Jim A. hits the deck in this great photo by Kate R. You can see more of Kate’s photos from last Friday’s Open Gym here!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Some intrepid CFSBKers are headed to the USAW Crow Hill Open this weekend. Francine D., Morit S., Katie H., Jacob M., Alex B., and Coach Arturo will be competing in this Olympic lifting meet. Francine, Alex, Katie, and Arturo are shooting to qualify for the National Masters Weightlifting Competition, and this is Morit and Jacob’s first meet! The men will lift on Saturday, and the women will lift on Sunday. Show some love in the comments, or better yet, head over to Crow Hill and cheer them on!
2. Our new programming cycle started this week! See Monday’s post to find out what you can expect for the next 8 weeks.
3. On Sunday, July 16th, CFSBK will again host a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop. At a Bulletproof Workshop, Active Life doctors and coaches take you through the Athlete’s Hierarchy of Needs to identify flexibility, mobility, and strength balance limitations that can lead to injury or are currently limiting your performance. Go here for more info and to sign up!
4. On Friday, July 21st at 8pm (after Open Gym), CFSBK Movie Night returns. And we want you to help us pick the movie! Head on over to the event page to vote.
5. Want to give your kids some fun and fitness (and yourself the night off)? Sign your kids up for our Kids Club Night on Saturday, August 12th! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie. See Wednesday’s post for details.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Complex | Run, Snatches
The 20,000 Calorie Strongman Diet Munchies
Bring on the Exercise, Hold the Painkillers NY Times
Saturday's Programming
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, partners alternate full rounds of the following…
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Handstand Push-Ups
Choose a Kettlebell that's on the heavy-ish side for you to perform 20 unbroken reps with. Scale HSPUs to 1-2 AbMats or to Box Piked as needed.
Rest 5 Minutes
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps 24/20"
Use a box that allows you to move pretty consistently through the 15 minutes.
Post rounds, reps, and partner to comments.
Tomorrow's work w/Chas.
HSPU 101 went like this:
Step 1: Tripod
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: Handstand!
I can get into the tripod easily, and I can kick up into the handstand without too much trouble. But attempting to raise my legs from the tripod, even just to hold and get comfortable in a slightly elevated position…hahahahaha. Comically bad!
So Chas and I stuck to box piked HSPU for the WOD, and I used a 24kg KB. I was originally going to do 20kg but I'm glad I made myself work a little harder.
Part 1, 15 rounds + 1 KB swing (Chas went first, so he did more work — this is why you never go first in an AMRAP!)
Part 2, 12 rounds + 2 burpees (I went first, and did an extra 2 burpees, because fair is fair)
I want to nap for time now.
7am w/ Lauren doing Saturday
Partnered w/ Toni for this very long and sweaty workout! Don't remember exactly how many total rounds we did for each AMRAP (think it was ~10) BUT I'm reeeally excited that I did HSPUs on the wall (+2 abmats) for the first time ever in a workout!! They definitely started to fall apart toward the end, but still–progress! Clearly those 1:1 sessions with @Coach Whit working on upper body stuff is paying off ๐
Excited for Saturdays this cycle! (I realize I may live to regret saying this.)
Awesome, Kirby!
7am w/Brett doing Thursday and all the snatches
Snatch complex: 58, 62, 68×2, 72 1-f-1, 78, 82fx2
78 was solid, got under 82 both times but didn't push up enough to get stable and stand it up.
Snatch WOD: 12:43 scaled to 62# – ouch my hands.
Ice cold shower after. TGIF!
Yesterday @ 6:30 p.m. w/Lauren & Whit:
Hang snatch complex: 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 152. I really like this work with this level of rest, but I pushed it a little too hard, because I fell apart about 5 snatches in on the metcon, eventually limping through Rx'ed at 11:31 with terrible form. Gonna dial it back a bit next week and practice the good advice the coaches (and classmate Pierre D.) gave me without the time pressure.
Today @ 7 a.m. doing tomorrow's work with Lauren (hello again Lauren!):
as Stella said above, except I used the 32 kg bell. *Someone* needs to go first in an AMRAP you know
8 AM doing Thursday's work with Whit.
75#x5, moved pretty well- need to be more aggressive.
Moved up to 80# and did the last 5 there with one fail.
Finally nailed the last one- felt so good.
metcon in 10:23 @75#. tried to cycle in the first 20, moved to singles.
Chas, if you hadn't wanted to go first, there would have been a game of rock-paper-scissors.
Kirby — you and Toni were inspiring as hell with your HSPUs!
Go Kirby! I watched that Saturday workout with more than a bit of trepidation…
6am snatches today. 6am is so early, I don't know how you regulars do it. I ate lunch at like 10:30.
Built from 42 to 67 on the complex. This started out really awkward and strange but was feeling stronger by the end. Excited for this cycle because I almost never make it to Sunday class and missed snatches last go-round!
WOD in 9:48 with 55# snatches. Fun! Sets of 5 in the first round and 4 in the second. I could have gone heavier.
6am with Brett
Partnered with BK on the metcons:
1) 19 rounds even (I went first) – moved pretty quickly
2) 19 rounds + 2 burpees (BK went first) – struggled to keep up with BK on this one
This was a sweaty one – gym was super humid. Hopefully the rain broke the humidity!
Awesome little 7am crew! That Was a fun workout! Good sweat and now DED!
Kirby, I cant believe you said "I don't know if I can do HSPU" looked like you had it in the bag! Congrats! And appreciate you going first in both AMRAPs! Carried the team! ๐
RUN TO GYM ~ 15 min
an hour later… short circuit
10 db press @ 22×2 (15, 20, 20)
5ea goblet squat @ 30×1 (16kg)
2x: 8 ea banded sword pull, 2x: 100โ OH carry each (45, 50#)
3x: :40 on/:20 off
sled push (+45, +60)
box step up 24โ
forearm plank
wall ball (12#, 9โ) – 20 each
db burpee (30#)
a. PT exercises wrist/elbow/shoulder
b. EMOM x 12
A :30 Lateral shuffles, hip fence, lat lunges, etc.
B 6 banded ctb pull ups 22×1 – green band
C Side Plank, :20 ea
c. Power Clean!!!
First time trying out any cleans in 10 weeks since wrist sprain. have been easing my way back in with less dynamic movements and felt ready to go for it. felt great. no pain.
happy to hit 80% for a few reps and call it a day. will see how things feel tomorrow!
d. front rack box step ups, a.k.a. my nemesis
3×8 L
2×8 R
barefoot at 27.5# each hand today. learned a lot about my foot/ankle/hip situations.
e. ROW
:30 on / :30 off x 20 minutes
1-5 around 2:08-2:11
6-10 ~2:03-2:05
11-15 ~2:00
16-20 ~1:55-1:59
Also… GO KIRBY!!! nice work ๐