Clean and Jerk Complex
Every minute on the minute x 12:
Clean High Pull + Mid-Hang Clean + Jerk
The pull from the floor on the Clean High Pull should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid-foot. The dip/drive should also be balanced and not pull you forward. Aim to make a few reps at/above 80%.
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Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
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Coach Jeremy and Coach Margie’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle today starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Craaazy WOD
Do You Need to Ditch the Diet Mindset? GirlsGoneStrong
The Great American Eclipse Is Turn Small Towns Upside Down Outline
Bored at the airport, so might as well record some fitness 🙂
Charlie and I dropped in at Crossfit Reykjavík, and while we may have not seen Annie it was pretty great. Huge space with all the equipment you could ever dream of. Solid coaching too. Highly recommend!
“Gung Ho Girls” 30 min AMRAP of:
500 m Run
500/400 m Row
Grisabel (Grace and Isabel)
50/40 cal Assault Bike
We saw this on the website the night before and I think each mildly panicked. All things we have done before, just not all at once. Thankfully, ended up being a partner WOD, dividing however partners wanted. We got through one full round, run, Fran, and 117 m into the row.
That’s craaaaaaazy! No wonder Annie is amazing is that’s the casual Saturday workout!!!
This looks like a lot of fun to do with a partner, and terrible to do solo.
3-5 sets @Z1 effort
30 single unders
10 band pulls
10 hanging knee raises
Double under Practice
2 Rounds @85% SH effort
100 double unders
60 wall ball, 20/10 14/9
550m run
rest/walk 12-16 min
This did not seem all that bad in theory, but in reality…woof. Knocked me FLAT.
10am with Fox
Worked up to 103 on the clean and jerk complex. Had a little issue on the last one with my elbow doing the annoying rebound this on the jerk so I redid it 🙄 Ugh.
Wod RX in 7:03. This was a fun one!
10am with Lauren
Worked up to 185 on the C&J. Had a whole strategy going into this that I had to throw out once I realized there wasn’t enough time to switch weights after every round. That really got me off my mental game.
Metcon Rx in 9:48min. This is one where there’s only so much I can do to speed up – I don’t have fast-vs-slow sit-ups, I just have sit-ups.
Worked up to 108# with carissa! Felt like a metcon in itself!!
Wod: 6:35 Rx. Man, JB and Jonathan were fast. Tried to make sure all squats were truthfully stood up and hit depth- felt good about it. Only way to get faster is to pull the KB down harder and not slow down on situps.
Came to AG– even drank a fitaid to try and revive myself. First round was okay- have never done 100 DUs in one sitting. After 60 they were small sets. Wallballs broken up 30-20-10 with… an 8# ball… run was a run, but tried to push it.
Rested 15:00. Was going to do the second round, but I was actually doing singles on the DUs, couldn’t dig deeper to pull it out. Then I quit and just ran around the block with a Jonathan. Boo.
Noon class
C&J Complex
Cardio, indeed.
Metcon in 8:20ish…wrote Rx’d? on the board because I messed up and did the 30 swings before the 30 squats and then I maaaaay have done the 30 swings again…not really sure. Either way all movements were done unbroken and I sweated. Was feeling good physically but apparently was in space cadet mode up top.
Starting Strength Total!!
Did not listen to advice on resting the day before. Spent Saturday carousing and walking like 8 miles, woke up with a mild cold. Was not feeling confident, but everything worked out pretty well!
Squat 185 (PR), 200 (PR), 210 (PR!)
200 felt heavy, kind of had to grind out the middle, but popped up like a cork at the top. 210 also grindy, saw the hands coming for my bar and barked “i got it, I got it” like a wild dog and finished it out. I think this might just be what the higher weights feel like. Who know, was my first time chasing 1RM.
OHP 65, 70 (PR), 75 (PR)
Had done 65 in class, knew 70 was likely, 75 was a hail mary as the OHP is a flighty mistress. 70 was fine. 75 was one arm at a time. Jeremy said the first thing I did on the 75 was push the bar forward, which is bad. But it did go over my head. For which I congratulate myself.
Deadlift 225lbs, 245lbs (PR), 275lbs (PR)
Was a little flippant warming up at 135 and felt my left piriformus tightening up so was hesitant, but 225 felt ok, I rolled out before each lift. Then had a nice FitAid, which helped me achieve peak mental state for 245 (FitAid please send advertising money to front desk). I wanted 250, but we knocked it down 5 pounds cause lets be honest, a 25lb jump is ambitious. 245 went up fine. Then I had a cup of Earl Grey and announced my bid for 275lbs because I was a cocky caffeinated bastard (caffeine is a great PED btw). 275 went up fast. 300 is sooo close. Anyway really happy with that as it was a 30lb jump from the previous.
Total: 560lbs!
Pretty happy, didn’t fail any lifts. Lots of PRs Have room for improvement. Etc.
The best part of the Total was learning how to control and temper getting myself worked up into the competitive mindset without burning myself out and getting neurotic. Aka not getting lit up waiting on the bench, but starting the adrenaline pump as I walked up to the bar. I like competition even if it’s just with myself.
Takeaway from Starting Strength:
Really amazing program. I learned a ton and got the confidence to work up to and properly own the numbers I know I’m capable of. Jeremy fixed my deadlift, among many other things and I have pages of notes on all the lifts to look back on an implement on my own time. I’m still in the newbie category so my PRs are big and I’ve never done one rep maxes, but I’m stoked to know I’m that much stronger going back in to Crossfit classes. So just for fun, lets list out those big PRs..
-65lbs on my Squat (had never back squatted more than 145lbs)
-10lbs on my OHP (my worst range of motion)
-140 lbs on my Deadlift (had never deadlifted more than 135lbs, soo this is exaggerated but still. I can feel comfortable Rxing more workouts now!)
-No idea on the bench press because I was scared of it, but now feel comfortable with this, last 5×3 was 97.5 pounds and it was fast. So sky’s the limit.
And I got a sweet t-shirt.
Oh also I went from having 1 chin up on a good day, to 4 in a row. Then 4 more in the row after that, then 2 for a set of 10.
Sooo yeah.
Congrats on all the numbers, Karina!
Yeah, seriously amazing!!! Huge numbers!!! So strong!
Hmmmmm strength cycle…