Tempo Back Squat / Tempo Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (31X1):
2 x 8
Tempo Front Squat (31X1):
1 x 8
Perform 2 sets of Back Squats, followed by 1 set of Front Squats. Use last cycle to inform your starting weight. Leave room to go up next week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
20 Double-Unders
5 Toes-to-Bars
10 Double-Unders
5 Toes-to-Bars
Scale Double-Unders to singles as needed, and Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed. Each round should be taken at 75-85% intensity and should be finished in under 1 minute on the fast end.
Post work to comments.
CFSBK Kids Club Night: Saturday, August 12th from 6pm- 9pm
Want a night off for yourself and your kids? Sign up for CFSBK’s Kids Club Night! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch The NeverEnding Story on the CFSBK big screen.
Saturday, August 12th from 6 to 9 PM
Kids ages 3-12. Parents can hang out if they want or go out on the town!
$50 per child with a 40% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided. Late pickups will result in a $25 fee.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 9th. Email cfsbkfrontdesk [at] gmail.com to register your kiddo. We’ll need at least 5 kids to run the event. Kids Club Night is capped at 15 children, so RSVP soon!
Questions? Contact Coach David at David [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
How to Make Your Dead Eagle a Legal Eagle Atlas Obscura
beauty. CrossFit
7am with DO
BSQ 205x8x2
FSQ 185x8x1
WOD :43 :41 :40 :39 :41
Tripped up once final round
8am with Ro
BSQ: 130x8x2
FSQ: 120x8x1
Using my number from the last cycle, I bumped up 5 pounds. Everything felt pretty good.
Stayed between 1:06 and 1:14
Tried double under attempts the first few rounds then went to singles the last round. Hanging knee raises, but I attempted a full TTB a few times. Going to try to work in a few a day from now on to get it down.
Also, Sorry to Jamel and Eric! Should have moved a bit sooner. Didn't realize I was in the way until the 2nd to last round. Moved down after the last round and Eric dropped an extra 4 seconds off his time.
HBBS: 100
FSQ: 95
:48 :49 :51 :59 :49
Slowed down because of trip ups :/
Single arm DB press: 3111 tempo @ 15#, 3×8
Felt Really easy, wanted to go heavier but didn't want to disobey the boss
Retested box step ups:
6R and 7L @ 90#
Same exact result as last time. Womp womp. Probably didn't help that I was consuming athletic performance hindering beverages last night. When in Rome.
Partner WOD:
20 snatches @ 105# (shared volume)
10 rds:
10 pull-ups
100M sprint
*alternating rounds relay style*
20 cleans @ 105 (shared volume)
W/ Kate E! She and I alternated snatches, all pull-ups unbroken. Sprints were exhausting today. Did 2 sets of 5 ea on clean. Realized singles weren't necessary and did tng for my final 5. Wish I would've pushed this in the beginning. Otherwise this workout was a blast. Thankful we didn't do the full volume hero WOD version that's for sure
Workout completed in 10:37
4:30pm Group Class with Coach Ro
3 Rounds
16 DB Swings, 35lbs
8e DB Press, 35lbs
8 Strict Pull-Ups
BSQ: 185x8x2
FSQ 155x8x1
Metcon: As Rx'd… I dunno! Each round was under a minute. I just tried to do it fast but didn't keep track of my times.
Post Class, about an hour and a half later after a client:
3 Sets NFT
5 Kipping Muscle-Ups
15 Reverse Hypers, 90lbs
16' Handstand walk
Was going to do 5 rounds but I got bored and left. 😛
5:30 class!
#125 each rep…really stuck to the tempo and felt l=nice and controlled. Probably cold have went heavier but I didn't have a good number to start with.
#115…this was so challenging…really tried hard to stick to the temp and keep a tight core the entire time..especially since I tend to collapse at the bottom. I'm liking this cycle so far
Conditioning: All rounds :41-:48. First time kipping toes to bar since my should recover situation. They felt good and controlled.
Push press:
5×5 @ 75% #115
this was challenging and hard to hold onto at the end but I'm glad I stuck it out and didn't drop the weight. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow and coming back rested and recovered for Friday and Saturday!!
7:30 group
BSQ 85lbs
FSQ 65lbs
Felt pretty decent, hard to squeeze them all in, but fun catching up with Jenny and Andrew, lots of us coming back after some good vacations!
Wod scaled to 30/20 single unders and hanging leg raises. Struggled a bit to stay hanging on the bar but i still got something out of it. Used the full 1:30 seconds each round.