Back Squat / Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (31X1):
2 x 6
Tempo Front Squat (31X1):
1 x 6
2 sets of Back Squats, followed by 1 set of Front Squats. Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed to get through the reps in 1-3 sets. The Thruster weight should be on the light-medium side for you and unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ich Bin Ein CFSBKer
A note from Henry P., who’s currently traveling in Eurpoe:
I’m in Berlin with the family for a bit and a friend of my wife’s put us in touch with a super nice and generous couple that agreed to show us around. They’re in their mid-forties, grew up in Potsdam (East Germany), and were living in East Berlin when the wall fell. As we hiked about the city, they shared some incredibly fascinating insider knowledge along with stories about their personal experiences in Berlin and East Germany. We were enthralled.
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7 AM squatting, in which I found out that I am counting out the tempo too SLOWLY. I hereby apologize to all my lifting partners for making you work harder than you actually need to, and after back off week I’ll probably throw more weight on the bar than I would have otherwise, now that I don’t have to squat *quite* so slowly.
BSQ 155, FSQ 135. Not bad at all. Sixes are so much better than eights and tens!
WOD in 4:39 with kipping hanging leg raises. I was debating whether to do T2B at lower volume or practice the rhythm with HLR and chose the latter. But I should definitely start working kipping T2B practice into warmups again because I’ve totally forgotten how it works. :/
Stella! Keep going with the HLRs! Just aim a little higher or sprinkle a couple of TTB into your sets. It works eventually, I promise!
Your similarly rhythmically challenged friend
7am w/ DO + Ro
BSQ 105#
FSQ 95#
WOD in 9:13 RXed. First round felt really slow and bad. Took me a minute to get my t2b rhythm right. Tried to hold myself to my rep scheme (7-7-7, 5-5-5, 3-3-3) for the most part, which helped me mentally. And got a great cue from Ro to hold onto the bar for the last set of thrusters…powering through those 9 unbroken was the right move!
7am with RoDo yo!
LBBS 105#. DO said I was counting the descend too slowly and I didn’t even have Stella counting for me. Ro said I little lower (darn, the best part of a pause is getting to know the bottom…I did better on the 2nd set). The 5th and 6th reps burned a bit.
Front 95# – these were heavy for me after about the 2nd one! DO stayed nearby and calmed me through it. Form stayed A.O.K. so I think I built some strength.
WOD – 52 on the bar, which is inching up my usual – no unbrokens though. Kipping knees to high but these got very sloppy in the 15s and I had to single some and did not unbreak my set of 9. Did I dream this or 7:49? 9:49 seems more like me but I remember being really happy so maybe 7:49 happened. I better start bringing my journal with me and writing right away.
Haha yes! I love this story Henry! Enjoy Berlin! Incredible city. I almost moved there instead of here seven years ago. How different life would have been…
Please excuse the long post but wanted to catch up.
15 cal row
2 x wall walks
3 x strict pull-ups
10 x pistols (green band then blue band x2, in lifters)
A) Power Clean + Hang Clean
83, 93, 103, 113, 123(M), 123(M), 123, 128(M)- misses were all on the hang clean- was pulling high but not getting under.
B1) DB Bench Press @30X1
40 x 8, 45 x 6 x 2 (rest 1min)
B2) Seated DB Ext Rotation @3010
17.5 x 8, 20 x 6 x 2 ( last set right arm lost position twice so it was 4,11)(rest 1 min)
C) 5 sets each for time
35 DU
15 cal AB
Rest/walk 2-3 months bs
1:32,1:23,1:30,1:30,1:27 somehow tripped on all but the first two rounds. Here’s a video of today’s pistols- first green band, then blue.
Short Circuit afterwards kicked my ass!
100 x Single Unders
7 x butterfly pull-ups (almost there!)
10 x pistols (blue band and plate)
A1) Lateral box step-ups with KB
16kg x 8 each
20kg x 6 each
24kg x 6 each
Rest 1 min
A2) Cuban Press
3 x 8 @ 12.5lb
A3) Rope Climbs
3 x 2- had to modify from floor because of blisters on feet from running
B) EMOM 14 mins
Odd- 12 GHD Sit-ups
Even- Single leg FLR on rings- 15 secs each
C) 20 mins AB- easy
Little morning session this AM, came in late to the office!
A) Squat: 4×8 @ 135#
No shoes, no belt. Wanted to feel the position since i’ve recently discovered my left hip is stiff. Knew about the ankle but i definitely settle into R side a lot more comfortably. Squatting sucks when you never do it! Could easily go up in weight/volume. But this was good for today.
B) 20 min AMRAP: Strict Nicole
400M run
strict pullups for max reps
6 rounds + 270M, pull-ups: 12/10/8/8/8/8, 54 total strict pull-ups
shuffled on the run a little bit, otherwise I felt like I definitely was maxing out my pull-ups! good feels especially after the strict HSPU yesterday.
A) high pull: 4×10 @ 30#
B) 15 min AMRAP:
30 air squats
10 strict HSPU
10 deadlifts (155#)
Completed 5 rounds + 30 squats+ 3HSPU
First day back to HSPU, going to do strict for awhiiiiiiiiile. And most likely only kip when necessary. It is just worth it given my neck history and can only help my HSPU game. Happy that I was able to accumulate 50+ on my first day back! Have been consistently single arm strict pressing, behind the neck pressing, and pressing from front rack for two months now, so this is a big reason why.
C) Cardio:
10 min: run trying to get HR up
rest until HR is 145 ppm
15 min bike: 140-145 bpm
Run: 2200 M, 168-178 bpm
rest: 1:03
Bike: 113 cal, 105-123 bpm
can’t get my dang HR up on that bike. Always feeling like I have to hustle when I know this is meant to be a relatively easier pace. oh well.
I want to get a dehydrator and make my own jerky. Can anyone tell me if this is harder than it seems, and/or if you have a dehydrator recommendation?
I’m also taking tips on how to get my stupid photo to show up here. I uploaded to that other site, but how do i connect that to the blog?
We see it, Ariel!
We see that glorious chin up! So great!
Hmmm…I don’t see Ariel’s photo but I do see some others. Maybe it’s a browser thing?
So strange!!! I see everyone else’s but not mine, too!
Threaded replies are dope. Yes Ariel, I do see your chin-up pic!
I saw it on my work laptop but can’t see it on my phone.
I’m home and now I can finally see it!! And fascinatingly, there is a different picture of Daniel on my computer versus my phone. My computer has Daniel + Thaisa. My phone has just Daniel!
BSQ 115#
FSQ 105#
WOD in 6:29 RXd. (8-7-6/12-9, 3-2-3-2-3-2/8-7, 3-2-1-1-1-1/9)
If only I could get my TTB strung together in bigger chunks! Really wanted 5-5-5/5-4. Next time?
Short circuit after class for the last time this summer! Out of town this weekend, and back to work on Monday :****[ No more morning classes for me!
A late start to the day for me after a long night.
9am Short Circuit with Brett
First time I did a short circuit class during the work week. I’ve never done Burpee/Sprints before, and I hope I never have to do them again haha. Overall, great class as always.
10 am Group Class with Brett
BSQ: 165 x 6 x 2
FSQ: 145 x 6 x 1
I think this was a bit too high of a Jump for me (15# jump). I was able to do the weight, but it was a good grind on the last 1-2 of each round and I felt I was a bit sloppy (Happy that next week is back off week).
Maybe it was a combination of little sleep and short circuit before, but I skipped the WOD today and just did the squats.
8am session today — feels so great that it’s not 1000 degrees!
movement prep
-alpha ball to piriformis, sciatic notch
-a.b. to low hamstring with head kickers
-high hamstring
-xover symmetry activation circuit superset with box roll downs (about 8 total)
PRESS 4×8, slower down tempo, reset at rack
33×10, 43×8, 53×8
-i know i just need to accumulate some volume here but DAYUM that was harder than i wanted it to be
-did some banded clamshells and lateral lifts on L only + R glute med and internal rotation release
BOX STEP UPS – L side only
bwx8, 12kgx8
a – 15 slamball 15#
b – 1/2 turn box handstand walk each direction with 45# plate in center
c – 3 strict chin (hollow; :05 pause at top of last rep)
Can’t believe I forgot to mention this earlier…
Tonight is the LAST NIGHT for Brainz n Gainz, our CFSBK pub quiz team, for the foreseeable future, since the Rock Shop is closing at the end of the month.
If you’re free tonight and want to quiz, please join us! Quiz starts at 8:30 at the Rock Shop on 4th Ave between President and Carroll.
Rest assured, if you think you’re not good at trivia, you know more than you think. Especially if you know current pop music. The audio round counts for more than any other round so we can always use another music-head!
Make up post, and first post on the new blog!
70lbs weighted strict pull-up
Strict HSPU to 3 thin metal plates
Tabata sit-ups average 9 per round
10:36min DL+WB – 25×315 wrecked me
9:20min Row+burpees – sucking air from DL
10:30min run – really run/walk
FS+Jerk up to 205 – nice, still had another 10 or 15
Annie in ~9min with singles, abs sore for days
Bench 130lbs
Split squats 40lbs – still want to quit halfway through
AMRAP triplet 24″ + 24kg: 5 rounds + 8 pushups + 10 BJ + 8 KBs. Actually found a good place for this.
BS 180, 185
FS 165
21-15-9 hanging leg raises + 95lbs thrusters: 7:20min. Thrusters were better than expected (8-7-6 6-5-4 9).
Just in case anyone missed that… SEVENTY POUND WEIGHTED STRICT PULL UP.
Jeezus! Somehow I missed this! Congrats, Daniel!! Amazing!!!
I had totally missed that too!! Wowowow!!
Much to make up on the sweet new site! Please excuse the length.
Saturday: Double header of StrongFit and short circuit.
Front squat + jerk up to 155. Failed the jerk at 160, which would have been a PR.
Annie in 5:54. PR for this one, one trip in the round of 20. Just can’t get those sit-ups any faster.
AG with some helpful work on pistols- slowly getting more consistent.
Monday: First time with this tempo trip. Whoa.
Bench: 80x10x2, then 80×8.
Split squats: 25# DB, then 35#.
WOD: Just under 6 rounds, I think. Push-ups were shot from the beginning from bench and hspus the day before.
Tuesday: Nice little 5 mile yog through Prospect Park.
Tempo HBBS: 155×6, 165×6
Tempo FSQ: 135×6
WOD: 7:16 Rx. T2B always add up.
Followed it all up with some short circuit.
OG today…no class because it was too much volume for where I’m at with this shoulder isshh…
Pwr Clean:
5(3) @ #160
Pwr Jerk
5(3) @ #140
I felt pretty good in this movement. I haven’t maxed this lift in over two years so I was guessing on percentages but I went “heavyish” to challenge myself!
Push Press
5(3) @120
Dang these are challenging…I can see where I am off balanced with this overhead lift.
Nice Metcon with Ryan
7 min Amrap
1 pwr clean #105 +30 Du
2 pwr clean + 30 DU etc.
Got through 9 cleans and ran to my rope to jump but time was up. I felt like I was moving throughout this. It’s always good to have a push from someone doing the workout with you! It’s hard to get myself motivated after a long day at work!
LBBS: 130
FSQT: 105
WOD in 6:54
Thrusters: 12-9, 9-6, 9
T2B: 7s (ish), 5s (ish), 3 or 4 sets
Had to reset kip or grip on some of the T2B. Overall, really happy with how they went because I usually have to go to singles after about 25 reps, but def lost it on the last round. Thought t2b would be my limiter, but it was my breathing. My breaks were too long.