A1) Tempo (31×1) Bench Press:
3 x 8
Heavier than last week.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Split Squat:
3 x 8e
Set back foot on a 16-20 inch box and load as appropriate with dumbbells or kettlebells held goblet-style. Heavier/better than last week. If last week was tough, then use the same load and try to perform the reps better.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Split Squats on each leg. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
4-6 Rounds Not for Time (or 20 Minutes):
150′ Farmer Carry, as heavy as possible unbroken
Max Strict Ring Dips (1-2 RIR)
The carry is 75′ out and 75′ back. You can place the implements down at the turnaround but pick them right back up within a few seconds to come back. Aim to begin with at least 7 Dips, scale accordingly. “RIR” stands for “Reps in Reserve”. In other words, you should end the sets to 1 or 2 reps shy of failure. Scale the dips to the Matador as available or to Ring Push-Ups or regular Push-Ups. There should be plenty of space to do Elevated Push-Ups as a further scaling option as needed.
Post work to comments.
From our Instagram account: “Neal G. and Coach Chris Fox have been doing personal training for about 10 years now, starting at NYSC, before Coaches Chris and Jess Fox jumped ship to CFSBK. Here’s to another 10!!!”
Save the Date(s): 10th Anniversary Party and Fight Gone Bad 2017
We have a couple of important save the dates for you on this fine Monday morning. Get your iCals, day planners, calendars, Palm Pilots, farmers almanacs, clay tablets & etc. ready!
The first is CFSBK’s 10th Anniversary Party! Woohoo! This shindig goes down the evening of Saturday, September 30th (exact time TBD). The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum, but we don’t want your recyclables. We just want you to show up, drink some drinks, get down with your gym buds, and help us celebrate 10 years of making Brooklyn a better, fitter borough! Get stoked!
The second is Fight Gone Bad 2017, which will happen on Saturday, October 21st. Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called “Fight Gone Bad.” Last year, we raised over $30,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grant-making, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. We’ll have sign up info soon!
News and Notes
- Missing something? Recent lost and found items are up on our Flickr account, here and here. Claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in two weeks!
- We need just one more RSVP to run next Saturday’s Kids Club Night. See the event page for details!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | C2B Pull-Ups, Pistols, Double-Unders
Emotional Intelligence Needs a Rewrite Nautilus
Women’s Fibonacci Final Finish CrossFit Games
@asha this photo is everything. #sensual
Whoa, seriously. It’s like a commercial for CrossFit and Pantene all at the same time.
Oh, boy. I finally saw this last night. #forgingelitehair
Swole Monday!
Bench at 90, split squats at 35. Both of these were tough but doable and I can definitely go up next week.
Did 32 kg bells for most of the walks (first one at 24), and ring pushups since I probably have 5 ring dips unbroken on a good day. 12, 11, 9, 7, 7. It’s amazing how fast these disappear!
You know it’s been a good workout when shampooing your hair afterward is a problem. I sincerely hope the rest of my day doesn’t involve very much lifting my arms above shoulder level.
Mr G is awesome. He fell skiing this winter and suffered a total shoulder separation (aka he tore all there is to tear) and is hard at work on his way back. Impressive at any age, but particularly at 76 years young.
9am solo
Tough but doable
Splt Sqt
2x32kg Carry
10 Ring Dips
That was about all I could muster today.
Tempo bench at 85#. Made all reps and felt better than previous week at 82.5, so that’s pretty sweet.
Tempo split squats at 45.
First farmer carry with the red KBs, the next three with the jerry cans. Matador dips were 7-5-5-5.
Assault bike: 10 min (:20 on, :40 off)- 91 cal
High pull + hang clean + jerk: started at 103# and worked up to 148.
WOD: 5 rounds + 11 reps. Regular pull-ups, all unbroken. More pistols than I have ever done for sure. DUs just were not cooperating.
Saturday StrongFit highlights:
Sandbag carry: 400m walk with 60# unbroken.
Sumo deadlifts: Worked up to 275×5.
Yoke walk: 50′ with 375.
8 am – with Lauren
72.5 on the bench press and 20 lbs on the squats. Slightly up in weight on both from last week. Maybe should have made a bigger jumps. I did 4 rounds of the nft work. Carried 20kg, then 24, then 32×2. Matador 5 5 4 4 – I try to stay hollow in these and that’s harder. One ring dip just to see.
Make up from yesterday with Fox at 10 am
I got to 93 on the clean high pull, mid hang clean and split jerk, which ties my PR. I managed 93 in my last two reps and it went well. I hope this means a new PR is around the corner! For the WOD I tried stringing 3 kipping pull ups (chin over not c2b) and used the blue band for the pistols and found a fancy rope that helped me get all the double unders. This is the first time I didn’t cut the number because of attempts – I was stinging enough together (8s, 6s, and even 11 once) to get the full count in. Made 4 rounds plus 7…
Make up doing Saturday on Friday with Lauren (it took me a few days to be able to write about this experience)
52# thruster/ 20 kg Russian KB/ 18” pylo. – sub 33. My body temp flew up with my heart rate and I was miserable throughout. I had a bottle of ice nearby and used it on my face and neck and a cold splash or two. I considered starting at the 18 reps or starting at 21 but moving down to 42# thrusters. I did neither and now I feel like I let myself get too dramatic in my head. Only Kayleigh and Thomas were in class with me and they were done so much faster that I got lonely in the end. Lauren kept me going somehow. Lucky for me I spent the rest of the day at the Russian baths because I think I would have suffered!
Shawn! I couldn’t even write about Saturday. I look like 37+ min, with so much unnecessary angst. I spiked out of control in the first round and never recovered. I had weird chills all over throughout? Like I said Saturday: woof. But it was an experience??? Hah, glad you wrote about yours 🙂 And congrats on those DUs!
Thanks! I guess misery really does love company!
7am with Lauren and Ro
Bench Press 110
Split Squat 16kg kb
I bumped up the bench press weight 5 pounds from last week. No fails, but it’s getting challenging.
Made it up to 4 rounds.
2 sets of 3 dips on the Matador each round
Worked up to 135 ea. for the carry
This was fun. Spoke to Ro and ended up doing 2 sets of 3 dips. It worked out well and allowed me to keep going at a good pace. Compared to the last NFT work that involved dips, I’ve noticed some major improvement.
Used the Jerry cans for the first 2 rounds and handles for the last 2 (R3:115, R4:135).
My comments are getting lost when I post from my phone…here goes again.
Mr G is a boss! Guy separated his entire shoulder skiing this winter (as in, he tore all there is to tear) and is well in his way back about 6 months later. Impressive for anyone, but particularly so at 76 years young 🙂
9am solo
150′ FC 2x32kg
10 Ring DIps
This was about all I had energy for today…
OG today
Snatch: Feeling super explosive in the pull and stable in the OH position. All the strict work I’ve been doing is helping develop a stronger back which translates into better oly. lifts!
Snatch Pull
Felt good when I focused on it. Maybe I’ll be getting under 170 soon. It felt like a possibility.
Back Squat
5*5 #215
Legs feel strong…used a belt, but it felt like a necessity with the weight.
Metcon: (13:06)
400m run
15 clean and jerk #80
75 DU
This killed but I was super happy with the outcome. I cycled the cleans in sets of 5 until the last round at number 6, when I went to singles. DU, I just picked away at, generally sticking to a 50/25 work set, until the last round when it was 38/28/17 and just tried to maintain a good pace on the runs.
10 min EMOM:
1-10 Back extension with 2 second pause
2: 5 Strict T-2B
Short circuit tomorrow!!
Sarah! Gosh your Strength and snatch stuff is incredible!! 147!?!? Good work!
7:30 with Whitney
Bench: 78. Last reps were a grind!
Split squat: 45#
24kg or 32kg carry depending on the round. 5-6 matador dips. Last round was shallow. Shoulders blasted!
Bench: up 3#. 83 8×3
Sp sq: 30#
Very last rep on BP was a challenge; butt came off bench at the very end a little bit.
24kg, 9 ring dips
70# kb, 6
“, 5
“, 5
Attempted 75# db- couldn’t make it down, 5 dips
70kg, 4 dips
Did some upright rows, side lying Powell raises and weighted sit-ups after class.
I feel good!
A) problem solving my Left leg stuff with Ro. Super helpful advice! We noticed with rack assist I can sit into the bottom of a Cossacks on the L side just fine. Which I thought was guaranteed to be flexibility related. Ankle still feels stiff and is more limited for sure. But definitely not comfortable staying on tension on this side! Which makes sense, because I have the tendency to load my right side more in the hinge pattern. Going to focus on some hamstring/glute work on the left side a little bit to see if it doesn’t clear up my lingering issues
B) 13-11-9-7-5
Deadlift @ 225#
Box Jumps @ 30″
Completed in 6:57. Oooookay. Hitting the threshold of what my back can handle here. It was starting to feel irritated right at the end. But made it through okay, nothing new. Just the old L sided lock up sensation. I knew I had 25 DLs at 225 in the bag without symptoms. So I suppose 45 is my max for now. 25-35 range is most likely the sweet spot at this weight! I’ll take it. Will watch myself here for the rest of the week to be cautious.
Deadlifts: 10/3, 6/5, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2
Box jumps: plenty high, but manageable. Jumped down. Step down too high and awkward. No rebound.
C) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Strict c2B
Strict deficit HSPU 4″
This was special. Decided to DNF when I hit the 36:47 mark. Quickly realized I needed to modify to 1″ deficit.
Strict c2B as RX
Completed 50 HSPU.
Then Keith strongly suggested that i stop. He said something like “how’s your neck feeling, is it really worth it to keep going, you’ve accomplished enough. Just remember what I said” and other coachy smart things along those lines that you don’t wanna hear when you’re being stubborn. I grumbled about it but he was right. Shoulders were toast and my HSPU were a disaster from the start. I should’ve been smarter and scaled volume but I was being hard headed today because this normally feels fine. Oh well! I should be happy with this overall.
D) 40 min, choose intensity, assault bike:
404 calories, HR 110-120
I was pushing it a bit since I didn’t get much conditioning with my other WOD. Felt good. Tough push at the end!
Bench: 80#
SS: 30# DBs. Fox noticed I tipped forward. Felt easier when I fixed it.
20kg, 24kg, 65#DB, 32kg, 32kg
Farmer carries with a DB are hard! The 32kg KB was much easier to carry than the 65#DBs.
Ring push-ups: 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7
Didn’t attempt dips but shoulder has been feeling better so hopefully soon!
back on the east coast for 5 days after a weekend in SF. got back home around 11:30pm and in for a client at 7, so decided to power through 8am class before nap time.
95x8x3 @ 31×1
hard, but overall decent
R shoulder is grumpy after single arm suitcase overhead bin to floor rep last night… dumb
step ups instead of split squats
5×8 @ 32kg
did SA farmer carries at 95# and 4 strict ring dips @ 20×1 each round
finished with some mobz/stretching/yawning