Movie Night is here! Tonight after Open Gym (at 8pm), we’ll be showing the Eddie Murphy/Arsenio Hall/NYC classic Coming to America. CFSBK will provide some free beer, but feel free to BYOB and snacks!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. will be getting a long-awaited refresher Saturday night. We’re updating the site to better serve our community and represent the gym on the World Wide Web). The user experience for you frequent blog readers and commenters won’t change much, but expect some minor technical difficulties (and maybe some “who-moved-my cheese?” moments) as we transition to the new site.
2. CFSBKers have been competing outside the gym a lot so far this summer! On Tuesday, we brought you a recap of the USAW Crow Hill Open, where 3 of our lifters qualified for Masters Nationals.
3. And on Wednesday, we reported on CFSBK’s success at Hail to the Team at CrossFit Queens. Competing in this team event, Coach KHarpz and Katie E. and Coach Brett and Phil S. took 1st place in the Men’s and Women’s Rx divisions. Congrats, to everyone who competed and thanks for representing CFSBK!
4. Want to give your kids some fun and fitness (and yourself the night off)? Sign your kids up for our Kids Club Night on Saturday, August 12th! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie. See yesterday’s post for details.
5. We are gathering people for Scaled and Rx teams for Flex on the Beach on Saturday, September 16th. The Early Bird special ends on Sunday so now is the time to sign up. Just add your details here and we’ll try to get you on a team for this fun event!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | 30 Muscle-Ups
There’s Something Strange in Usain Bolt’s Stride NY Times
Managing Type 1 Diabetes with CrossFit CrossFit Journal
Saturday's Programming
WOD 7.21.17
At 0:00
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Deadlifts 315/225
15 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
The Deadlift should be a heavy stimulus but unbroken on the fast end.
At 15:00
2 Rounds for Time:
50/40 Calorie Row
20 Burpees
At 30:00
For Time:
1 Mile Run
Post times and Rx to comments.
HEY GUYS!! For those who don't have Facebook and are looking to do FLEX ON THE BEACH 2016. we have this google doc cycling around for those who want to be on a team
Sign up if interested, WOD 1 has been released! Check link for more info:
Final note: heres commonly asked questions if you have any.
please sign onto google doc ASAP because early bird special is about to end!
OK link doesn't work. if the one i don't attach in this post doesn't work either email me and ill add you in
Dang, Flex on the Beach looks so fun; too bad I have to get married that day. Next year!
7AM w/ Brett doing Thursday
First time snatching in about 2 months! Went into this telling myself to be patient and not get frustrated if it felt weird (which it did at first). But worked up to 67# which isn't far off from where I was pre-injury. Excited to be oly lifting again!
Used 2 blue bands for the strict c2b's and the matador for the dips. Tough, humbling and v sweaty. It was great to work on that stuff without a clock!
7am doing Thursday w/Brett
Snatchy snatch complex: mostly worked between 63#-73#, with a last rep fail at 78#. Trying to generate an explosive jump from mid-hang is hard! Was overusing my upper body. Brett also gave some good cues around trying to tighten up in the catch. I'm comfortable catching low, but I need to not collapse into it — keep the core tighter, includingggg my back.
Fitness work (4 rounds):
-Chest to bars w/green + blue band: 3/3, 3/3, 3/3, 3
-Dips: first round on matador w/blue band, 2nd on rings w/blue band under knees, last two rounds on rings w/red band under knees
-hollow rocks
Tomorrow's WOD looks both gross and awesome. I have high hopes of dragging my butt in for Strong Fit though!
Yesterday @ 7 a.m. w/Jess & Lauren:
Snatch EMOM at 135# across the board. Lost my grip on the first two (sweaty already!) and missed a further two during the twelve, which was not ideal, but I wanted to get the weight heavy enough to force me to use my legs properly rather than cheating with my arms. Got a lot out of it, and considering 135# was my 1RM at the start of this year, it felt like real progress. Accessory work was good, too — made some discoveries on strict C2Bs and dip form.
Today @ 8 a.m. (slept in yeahhh) doing Saturday's work w/Brett:
11:02/~10:30/8:41, Rx'ed. 5 sets of 5 deadlifts at 315# are no joke. Managed to keep the low back in much better shape than before but still had to fight the rounding, especially in later rounds. First two ergs I sat down at were broken I wound up starting a little after the 16-min mark, then just carried on with minimal rest into the run, aiming for under 9 and cursing my cramping calves. Extreme props to Toni and Kayleigh, who flew through everything.
Other blog stuff: belated congrats to Jess P. on his level 1 certification! Belated congrats to the HTTQ teams! Also bummed to miss out on FLEX ON THE BEACH but everyone who can should do it because it looks fun! Movie night! OK think we're good here
@Stella Tomorrow's WOD is indeed both gross and awesome-JUST LIKE ME!!!!! I made a 7AM cameo this morning and enjoyed it with Kate and Scott under the tutelage of Coach Lauren. The extremely high heat index played right into my hands. I either finished 2nd or 3rd depending on whether Scott is DQ'ed for skipping out on the run.
10am doing Thursday w/ Brett
Much better than last week and really liked thinking less between lifts. Kept in a range I could do to really hammer in mechanics that failed last week and felt way better. Worked up to 57#. Will push above that next week but since my 1RM is only 60#, can't be too disappointed. And hey, I'm learning that jumps take a lot of patience and work!
Really appreciated working on things I couldn't normally do today with no timer. Did 3full rounds plus chest to bar for a 4th. Used 2green + 1red for that and did the dips on the rings with a green band under my knees. Dips felt super weird (first time trying) but made something good happen in half my tries!
In other news: I got a jump rope so I can practice more at home and try to get DUs by year end (one of my goals). It came with two ropes, and I don't know which to use and precisely how to cut it; anyone able to help me Sunday morning before 10am group class or after AR? I'd be super appreciative.
Now…to the rest of my staycation day!
Saturday's WOD – Loved it! tough one! was DED. Still DED. Didn't do the deadlift RX'ed, picked it up once and decided not to do that 25 times.
8am with Brett
Doing Saturday's Workout (Damn)
I haven't done a Saturday WOD this cycle yet, so this was a new one for me.
275 and 20# WB. Finished in 9:28~.
All dead lifts unbroken. The last 2 rounds I started slowing down. Broke the wall balls up to 10/5/5 those rounds.
Things got bad here for me (Not sure how everyone else felt). My legs were not having it past a point, so I had to slow down my pace quite a bit, but kept steady. Sigh….Burpees. Took forever, but I finished them.
Started cramping up around the corner on the first lap. Had to slow down and stretch out several times the rest of the time.
I wasn't really prepared for this (Barely any sleep last night), but it was fun. Pretty intense.
Definitely looking forward to some Strongfit tomorrow @Stella
Yayy to Flex on the Beach! For NYC comp for me…I'm pumped
Also fyi:
I'm doing a comp up at my old gym in Albany, called the Shatter Slam. Its Saturday August 19th. Same sex teams M/M and F/F. Literally every kind of level of competitor here. I've done it the past three years and it's been a blast. If anyone is interested…here is the link. Events are always challenging and get better each year
Also, On October 7th, I'm doing another one down here in Jersey. Its called the Garden State Open, at Crossfit 908. Did it last year and it was such a great experience. The competition was crazy, and the events were challenging and really pushed you! This one is individual based. Last year the tickets sold out for the RX divisions in hours of it going live! You can find the event on fbook.
Anywho…just thought I would throw that all out there for anyone interested in some awesome comps!!
PT work, intuitive movement, and yoga in the apartment with AC. perfect.
4 push up @ 33×2
8 hollow roll up and down
:40 ea side plank
10 seated single arm DB press, each (20, 25, 25)
4 ring rock through drills with :02 pause at chest
MU practice: 1 strict solo and 2 more with light assist from brett. a little rock back to re-dip on the last one! woo! (Rest about 1 min between each rep)
pull+transition felt really good, need to build my dip strength back again but happy this was pretty put together.
for time
50-40-30-20-10 DU
8 burpees each round
-intended to take burpees steady and focus on good form at my shoulder.
-this was going alright. i started tripping in the 40's. then my rope broke in the 20's. switched to brett's rope b/c he had already crushed the rest of the workout. had to work a lot harder for the rest of the DU's.
-pretty strong achilles pain in last couple rounds and my toe is also unhappy with burpees
This was one heck of a welcome back WOD (well, I guess technically that was yesterday, but still).
WOD A: 5:32. All deadlifts and wallballs unbroken.
WOD B: 7:59. This was the worst. The worst, I say.
WOD C: 7:59. The second half of the mile was way harder than I anticipated.
Toni was a total speed demon!
Snatch complex: 73×2, 83×4, 93×3, 103×2, 103F.
First time with the complex – will certainly help me get snappier.
Lots of humbling C2B practice with first a red band and then a blue. Started with some ring dips, then moved onto the matador.
Happy to be back in BK!
Hello from Maine.
Not everyday you get a little 1:1 coaching from a record-lifting powerlifter, but was lucky to get just that today up at CrossFit Casco Bay in Portland, Greg Panora's home gym.
Had not done any SS/powerlifting in nearly a month so kept it light an straight forward:
BS: 3x5x245
Press 3x5x115
Squat 1x5x245
As I was lifting there was a front squat 1 RM max competition going on between two other dudes, other another powerlifter and another an Oly lifter, both of whom Greg said were also US record-holders in their respective sports. Have you seen a 500lbs front squat? I had not. Intense.
Greg worked with me mostly on my squat, my set up before my lift, and some other cues. Good stuff.
Wanted to put a good word in for CrossFit Casco Bay. Previously I had only been to CrossFit Beacon (a really great CF affiliate here in Portland) and Crossfit KGB (in Kennebunk, also good) when back home in Maine, and had not tried CFSB. Glad I tried it out as it really felt a lot like CFSBK, especially in overall vibe. and that was really cool.
Looks like Flex On The Beach needs a Scaled Male. That describes me perfectly, so I'm in.