Snatch Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 12 Reps:
Snatch High Pull + Mid-Hang Snatch
The pull from the floor on the Snatch High Pull should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid-foot. Aim to make a few reps at/above 80%.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
3 Rounds of “Cindy”
The CrossFit Benchmark “Cindy” is: 5 Pull-Ups + 10 Push-Ups + 15 Squats. Scale the Pull-Ups to bands or Ring Rows as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
The 2017 Subway Series Kicks Off at CFSBK
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the seventh annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! This year, the first event happens right here at CFSBK on Saturday, September 16th! Here’s the rest of the schedule:
Saturday, September 30th: CrossFit Queens
Saturday, October 14th: CrossFit Gantry
Saturday, October 28th: CrossFit Virtuosity
This year’s Subway Series is using a team format (M/M and F/F) and there are both Scaled and Rx’d divisions, so we hope as many CFSBKers as possible will sign up. As you can tell from last year’s photos, it’s a fun day. You can register here, but hurry: early bird pricing only lasts through September 5th!
News and Notes
- This Saturday’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Yoga for Athletes will be cancelled for the rest of August while Coach Whit is hiking Mont Blanc. Class will resume on September 2nd!
- Missing something? Recent lost and found items are up on our Flickr account, here and here. Claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in two weeks!
- Today’s 4:30pm CrossFit Teens class is cancelled. All Tuesday and Thursday CrossFit Teens classes will be cancelled for the next two weeks. Class will resume on Tuesday, August 29th.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / Front Squat | Power Snatches, Toes-to-Bars
Dogs Understand Fairness, Get Jealous Study Finds NPR
Rich Froning Shares Second Place Thoughts Following 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games BarBend
Want to sign up for CFSBK Subway Series, but unsure if I should sign up for Scaled or RX’d… Can anyone offer some advice without disclosing the workouts??? My max snatch is 83, C&J 120, Deadlift 205.
I suggest looking at last years workouts for the scaled and RX division to get a sense of what it will take this year. I plan on doing it and going scaled.
Is there any indication of the programming for this year’s Subway Series? I’m curious if it will be more of a single day competition with multiple events like last year, or a return to the single event format a la the year that Fran-Isabel-“Grace” was programmed. Just curious – probably will sign up regardless.
This morning at 6am with Jess Fox and Lauren:
Snatch Complex EMOM:
WOD in 14:20rx. Was feeling the tempo bench and squats on the pushups and air squats. Woof.
7am w/ Lauren and Jess
Worked up to 67# on the snatch complex which is as heavy as I’ve gone for the last few weeks. After taking some time off from this lift it’s been good to just focus on dialing the form back in. Started off feeling not so great today, but definitely got better across the 12 reps! I think I’ll try to push the weight a little more next week.
WOD: 22:something RXed. This took me longer than expected! The push-ups were what really slowed me down. That, and I’m still a slow runner.
Last day of strength cycle!!!
Paused LBBS: 130x3x3
Press: 70x2x3
So soft on the first set, probably would have made 3 after that, but boss dude had me go down to doubles.
Chins: bw 2-1-1-1-1, blue & orange 6,6
These were hard today! Barely got that double.
Ugh now the great debate of whether to roll on through another cycle or go back to group class. But given that I’ve got chin ups AND pull ups during the course of this class AND I’m finally starting to squat some weight I’m thinking……
PS: I’m so sad the CFSBK Subway Series is the same day as Flex on the Beach!!!
7am with Lauren and Jess
I added in an extra overhead squat each time. The last snatch was my best for the day.
WOD: 20:00 Scaled*
-Scaled the volume of pull-ups to 3 pull-ups after talking to Lauren. It worked out well and I was able to go unbroken for all the rounds.
-Scaled to knee push-ups on the last 2 rounds of Cindy at the end.
Bring on the Subway Series!!! Will definitely be at Flex on the 16th : ( but Flex on the beach will be amazing. I already have my outfit.
Yesterday, dropping in at Solace:
A) Performance Care: 4 rounds
10 sandbag walking lunges (~75#)
8 power row ea (44#)
10 alternating cossacks
50M 1 arm OH walk (44#)
This felt great. cossacks actually feels a little better on the L side. Im able to get my chest up more if i focus on staying on tension. Amazing how a just little bit of work can carry over within 24 hours.
12 min AMRAP:
6 burpees
12 ring rows
18 russian KBS (53#)
6 rounds + 6 burpees + 12 ring rows + 4 KBS
Limited by ring rows. Ring rows are hard if you do them right and don’t cheat. I want to be better at ring rows.
7 am with Lauren and Jess
Got to 63# in a few jumps. Last week I hit 2 at 68 but a) I weirdly failed one at 57 and b) 60 seconds felt faster than only 30 seconds slower (got that?) than last week and c) I could really feel form here – I knew when I was dropping and punching slower and when it all streamed. So all in all a good lifting day.
I went sub 34 in the wod. Slow running, chin ups because my hand is so ripped and they still hurt but less than pull ups, went to knees in round two for the push ups – it’s been awhile since I’ve reverted…. Tried to make up time squatting.
6am with Jess and Lauren.
I’ve never had snatches feel so solid, especially with less than a minute rest in between. I think Jess really helped build my confidence today! Worked up to 72# with Jill (best partner!!) but should have gone higher or even tried to PR at 80. Definitely going to try for this next time.
WOD: 14:20, scaled with ring rows and 50/50 full push-ups and knee push-ups.
@Allie – You should probably do Rx’d. The events are not set yet but they’re usually pretty approachable.
@Brad – Multiple events per day.
11am solo session
Snatch EMOM
Did a very slow snatch pull plus a high hang snatch again since I still can’t really make contact with the bar.
Metcon in 16: and some change, I forget. Slow runs, Cindy rounds unbroken.
Also, LOVE today’s photo…that sled event absolutely demolished people last year 🙂
FYI – I’m looking into changing our Subway Series date to not coincide with the Flex event that a bunch of folks from the gym are doing.
Yes! Thanks, Fox!
Thanks! That’s also the date for CMC.
yes to the subway series date change!!!
First time back after three-weeks in CA. Good to be back.
Snatches: 85×4, 95×6, 105×2
Metcon: 19:37. Push ups were singles at the end (brutal), everything else was fine. This was fun.
Good looks @Fox!!!
The new RX bar flavor has sprinkled a tropical shimmer over my life that I didn’t even know was missing until today.
Yay! I will wait to sign up for subway series until we find out if the date doesn’t coincide with flex!
Man, I did RP almost perfect for 11 days. Today, a combo of a bad morning and annoying circumstances at work that threw off my plan and routine… I ate the stupid Work snacks they put out. Then, because I’ve been staying pretty strong, I felt mad I broke RP and ate basically one of everything. Ugh! I was *trying* to break this habit. Ended up feeling tired and cranky when I got to the gym.
Pushed through short circuit, 6:30 class, and AR.
With that said, ended up PRing my snatch at 88#!
Then did the workout in 14:31. Didn’t feel good doing it, and had I had the energy that I do when I DO follow RP I think I could have done better… but at least I’m going to bed feeing like I ended my day on a good note. AR was awesome and relaxing and gave me some space to reflect.
I also would like to say that I am still committed to not drinking alcohol this month. My muscles are recovering so much better. Also went to a birthday party last weekend and drank water out of a prosecco glass. #protip
Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I think a lot of people struggle with this kind of thing. We know we are supposed to get sleep, eat healthy, and get to the gym… but those things are not so easy. Getting to the gym is the easiest for me because I love seeing friends, getting sleep is second easiest, but staying committed to the diet that fuels me best is really hard!! Reacting to stress in this manner is my bad habit– would love advice on how to break it!!!! Any thoughts!? I’ve heard the “all about balance” so many times– never mastered that yet; how does one get to that point of being balanced!?
Also!! We will miss Whit and Brett!
Say hi to Mo and Kat for all of us and have a great hike!!!
6:30pm with Lauren and Whit
Modified Snatch complex: snatch pull + hang snatch + overhead squat. Did all the reps at 115lbs, and my legs weren’t happy by the end. Need to continue to work on overhead stability and strength. Great cue from Lauren about keeping back engaged in the hang position.
Mini-Murph Rx in 20:18min. Being big and slow isn’t great for this. All pull-ups unbroken, push-ups in 5/3/2 (eventually 5/2/1/1/1) and squats unbroken and methodical. Runs between 2min and 3min.
6:30pm with Lauren
BS@185, FS@170
Metcon in 11:18min with scaled T2B volume (5-4-3-2-3-4-5).
6pm AGS with Ro
Weighted dips at 40lbs, then a new 1RM strict press at 145lbs
7:30pm class with Melo
Bench@155, Split Squats@40, then carried the big Rogue can around and did a few dips before they just disappeared completely.