions into the rower.
I could get used to this whole 8am thing.
Have had a full week off from the gym and my body feels terrrrrrible for it.
Dropped in at Crossfit607 for open gym here in Elmira (western NY). Funny sort of weightlifting/wrestling gym turned crossfit, but hey, they had all the things I needed.
Snatch complex in kilos up to somewhere around 82-83# and then failed at 87-88# x3 (kept trying after the complex was over) but eh, that’s my 1RM anyways.
WOD in under 5:00, but didn’t keep exact time. Super fun little burner. Almost pulled 1cal per stroke each round which is good for me!
8am with Fox
It was an off day. All the progress I made on snatches this cycle seemed to melt away coming off the floor. I planned to go to 68 (current PR) but felt so slow and not so low so no. I stayed at 63 and kept trying. The last few might have been a touch better. 5:35 on the WOD. I felt like I pushed through most of it – a pause coming up on the burpees in 12 set here and there and then one pause before my last three in the 9 – I had to. Still, I wasn’t too happy about that time. I had 5 flat in my head.
Water should be back by Friday. Some recent street work knocked out our water line.
10y is confirmed for 9/30. Hope all can still attend
5:30pm class with SnickMo
Snatch E2MOM
Worked up to 165 lbs
Row/Burpee metcon
I can’t believe I beat Katie!! 😛 She’s much fitter than me. It was great to have her on the next rower. Kept me moving!
Snatch high pull + Snatch: 83, 83, 93, 98, 103F, 103, 108, 113F. I have missed far too many snatch days this cycle.
WOD: 4:03. This hurt my soul a bit. Too many scones and pints in Ireland.
Cash out surprise sprint to my friend’s apartment in Park Slope so I could shower before work.
Good to be back in Brooklyn. Dropped in at Crossfit Perpetua while in Dublin. Small space with small classes (capped at 12). Coaches were helpful, thoughtful in their pointers and encouraging. Was quite amused that as I worked out with the 7am class, a group of men from the 6:30 class lined up on stools at their front desk area drinking coffee and protein shakes, joking around like they were at the pub.
Yay! So many folks back from vacation. My girl talk foam roll time has been pretty quiet lately! Also, great to see the meyers’!
Was so exhausted. I have been getting up around 4:30am… despite taking melatonin and going to bed by 10:30, I have felt run down and lethargic.
Short circuit was a grind. I was cranky.
6:30 by the end of warmup, my grumpiness subsided.
Snatch: up to 83. Made it once, with slightly bent arms at the bottom. Then failed 3 times. Need to extend chest up/ legs straight and explode when bar is at mid-thigh.
Wod: 5:10. I really did leave it all on the court, despite my time. Also, so fun to make it a partner style wod!!!
Then chatted it up with a very diverse group for about 45 min while I rolled out.
I left feeling 6,453,987 times better than when I arrived. Endorphins, man… I love crossfit!!!
Jet lag is setting in and I was sooo exhausted in class.
Snatch: worked up to 88. Failed 93 bc the bar was too far in front.
WOD in 4:49. Felt so slow and heavy but kept moving.