Take 10 minutes to warm up to a heavy single Clean.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Burpees Over-the-Bar
Front Squats 185/125
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The Burpees are lateral to the bar. The Front Squats come off the floor and should be heavy for you. First rep of any set can be a full Clean. Scale the Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups to Chin-Over-Bar, Banded, or Ring Rows as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
From our Instagram account: “CrossFit Journal will be at CFSBK all week filming for an upcoming series on best practices and lessons learned from an affiliate that’s been in the game for 10 years now. Michael Dalton from CFHQ will be checking out our specialty classes and joining our community through Sunday. Please show him that SBK love!”
Register Now for the Active Life Bulletproof Workshop at CFSBK!
Where: 608 Degraw
When: Sunday, July 16th from 2-7pm. A 20 minute snack break will be include.
Who: Hosted by Coach K HarpZ and other members of the ActiveLife staff
What: At a Bulletproof Workshop, Active Life doctors and coaches take you through the Athlete’s Hierarchy of Needs to identify flexibility, mobility, and strength balance limitations that can lead to injury or are currently limiting your performance.
Flexibility and Mobility
At the workshop we assess:
- Where your flexibility and mobility is limited
- How limited flexibility and mobility impacts training and can lead to injury and reduced performance
- How to modify workouts based on flexibility and mobility limitations
Strength Balance
At the workshop we test:
- How balanced your lower body is
- How balanced your upper body is
- How strong your legs are working together vs. working alone
Based on these assessments and tests, we can tell you which (if any) Bulletproof Programs are appropriate or if you need more advanced 1-on-1 programming from one of our doctors.
Come Ready To Train
This is a hands-on workshop with lots of lifting, mobility, and flexibility testing.Y ou do not need to be strong or flexible to attend. This workshop is for athletes of all levels.
Come prepared to:
- Deadlift
- Squat
- Press
- Perform bodyweight movements
Our goal is not to smoke you; however, the assessments are challenging and you will be tired when you leave!
For more info, check out this workshop overview video filmed at CFSBK!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Morrison”
How to Meditate The Outline
This Artist’s Deceptive Drawings Seem to Move Between Dimensions Atlas Obscura
Oops! Someone just broke the internet!
Playing some quick blog catch up because there is not much else to do at JFK at 5am.
Saturday: Double dose of Brett with StrongFit and Short Circuit.
Sunday: Snatch to 113, then five different ways to fail at 123 (current PR is 118). The glorified high pull, a few in front, and one behind. Close, but not my day.
Followed this up with a few days in bed with a cold – was disappointed not to be up for retesting Fran. Not that disappointed, I suppose. PRed my Game of Thrones watching for time.
Wednesday: Morrison when in cold recovery = no breathing. Many, many breaks. But I needed to move, so happy I came in to get this done. Finished in 25 min, three plus minutes slower than my PR, but I'm happy with it considering.
Now off to Utah for three weeks. Enjoy the rest of crush week- today looks like a spicy one!
A workout post? From me?
7:30 Morrison throw down with Romelo, O Romelo!
Finished in 30 min on the button (age graded time of 15 minutes) Russian swings and Rx weight and height . A surprising 29 sec PR. I must have reeeeaasslllly sandbagged this back in December. Lots of "controlled rest" but I stuck to my plan and kept moving throughout. I like Chippers because they are named after my dog and I have my foot on the pedal. I general try to stay away from the red line, sometimes too far away. Wall balls are challenging for me because they crush my soul and put me in a bad head state. Thankfully they are first in line. Despite conscientious application of various, creams, ointments, salves, unguents and poultices, as well as daily use of actual sandpaper on on my hands (alright other places on my body also to be completely honest) I managed to tear. Always happens with high vol kettle bell swings. I try to avoid death gripping the handle but I did launch a bell at Ro earlier this year so I may be overcompensating (no points for distance people). Hoping for fast healing so that I can hit more of these workouts (like today's) sometime this week.
For a long time I maintained that Morrison was the hardest CF workout I ever faced. However, it was recently unseated by sled shuttle runs in AG a couple of months ago. Several athletes (ok me) actually went into hiding to avoid going a 4th time. (Pro tip – the soft plyo boxes provide great cover).
Have fun y'all.
7am w/ Brett + Lauren
Skipped the heavy clean work (I miss this lift!!!) and just warmed up my FSQ for the workout. If I'm remembering correctly, my time was 13:53, with burpees stepping over the bar instead of jumping, 93# and pull-ups as high as I could get (which is really more like chin-over-the-bar). The squats were the hardest part for me, and I took too-long breaks, but overall pretty happy with this! Good crush week so far 🙂
7 a.m. w/Lauren & Brett.
Warmed up to 185# on the cleans and decided I did not want to do 42 front squats at that weight. Dropped down to 155# and subbed chin-over-bar pull-ups, but this was still humble pie city. Crawled over the finish line at 16:10.
After a workout like Morrison featuring three movements "in my wheelhouse," it felt good to be challenged by movements I'm still working on. During a prior crush week I seem to recall struggling through a similarly FSQ-heavy workout at 115#, so this felt like progress on that front. Lots to work on, though!
I've been slacking on the posting but so fun to see awesome stuff in the gym and read updates here from folks about Crush Week!
7am today with Brett & Lauren
Worked up to 98 on the cleans (Fun fact, I thought I was at 88 and they felt kind of strangely heavy but figured it just wasn't my day and then realized when logging the workout that 33 + 30 + 20 + 10 + 5 is in fact 98 lol math). I wish I had known I was so close to 100, I would have thrown another 5-10 on there for sure. Next time!
WOD in 12:56ish with 68# squats and banded pull-ups. Something strange deep in my right elbow is hurting and that front rack felt awful so I didn't push the squats. Even with the steep-ish scaling I was still sucking plenty of wind at the end of this one.
I am so, so not sorry that I missed Morrison. Okay, maybe a little bit sorry, since I would much rather have been here than in Gaithersburg.
Played hooky today and came in for 10 AM with Brettney. 11:20, scaled the hell out of this — 103# for the FSQ and ring rows with my feet on a box. I can totally front-squat the Rx weight, but that's my PR clean…yeah, I know. Don't laugh too hard. Glad I stayed away from the pullup bar since I have Fran stigmata. 😛
Snickers & B.Rett 7a
Hit a couple cleans at 225 then…
WOD: 13:04 Rx
FSQ: 6, 6-3, 6-6, 5-4, 6
C2B: 6, 9, 8-4, 9, 6
Burpees happened
Monday Fran – 4:29
Tuesday Morrison – 24:47
Both Franny & Morris were 30 seconds slower than previous attempts.
Lol at all the comments on the blog today!
Worked up to 118 on the clean. Working on that high pull.
Wod: 11:39 at 98# and with regular kipping pull-ups. I can't kip chest to bars. Asked Brett after the fact if I should have done strict chest to bar (scaled volume) since those are no problem instead of full volume kipping pull-ups. He said I definitely should have done that. Dang it. :/ it was still a really fun workout, and until I figure out how to kip chest to bars, I better just do strict to get the strength/full range of motion.
Just posting to say I HIGHLY recommend the Active Life Bulletproof Workshop!
So excited Coach KHarpz is working with them and bringing this to our gym again. For anyone who has ever heard the words "get lower in your squat", "head through at the top", or any number of other cues that might have more to do with your range of motion abilities than your technique/skill — this will give you some solid facts and info about yourself to work from and point you in the right direction of how to improve!
@whit I wasn't going to do the workshop, but since I've heard both of those cues multiple times… I signed up! Haha! Thanks for the convincing : P
Just thought of another scaling option for yesterday's work out: "Morrissey" – you throw a bouquet of gladioli to a 10-foot target and then sprawl on the ground until class is over. Going to try this version at open gym on Sunday if anyone cares to join me.
Ahh, congrats everyone on crushing crush week so far! It's hard to miss out on testing some of this stuff (esp. MORRISON)…
Strength cycle make up Tuesday at 7p
LBBS: 125x5x3
Bench: 75x5x3
DL: 150×5
Strength cycle today at 6:30a
LBBS: 130x5x3
Press: 57.5x5x3 (so. hard.)
Chin ups: 3×8 w/red and blue bands
Funny how sore I am even w/o metcons. Hoping to at least sneak in a short circuit over the weekend. In other news I was playing around with kipping in between lifting sets and could pull up to the point that I could see over the bar! Does that mean the elusive pull up is in my future!?!?
Definitely sad not to be a part of Crush Week but enjoying reading everyone's reviews!
Here's what I did today.
3 Rounds
20 cal row
15 bar-facing burpees
10 FSQ @103#
Squats unbroken. Paced well-ish. I'll never be fast at any form of burpee.
8am with Brett
Worked up 155 on the clean.
WOD: 14:50
Scaled to a band for the pull-ups and 125 for the FSQ. After finishing, I felt I could have challenged myself a bit more with a higher FSQ since I was scaling the Pull-ups. My pull-ups have gotten better since the start of this cycle, but still don't have enough in the tank to start tackling workouts without a band. Hopefully next time this comes around I can do them to get a better benchmark.
what's with all these squatZ?
Worked up to 123 on the clean
WOD in 12:17
FSQTS @113#
6, 6-3, 6-6, 6-3, 6
Decided to go heavier on the squats than originally planned bc I did ring rows. Got a blood blister from the KB swings yesterday and all my skin started bunching up and was painful just hanging on the bar. Form wasn't the best on the squats- tipped over. Probably should've done 108.