Snatch Complex
Every 90 Seconds x 10 Reps:
Snatch High Pull + Mid-Hang Snatch
The pull from the floor on the Snatch High Pull should be purposeful and balanced, with your weight balanced over mid foot. Aim to make a few reps at/above 80%.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
500m Row
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
40 Sit-Ups
Aim to do all the reps unbroken and push the pace a bit on the rows. Keep moving!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coaches MeLo and Lauren demo the Press at yesterday’s Diapers & Dumbbells class, but Lilyanne is more interested in changing the music. Diapers & Dumbbells meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 to noon. Tell your friends!
Celebrate the end of summer—don’t worry, not too soon!—with your CFSBK buds. On Saturday, September 2nd, CFSBK will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend Labor Day weekend?
We’ll be on the hill south of the Picnic House from 2pm on. Bring a dish or drink to share. Friends, family, and dogs are, of course welcomed. We can’t wait to see you there!
News and Notes
- This Sunday’s 2:15 pm Free Intro class is cancelled.
- We need just one more RSVP to run next Saturday’s Kids Club Night. See the event page for details!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / Front Squat | Squats, HSPUs, Deadlifts
The Best Running Stride? The One That Comes Naturally NY Times
Ro vs Boz: O-Course CrossFit
Early morning conference call AGAIN. Except this time I insisted on taking it from home so I could come to class at the correct hour of 7 AM.
Worked to 88 on the snatch complex. Not perfect by any means, but considerably better than the last time we did this.
WOD in 14:56 Rx. I admit to having deliberately chosen the erg and WB station that were the farthest apart from each other so I could have a nice long walk to slow down my breathing between transitions. This did help, because I might have given up on doing the WBs unbroken otherwise.
7am with Jess and Lauren
Worked up to 105 on the complex. Trying to get under the bar faster at this weight than last time. On the last 3 rounds, I added in an extra overhead squat after the snatch. Went well.
WOD in 15:39 rx. This was a fun one. I had a good pace until the second set of situps. Broke up the wall balls inadvertently on round 2 and 3 as it slipped through my hands.
6am with Jess and Snickers
Snatch – worked up to 185 with a couple of fails along the way. Today was a pretty bad snatch day, I don’t think I had a single rep that really felt dialed in.
Metcon – 12:43 Rx’d – this was a lot harder than I thought it would be
930 class at Crossfit Soulshine in
Saratoga Springs, NY.
200m row
10 hr push-ups
empty bar:
10 strict press
10 good mornings
10 rdls
partner wod:
800m row buy-in
3 rounds:
30 hspu (i did piked on a 30″ box)
30 dl’s at 135#
30 push press @75# (meant to be the same weight as the deadlifts)
30 ab mat sit-ups.
800m row cash out.
partnered with Romiro. Split the work in half- finished in 28 mins. Strange vibe to the gym- find your own partner, no attention to standards,
no real coaching.
I’ve dropped-into a few Crossfit places that do the same – no assignments, figure it all out yourself, 3-2-1-go. It’s the small things that make CFSBK a special place 😉
This kind of thing is why I wish the travel gym recos were still around!
7am w/ Lauren and Jess
Worked up to 67# on the snatch complex. Genius cue from Jess on really activating my lats to keep the bar close. Made me feel so much more stable in the OH position. These felt pretty good today!
WOD: 14:41 RX. Harder than it looked! WBs unbroken in the first round, then broken up into sets of 10 in rounds 2 + 3.
7 am with Lauren and Jess
Worked up to 68# on my 5th round. Failed the mid-hang snatch but not by much. Tried again on 6th and made it but ugly. 7th was a nope. Then Lauren came over and told me to go immediately upon getting into the mid hang (I had been handing out in this position and philosophizing about what’s true about heavy). It worked and felt pretty fluid. Did it again for my last (successful) attempt. Made me happy cuz 68 is my snatch PR so doing it from the mid hang bodes well, yes?
Off my snatch high I fell apart after the first round of the WOD. Wall balls just to 8 feet. Slow sit ups. 17:00 really long minutes.
REST DAY TODAY. I need it bad.
Tuesday: quads feeling super sore from fran. so funny how that always happens
A) Accumulate 40 high pulls @ 30# ea hand
11/9/10/10 each hand. Fine! I like high pulls now. Never thought I’d see the day.
B) 11.1/14.1!!!!
10 min AMRAP:
30 double unders
15 power snatches @ 55#
Completed 7 rds + 4 doubles. so 319. This was the first time I could do this one for realsies! (shoulder was injured for the 2014 open). Anyway, pretty stoked about this score. Because I realize I had given this one a go about 2 years ago, and I got somewhere around 5ish rounds. This workout is all grip. My grip stamina was mental after awhile, but i think I’ve seen some major improvement in my ability to hold on when i don’t want to. 8/7 or 9/6 throughout on the snatches, all doubles unbroken (except two trips on the last damn double in the second round) I should have held onto that last set unbroken for the power snatches. But I was getting nervous cause my left hand was really starting to get loose on the bar. Oh well! good stuff.
A) Accumulate 200M farmers carry @ 85# ea hand
This was pretty hard. Did it in 4 sets of 50M per hand.
B) 5 rds:
1 power clean + jerk (choose load)
100M double arm DB OH walk (choose load)
*rest 2 min*
Dumbbells were 35# ea hand
Rounds ranging from 2-3 minutes-ish. This was a SUCKFEST. Double arm dumbbell overhead is where my shoulder limitations are revealed (which are next to none) but i can feel the fight here. Couldn’t have gone a pound heavier. Tried to push my limit on the weight and go a little slower. Couldn’t power clean anymore today as it was day 3, and my grip was shot from the carries. Had trouble getting under the bar in the PC so my receiving position was wide. Excellent cue from Fox about getting my chest through instead of thinking about pushing up and back. Focusing on a more central body part tends to be less mysterious for my brain. After that, jerks were much less forward.
C) SPIKEBALL ON THE BEACH! I was rusty but now i really like spike ball again. So rusty in fact that i physically ran full on into a rusty trash can trying to save a point. I was bleeding. It was worth it. Been beating myself a good bit these days, might wanna lay low for awhile.
So happy about my rest day today. Nap and then BELA FLECK in prospect park tonight. Best Thursday ever!
A) For Time
550m run
21 thrusters 65#
21 pull-ups
400m run
15 thrusters
15 pull-ups
270m run
9 thrusters
9 pull-ups
Paced from the beginning- perhaps a bit too much?
Thrusters- 16/5, 8/7, 9
Pull-ups- 5/3/3/3/3/2/2, 5/3/3/2/2, 9!
Not sure if it means anything about my Fran time because it’s obviously a completely different workout but I filmed the thrusters and pull-ups and they took over a minute and a half less than my best Fran time.
B) Assault bike- 15 mins recovery
Still had a ton of energy so jumped into 10am group class with Jess and Whit.
Worked up to 98# on the complex- missed 103# twice again.. but one good thing is that I was catching low so that’s progress at least!!
Metcon- 13:09 Rx’d
@Charles – That’s a bummer…little things like that are just so easy to incorporate that it’s a shame when they don’t happen. I sometimes wonder if affiliate owners have ever taken a class at their own gyms, or even anywhere.
10am class
Can’t really extend through the hips just yet so I did the snatch complex as:
Snatch Deadlift (avoiding the ‘ol pubus) + Hip Snatch
No misses. Felt pretty good. Kept it light enough to really focus on extending and moving under, not forward. Whit didn’t do the Humpty dance to shame me, so I’ll consider the day a success on that front 🙂
Metcon in 13:39
Went pretty well. Stayed around 1:55 on the erg, unbroken wall balls and sit ups. Spent a few seconds scrambling for an empty erg and abmat on rounds 2 and 3 but probably wouldn’t have been much faster.
6:30pm Group class with Coach(s) Whitsky
Snatch Complex
500m Row
20 Wall Ball Rx’d (Unbroken)
40 Sit-ups
That was long!! The rows were between like 2:02 and 2:15 paces. I just can’t row fast 🙁 My goal on this workout was primarily to do the wall balls unbroken, which I was happy about.
I’m very sweaty. Might go to 608 and do a little extra credit or cool down
A few days away in South Carolina where the majority of my fitness came from long walks and bike rides on the beach. Alas, back to Brooklyn…
Snatch Complex: 73×2, 83, 88, 93, 98×2, 103x3F
Just fell apart at 103 and couldn’t finish (failing both in front and behind). Many good cues from Whit that I need to take with me into next week – like actually using my legs to power the bar up.
WOD: 13:12 Rx. First row at 1:45 pace, then 1:50ish, then 1:55-2:00. Wallballs unbroken. Sit-ups were steady, often speeding up halfway.
Little play on yesterday’s WOD afterwards to work on HSPUs.
5 rounds:
21 air squats
3 HSPUs (1 abmat)
5 box jumps (24″)
Rest 2 min
First and fourth round unbroken on HSPUs, otherwise 2-1 or 1-2.
Worked up to 93# on the complex. Wanted to keep it light at 63 for most of it bc i was tired, but DO made me add weight. Glad he did. Feeling strong from all the accessory work I’ve been doing.
WOD Rx’d in 14:48
Purposely took the row slow so I could do WBs unbroken. DO no-repped me on 2-3 reps on my last set which probably means I should’ve no repped myself on a few the first two rounds, but all were unbroken. Huge accomplishment for me because I’m terrible at wall balls. Situps were fast except the last round when I couldn’t breath. Also took leisurely walks from the erg to wall balls 🙂
Snatch: 63-68-73-78(f)
Wod: 14:50 Rx
I agree with DO! I just can’t row fast either. I was between 2:18-2:33 for splits. Finished around 2:28 wah round.
My goal was also to do wallballs unbroken, which I did (and it wasn’t even hard!!)
Also, it’s a great day when you’re only :2 slower than KLove and you beat a crossfit gym owner at a workout! Haha!
Tuesday: hbbs 100, fsq 95
:51,:53, :58, :52, 1:00–> slowed down my HSPUs because I was afraid of injuring myself after a convo about how terrible kipping HSPUs are for your neck and spine. Only did 160# for the deadlifts–> could have gone heavier! I got swole and should be pushing myself more… stronger than I think, I think?
You beat me by 8s 🙂 I had a typo in my time. I finished in 14:58.